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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. Troy Of course, you got white women claiming to be Black just for kicks. You may be just joking, but actually that's TRUE. Neely Fuller Jr. teaches that White Supremacists do a lot of harmful and deceptive things simply for FUN and to test their smarts. Just like some White men love hunting and killing animals even though they don't need the meat. Some White folks just love to trick and fool Black people to test their own smarts and play mind games....for fun. Pretend to be Black online...or put on make-up and pretend to be Black for FUN just to see how many Black people they can trick. Sometimes it's business. Sometimes it's for FUN. Now they might pay us what they owe, with a one way ticket back to Africa. That would be much more palatable to the White racist, and white folks in general, I'm sure. And give away OUR country (not the government, the land) ? Hell no! I'll go back to Africa for DUAL CITIZENSHIP and land ownership. But if these clowns think they're going to DRIVE me or any other AfroAmericans away from the land our ancestors fought for, shed their literal blood, sweat, and tears in, and even died on......they are out of their goddam minds! Try to make OUR people leave America and their won't BE an America left for anyone else to enjoy.....lol. Whatever people are left will have time to think about the severe mistake they made as they row their sorrowful asses away from the smokin' ruins to Greenland or the Carribean. "Damn dude.... I didn't think it was gonna be that serious. Maybe we should have done things another way. Like maybe offering them atleast a piece of the land." "Jeez... Just shut up and row. I don't feel like talking about it right now." Walkman93 On top of the naturally dark skinned Native Americans...... There are actually AFRICAN (Black) people hear in the Americas who had been hear living among the Native Americans for thousands of years. When Cortez and Columbus came here they talked about seeing entire villages and groups of "Negroes" among the Natives. Infact, the Olmec were said to have been Black. There are giant heads of African soldiers in Southern Mexico When I went to Oaxaca in Mexico, all the natives were my color (and very short. Like incredibly short but that's outside the point). I know what you're talking about. I used to ride the Greyhound bus a lot from Detroit to the West Coast for adventure and vacation and would from time to time run across Native American reservations in Arizona and New Mexico. The Natives would get on the bus and the adults were so small TWO MEN could easily hop up on and sit on one seat! Small people...but strong as hell. Native Americans (the real ones) are ORIGINAL people just like Africans.
  2. I think we as AfroAmericans should: 1. Those with the financial ability should do more RISK TAKING investing in various African economies not EXPECTING any major returns until things are improved to satisfactory levels. 2. Those with little to lose in the United States should consider migrating to various African nations PERMANENTLY in order to "pollenate" certain places...not for colonization like the British or Chinese.....but to establish a more fertile environment for AfroAmericans who DO want to relocate or just enjoy dual citizenship to feel comfortable doing so in. I'm not wealthy, don't own my own home, and don't have children in school.....I don't have a whole lot to lose in the United States. The only concern about Africa is it's standard of healthcare, and the global Pandemic seems to be making sub-Saharan Africa MORE ATTRACTIVE by the month when we look at the figures coming out of Western nations. It's about about using our creativity and not succumbing to limitation and narrow-minded thinking. Who says the standard Caucasian way is the ONLY way to do things?
  3. Stefan So..... Trump tells White Supremacists to "stand by" and his Black support INCREASES??? LMBAO!!! There are no hard numbers, but there is certainly anecdotal evidence of what I wrote. Well, you may be surprised to know that I actually put more value in ANEDOTAL EVIDENCE than I do statistics. Anecdotes are based on personal experiences (presuming they are true), where as stats are merely snatched from documents put together by faceless contributors. Despite all of this "Black Trump support" I'm hearing on television and all over the internet...... I know THOUSANDS of AfroAmericans personally and can count on ONE HAND the number who said they'll actually vote for him.
  4. Daniel........ Actually I AGREE with you! However I don't recall you mentioning that mixed people have historically been used by the White Supremacists to help dominate and control the darker masses. That is my position....but I thought you OPPOSED that belief and thought it was divisive.
