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Everything posted by Delano

  1. I hear the Internet is good for finding information. It is a more accessible source than I. Feel free to utilise it or not as you wish. Perhaps some of the other participants can assist you in your re quest. @Stefan
  2. Then it is futile for me to try and change your mind.
  3. My Aunt said he wanted to say no Black Man should have that type of power.
  4. A century later, many physicists question whether a single objective reality, shared by all observers, exists at all. https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg24532670-700-what-is-reality-why-we-still-dont-understand-the-worlds-true-nature/
  5. https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg25333720-800-do-we-create-space-time-a-new-perspective-on-the-fabric-of-reality/ @cynique
  6. Akoma Meaning Akoma means “heart,” and it is a symbol of love, goodwill, patience, faithfulness, fondness, endurance, and consistency. https://www.adinkrasymbols.org/symbols/akoma/
  7. There have been a handful of extraordinary Blacks that wrote their own rules. But in order to do this you have to be so dope that your greatness can't be denied.
  8. Come for a visit you might stay. That's what happened to me.
  9. Even when you say you don't know, you have given it enough thought to say you don't know. And then you give an asymmetrical mirror meaning answer. When the World Tour happens for either of us, we have to sit down in person.
  10. @Cynique Feb 11 9:22 am High Energy, best to avoid controlling people though Feb 11 3:00 pm; Feb 16 2:15 am Thoughtful\Philosophical Feb 12 6:09 am Clarity of vision and thought Feb 13 5:12 pm Good for deep conversation. The person need to be alive nor present Feb 18 3:27 am Mystical\otherworldly Feb 17 8:06 am Drawing back the veil. This one is very special
  11. Following that three-year spurt of material — and following a year in Japan where she spent time with silent monks — Davis abruptly left the music industry, moving to the Pittsburgh area where she lived for the next 40 years without making new music. “When I was told that it was over, I just accepted it,” My favorite lines.
  12. For me it is important to live before I die.
  13. You had a vision and then life intruded. The Spirit force was interrupted by the Animal force.
  14. What's your answer? @CyniqueWhat is the meaning of a life versus purpose. It's like in Numerology you have a Destiny Number and a Path number. Destiny is like the city and Path is the route you take.
  15. @daniellegfnySo it cost $150 to list it. Did you create the artwork or did you pay an artist?
  16. Let me know what times in the wee hours and I will give you a weeks worth with descriptions and you can choose the ones that work that works for you.
  17. Wayne Dyer said. "You'll see it when you believe it" I think it is exists but it's state is undetermined. The other cool thing is that the observer influences the experiment.
  18. @Chevdoveyou are one of those people that make me want to be a better person.
  19. 1:20 pm. Looking forward to your feedback on this one. You may feel a bit dreamy at the start. It isn't drowsiness.
  20. It sounded like he had his own vision and followed it. Which is like knowing your purpose or goals. That's what struck me when you told me about his life. Let me know if there's some other word or phrase that you want to focus on instead of those two. It's easier for you to tell me the effect. Since I am an outsider to your experiences and memories of your brother.
  21. Vision or purpose. Those are the two that jump out at me. If those don't work for you or if you have a suggestion let me know.
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