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Everything posted by Delano

  1. Yes no more buxom Christian Singles or various international male (mail) order brides.
  2. We are returning to feudalism. Which will be slavery lite but it would be the first time all men (women) will be equal. The real history of the US is a bit different than the advertised version. Only white male property owners could vote.
  3. Government work used to be an option now it's prison, the military or some other quasi plantation that pays less than market rates, for people that get less than market rates.
  4. Black people that succeed as seen as extraordinary. But failures are seen as representative of the group. True equality in the US is when everyone has the opportunity to steal.
  5. I've had partners say I was unbelievable, unlike your statement it wasn't a compliment.
  6. Cats were for and some of the trash talking was next level. After one game this guy puts on cologne. The other brother says that works better with soap and water.
  7. It's kinda like being the Goat, it isn't a self annointed appellation. What you are describing is a scholar, academian or scholastic. However you are a mistress of rhetoric,logic and grammar which form the basis of a classic Greek education otherwise known as the Trivium. You aim so high that your comparison isn't likely to exist either. To use the vernacular. Yoos a Bad B!+¢π. I mean that with the utmost respect and affection. I had four years of Latin and three of Spanish in high school. Yet I had to look up this word. To be certain what you are saying. 100% You're my kind of crazy. I am an outsider amongst other outsiders. Astrologers think I am heretical. And my Tai Chi master used to call Martian. I also picked up the nickname Mr Neptune. A fellow Tarot card reader called me Pluto because I am really out there. Welcome to the club. Also you are an unconscious Magician. In my life time I have only met 3.
  8. You resemble this quote Hey Geni ass Carl Jung never said that, I have said it before you need an editor to check your work. A one minute search showed your incompetence. https://www.all-about-psychology.com/thinking-is-difficult.html Why don't you look up what he said instead of believing internet memes. BTW I won't be reading your lame excuse.
  9. We had the Winter Solstice so now the light of the world is coming back. Jesus was dead for three days and then he was risen. The light came back to the world. So on the winter sostice the sun appears to be stationary and then it starts moving. Which signals that the days are getting longer.
  10. He is in a class by himself. As they used to say on Fat Albert and the Cosby kids.
  11. Thanks for posting @Mel Hopkins. I rarely use gaggle. I prefer Startpage.com they don't sell your information plus it's a metasearch engine that returns unique pages. And while it may be powered by gaggle it doesn't empower gaggle.
  12. @Mel Hopkins I am not trying to speak for you,but wouldn't you take that Black Man to stay?
  13. I got two messages from the universe from passing cars. The first was just relax. The second had the number 71 on its licensed plate. 71 in my time marker system means understand the communication. @Troy @Mel Hopkins @Cynique
  14. I found out that the Blacks weren't allowed to eat vanilla ice cream except on the Fourth of July. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/jul/04/black-people-vanilla-ice-cream-jim-crow-independence-day
  15. @Cynique I have a saying I want to care less without becoming careless.
  16. One of my goals is to be so open minded that I don't have a position that I feel the need to defend. One of my goals is to be so open minded that I don't have a position that I feel the need to defend.
  17. I put a premium on critical thinking as at the end of the process that starts with curiosity and creativity. Imagination. Is more important than knowledge. Albert Einstein
  18. I make a distinction among the following a person that is not open minded, intolerant, or non conceptual. It is the last two that I find difficult. I have had conversations with racists and felt heard. I have also had interactions with with people who consider themselves open minded. So it's not important what category a person is or group the belong to it's about their ability to listen to a different perspective without arrogance . In the last two years I have been looking very deeply at communication. And situations where it works and those that it doesn't. I now have a meta conversation to see if we can have a conversation. I have noticed the following interactions or reactions: receptivity; combative; resistance; revelatory. So a conversation cam start one way and end in any of the other ways. However I decide early on how much effort I want to expend.
  19. I feel that curiosity and creativity are crucial. However without critical thinking how can you revaluate your options?
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