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Everything posted by Delano

  1. Another type of bondage. We are a planet imprisoned in our desires. The Buddhist may be the closest to the truth, honorable mention to the Vedas. Which also has some amazing nuggets like focusing on the all will lead to nirvana I agree, leadership by example, without the cult of personality. Sivananda was one such guru. He had a simple rule spend every donation on the day received. He was revered built a publishing house , an ashram and donated to the medical care all without any scandals (I just came across him yesterday (as part of my deeper dive into Yoga and it's 8 branches ( btw Yoga is a philosophical system that encompasses philosophy and morality)). One of the rare occasions where I whole heartedly disagree with you. I consider you to be a gift from the Universe. And based on the reaction of others I am not alone in this affection affect verb to have an effect on, to touch the feelings of
  2. There are different types of boats, some races have a speed boat, a ferry, a sail boat. American Blacks have a rudderless raft. You are asking the better question. Have American Blacks done better even if it is only a perception when they had a leader. I think the answer to that is yes. I think every endeavor needs a leader or at least a mentor. My two favourites are Malcolm X and Gandhi. I saw this after I wrote my two favorites. Which is cool since it feels like I am having a conversation with you, at least in my mind (which is the only place the World actually exists) Prince and Miles Davis are my two favourite musical personalities. So bright you can't ignore their genius, alas I can not ignore their faults in the they way they related to both women and their bands. horrible person brilliant musicians. However that is often the trade off. With Malcolm X and Gandhi again possibly being the exception. How could descendants of slaves not have a slave mentality. Furhter to this point there are only different types of slaves. Unless your mind, bod or spirit are free how can you be free? It is a Herculean task to become free from the vise grip of cultural and or society. Which is why I like genii in whatever field they pop up.
  3. It is the number value of my name in Numerology.
  4. Your passion and commitment is inspiring. @Troy
  5. I don't generally pay attention to these types of things. However in numerology I am an 92\11\2. I have experienced a couple of synchronicities.
  6. @Mel Hopkins He is willing to go into a nuclear reactor and die a horrible death for another country. That is Love, it gives me chills just writing it.
  7. As much as people may say they want to be free the want to be lead and be part of a crowd. Whether that be identifying as hip-hop heads, sneaker freaks, christians or outsider. Membership has it's privilege.
  8. Perhaps that is the thing about leaders they appear and strike a chord precisely because people aren't ready yet in a sense they are receptive. Miles Davis was an amazing musical leader, and his influence extends beyond Jazz in particular and music in general. Other people who have that: Audre Lorde; James Baldwin; Harry Belafonte; Angela Davis. And Gadhi Malcom and Martin. I think Jimmy Carter leads by example but he doesn't have charisma for the masses.
  9. The following is from an Indian Epigraph yoga (CII 4), meditation; a philosophical system (C/7 3 ; IA 17), addition of the longitudes of the sun and moon; an astrological element. In addition Yoga means union which can be sexual, spiritual either or both. It also means yoke.
  10. Yes they do. Perhaps it is not possible to have leaders that speak to everyoe. This is where having more than one is advantageous. Malcom or Martin, Booker or Frederick. Perhaps we can move beyond the binary.
  11. What is it that you feel you have mastered? And what or who has you enslaved I believe my ability to recognise patterns is pretty good. Emotions, they don't always make sense but provide great comedy and enliven tragedy.
  12. Not for me, although not everyone feels the same. Language warning
  13. To me there are cultural differences between American Blacks, Caribbean Blacks, English Blacks and African Blacks.
  14. You may be a seeker or a person who is inquisitive. I used to go to about two to three parties a week, for about a decade. I wanted to see what was out there. So I met a lot of people and had lots of different experiences. At the end I realise I was just looking for my crew or like minded people. If you have two friends or people that get you , your life has been a success. Can you take a few minutes to create a profile. You can then like other people's post and it is less work for Troy. Also I can like your post. It is hard for people to find meaning and purpose in life. No matter the color or country. Otherwise drugs and entertainment wouldn't be so popular.
  15. Prana has many meanings the following two are of interest to me: 1. Vigor Energy 2 Four seconds of star time or the amount of time to exhale The key to Pranayama is Space Time and Number, which is very similar to Astrology. Which has been called the eyes of the Vedas
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