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Everything posted by Delano

  1. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/videos/2022-05-18/bringing-buyblack-to-crypto-video?fbclid=IwAR3IIuu_O5B34eo0dRUGTkBPlQ1xog9SLjtBImGstcHhghquHhtTLdai0zI
  2. A FB had their funds held by Nexo. I don't know more details. Banks sometimes don't allow you to withdraw all of your money from your account. Since it effects their liquidity.
  3. How did the display this and did they have any similar qualities or outlooks?
  4. How many free people have you met in your life?
  5. If you could live anywhere, what place would you choose and what is your rationale.
  6. That's been the Republican play book with the Supreme Court. Our resident Republicans are pretty quiet these days.
  7. No problem, I don't think it will happen again.
  8. A read an article that ranked the privileges that come with different levels of wealth. At the $100 million you can get on contact with anyone you want to reach. At a certain level what you are striving for is contacts and influence. Finance and Real Estate make billionaires. They also break them as well.
  9. I would date it back to Rush Limbaugh on Fox News. I feel the same way about writers, less so about people who write. A writer's voice as well as their ideas are informative. Technology has made many fields more open: music; writing; astrology, investing and others. This has also resulted in a lower signal to noise ratio.
  10. I think the US is doing its best to go back to its inglorious past.
  11. What is the commonality for billionaires other than having money?
  12. Does this represent progress? In addition to your answer can you provide your rationale
  13. What are you trying to say? You are conflating gambling, speculation and investing. And while I am not licensed and have some knowledge of finance.
  14. @richardmurraydisagreement does not equate to misunderstanding. The USA is set up to have various levels of failure. Poor whites are having their own drug crisis. The real issue is always class, not race not sex. So divide and conquer is effective. Not certain how a P2P group is not a community. Most disagreement are a result of differing definitions, beliefs or assumptions. You believe Black people need leaders. I believe it's more effective to teach a person to fish. So they won't get hungry. Every society has a stratus. And it is usually a pyramid. You want to go back to a past model that has obvious flaws. I prefer the future. You will be more successful since people don't like change. Well forward thinking people like it. Based on the definition of community. The Black population is not a community. But they are treated or mistreated as a monolithic block. Unless they are a celebrity.
  15. If they default it could start a panic.
  16. Crypto is unregulated which isn't an issue until there's a liquidity crunch
  17. It's been a while but I did study Finance.
  18. Based on the graph you need to have deep pockets, other investment and a long time frame to make money I. Crypto. If it's your sole or major component.i your portfolio you haven't adequately diversified your risk. However that is my non professional opinion as I am not licensed to give financial advice.
  19. Yes those are labourers to me as well. Although blue collar workers and managers are so being replaced by technology. The next round may be drivers, waiters, barisatas and burger flippers.
  20. The article article was about Coinbase going bankrupt. The article article was about Coinbase going bankrupt.
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