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Everything posted by Delano

  1. I will periodically post the tally . So far it's 1 for White Racist and 1 for White fool.
  2. Do you think @Greg is a Black fool or a White racist?
  3. @Greg your comments have been of service to the community . You out have made post that have United this community against an outsider. That is the solution to most problems. Class racial and sexual warfare is also won by divide and conquer. So you have indirectly provided the solution.
  4. Dr Marin Luther King not only got a Nobel Peace prize he also won a Grammy for his I have a Dream speech.
  5. @Greg you lack the intellectual ability or the emotional capacity to come up with the solution for any problem. However you could surprise me and solve one problem,by being silent.
  6. You are prescient, and you encapsulated my response. The white gold standard is something a lot of whites also don't pass. I grew up and continue to partake in both Black and white culture. I have talked with every class. I have talked with a white racist South African and he said I was the sharpest guy he met. I have talked with a homeless man. I have talked with q prostitute on New Year's Eve, and after saying I wasn't buying she told me about prostitution as we walked down 10th Ave. I have talked with the CEO of American Express. Rockstars Movie stars, a pregnant Japanese dominatrix et Al. We could have a conversation because I think and can listen without judgement or being star struck. Greg is in contempt of that which his betters have lauded as being the height of culture. His comments are more about his personal inadequacies which are not shared by the entire group that he decides and has contempt.
  7. @Greg is more into pronouncements than dialogues. I just realised that @Greg is partially talking about himself. Except for the violence, and having little to no connection to Black culture. He is a Troll. He creates a lot of post all disparaging of Black people, and rarely displays reason. Nor does he discuss points. What he has done is littered the site with negativity and false hoods. In the last month four out of the last nine post were from Greg.
  8. Well then why not go back to Creativity in Hip Hop. First we'll start with the Pulitzer, then we'll move in to the MacArthur Fellows Program or the Genius Grant. Then if you want to hear more we can look at all the Black people who have one a Nobel Peace Prize. Which is ironic because one of the Nobel brothers was killed in the production of dynamite. By the way,the question you want to ask is more appropriately q "Who" rather than "Where" Further to you poorly expressed point it requires you 5o look further than your verdant veranda. The green that I an alluding to is not lush growth but rather your inexperience with said topic. However you may not be interested in viewing other vistas. No matter the topic is more important than expanding your views of said topic.
  9. @Greg I feel you've earned a new moniker BOTH Boys of the Hood. You are being uncharacteristically shy, let's get it Pippin's @Greg
  10. @Greg I have included a link describing the Pulitzer prize. Pulitzer Prize, any of a series of annual prizes awarded by Columbia University, New York City, for outstanding public service and achievement in American journalism, letters, and music. Fellowships are also awarded. The prizes, originally endowed with a gift of $500,000 from the newspaper magnate Joseph Pulitzer, are highly esteemed and have been awarded each May since 1917. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Pulitzer-Prize
  11. I was lucky to see, hear and occasionally interact with Black Genius. I will shamelessly name bomb after I compile the list
  12. @Greg I await your response to Kendrick Lamar getting a Pulitzer.
  13. https://www.pulitzer.org/winners/kendrick-lamar Storytelling has been Lamar’s greatest skill and most primary mission, to put into (lots of) words what it's like to grow up as he did—to articulate, in human terms, the intimate specifics of daily self-defense from your surroundings. Somehow, he’s gotten better. -- Matthew Trammell, Pitchfork THE JURY Regina Carter (Chair) Violinist, Maywood, NJ Paul Cremo Dramaturg/Director of Opera Commissioning Program, The Metropolitan Opera Farah Jasmine Griffin William B. Ransford Professor of English and Comparative Literature and African-American Studies, Columbia University David Hajdu Professor of Journalism, Columbia University David Lang* Composer, New York, NY You have one of the leading cultural institutions in the country, and one of the leading Universities in the world, acknowledging Rap.
  14. In the ocean of thought, you are concrete. Do you see the levity in that comment? @Cynique when I respond to Pioneer I am not writing for him. I am writing to other members who I feel are open to thinking.
  15. I left the US in 2006. Some friends said I made the right move When I went back on 2008 a few friends were saying they were thinking of leaving. In the intervening years both I and my partner have seen more African Americans in Sydney.
  16. I was thinking of visionaries, that look at world yet see something everyone else misses. If I am on a deserted island, I'd rather having George Washington Carver than the entire population of New York City. There is always quality in quantity.
  17. I don't know whether you are overly optimistic or generous.
  18. @Mel Hopkins we shall see if you can break through a wall, by talking to it.
  19. It is something I have to be vigilant against that dynamic. Everyone believes they are right until, they know that they are wrong - Delano Strachen
  20. It's not just about being wrong, but acting righteous feeling that you are the teacher. So my approach is even when I am almost certain that I am right, I consider the possibility that I could be wrong. I don't think many people are doing these things intentionally they just are lacking awareness and\or self reflection. However thanks for the Love. I have been working on communicating and writing, some of what I posted is almost unreadable due to grammar and being intentionally cryptic.
  21. @Mel Hopkins that's a savvy move, I believe Warren Buffett has a similar approach. He goes to the mall and observes what products people purchase. The other cool thing is because it's a private company your wealth isn't public knowledge. I reckon you're in your element.
  22. I have noticed a new phenomenon noticed over the last fortnight. People post something that is wrong in response to someone else's query. For some reason these individuals seem unaware of the facts. I will be extra vigilant with what I say.
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