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Everything posted by Delano

  1. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uhT3iIYUr0c
  2. Even though I addressed Pioneer. I had no hope of him thinking differently. I can think of one instance where beliefs were shattered. Quantum Physics. I believe Einstein withdrew one of his theories because it didn't make sense but he was posthumously proven correct. I believe he called it his greatest error.
  3. I would question my ability or in this case inability to recognise the truth. Or my faulty powers of perception . There's at least one of the option... If you question all assumptions you will most like see or understand more than people who never question that they could be wrong. So even though I generally don't agree with you. I had to go back and check. Then I rechecked and thought about the sentence structure. So even though I posted two corrections you never went back and read my original quote. The first correction you assumed that you were right and I was wrong. In the second you didn't bother checking since you assumed I doubted myself and had been wrong twice. The first time I was wrong about being wrong.
  4. I even went back and clarified what I wrote because I mistakenly thought Pioneer was right concerning the tense of the verb. So good luck with that task. Troy It should be stated that something cam be logical but be false or nonsense. Knowing either philosophy, sets even conditional statements would be helpful.
  5. I was thinking this as well. Or rather answers or dependent on the question, therefore it is more likely to have illogical answers rather than illogical questions. I actually made a mistake. It should have read what if everything you believed was was wrong. So I did use the wrong tense however it is highly unlikely to have beliefs in the future, that you are aware of currently. Actually I am mistaken, discovered implies the past. So just to be clear if you presently discovered that all of your beliefs are wrong. Also discovered implies knowledge which is different than opinions or beliefs
  6. At the moment I am focused on Astrology, Tarot, Numbers , Time and predictions. I am happy with my progress.
  7. Human design came out a couple of years ago. It's the new flavour that some folks arerabing about. People talk about what category they are and that's about it. Perhaps there are some practitioners out there are teacher's that can shed light on this diagram. I am not that person. It's a cool design. There personalised a chart by using a person's silhouette. And made it look scientific with some numbers and futuristic by use of shape. From a marketing and design standpoint it's a hit. And while I appreciate innovation I'll pass on this one. I went to the page it says that it will give you a user manual for your life. Could be but it's not in a language I understand.
  8. I find that I have to make an effort to post. I'll start to write a post on here it Facebook and then I stop or I delete it. Even in actual reality I talk less it creates space and an interesting dynamic especially when I'm around people who like to talk
  9. It hadn't occured to me that some people can't think abstractly. Until you said it. Since then I have been having less arguments with block heads . Yeah it paralyzed my brain. I think I would be pretty depressed to realise that I had gotten everything wrong. Especially when I have the thought, "How can they not see how wrong they are?" Then I would think that was me, about everything. Then I would reconcile myself to the fact that I was so wrong but thinking I was right. It would be very humbling and I think I would probably stop talking or at least stop debating.
  10. Pass I have been limiting my conversation to conceptual thinkers, or people who I find stimulating.
  11. I am not certain of I would feel liberated. I am not certain of I would feel liberated. @Cynique silly cows should be used to ribbing. A couple of pos(t)ers need a bigger soapbox.
  12. I was influenced by TV and movies , music not so much. At various points I haven't owned a TV or I watched it infrequently. One of my favourite TV shows is the best TV advertisements. Nothing else comes close. Although that was over 20 years ago. Recently I watched the best Superbowl Ad from the last two years. Not so good.
  13. The actor Ned Beatty said something to interesting. He most TV father's are fools. I think he made the comment around the time of roots. " I shouldn't be your role model your parents should be your role model." It may have be been Charles Barkley. When being told her was a bad role model for kids. How many popular TV shows have uplifting or inspirational characters?
  14. The same reason people rubber neck. Some people love a car crash.
  15. Every field has a language whose purpose is to facilitate communication with members and exclude outsiders.
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