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Everything posted by Delano

  1. @Cynique I had another idea. People would receive goods based on their spirituality. So if you tried to steal you would lose more than what you stole. This particular system requires automation and magic. So it is truly Utopian. Thank you for the compliment.
  2. I thought about this an the idea that I had was to make everything cost $1 so you could buy a plane and it would cost as much as a bicycle. Which picture are you questioning? Being on the planet or the socioeconomic structure.? It is possible to somewhat drop out of the system, provided that your wants are simple.
  3. So how do you see this playing out or ending.
  4. What is the goal or purpose of structural racism?
  5. Why do you suppose it is that way.
  6. A couple of hundred years ago there was a race for America.
  7. In the beginning was the Word. Which is related to Logos. In addition I believe rabbinical scholars do indeed study the Word to find hidden meanings. Words have an exoteric and esoteric meaning. Those primitive minds created monuments to the Sun/God that are still standing. Whole some may think the occult is is all nonsense, I am not one of those people. https://interestingliterature.com/2021/06/john-in-the-beginning-was-the-word-with-god-analysis-meaning/ To breathe life into something, inspiration. In the Bible being able to name something gives you power of it. Which puts slave names in a different light. Words have power. It's how we choose leaders and most everything else. I believe that the Bible, the Torah, and the Vedas are Sun/star worship. And while I am not conversant in any of these sacred text. I do believe reading then literally is to miss the point. With the appropriate corresponding modalities the above texts come to life. I am presenting a different viewpoint that I am neither prepared to defend not debate.
  8. Quite a few ancient civilisations had calendars based on the movement of the Sun Moon and few stars. The Moon counts of weeks and month(moonth), The Sun was used for the saesons. Like the flooding of the Nile
  9. What do you want and do you want to achieve in a dialogue? You also have to account for the characteristics of both the querent and the respondent. I require mutual respect and reasonable rules of engagement. I am no longer interested in convincing anyone. What are the intentions in your conversation? Unless some one admits they are being condescending I stop talking to them.
  10. Jazz legend Miles Davis and poetry legend Quincy Troupe. On April 15, 1989, writer and poet Quincy Troupe interviewed Miles Davis at the Studio Museum in Harlem, just a few months before the publication of their co-authored Autobiography of Miles. Why do you love Harlem? Why do you live there now, and what are you working on? IMAGES FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: QUINCY TROUPE WITH ALEXANDER “SKUNDER” BOGHOSSIAN. QUINCY TROUPE WITH MILES DAVIS AT THE STUDIO MUSEUM IN HARLEM, APRIL 15, 1989, THE FIRST TIME DAVIS EVER SAT AND TALKED TO A LIVE AUDIENCE IN SUCH A SETTING. QUINCY TROUPE WITH HUGH MASEKELA IN LESOTHO. DOROTHY AND QUINCY TROUPE, SR. Franklin Sirmans IMAGES FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: QUINCY TROUPE WITH TONI MORRISON. GIANT TALK: AN ANTHOLOGY OF THIRD WORLD WRITINGS, EDITED BY QUINCY TROUPE AND RAINER SCHULTE. MARGARET PORTER TROUPE AND QUINCY TROUPE WITH DEREK WALCOTT IN SAINT LUCIA. Franklin Sirmans JAMES BALDWIN WITH QUINCY TROUPE QUINCY TROUPE WITH AMIRI BARAKA AND STEVE CANNON LEFT: QUINCY TROUPE WITH TOM FEELINGS AND MAYA ANGELOU. CENTER: A COPY OF JACOB LAWRENCE’S AESOP’S FABLES SIGNED TO QUINCY AND MARGARET FROM LAWRENCE AND GWENDOLYN KNIGHT. RIGHT: THE TROUPES WITH JACK WHITTEN https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/griot-jali-californias-first-poet-laureate-quincy-troupe-returns-to-his-old-stomping-ground/ https://www.sothebys.com/en/articles/once-upon-a-harlem-time
  11. Thanks ProfD. I used to be more verbally combative. Not just here but also in real reality. I will comment a bit, but in general, I want to talk less. My goal is not to have any opinions. No I never defended Abbott Lab. I said the goal of a corporation is to maximise profit. You may not realise it, but that's not my opinion. That is the mandate for management. In addition if you were more sensitive to tone, or just listened to Troy's Cynique's or Chevdove's comments you would have seen your error. No other member, except you, would think that I would say, what you erroneously are attributing to me. I thought reporters were suppose to check their sources. Don't worry about it, not admitting you're wrong, won't raise anyone's opinion of you.
  12. Hope the day was enjoyable and your friends and family showered you with affection.
  13. I figured out why it bothered me. This is a forum to exchange ideas and discuss them. So if a person is attempting to tell people how to think or how they should feel this feels manipulative. It's the height of arrogance to say your feelings are invalid or wrong. However I think I will go back to just posting links and minimising my position. I desire less conflict and angst on all of my interactions.
  14. I saw a light skin black man with natural blonde hair. He was striking.
  15. Exactly which is why it's called a generation gap. We are part of the same era but we come from different generations. You can't have a productive discussion if you have your own definitions of words. Maybe forget about having a"High Intellect Forum" until you can use standard or widely accepted definitions of terms. Please note I am not saying you have to change, but doing so would facilitate clearer communication. Unless obscuration is part of your strategy in discussions
  16. Maybe just try for intelligent discourse. It is also important to set the rules of engagement: no ad hominem attacks; agreed upon definitions of key terms of subject being discussed; rational arguments especially for highly subjective topics.
  17. You are posting a lot of jewels, but this is my favourite.
  18. @Troy I had the chance to go to his book signing. Unfortunately I no longer have the book. Space Traders is the story that stands out for me. Black men should lead is similar to White men should rule. We couldet the most competent rule or we could try cooperation. Thoughts?
  19. Black people and the homeless define the bottom. If you get the chance read the book Faces at the Bottom of the Well. - Derrick Bell
  20. Don't worry the jokes will keep coming, just consider the salty sauce (it's not a typographical error, (say it slowly)).
  21. @Troy how come you didn't think of doing this?
  22. Some people are antagonistic and can't openly compete.
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