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Everything posted by Delano

  1. Scientists, philosophers and others have pondered the nature of time. And although we've learned a lot about time, such as the reality of time dilation and the possible connection between time and entropy, we haven't been able to come up with a complete description of what time is. Some philosophers and physicists have argued that what we experience as time is just an illusion, an artifact of our consciousness. In this view, the passage of time isn't real; the past and future already exist in their complete extent, the same way the entirety of space already exists. What we sense as the flow of time is a byproduct of the way our brains work as we process sensory information from our environment, according to physicist Sean Carroll(opens in new tab). Time is the apparent progression of events from past to future. While it's impossible to completely define the nature of time, we all share many common experiences bound by time. Almost all laws and equations that physicists use to understand the natural world are symmetrical in time. That means they can be reversed without changing any results. For example, if you were to watch a video of a ball rising into the air and falling again, without any other context, you wouldn't be able to tell if the video was being played forward or in reverse. https://www.livescience.com/what-is-time
  2. Where does the collective unconscious reside?
  3. We agree. And the Sun Earth relationship effects our circadian rhythms. You could leave time out of this sentence. Without changing its meaning . Or rather substitute the life for time. What dimension do dreams exist?
  4. Yes it could be possible to use empathy and observation to understand another person. The problem is a lack of verified meaning and understanding. Similar to what happens in all types of misunderstandings. @Cynique I agree in theory. Although this isn't generally the way conversations unfold here and elsewhere.
  5. If you fell through time you would not be found, until you fell back.Since you don't share our timeline. Or our immediate space and time. It isn't spaced out it's timed out or out of time. I think time travel may be possible, except you could only travel to various points in your own life. But you would the memories and ideas of that time. So we could be time travelling often yet not be able to retain our non physical contents.
  6. I believe time only exists now, and now is infinitely short, because it is a moment. And infinitely long because that is the only moment you can experience. However I believe there that the mind, soul and spirit exist outside of space and time Your thinking happens in nonlocal space. Or before you have a thought where and when is it. As an aside time is is harder to define than either it's measurements or effects. God or the creator has to exist outside of space and time.
  7. @Michel Montvertsearch "absolute elsewhere" + "Dudley Moore" it's a clip about time
  8. In Astrology there's a term called planetary hours. Where each planet rules an entire day. Each planet rules an hour, then the 'ext slowest planet rules the next hour. Sunday rules the sun. So on Sunday at the sunrise the Sun rules the hour of sunrise. Each day of the week is named after the planet it rules, and each planet corresponds to certain activities or people. So in the middle ages magical spells were done to time with a days day ruler and hour ruler. Witches do a similar thing but more with the Moon, but I could be mistaken.
  9. Yes but what is time is the question. Words have meanings,a symbol has a meaning. These meanings exists not in and of themselves but because we give them meaning. So I have discovered\created a language that gives a meanings to several moment in time. Since those moments have a meaning I can utilise that time for a desired effect. Time is like Siri for me and I can make a request to aid myself and others to facilitate a desired effect. So I have found an magical esoteric heuristic.
  10. Moments in time are like buses. Time markers tell you the destination of the moment in time. Based on your birthdate and the present time.
  11. Yes but I meant having no sexual experience at all. If you have no frame of reference you can't comprehend it. Like explaining a concept to a concrete thinker. It's is very difficult. I am sure you've had that experienceon the forum.
  12. Virgins can't describe sexual intercourse. Nor can you explain it to them in a way that is meaningful to them. You can only compare and contrast it with their past experiences. @Cynique So while I don't experience time differently than other people. I can engage with it in a different manner.
  13. How do you define a still wind. We can only define things we experience. We don't experience the past or the future, we only experience now. We can only experience something in comparison to something else. We know things by their presence and their absence. If you get into a car you can feel it's acceleration and it's breaking. The earth rotates 1000 miles an hour. We don't feel that we only feel gravity. We don't feel time we only feel change. In addition our perception of the flow of time is directly correlated to our internal states. I have been experimenting with moments in time and while they mostly don't feel different. What happens varies depending on what clock time I choose . The ability to see those differences is the time marker. Tine markers allow me to qualify a quantity of time. I think we have all experienced days where everything works. I am mapping the way to consciously choose those moments or some other effect: openness; ease of travel; understanding ; awareness and others. So I have you a time and you were able to answer more jeopardy questions. @Cynique
  14. I don't think time exists. What we have is the measurement of movement of the earth and our experience of passing events. The measurement and the experience are not the same as the thing.
  15. Yes @Michel Montvert I am familiar with the magical elements in reckoning time. Both sets of Indians created a sacred and Mundane calendar. My feeling is that it will culminate in 2024
  16. My psychic name is Emit Wolf which backwards spells Flow Time. Numbers and letters are symbols. And symbols don't have any inherent meaning. So whether it's words or atoms it's all ephemeral
  17. @Cynique I am in agreement. In Sanskrit,the word Akasha equates to zero and translates into sky or void. Some words in Sanskrit have numeric value. It's called epigraphic. To live without the belief in magic seems tragic to me.
  18. Some scientists aren't certain if time exists. I don't think it does, or it may be emergent. In that something else creates it. The mind the spirit and the soul exist in non local spacetime
  19. A day measures the earth rotation. A month measures the Moon's revolution and a year measures the Earth's revolution around the Sun. A day has 24 hours and 24 time zones which measure 15 degrees of longitude.
  20. @Cynique I am slowly seeing that tine is a language, that is encoded with numbers that measure it's passing. Or rather time is a way to quantify the movement of planets and stars
  21. The Ankh symbolise the sexual union between a male and a female. I heard it described as man and woman united on earth. I think when you decide to go you're gone. I feel or perhaps you feel , that the answers you seek are not of this realm. And to seek those answers you need to leave your body behind. It's not morbid. I reached a goal I set in 1997. Then I wondered why I wasn't dead. I am bored with life, but I am not bored with living. Yet over the last month I haven't felt better in my entire life. I feel there's a lot of magic brewing around me. I thought you were dead when you hadn't posted for a few months. My sense is that you won't be tired but you would've had your fill of living. Also Pyramids are like clocks, that measure the year. The ones in Guatemala are tied to the Equinox, I believe the spring one. I will check to see if the Egyptian Pyramids are tied to the solstice I was wrong Giza is tied to the fall equinox . So those two Pyramids are like a set
  22. The reason this is Utopian is because it needs both technology and magic to be operational. The arbiter would be spirit which would not judge from a human perspective
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