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Everything posted by Delano

  1. Surviving is crucial but, how about thriving?
  2. Do you ever get tired of being loud and wrong? Hint it is a rhetorical question.
  3. Should he keep the ignorance? tee hee hee
  4. While being divisive, condescending and ignorant. Ain't nobody buying what you selling. How is it that you can be so new and so late at that same time.
  5. Love doesn't need to make sense to be felt. Neither does lust.
  6. I don't think time exists. What we have is the measurement of movement of the earth and our experience of passing events. The measurement and the experience are not the same as the thing. What I have done is create a scale to quantify clock time, to understand what is likely to transpire at all times that share the same signature. When the sun rises you may perform certain activities at that time: excercise; yoga breakfast. Another way of thinking of it is to live according to the seasons and the Sun. Years ago I came across a seasonal cookbook. In which you eat summer fruit in the summer. And potatoes in the winter. Also the time marker are created using the person's natal chart relocated to their city of residence. Then matching that to the current position of the planets. So it is specfic to the person and a particular time frame. Let's try it in reverse go to timeanddate.com which will show you your current time. If you can take a screen shot of that I can apply a time marker to it to describe what or the quality of time.
  7. Chris was about to fire on Will Smith but didn't, notice he didn't drop his cue card. Which tells me he can fight. What does it mean to be a real man or a real women, and have those ideals served us well?
  8. The mind tries to rationalize irrational and emotion motives. The uncomfortable unvarnished truth
  9. What's the one that men don't have? 1 ÷ 7 is another one that is interesting. It's a repeating decimal. If you multiply it it is the same six numbers but in a different order. 142857. Although I can't remember at what number this doesn't work. Yes you're right. A hole within a hole.
  10. So in another 30 quarters they will only be making a billion dollars a quarter.
  11. There are passive psychics and active ones. Passive the visions come unbidden and can't be turned on at will. Overall I would say only a few psychics that I have met are malicious.
  12. Let me start off by saying you are so wrong. The Forum isn't the same when you aren't participating. ProfD is relatively new and he has also voiced this sentiment. It is not an accident that there are nine planets and nine holes in our bodies. All magic works on the theory of correspondences. This is also known as the Akashic records. It could also be or connected to the collective unconscious. Both seem to not be limited by time since they don't exist physically in space.
  13. The brain is physical and exist, whereas the mind exists in nonlocal space and time. So the questions is how is the mind linked to the brain. Also since the brain exists in a field not bounded by space and time than ESP is a possibility. In addition scientists are perplexed about the nature of time. Since it is as difficult to conduct experiments on time as or is on consciousness. Particles also seem to disappear than reappear at a higher energy state. Perhaps ESP, magic, the collective unconscious, dark energy and dark matter are related. @Troy @Cynique @Mel Hopkins @ProfD what are your thoughts?
  14. That was the one thing she said about manifesting. She said you can manifest anything that you want and the universe will give you the nearest and available equivalent. However if you want to manifest money that's really trying to obtain power and that won't work.
  15. @Cynique I don't think there are accidents or coincidences. It may be coincidental if it's someone you either call often or regularly. However if you feel impelled to call. And then find out they've had something extraordinary happen that is telepathy. I believe Rupert Sheldrake even had an explanation for it. He said our emotional relationships creates an interconnected field. Our Brain is electrochemical so it would makes sense that we can pick up those waves. I have a few querents that are having a particularly challenging time. They have all remarked that my timing is uncanny. In two instances I messaged them moments before they were going to message me. I have been involved with the esoteric since 1997 as a psychic. However my interest has been since I was a preteen. I have met a few unconscious magicians and you are one of them. It's interesting about you doing two things and having a breakthrough or a link between the two. When I read your chart it said you have a balance between your masculine and your feminine sides. Which allows you to see certain relationships and dynamics clearly. So while I respect Troy I disagree with him in this instance. The best psychic I saw told me things about myself or rather my potential or future self. She also gave me a few techniques or made me aware of how to create magic or possibilities. One of the things she told a wizard told me the exact same things while he was reading me over the phone using my voice. This has never come up in conversation in over 20 years
  16. @Cynique you taught me not to try and communicate with people that can't think abstractly. This is one of the most valuable pieces of advice that I have received in life. The forum is a community and some members I do not commune with and that's fine with me .
  17. I attempted to explain this twice before. Sometimes it is not third time the charm
  18. My first trip as an adult was to Zurich. It wwas the first time that my color wasn't a hindrance. I met white people who were interested in me and as a person. Once hough I was walking down this road with a friend and three farmers were staring in our direction. We both turned around and there was nothing behind us. So I guess that hadn't seen a Black man and White women walking together.
  19. White supremacy has created a situation or rather a complex in many White people that I have met. In that they believe they are superior to people of colour. They can't fathom that a Black person can be more intelligent or insightful than themselves. If it is undeniable that the Black person is more intelligent than themselves then that Black person is special and not indicative of their race. I take a certain pleasure in shining a light on that cognitive dissonance. Although I have to say I see a lot less of that in Sydney. Even though there are some of the same race dynamics between Whites and Aboriginals there is some level of acknowledgement of Aboriginal wisdom and customs.
  20. I claim it all, with neither shame nor judgement.
  21. @Cynique I also noticed that it seemed like more than one person but they all are disruptors. In addition none of them really engage in any real discussion. I am not certain if they have enough intelligence to realise that they aren't as clued in as anyone else on the forum.
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