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Everything posted by Delano

  1. Did Malcolm Little waste his time? He was a junky before he became Malcolm X. While I see you're point and don't agree, am I not trying to defend or justify rapist. Although it is an interesting rhetorical approach. When have I ever been advocate for harming others @Troy
  2. Yes hobbies and pastimes are a way of escaping reality. Just remember that the world exists only in your mind. If you think your a genius, then you're a genius. Everyone lives in their own world it is only a problem when these self delusions impinge on others. A friend once said if you enjoy it , the time isn't wasted. Most people fall into one of those categories, so this isn't new. If you didn't escape the madness you would go mad. I heard that dreams allow us to go mad every night. You both are right. Contextually, the subject is the Metaverse. However I wanted to suggest entertaining the idea, that disposable time is generally used to escape reality or the mundane aspect of our existence. How many things aren't an escape from reality?
  3. @Troy thanks I think she is suggesting books to understand those signs. Not what those signs should read. Part of my new techniques of reading time is an outgrowth of our Trump bet. It was worth the hunnert. I have a few thousand and every so often when I go to my mundane folder I think of your chart re Trump.
  4. Would this result in more book sales or is it going to limit book sales but expand the resale market.
  5. If people think clearly we all have less problems. How much of life's problems are perception. Racism sexism and every other prejudice is the result of a false sense of superiority. I tend to think holistically. Why ask questions and then criticise the answers? You are likely to get less responses. I am not keen on interrogation. So I'm with @ProfD. You may not intend it but you sound a bit peevish. It's like our responses don't fit the narrative you're writing.
  6. What is your relationship to Phil Jones Jr?
  7. Yes your comments made me think that as well. You have this ability to be so wrong. While I may disagree with Troy, he's my boy. And even when other members insult me I don't generally respond. Danielle I have lived the dream life, did most of what I felt like doing and I ain't dead yet. I wish you luck.
  8. You want me to watch a piece a theatre to see how real men communicate. Pass.
  9. How many ways can you be wrong. You are saying this on Troy's site. That is one of the few Black own sites and is about expanding folk's horizon. He's been in business for over 20 years. He's actually tried to assist you in selling your book. How do you go to someone 's house for diner and pull out a sandwich.
  10. You could start a committee to approve dating choices and friends. It makes sense to apply it to all people.
  11. Back in May of 2016, based on Astrology I stated that Trump could end up being President and this would be the beginning of a tectonic shift in Goopolitics. Which we are currently experiencing. I was totally wrong about Trump being a better President than Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders.
  12. Thank you. My interests are thinking, Numbers, the Occult and the Occult properties of Numbers.
  13. @KENNETHwelcome and your balanced assessment is most appreciated,
  14. That's fine I don't require agreement, or even contemplation on anything I post.
  15. Recent polling data documents Americans’ general opposition to reparations in the form of financial payments to Black Americans as compensation for slavery. In 2014, 68% of those polled opposed such payments while only 15% supported them (17% were unsure). More recent polling in 2020 and 2021 suggests generally comparable results; in 2020, 63% of those polled were opposed to cash payments (31% supported; 6% had no opinion), while in 2021, 62% opposed (38% supported). There are also indications that this robust opposition remains despite a growing awareness of contemporary racial inequality – suggesting strongly that a racial awakening alone may not substantially alter policy views.
  16. @daniellegfny has there been any progress in the last six months. If so can you tell me what has happened. The late Congressman John Conyers first introduced H.R. 40 more than 30 years ago on the heels of the passage of the Civil Liberties Act of 1988
  17. No. I noticed that hasn't been any movement in regards to this for about six months. I also checked to see if any older more established papers had reported the story. Reparations is not likely to happen for more than one reason. Even the commit vote to "study" reparations was overwhelmingly in favor. The last time Black people were valued was during Slavery However if your answers is predicated on me reading a twitter feed of a USA Today story that's 9 months old. I understand your not answering my question.
  18. I haven't listened to this but thought it might be of interest to some. BTW every date is unique and never repeats. https://pix11.com/video/the-numerology-behind-22222/7467652/
  19. An alcoholic is a slave to Love. Anything a person can't do without except necessities like air
  20. Can you elaborate. I don't get the reference or what this applies to that was in the forum.
  21. I wasn't planning on writing one, it just happened. I wasn't certain if it would feel conversational to you, glad it did. I have been doing a deeper dive into the esoteric, and it is changing me deeply. My partner says that I don't talk much. Which is true but I feel as though I talk too much. Both statements are true. Well "cool dude" is name calling but I like it coming from you. That is the essence of spirituality and is a fundamental tenet of Magic. I meditate and reflect every day sometimes twice a day. What ever you focus on or contemplate is in fact your God. So it is easy to see what people worship. See where they spend their time and attention (tangent)re truly absorbed There is a practice from both Ancient China and India, I also believed some of the Native Americans may also practice it. If you focus on the Creator, or any non corporeal aspect of said you can merge with it. So instead of there being opposition their is a unity. Some call this cosmic consciousness, nirvana flow. et cetera. In this state of timelessness the physical world dissolves and you are well and truly absorbed... I have a few goals, to understand Astrology and its connection to the Vedas (Indian Holy Books that cover philosophy, healing practices, astrology, philosophy, rules for living et cetera. To stop thinking and cease talking.
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