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Everything posted by Delano

  1. What is your answer to your own question?
  2. The following thought occurred to me, "If we assume everything we have been told is false , then we may get closer to the truth."
  3. I consider myself a Modern Primitive. I use technology, but magic, belief and will are more important for me. The mind is what makes your reality. It is possible to train or deprogram your mind. I feel the first step is to either question everything or say you know nothing. I have not been to prison, but I would imagine there are guys in prison, that even though their body is imprisoned their mind is not. It sounds lie prison in an odd way freed your mind. If I am mistaken . I apologise. @Gibran I feel the only people free in society are sociopaths, creative artist and inventors.
  4. Everything you wrote here is riveting but this is next level . Thank you , @Gibran
  5. Yes I can't imagine how to do it. By living consciously
  6. . Lately I have been reading about time. It seems to be a hard thing to describe. I have also been thinking about the quality of time. Although we mostly think about time as quantities. It is paradoxical because it is the only resource we have at our disposal, yet we can neither accumulate it nor save it. And we trade it for money, fun and everything else.
  7. Just like Brazil Cuba has some dark skin people.
  8. Don't forget the people thay drank Bleach because he said it might be a cure.
  9. When did he act like it was his problem . https://www.cnbc.com/2020/10/31/coronavirus-trump-campaign-rallies-led-to-30000-cases-stanford-researchers-say.html
  10. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/nov/21/donald-trump-g20-pandemic-golf-club
  11. A lukewarm response in contradistinction with your usual rhetoric.
  12. I say I'm from the Bronx, The home of Hip Hop and Haagen Dazs ice cream
  13. When I went to school people would say they were from New York, I would ask where? I got the following New Jersey Connecticut. You have no control over where you are born, it's let it gives you cred. But i you have to lie about where you are from, it kinda tells me where you are at. I guess the marketing department got in his ear. Although if he was batlling at the Disco Fever that's real.
  14. I don't know anything about his background. What's the saying it ain't where you from it's where you at.
  15. He didn't move me, when I heard Slim Shady. The same way the Beastie Boys didn't move me. HOWEVER Eminem loves Rap, more so than Jay-Z, who likes power and money more than rap. He isn't Vanilla Ice, he is more like 3rd Bass who Love the form but don't try to be Black.
  16. I asked some young Black Barber school students, why they liked Eminem. They said he talks about real $#!+.
  17. Depends on the subject and the object. Martin Luther King had a degree in Divinity. In your case with the subject matter, no, in your own words.
  18. Depends on the subject and the object. Martin Luther King had a degree in Divinity. In your case with the subject matter, no, in your own words.
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