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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. Energy Welcome to the site. As for your topic..... It's not a "fact" that Black people wrote the Bible. It's an opinion based upon false information and wishful thinking. After being enslaved and exploited, our people were indoctrinated with Christianity and told the lie that "The Bible" was the word of God when it really was just the English translation of a collection of books written by men....and those men weren't Black. The fact is, most Black people probably wouldn't even know the Bible existed if it weren't for Caucasians who introduced it to some of our ancestors through slavery, colonialism, and other forms of exploitation....and ofcourse we started passing it down to eachother by tradition because many of us didn't know any better. Now we KNOW better. You KNOW that book wasn't written by God, but by other men and contains numerous contradictions but I don't think you want to accept it because you don't know how to replace it. I've found a replacement. I believe in and trust in The SUPREME BEING. Stop believing in and promoting this falsehood from your enemy.
  2. Troy This is the same reasoning white people use to explain why they won’t take the covid vaccination. I haven't heard them make that argument. Do you have a link or audio of them saying that? From what I can tell TENS OF MILLIONS of Caucasians are taking them so I'm not sure where you're getting that info. It is too difficult to explain to someone who reasons this way why the reasoning is faulty. How so? How difficult is it to simply tell the TRUTH, or admit you DON'T KNOW? When it comes to LIES or trying to explain something you DON'T KNOW but simply got as 2nd hand information from Caucasians...and thus can't explain it because you didn't come up with it....then THAT might take some time, lol. But it's not hard, it's simple......either you KNOW it or you DON'T KNOW it. If you KNOW it....you should be able to explain it. Further, You believe science is the tool of white racism so any conclusions drawn by science is suspect to you. I believe CONFUSION is a tool of white racism, not necessarily science. Science is just a collection of knowledge. A white racist may USE something that is scientific to their advantage, but science itself isn't necessarily a tool. Problem is, many of our people are CONFUSING true and actual "science" with mere rhetoric, propaganda, and conjecture that they've been indoctrinated with by Caucasians whom they trust. They're calling THAT "science"....and berating those who refuse to go along with it. Not only do THEY blindly follow and trust in Caucasians, but they berate and belittle the other AfroAmericans who have a healthy distrust and REFUSE to. Working On The Next Generation
  3. After years of careful observation of the interactions of our people (actually people of color in general) with Caucasians -I've come to the conclusion that most of our people don't know the difference between KNOWLEDGE and INFORMATION. And because they don't know the difference, they think they have "facts" and "knowledge" when all they really have is speculation, conjecture, and false information. They are victims of the greatest tool the system called "White Supremacy" uses to maintain it's power: CONFUSION. They are CONFUSED about what is true and not true because they don't know or understand the difference between KNOWLEDGE and mere INFORMATION. So what IS the difference? KNOWLEDGE: That which you have either experienced or observed directly INFORMATION: Statements, figures, and assertions that can either be true OR false. In other words, if I tell you it's raining outside....I just gave you INFORMATION. It's not KNOWLEDGE until you either go outside to experience the rain or look out of a window and observe it for yourself. Now think about that. How many AfroAmericans have experienced or observed what they actually claim they KNOW? Not only isn't most of the so-called "knowledge" that AfroAmericans claim to posses actual knowledge, it's really just INFORMATION (much of it false information at that) that was spoon fed to them by the Caucasians who taught them or from what they get from the media. "Are you sure that 2 + 2 = 5? My Mama said it was always 4" "No sweetheart, recent archeological findings now refute that theory. Scientific evidence now supports the hypothesis that 2 + 2 while not quite equaling 5 comes several degrees closer than previously thought. Richard Dawkins said so." If we want to improve our personal lives and improve our condition collectively, we need to focus on getting actual KNOWEDGE, not mere 2nd hand INFORMATION And again KNOWLEDGE is that which is gained by experience or observation.
