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Everything posted by Delano

  1. Jimmy Carter was asked if he was ever unfaithful, he said I lusted in my heart. I think Billy was sinning for the both of them.
  2. SURPRISING FACT The overall value of the world's cryptocurrencies has plunged about 70% to $929 billion, from an all-time high of about $3 trillion in November and $2 trillion at the start of the quarter. Meanwhile, the tech-heavy Nasdaq has plummeted about 32% this year. https://www.forbes.com/sites/jonathanponciano/2022/06/14/coinbase-lays-off-1100-employees-billionaire-ceo-warns-recession-could-worsen-impact-of-1-trillion-crypto-crash/
  3. Voyager files for chapter 11 Bankruptcy Chapter 15 Bankruptcy.
  4. Leave those without shifts the hell alone . Especially if they can't count.
  5. Ironically you are stating that on a site that Troy literally built. Troy is Black Excellence, Cynique is Black Wisdom , Mel is Black Intelligence.
  6. I am trying to free my mind. It's hard work, without any tangible success. Unless silence is considered tangible enough to cut.
  7. Not everyone is so discerning. One would think. Or perhaps we can refashion the forum and indeed the world to Ne fats
  8. That is exactly what that means. And some of us are big enough that we can handle it. But you keep doing you. But don't be disappointed that nobody takes your well meaning intentions to heart.
  9. All my eyes are winking. I don't want to be the person who is not listening. It's is funny you should say that, today I had my eyes opened.
  10. He is pale in comparison with the other members, yet he is beyond the pale. In addition he is impaled by Cynique's rapier. Cynique Cynic - the name of the gymnasium where Antisthenes ( the founder of the school of philosophy) taught Unique - since the core meaning of unique is "being the only one of its kind it is logically impossible to modify it by adverbs such as really and quite. Definitions courtesy of OED. SLAYING and creating an appellation that is both descriptive and a warning not heeded by fools. I don't think she nice, I know she nice. Paraphrasing Flava Flav (I had to make this parenthetical statement, otherwise the prior sentence fragment...) Or phonetically Sin Nique. Roughly translated the original sin. @Cynique
  11. I prefer clear and concise more than obtuse and /or lengthy.
  12. Black people were denied vanilla ice cream in the Jim Crow south – except on Independence Day https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/jul/04/black-people-vanilla-ice-cream-jim-crow-independence-day
  13. @Cyniqueit makes sense because it stimulates the energy meridians. Apparently pirates wore earrings because it stimulates the eye. Which they learner from Asian accupuncture. The foundation is following 5he move of Chi or energy throughout the body. India calls Chi Prana. Which I have found relates to Sidereal time. One of the definitions is the four seconds it takes for the sun to move, life force.
  14. I had two different mystics tell me they have to be balanced. Also if you have a sigil it also has to be balanced. @Cynique is the area tattooed more sensitive.
  15. Confusion requires some understanding of the situation. While ignorance does not. Further to the point, the definition of ignorance is lack of knowledge. If you have knowledge without understanding that is more likely to lead to confusion than ignorance. Confusion is a state of agitation, ignorance is bliss. Ignorance combined with arrogance is an unbeatable combination. @Troy
  16. That is one of the aspects that is touted as a benefit. There is no regulating body. And that is fine until it starts plummeting and all of the elephants try to get through one door. Time will tell.
  17. Bulls make money, Beats make money pigs get slaughtered. I heard that both on Wall Street and in Grad School. If you are investing you are competing literally with rocket scientists. And unless you have a prudent long term investment strategy your money is just providing liquidity to the market.
  18. Based in your comments it appears you haven't read the article. Can someone cue the music or get Cynique.
  19. https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/singapore-regulator-rebukes-crypto-fund-three-arrows-capital-2022-06-30/
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