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Everything posted by Delano

  1. I wouldn't consider information workers as labourers Richard perhaps the reverse is true. If people learn to be independent the movement doesn't stop when the leader no longer leads.
  2. If you have to ask then you are in a position of weakness. However even slaves have power, even if that is only death.
  3. I have been thinking that the US is like a sports farm. There are lots of people in the middle, a little bit less at the bottom and a few at the top. Some at the top trade places others arrive and depart. Historically you needed people at the bottom for labor, entertainment and sex work. I wonder how many people will be made redundant by technology. I think the sports person is fairly safe, but labor and sex workers may not fare so well.
  4. Do you see the article saying that investors were unsecured creditors?
  5. @richardmurray I guess that depends on who you ask.
  6. Does it have a future?
  7. @Troythe Tate Gallery used a Wikipedia bio.
  8. @Troy did you invite Tavonia Evans to the site. She could talk about Crypto in general and her coin in particular.
  9. @ProfD let's hope so before the game is over.
  10. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fOVLBXiV_vo
  11. I love the comments. Especially about fried chicken and slavery.
  12. Is Troy saying that you can't tell you are smarter than people around you. Our that people around you aren't smart, in which case you're average? I am going to make a word to describe this, complisult. Starts as compliment ends as an insult @Mel Hopkins if you were flying international from 97-00 we may have met. Actually I used to fly to the islands around Christmas 84-91.
  13. @Troy I think that both Mel and are comfortable in the spiritual and the intellectual. In addition she lime yourself is amphibious we can swim in both cultures. The regional controller wrote me such a good recommendation, the Dean of admissions at Yale University grad school was impressed. I hadn't finished undergrad. He said we don't take people out of undergrad. But when I showed him my letter of recommendation. He said but we do make exceptions. It's obvious to me that @Mel Hopkins is above average in intelligence and esoteric knowledge. Possibly however perhaps some women who "knew" Casanova might disagree. Tee hee hee. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/travel/who-was-casanova-160003650/ He was an intellectual , an astrologer and a talented writer. All of which was news to me. Apart from the more than 120 notorious love affairs with countesses, milkmaids and nuns, which take up about a third of the book, the memoir includes escapes, duels, swindles, stagecoach journeys, arrests and meetings with royals, gamblers and mountebanks
  14. DEC was big in in the Boston area. I did a co-op at Wang Labs in the mid 80's. So you are giving me a flash back.
  15. It makes more sense that way. But that isn't what she meant
  16. I used to know a guy who owned a thrift shop. I bought most of my furniture from him. I asked him to let me know if he comes across a spice rack. He said you're the last guy that cooks in Manhattan.
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