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Everything posted by Delano

  1. Suzan-Lori Parks was the first African American woman to receive the Pulitzer Prize in drama
  2. Another really good self assessment. Have you and Pioneer been comparing notes? Keep trying you may start a revolution, if you can find enough feeble minded people to follow you. You forgot to mention that you are condescending while being a bit ignorant about business. While talking to someone that didn't write about business but actually worked in Financial services and also went to school for business. You are in the minority of people on this site that believe you no more about business than myself. However perhaps the people that you respect can help you remove you rose mirrored glasses.
  3. I actually had a conversation with Suzan Lori Parks a winner of the McArthur Genius grant, a Pulitzer prize winner among other accolades. I was at the Judson Church listening to a playwright read his work. I was the only one laughing. She asked me if I was a writer. I said no but , this writing is out there. I also had the priviledge to hear Kelli Jones speak, she also later won a MacArthur Genius grant. She is the sister of Lisa Jones who colloborated with Spike Lee in his early days. The Jones girls are the daughters Leroi Jones aka Amiri Baraka and Hettie Jones In college, Parks studied fiction-writing under acclaimed writer James Baldwin. He encouraged her talent, calling Parks, “an utterly astounding and beautiful creature who may become one of the most valuable artists of our time.” He steered her toward writing plays, due to her tendency to act out all the voices when she read her short stories aloud. Parks graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Mount Holyoke in 1985.
  4. While it's unintentional, it is the best self assessment you have made on the forum.
  5. I don't feel the same. I whole heartedly agree.
  6. You make a lot of assumptions. Not all of them are right. What you fail to see and even know. The goal of a public corporation is to maximise profits. That is factual, this doesn't infer that is my position. If you would have read with a bit more thought you would have realised that in addition noone else hear could imagine me taking that position. Since most of the participants can comprehend and think critically.
  7. You seem to forget that you have done this as well.
  8. It's okay I often neither read what he posts and rarely respond to his comments.
  9. I feel the following: Genius is recognising patterns that others have not seen. Genius is visionary.
  10. I don't know if it is still true, but more money is spent on the military than infrastructure in the US. There's always money for the business of war and the war business.
  11. You generally don't kill your biggest customers . It's Mutually Assured Destruction, or MAD.
  12. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-59600475
  13. He raised a lot of money quickly. And Senators want access to his fundraising ability.
  14. When white women started having babies the term became single mothers.
  15. Either you didn't read the articles or you didn't comprehend them.
  16. https://medium.com/@bibiharim/genius-is-pattern-recognition-99d7ce1df532 https://www.forbes.com/sites/erikaandersen/2013/01/07/three-things-you-can-do-to-think-like-a-genuis/?sh=1f16a09f6771
  17. Would you say homosexuality is unnatural or against God, yet you wouldn't condemn homosexuals. Or attack them physically or verbally without provocation. However if you feel the question are too personal, I understand if you'd rather not answer them.
  18. Lions are instinctual, humans are rational. So the roles that males and females have should be decided by the individual. Societal and cultural norms dictate the bounds of those roles. However the individual can choose a role that is different from those assigned roles. A healthy couple can navigate those differences so that neither party feels diminished. My belief is an individual should be free to define their role however they choose. Even if that role goes against the morals of their group as long as those choices are fair and equitable. A person should be free to define themselves. It is difficult to be the other. Homosexual, Bisexual, transgender, an artist, a thinker, a women who wants to be more than the caretaker,a man who wants to be more than the bread winner. And while some members of society may disapprove or feel uncomfortable, the don't have to the right nor responsibility to negate the individual's choice. Since all of the growth in a society comes from those who deviate from the prescribed path. Those deviants are our visionaries. They see the world differently because their internal world is different.
  19. The females hunt and the male eats first and protects the pride, from outsiders. When the king is dethroned the new lion kills all the male cubs that are not his offspring. So it is a harem.
  20. For some reason feminism and homosexuality is problematic for some Black folks.
  21. Stefan believes he is a thinker, but doesn't realise his approach is similar to Greg. @Cynique He isn't even smarter than me. Ha ha ha He's a "righter" that doesn't understand a play on words. Maybe he's a "wronger" Writer +wrong
  22. @Cyniquesome people are smart enough to know they are stupid.
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