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Everything posted by Delano

  1. @Cynique did you try any of the other days. I will work up some more times for you also what was your your sister's Birthday . I fill some for that day as well.
  2. @Cynique did you delete your post about sunset?
  3. Here's the last sentence in case you missed it. You may not be following what I am saying and that's fine. You aren't obligated to understand nor am I to explain.
  4. You seem to stop before the last sentence, when responding to my post.
  5. You may be mistaken on both counts. In addition these two sentences don't really work together, if you a right or wrong, or even half right. It's actually logically exquisite.
  6. https://www.paymentsjournal.com/criminal-crypto-miners-are-stealing-your-cpu/
  7. https://pacificanetwork.org/we-are-telling-our-stories-our-way-desert-soul-media-is-poised-to-become-arizonas-first-african-american-fcc-licensee-in-over-twenty-years/
  8. Here are some more Expansive times Nov 3 3:03pm This one can be a bit challenging. In that it can bring up long held beliefs and you will see if their verity Nov 5 3;38pm This one will liberate your sense of perception. Nov 6 9:58pm This one is will expand your overall understanding of life and your place in it. Very Special Nov 8 12:06pm While you may feel amped once you focus on the time your mind will be in the zone Nov 8 5:57pm This one will reveal deep concepts and their relations. Very powerful @Cynique
  9. Here are some more Expansive times Nov 3 3:03pm This one can be a bit challenging. In that it can bring up long held beliefs and you will see if their verity Nov 5 3;38pm This one will liberate your sense of perception. Nov 6 9:58pm This one is will expand your overall understanding of life and your place in it. Very Special Nov 8 12:06pm While you may feel amped once you focus on the time your mind will be in the zone Nov 8 5:57pm This one will reveal deep concepts and their relations. Very powerful.
  10. If you talk with a fool , you are the bigger fool.
  11. All you have to do is just more the time and the thoughts that occur to you. Re the Bears I can't work miracles. Tee hee hee All you have to do is just more the time and the thoughts that occur to you. Re the Bears I can't work miracles. Tee hee hee There's also one for November 1 that is at 3:51 PM
  12. It is not easy to accept that you may not have the capacity to know when you are wrong.
  13. I also don't have discussion with people whose logic is internally inconsistent. You may want to ask the other members to explain an internal logical inconsistency. Cynique is more likely to engage you than I.
  14. @Cyniqueif possible try one that has the same quality but different times. The effect is the same but the feeling is different. This will highlight that time is unique yet similar .
  15. @Cynique here are some for you to try out. If you think of an effect or state that you would like to try let me know. Nov 1 7:27:06 am This one will make you feel expansive. Oct 31 6:02:20 pm This one will make you feel expansive. Nov 1 2:08:21 pm This one has an otherworldly quality Nov 4 1:30:00 pm This one has an otherworldly quality Nov 2 10:52:12 am The occult or hidden becomes more visible Nov 3 2:36:17 pm This one is good for understanding Nov 1 3:51:00 pm This one will show you connections between concepts, that aren't obvious Nov 5 8:31:27 am This one will show you connections between concepts, that aren't obvious Nov 5 9:19:41 am This one show how groups of things or concepts are related Nov 6 10:47:08 am This one you dissolves boundaries and will assist you to see beyond the surface.
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