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Everything posted by Delano

  1. The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool. Richard P. Feynman
  2. I think the US is analogous to a sporting teams' farm systems. There are minor leagues but very few make it to the majors. However they do provide entertainment while the aspire to a greater audience and pay check. That farm system starts in school, and for some sports not education is the ticket out of their situation.
  3. Astrology as a term used to be used interchangeably with Astronomy. Astronomy is scientific, it has to do with facts about all things celestial. Astrology is focused on looking at planets, stars and comets in a divinatory sense. To either delineate a person's character or foretell the future. So the difference is that Astrology makes use of correspondences to tell a story. For instance the Sun reprsents Men an authority, the Moon represents Mothers and women in general, Mercury represents children, Venus is Women, Mars is Men, Jupiter is Grandparents, Saturn is older people. In addition the planets have many other meanings, as does the sign and house positions. House position is a ay to divide the chart in 12 sections. The size of the those sections change based on the location the chart is drawn. Below is the chart for the time you asked your question about Astrology. So in approxiamtely an hour from 3:55 the sun should be close to the horizontal line which actually represents the horizon. The slices of move about 15 degrees every hour. Fifteen degrees on a map equates to roughly 1000 miles of longittude. 15 degrees x 24 = 360 degrees in a circle 1000miles (earth's rotational speed) x 24 = roughly the diameter of the earth. So an Astrological chart is like a clock that measure hours of the day because of house movement. The movement of the Moon roughly corresponds to the length of a month(moonth). The sun moves on average about 1 degree a day. = 360 which is equivalent to the length of a year. Also Jupiter spends nearly a year in each zodiac sign. The cool thing about a chart is that it is a synbolic way of show place + time. So it describes a moment in time. There are also different branches. So the same chart can be read differently. Buildings also have natal charts. I have heard that even though a person is dead their chart is still active. However that is something I of which know very little.
  4. Astrology is a symbolic way to show time and space. Time + Space = Reality. So Astrology provides a way to see objectively see subjective reality. The chart is objective but the interpretation of the Astrological chart is subjective. Unless the image reaches consensus in which case it objective. @Cynique
  5. “Never confuse education with intelligence, you can have a PhD and still be an idiot.” Richard P. Feynman
  6. Yes that's sounds right. Occasionally on FB I'll make a statement about Astrology that other people don't understand and then tell me I'm wrong. What happens occasionally is I get so annoyed I discover something or create a new technique. I have been developing new rules of disengagement with ignorant arguers.
  7. What's your technique for dealing with ignorant arguers. Asking for a friend. Clearly I won't be responding to everyone.
  8. You jump to a lot of conclusions that aren't right. That's not the point I was making. You both have an unjustifiably high opinion of yours knowledge in comparison to other people. And you both resort to insulting people when having a discussion. So I agree with your point about a person have a defect when they resort to insults. Which you did initially with me. So when you apologise for the insult and being wrong about my position, we can have a dialogue. Until that point I will leave you in your mirrored funhouse echo chamber. Unlike Narcissus you are in love with the sound of your own voice. Did you like the metaphor or is it an analogy? Our dialogue is now a monologue, actually it was never a proper communication, and it is no longer worth making an effort. Feel free to continue or desist.
  9. Have you ever considered that you might be wrong. Or I might know a bit more than you, or that you don't know that much about business?
  10. The Millionaire Next door, will never tell or show you the money. There is no point to ostentatious shows of wealth.
  11. You can have a habit that could cause you to steal from your mother. However unless she's severely abusive. There's no justification in shooting her.
  12. Just like crack it's not a problem for the people who matter. Just like crack it's not a problem for the people who matter.
  13. Don't get familiar, you don't know me. Also as a journalist you should proof your work. Let me know when you feel like you are ready for more lessons. I don't want to overload your apparently fragile self of superiority with some uncomfortable truths. Don't get familiar, you don't know me. Also as a journalist you should proof your work. Let me know when you feel like you are ready for more lessons. I don't want to overload your apparently fragile sense of superiority with some uncomfortable truths.
  14. “No matter what they say or how they make you feel, remember, this is your country, too,” Dave Chappelle tells his audience. “It is incumbent upon us to save our country. And you know what we have to do.” Then comes the twist: “Every able-bodied African-American must register for a legal firearm. That’s the only way they’ll change the law. This would solve two problems.
  15. No it doesn't threaten everyone, as much as 150 ml of shampoo on a plane. How many Senators have a relative die in a school shooting?
  16. You believe you do. I know you don't Initially you are reluctant to follow orders, but eventually you do.
  17. Before trying to make a point try and understand what is being said. If you still don't get it ask someone else for help.
  18. Companies have a mandate to enrich their shareholders, not the communities in which they exist. The history and etymology of the corporation is illuminating.
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