  5. Del Perhaps someone else will answer the question Perhaps. But why should someone ELSE bear the burden of answering a question meant for YOU? FAS True dat. When I was in a Chemistry class in college, the professor in a bid to "wow" his students, said that ancient Egyptian scientists (trained in the Mystery Schools, I might add) calculated the distance from the earth to the moon to be 238,848 miles.. Then solemnly, he said: "But they were wrong. MODERN science has shown that the distance between earth and the moon is 238, 855 miles." The only thing I would add is it is MY understanding that the so-called "Mystery Schools" of Kemet that Western Historians refer to wasn't meant for Africans, but for Caucasians. You see....while Musa initially went up to the caves to civilize Caucasians and give them BASIC knowledge...... Some of the exceptionally smart savages were taken OUT of the caves and brought back to Kemet to be taught ADVANCED knowledge (advanced for them) to become the leaders of Caucasian civilization. These are special schools and the educational system was especially designed to teach and initiate Caucasian leaders. "If we give you the knowledge to rule over the Earth for a limited period of time.... Do you swear the oath to keep it secret from the other savages?" The average beer guzzling White man you see walking around don't get THIS knowledge. Only the very smartest LEADERS of White Supremacy do. But it's still only a fraction of our overall knowledge. While not in "Destruction..." (lol), I found this interesting. The Japanese may have been the first to teach whites the martial arts, but Africans were the first to teach the Japanese those very same martial arts. There is a Japanese proverb that goes; Absolutely. Infact, the VERY first people on the island of Nippon (Japan) WERE Black. They were of the same stock as the little Negrito people found through out Vietnam and Phillipines. "You got something in that bag for us??" We taught THEM like we taught the Caucasian. Our people just forgot it and moved on. Kind of like BREAK DANCING. We invented it, but while it's still popular in Japan.....Negroes in America have forgotten about something THEY invented and just want to flop around on the couch all day smoking weed. "Hey babe.... There was something I 'posed to be doing But I forgot what it wuzzz!"
  6. Del -Pioneer Harvard Princeton and Yale are the yardsticks that other universities are measured against. They are the equivalent of Oxford and Cambridge. -Every university has a profile and a speciality. -BTW there is a difference between College and University. You just gave me 3 unsolicited bits of information that are all IRRELEVANT to my question. Yale University is consistently listed in the top 20 overall in the world. Ok. Then that means that there are potentially 19 OTHER Universities that are BETTER at educating. perhaps you should ask a few educators. They may be able to help you understand why Princeton is consistently top 20 in the World. But the "educators" aren't on here arguing with me and calling me wrong, lol. YOU are. Why should I drive down to a University and bother some poor professor with a series of silly questions about Princeton? "Sure, uh...... can I help you with something?" You said my statement was a mistake implying that it was wrong, and I'm asking you WHAT EVIDENCE do you have that my statement was wrong? Delay-No-More Delano...I'd like an ANSWER to my question BEFORE the U.S. Presidential Election please.
  7. Tariq Nasheed talks about these $5 Indian PRETENDERS who are not REAL Native Americans......
  8. Daniel Grass can be brown, white, yellow, red and Blue. Sky can be red, yellow and black. I said THE grass. I said THE sky. The definite article "the" specifies a PARTICULAR subject (to ensure accuracy). I was talking about a PARTICULAR grass and sky. .....since you like to play word games and run down rabbit holes.
  9. Del I was addressing your first point. What school in your mind gives a better education than Yale. I visited Yale and went to NYU for Grad School. I had class with a Harvard Undergrad, and had chats with a Grad Student from MIT, I had a few friends at Northeastern University. Well, according to these figures that recommend the BEST Universities for each profession: If I want to be a Doctor: https://www.usnews.com/best-graduate-schools/top-medical-schools/research-rankings If I want to be a Civil Engineer: https://www.usnews.com/best-colleges/rankings/engineering-doctorate-civil If I want to be an Officer in the Military: https://www.operationmilitarykids.org/top-15-military-colleges-in-the-u-s/ Infact, according to these sources Yale doesn't even make it in the TOP 10 for best Universities. With that being said, now let me ask YOU a question.............. When I said that a lot of Universities give a more thorough education than Yale, you said I was "mistaken". You certainly can't disagree with me based on your EXPERIENCE because you didn't actually GO to Yale. Your experience with Yale is that of being placed in a corner and told to sit down and be quiet to witness a class in session during a visit...lol. So what evidence do YOU have that my statement was wrong?
