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Everything posted by Delano

  1. This may be informative if the two chilled people vocalise their disapproval. I have a lot less typos because these days because of a criticism I had received. You have a blind/soft spot for people that combine wit , writing and pugilism. You can be argumentaive but you ae not hypercritical. Even though you may critique a person's argument. I think you are hypercritical when someome or something annoys (presses a button) you. I am less interested in public disclosure than private reflection. The previous statement notwithstanding.
  2. One of my better qualities is my ability not to follow good advice. It has made for an interesting life.
  3. They have found classified and top secret documents from the White House in Trump's country club. Apparently some of those documents compromise national security. So like our previous bet unless he dies he is going to jail @Troy
  4. Delusions inspire hope, what's the corollary for Truth?
  5. @Cynique I have been thinking about why I reacted. And I am having a hard time distilling the reasons into a coherent answer. I used to be mentally pugnacious and cryptic. Later I tried to be clear. Mostly now I post links or start topics. I rarely argue a point. In the case of Stefan, I am not always addressing him but his points. Since I feel trying to convince someone is pointless. I am learning to care less without become careless.
  6. You've heard of Startpage.com they used to Ixquick.com.
  7. I once heard a familiar rapper say being a Black women is like being Black twice.
  8. @Cynique mostly I ignore it. It's not that I'm passive I just choose to not be aggressive. It was an aberration and now back to radio silence. I think the current world situation is very heavy. My because your mind feels lighter your feet feel heavy. @Cynique mostly I ignore it. It's not that I'm passive I just choose to not be aggressive. It was an aberration and now back to radio silence. I think the current world situation is very heavy. Maybe because your mind feels lighter your feet feel heavy.
  9. If you are new and you are condescending to everyone then it annoys me.
  10. https://www.interviewarea.com/faq/what-is-the-most-private-search-engine-to-use
  11. @Stefan may feel that he hasn't initially insulted anyone. However being condescending by stating that you know more is insulting. Writing about subjects can lead to a greater understand. However that can't occur of you feel that you instantly understand matters. Perfect People, don't need correction, because they are perfect. People who think they are perfect don't receive correction. It's not that people haven't tried but they can't receive it. What you and Greg have done has been to foster black unity because his comments were insulting and yours were condescending.
  12. I am not a doctor but maybe you should see a nutritionist. Or perhaps a health care provider who is holistic.
  13. It's not true and everyone on the forum knows it , but he does not. Sometimes a person can neither take criticism nor perform self inspection.
  14. In the animal kingdom games are how animals learn to deal with the environment.
  15. From a racial pov it's about collectively dealing with the larger society and the restrictions it placed on people of colour. On the relationship side it's an issue of dominance. I would say it's a multifaceted problem.
  16. The Dozens. A Black game of supposedly friendly rivalry and name calling ; in reality, a crucial exercise in learning how to absorb verbal abuse without faltering Audre Lorde .
  17. Black women and men fight between ourselves over who has more of a right to freedom, instead of seeing each other's struggle as part of our own and vital to our common goals. Audre Lorde
  18. They are single-handedly dismantling the notion of White Supremacy.
  19. I will come back to this, I have to have the time and mental headspace. A day for a year and a day for a month are techniques in Astrology. Jesus being dad for the three days and rising. Hs a similar corollary with the Winter Solstice. Which start around Dec 22 the Sun appears to stop it downward movement and then rises. The Winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year. So the Son(Sun) is risen and is bringing the light to the world.
  20. Yes i understand that, I don't know enough to really debate the point you bring up. However I am straight no chaser.
  21. Thank you @Chevdove. I wonder if any of these comments will lead to self reflection for @Stefan.
  22. @Chevdove It's a one sided conversation. It's not worth the effort.
  23. Thanks @Troy I keep trying to tell @Stefan he is reading me wrong. He is a bit slow on the uptake, I think it will take him three months until he understands what we are saying. @Stefan I will give you a hint, I know Troy we have broken bread in each other's home, and we have hung out together. Ironically the people on the forum that you respect all respect me. What do you think that might mean. BTW you are a reporter you write articles. Which is not quite in the same league as a person who writes books. I never said that. When you realise you are wrong I will accept your apology. It will be like a Holiday present. We both have something to look forward to in the New Year. Ha Ha Ha.
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