  4. Troy Your assertion raises several questions............... 1. Science is supposed to be based on FACTS. Facts are things that have been established as true based on PROOF. Things are usually PROVEN by either experience or direct observation. Seeing as how nobody living today is likely to have been around 200,000 years ago to experience or directly observe the environment.......how did THEY arrive at the conclusions they so firmly believe as "scientific facts"???? 2. Those "Black scientists" that you speak of (and I hope some of them read this post and perhaps can answer my question)....where did the get THEIR knowledge? Did they get their facts and knowledge from archeological research and digging done themselves? Did they get it from their OWN laboratories with their OWN equipmen? .....or are they just accumulating SECOND HAND information that is being fed to them by Caucasian scientists? Too often AfroAmericans CLAIM to have facts and knowledge but when you really investigate you find out all of their information was taken from Caucasian sources. Not actually gathered by THEM. I admit MY knowledge and facts are limited, but I acknowledge this as a fact and reserve definite assertions UNTIL I can verify them. But too often our people believe all it takes is for a Caucasian to say it and THAT is enough to make it true.
  5. Troy I said "if not" which means I didn't settle definitely on that figure. However if I had.... What's so "crazy" about it? Because a Caucasian man with glasses didn't say it...yet? "So....when are we gonna tell 'em the truth?" "We're not, and here's why......" When more educated Caucasians first came out with the idea that human beings were HUNDREDS of thousands of years old as opposed to the typical 6,000 year timeframe most religious authorities claimed....their idea was called "crazy" as well. Some of them were even persecuted. Why must you insist on running information by Caucasians BEFORE you consider believing it?
  6. Caucasians are the newest race being less than 7,000 years old. They are who "Adam and Eve" symbolize in the story. We as African Black people have been on this planet for atleast 50,000 years and before our race came into existence the Dravidian Black people were on this planet millions if not trillions of years before. We were the beings who were on the planet before "Adam".
  7. Troy Exactly, you got it. Besides me, where have other people been over the weekend??? I think Harry B didn't even post anything over the weekend! Lol....I would think a free open forum would look mighty attractive in today's "cancel culture" climate where people are getting blocked and reported left and right for posting their opinions.
  8. Several things you need to notice is: 1. The police listened to BOTH SIDES of the issue. They didn't just attack the Black men tossing them around like rag dolls and taking the Asian couple's side of the story automatically. How many times have you seen that, when it comes to interactions between Blacks and other races in the United States? 2. Second, the officer is visibly upset with the man because when he called the police he said his wife saw a gun. So now the officer is demanding to know did HE see a gun also and the man keeps trying to figure out a way to lie. Would you have seen something like that in the United States? Or would in many cases the police just roll up and AUTOMATICALLY assume that the non-Black immigrants are telling the truth and the Black people are the wrong ones? Look at how it goes down in many liquor stores, gas stations, and other places so often where it's the Black word against the non-Black word. The officer finally gets frustrated with the man and yells at him before walking away. Again, would you have seen that here? 3. The officers said this was a "landlord / tenet dispute" making it clear that it wasn't a crime worth calling the police on. How many times have you heard THAT in the United States? In the U.S. people have become comfortable using the police as their own private security force. You want to know why race relations are so much better in Canada, here is an example of why because the government (including law enforcment) seems to be more just and fair in dealing with all races and ethnic groups. Not targeting some and treating others like they're special. Now that's not to say that Canada is all good, they certainly have their problems. And there are a lot of good and fair places in the United States. However having traveled back and forth to Canada since being a teenager I've noticed stark differences in the people and society in general.
  9. Troy Could It be be considered them savages because of their actual behavior and not the complexity of the skin? It could be. Or it could be BOTH....as one relating to the other. It's like asking me: "Do you like women because they are the opposite sex? Or do you like women because they have wide hips and breasts?" My answer would be BOTH because both factors are related. It's not an either or type of question. Where did you read about this “race” based religious system? It's called Hinduism and it was established after the Caucasians invaded the land and slaughtered and subjegated original Black in habitant establishing a racial heirachy. It has evolved over the thousands of years to include many different factors, but skin color is still a major factor in your social status. If you don't believe me, just ask a person from India.
  10. @Chevdove We talked race relations and I told you that it seemed to me that races get along much better in Canada than in the U.S. and there are many opinions why, but most AfroAmericans who've spent time in both nations have come to this very same conclusion. This is a recent interaction between 3 different races: Black civilians Asian civilians and Caucasian police. Now I want you to pay attention to what you SEE and what you DON'T SEE..............
