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Everything posted by Delano

  1. There may be a liquidity crunch that cascades through the industry. Celsius is in reorganisation.
  2. This is definitely niche. If you been investing in this segment and you didn't go broke you have an A game. Since there is less public information available. This is where having a good nose is invaluable.
  3. @Cynique I think we are destined to work out themes of our life. The choice may be subject to variation but not the themes. I don't feel that you are lost but rather seeking answers or rather understanding. You have a fineknd and you are a passionate writer which is girl by you razor sharp mind. I feel that know you are looking at the "randomness and seeking both the mean and poetry therein. I try to combine the rational with the irrational to come to an understanding. Back in 2015 I said we are going to be experiencing huge geopolitical shifts up until 2024. @Cynique years ago when I read your chart I said you are a blend of the archetypical masculine and feminine. You know have the luxury of time and the burden of not knowing. You aren't in a rut it just that fewer things have enough gravity to pull you in to their orbit. The mountain view is spectacular but sparsely populated. This is the blessing and the curse of a fine mind and an artist's heart. Getting messages from the TV , memories and dreams is perhaps new for you. However the unconscious is an invaluable sore of information it just need some organising or definitions.
  4. I have been doing a bit of a dive into Vedas. Which is interesting because they have various branches and Astrology cuts thorough all of them. Which makes sense because an Astrological chart symbolically displays space and time. Which is our reality.
  5. I use words number and time as trigger to read the unconscious. @Mel Hopkins your complement is treasured. I used to read a lot. I read because of tangents whereas you write because of tangents. Twins indeed. I seem to be really good at pattern recognition. I have a feel for numbers I have been told that that the way I describe things creates a visual.y main areas of interest are numbers, mythology, reasoning. My approach is to read as much as possible in different subjects. This creates different ways of seeing an issue. In addition to reasoning and logic I use my feeling. Which is part of why I don't post as much. I found some responses would really agitate me. A lot less so know since I am More selective in my engagements. Tarot has been a really good way to get another perspective provide I keep an open mind. Astrology is amazing classification system and I way view things that aren't Astrology. The dialogue here has been am incredible source of learning. You Cynique and I retired from the board for similar reasons. The futility of being heard much less understood. I can't speak for the two of you but I no longer feel they need to encourage thinking to the unreceptive. I communing with the collective unconscious through both numbers words and time itself since it is three numbers. And my system started with me reading three numbers.
  6. A friend has been meditating to times that I give June using the time marker system. I asked him to describe the system. 5his is what he wrote "They sort of direct you to a very specific point in space and time where you know all you have to do is meditate and focus on the theme, which then seems to come through strongly but sometimes in unexpected ways" It is actually a progression of a technique I developed around 1999. I ask the querent for the first three numbers that pop into their head. I use the numbers as a divination tool. I have over the years realised I have created a system that reads the unconscious mind. I have three of these correspondent systems. They are kind of like a language or rather they translate they spur of the moment word to read the unconscious. My language is a bit different because the letters all have meaning or rather concepts attached to them. However the concepts are fluid. So even if I get the same number or numbers from a person what I said will be different. The details are different but the theme is the same. The system keep evolving the more I use it. I had a wager with Troy that Donald Trump would be out of office in a year. I lost that one. In the second wager I gave Troy a two week time frame of when he would be out of office. Troy one again. However the date of chose was only two days away from the start of his impeachment trial. The odds of getting the dates correct is roughly 300 to 1.
  7. Checker players would be advised not to try and play chess in the market. The smarter play as the small investor is choosing a niche that the big players can't engage because of their size. Small capitalised firms and companies that aren't followed by analysts. Mutual funds are another option. If you now statistics you can allocate your funds across mutual funds and get a higher return than any of the funds in your portfolio. You simply have to choose funds that aren't correlated and combine their price deviations.
  8. Time markers is my classification system to qualify moments of time in the future. There are over 100 time markers and I am using a non decimal counting system. In addition every time marker tells a story and can be converted into an Astrology chart. In order to get more detail. The piece you wrote did you have to research and was it unusually hard to edit or proofread. It will most likely bring you additional income and or work. I'll have a look a bit later.
  9. Buy and hold is a better strategy than day trading for the small investor. Unless you using financial models , statistics. Wall Street firms and hedge funds use program trading and have literally hired rocket scientists , statiscians and mathematicians. That's your competition as an investor. As a general rule i try to ignore ignorance.
  10. @ProfD I studied Accounting in Undergrad and Finance, in Grad School for most of my career I worked in Financial Services. It's important to realise that there are some really sharp people investing. People that haven't seen the market go down, think they are the captain of finance.
  11. Inspiration mean to breathe in spirit. I was looking up the etymology of the word and found the following. I am 3/4 through, Thank You @Mel Hopkins The sense evolution seems to be from "breathe into" to "infuse animation or influence," thus "affect, rouse, guide or control," especially by divine influence. Inspire (v.) in Middle English also was used to mean "breath or put life or spirit into the human body; impart reason to a human soul." Literal sense "act of inhaling" attested in English from 1560s. Meaning "one who inspires others" is attested by 1867. https://www.etymonline.com/word/inspiration
  12. @Mel Hopkins cam you send me 5he date and time stamp for the earliest and the latest correspondence. Also the location you received or from which it was sent. And I'll have a look. Also I would love to read the post. Is it about synchronisation omens or coincidence?
  13. No and once again you bring facts to the discussion. The easiest way to understand the relationship is to think of money as something you buy. If demand is high so is the price. Interest is the price of money. Money is one product where the value is less than the price which is due to its utility. International trade of commodities are in USD. China is pushing to supplant athe dollar with their currency. Which I believe is the yuan. I thought they might be successful. However now I am less sure. I agree have some understanding of the how the Financial Markets operate and the products would be a useful first step in investing. Otherwise it becomes speculation or gambling. However I am not licensed to give financial advice.
  14. The President appoints the chairman of the FRB but the chairman is independent
  15. @Cynique I was fortunate to see Rap in Haffen park in the Bronx. Cool Herc the was the architect of Hip Hop his dad had a the record store two blocks from my home. I also saw house in the last days of the Paradise Garage. The DJ was Larry Levan and he took Frankie Knuckles under his wings. Which is where Frankie learnt how to DJ. He was initially doing the lights. Frankie is from New York. Larry Levan turned down the gig in Chicago and suggested Frankie Knuckles. I grew up on rap and later became a house head. Later on I heard some Jazz Legends play live. As luck would have I also met the leader of a band called The Family Stand. Went to a couple of their shows. One of which the female lead Jackie McGhee brought me on stage and sang a song to me.
  16. Sly Stone only got the rights to his music back in the last few years of his life. Phil Jackson gets paid because he trademarked threepeat. But I believe it was Byron Scott who said it. We create wealth for others.
  17. I am glad you have finally listened to what @Troy and @Cynique have been trying to tell you for years. Naw just joking. I do find it amazing that you post this. " The illogical and very theoretical (oxy moron) question... Is a thought experiment to improve your thinking. Your response is illuminating to everyone except you. You are a concrete thinker. And so it ends.
  18. Black people get pimped for our culture.
  19. You can believe whatever you wish. It doesn't have any material effect on anyone even you.
  20. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ehrAKcdEomk
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