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Everything posted by Delano

  1. https://cajundiscordian.medium.com/is-lamda-sentient-an-interview-ea64d916d917
  2. So everything in predictive text is helping to improve AI. If you can predict my next word how many steps does it take to predict my next thought.
  3. It can be done like the index of consumer confidence
  4. Just because they are working in Chinatown doesn't mean they live in Chinatown. So even though crime isn't high there are other systemic problems. Part of why I mentioned stability as separate from crime.
  5. Because it has lost its magic. It's a hard city but you could have inexpensive fun. Now rents are so high there isn't much that is inexpensive. I friend told me no Chinese people live in Chinatown. That was a few years ago. It's like watching the strangling of the golden geese. Do any informal poll and ask Folks if they feel hopeful. It are they considering leaving. You left because it wasn't worth it to you to stay.
  6. My guess would be draw a 30 mile radius around Oakland.
  7. If I thinnof New York City in my experience. I would classify it as stable and unstable. Currently I think it is safer than in the 70's or the 80's but it is more unstable.
  8. While I heard mentions of various connections between astrology and philosophers, I felt most were apocryphal. Currently looking at Porphyry, Iamblichus and Plotinus.
  9. Perspective is the only separation from the One.
  10. Italians are Europe's honorary Black people. The cars the clothes the mob, that aesthetic.
  11. Thank you, this post brings some much needed light. Del In one of my visits to Switzerland I met a Swiss man whose father was African. I also met another biracial Swiss person in NYC. So thanks @Chevdove. Keep on Keeping on
  12. Definition of asshole 1 usually vulgar : ANUS 2 usually vulgar : a stupid, annoying, or detestable person. stupid (Entry 1 of 2) 1a: slow of mind : OBTUSE b: given to unintelligent decisions or acts : acting in an unintelligent or careless manner lacking intelligence or reason : BRUTISH 2: dulled in feeling or sensation : TORPID still stupid from the sedative 3: marked by or resulting from unreasoned thinking or acting : SENSELESS @Stefanyou are finally checking a lot of boxes. I thought reporters fact checked their work. You are in sore need of an editor. That's not the first time you've heard that, is it?
  13. We just had elections and I saw the Fusion Party. The Pirate description grabbed my attention.
  14. @Stefan before becoming indignant and and saying I both lack knowledge and morality, you may want to crack a dictionary to make certain you understand what I am saying. In addition the word you want to use is ethics not morality. Notice that most professions have a code of ethics, not a code of morality. While I don't promote myself as anything other than a psychic and a thinker. You are among the minority in lacking that information. Corporate finance teaches that the goal of the shareholders, and in fact the goal of the entire firm, is maximization of shareholder wealth. By the way you're a condescending a$$hole, while not being the sharpest person in the forum. You and @nels are in competition for being the best at being the worst. Perhaps at some point in your life you will either become more courteous or less ignorant.
  15. Yes Stefan is trying to explain business to me but feels I am Intimidated by his knowledge and writing skills. @Stefan
  16. Voting is almost as good as buying a politician. https://www.fusionparty.org.au/
  17. @Cynique or @Troy what's this wannabe talking about bizness reporta running on about? Can someone get Nafets pointed in the right direction. And explain to him what the main purpose is of a corporation
  18. So arming teachers or having armed guards won't end school shootings. The shooting in Buffalo had a armed security guard. Or am I mistaken. The only thing army people does is promote vigilantism and perhaps minimise the number of casualities
  19. No your impenetrable ignorance is what bothers me. However neither your nor I care enough to change that situation. Perhaps someone else that actually works in business can explain my original comment. Since you seem to be stuck in neutral. Although you are positive that you are right.
  20. Great and predatory, just like our national bird.
  21. It's a brilliant religious reference although it's is probably unintentional.
  22. The Universe is in your unconscious. I'll ask a few friend to describe it their own words. Time is measured using numbers. I have found a way to decipher the qualitative aspects of numbers. It was a project I worked on in 2008. In the intervening years I have applied that information to time. I actually created a technique to read the unconscious around 2000. Then I formalised it by using a set of symbols around 2008. Then in 2020 a created a more complicated set of symbols that is akin to a language. Even other Astrologers have no idea what I am talking about with any of this system. So you are making more progress than them.
  23. This is basis of Mantra or chants. Om being one that is well known. Creation was started by the word or Logos
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