  11. Troy .... so why did race only become an issue In the last few hundred years a mere fraction of a second in the amount of time humans walked the planet It didn't. Race has been a MAJOR issue on this planet for atleast 6000 years if not longer. We can talk about the Egyptians and how they considered the Caucasian race of the deserts north of them to be savages and children of Set/Typhon. Or we can talk about ancient India and how the Caucasians invaded and land and set up a racist religious system about 4000 years ago. Race has been a problem for a long time on this planet. In Ebonics we say: Mayne...race BEEN a problem own dis mug!
  12. Troy Come on man you need examples of bad people? Andrew Jackson: bad, J Edgar Hoover: Bad, every slave master : Bad (including Thomas Jefferson). Wait..... Are we talking about "bad people" or "bad things HAPPENING" to people????? You said "bad" in the context of things that didn't happen to atheists and other types.
  13. Troy did you seem him on a Facebook site? No. To be honest I'm not sure why I thought about him. I actually thought of his name a week ago when you first started the thread but forgot to ask you. Chev LOL! You gotta be kidding! ....lol. He's brilliant. He has a lot of insight imo. "Lol...now YOU gotta be kidding!"
  14. Chev Thanks a lot! Thank you for taking the time to read it! I can get long winded! I enjoyed it. There's a lot of detail for me to "picture" while I'm reading the story, which is why I said you should be an author. No way! Really!? I'm not sure if you can cross the border now, but when I lived in the Detroit area I used to go to Canada a lot. I started when I was a teenager. AfroAmericans noticed that we were treated much better in Canada than we were in the United States and couldn't figure out why at first. But the more time I spent there the more I noticed how the government encouraged true diversity and didn't allow the same things that are allowed here. Aside from having more nudity and less violence on their television.....lol...they also have more diversity (REAL diversity) and a more globalistic outlook on their television stations than you'll find in the United States. It's like watching an adult version of Sesame Street. The people are more educated and more peaceful too. Crime is "controlled" here......while in Canada it seems to be actively prevented.
  15. Troy I figured I’d ask you since you said you were being treated special by the supreme being. I didn't say that. Meanwhile, heathens atheists and all types of ne’er-do-wells go through life without anything particularly bad happening to them. I'm not sure how accurate that statement is. I'd have to get a proper understanding of what you consider "bad". Many atheists get into terrible accidents and contract terrible diseases which leads to suffering. The thought that their final days or hours of existence will be spent suffering with nothing else coming after has to be a tremendous psychological toll for them. So why were you and Donald Trump treated so well by the supreme being? How do you know Donald Trump is being treated well? Do you know his medical or psychological condition to make that assessment?
  16. Troy What are you talking about man? I set the Youtube video to play on the last 15 minutes of the program! Really, her points about how we as AfroAmericans used to live in a more tightly knit community were only about the first 5-10 minutes of that...which is what I wanted to share. You shouldn't have had to play the entire video from the beginning. She's usually great to look at (she usually looks much better than she did in that video) but she's not the most dynamic speaker anyway. Only the final 10 or 15 minutes makes the point.
  17. Chevdove No one can tell a story like you, lol. “Is he Black?” I said, “Yes.” Then she tipped her head to the side and said with a matter-of-factly tone, “Then, he’ll get in.” – -- Well, my mouth dropped open! My eyes stretched open a little wider! I now know that sometimes Caucasians....when they get to know you well, literally FORGET that you are Black and they'll talk to you the same way they'll talk to other Caucasians. Which is usually in a RACIST manner, lol. I ran up the stairs and into the room and roused him. His arms were folded across his chest. He came to and slowly sat up and looked at me. Then he stood up. So, I said, “Okay! The door was locked. How did you get in!?” He wrinkled his forehead and look at me sideways and said, “Oh girl, please.” Then he grabbed my shoulders and sat me aside and walked off to the bathroom. Lol, sounds like something I would say and do! Like...what the hell did you wake him up from enjoying his sleep just to ask him a question like that could have waiting for the morning!!! Which was probably a blessing in disguise because Maurice had begun to pursue me and call me at home! Damn! Booooy, boy, boy...... Was Bethany wrong in her beliefs? Sounds like she was RIGHT to me. She said he'll find a way to get in...lol...and he did. What was it about that particular statement that seemed to piss you off? Was it the implication that him being Black meant he was good at "breaking in" buildings or something? I have come to believe too that exploitations by way of the government helps to shape race relations and how we may sometimes unknowingly succumb to superficial beliefs. Ofcourse. The U.S. perpetuates racism through it's media as well as it's local government policies that ALLOW people to be racist and practice their racism. People are allowed to live together in segregated communities and schools where everyone is of a certain race or ethnicity. You just go over the border to Canada and you won't see this because the government doesn't allow it. I really enjoyed that story. It was well detailed. I also learned about how important "steak orders" are to waitresses! I had no idea until you told us. I used to flirt with waitresses a LOT. Even got touchy-feely with them, right up until about a few years ago when I stopped because of the Me Too movement. I didn't want to catch a case. I forgot whether you said so or not but you should become an author, you seem to have a good memory and write with clear detail.
  18. This is why the concept is RACE is so important! If you focus on limited terms like "German" or "European" you'll miss the bigger picture that racism was also practiced in places like India, and among the Arabs through out northern Africa. Race is biological and genetic, so it transcends national and geographical boundaries. You aren't limited to just one territory or period of time.
  19. Chev I met quite a few seemingly well functioning adults who said they were going to be put in or WERE put in special education programs as children. As I've gotten older I've learned that people often mature A-symetrically. Meaning sometimes parts of their bodies and minds don't always mature at the same rate as other parts do. Sometimes a person's nose will not grow at the same rate as their face, or their legs won't grow at the same rate as their torso. But by the time they reach full adulthood things tend to balanced nicely. It's the same with the brain, some parts mature faster or slower than others and perhaps many people who are mistaken for having an intellectual disability are just experiencing an asymetrical maturation. Troy Yes, that is my question. How many people have you actually asked this question to? Perhaps YOU THINK they are worshipping a god who has done nothing for them based on YOUR perspective and assessment of their lives, but if you talked to them they would tell you otherwise. How many people have you met who actually TOLD you that the Being/being they worship does nothing for them?
  20. Troy I did not, nor have I ever considered banning Chevdove. What about @Delano ? Lol, I notice you didn't say the same for him! Hey, maybe I'm mixing this site with another site but didn't we have a poster on here a few years ago named Nah Sun or Na Sun or similar? Chev Oh no! Not Delano! No way! LOL. He offers a lot! Yes but...do we really WANT what he's offering?????
  21. Well, if you notice.....the racist Caucasians in the media are playing a "tit for tat" game with racist crimes against Asians in the United States. Everytime a Caucasian commits a heinous crime against an Asians like what happened in Atlanta, all of a sudden you get a rash of "mysterious" Black men who run around attacking Asians for no apparent reason. I find that very odd. For decades Black people and Asians have been living near and with eachother in the United States and there were no random attacks. Even in 2020 when Asians were being accused by Trump and other racists of starting the virus, you didn't see Black men attacking Asians. ..but ALL OF A SUDDEN in 2021 after it was revealed that Caucasian men were attacking them, you see a rush of images all over the media with close up near perfect shots of Black men commiting crimes against Asians and then posing for the cameras grinning. ...very suspicious.
  22. Troy You should probably revise your understanding of the word thief. Based upon your definition Bernie Madoff is not a thief. I'm not sure exactly what Bernie Madoff did or what he was charged with, but if people VOLUNTARILY gave him the money he misused...then in my opinion it's not thievery. It's wrong. It's deception. It's dishonest. ....but not thievery. Now if he was entrusted with certain accounts and TOOK the money out of those accounts without permission...yes, that's theft. But then he'd be a scammer AND a thief. Sometimes it's a fine line, but one that exists in MY moral code. We must be specific when it comes to accusing people of misdeeds...especially in legal situations, and not just throw words and accusations around. The reason I make such a distinction is because I don't feel the punishments should be the same. A preacher who tricks his congregation into signing over their social security checks to him shouldn't be punished like a man who robs a liquor store...even if he ends up bringing in more money.
  23. I don't know much about the group. Like the Panthers they were influenced heavily by the Nation of Islam and Malik Shabazz (Malcolm X) and you can hear it in much of their platform. I grew up hearing about them from some older people and saw a few members speak around town but they were so small they didn't have much of an impact on the city let alone the nation. Atleast not during the 80s and beyond when I was old enough to observe my environment. As far as the elder speaking in the video, he makes some good points. Obviously I don't agree with him being against calling ourselves "AfroAmericans" because it's a term I use quite often, but many of his points and ideas are good.
  24. This beautiful sista I just got through listening to breaks it down wonderfully:
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