  10. Delano I'm not prepared to belabor the point I made, however I will ask you this: If my statement about Yale was inaccurate.... If I were to look up the BEST Universities in the U.S.....should I expect to see Yale listed in 1st or 2nd place; since you believe there aren't too many better?
  11. Daniel Also in many African Societies women have held leadership roles. And the grass is green..... And the sky is blue..... Ok, now tell me something that I DON'T know. You are transposing European ideology on African Traditions which where both matriarchal and matrilineal. What the HECK are you talking about????? You are using Accurate in the sense of mimicking. He, she and I are using it in the meaning of true. Example an accurate shot is one which is a true shot.The way you are using the word would be the movie is an accurate depiction of the book. Merriam-Webster Definition of accuracy: It appears that we BOTH may be correct (accurate...lol) since there seems to be atleast two differing definitions for this one word. My idea of accuracy was precision and exactness....yours seems to be the conformity to truth. This is just an example of how TRICKY and DEVILISH White Supremacists are with their language and how it can cause UNNECESSARY fighting and division among our people.
  12. Daniel I know EXACTLY what he was talking about because I think ACCURATELY. Accurate Thinking is the mental process that enables us to identify that which is TRUE and RELEVANT That's not true. Accurate thinking is an important skill but it will NOT necessarily help you identify what is true. People can accurately quote the Bible or a Legal Deposition...doesn't mean what they're accurately quoting is true. I doubt that Mr. Hill (being an accurate thinker also) even wrote this. Infact, I don't even remember him writing a book called "17 Principles of Achievement". A lot of these books and weird philosophies that have been attributed to him came AFTER his death in 1970.
  13. Stefan I wanted your thoughts on Blacks turning to Trump. Ofcourse Blacks turn to Trump. Infact, everytime Trump comes on television nearly EVERY Black person in the room stops what they're doing and turns to him....lol. It's called SHOCK VALUE.
  14. ....and I didn't realize this until I was in my 30s. Because it's not properly explained. One of the major causes of dysfunction in the AfroAmerican community is the LIES and DECEIT that is almost ingrained in the subculture of how our children are raised. We think raising them "properly" is raising them the way Caucasians TELL us we should. Rather than telling them they should go to a good University because they will make friends with more influencial people who can help them later on in life....instead we simply tell them it looks good on your resume. There are a LOT of Universities that'll give you a more thorough education than Yale, but they don't give you the opportunity to become best friends with the future Governor of Virginia or some future tech billionaire. Perhaps we as AfroAmericans need to COLLECTIVELY re-examine the natures of our MInds!
  15. FAS I want to get out of this thread - bad! But -you love to argue, lol. I don't recall ANYTHING in it where Dr. Williams talks about mulattos and "mixed" (whatever that is) groups helping whites to rule any full-blooded dark majorities. I have the book in storage but not in my residence and it's been years since I've read it however while I try to find the actual book ONLINE here are some exerpts from it: Mulattos in South Africa rule the dark-skinned majority? Who and when? When the Boers and other Caucasians came to Azania (renamed "South Africa" by Satan) they found it populated mostly be Zulus, Shona, and San people. They raped the women and produced a group of mixed people called "Coloured" and eventually instituted a system called Apartheid similar to the Jim Crow of America which established a 3 tier society: The Caucasians on top. The Coloured (mixed race) in the middle. The African majority on the bottom. And South Africa remains that way defaco to this very day. And in Mexico, as well? How do you figure? No. Mulattos weren't a huge population in Mexico. Meztizos were. Which is kind of like a Mulatto but with Native Americans instead of Africans. Meztizos were used by the Spanish to rule the darker Native American Mexicans. Whenever there's not enough "pure" Caucasians to rule over a land, they'll draft up the Mulattos and Metzizos to help them rule over the full-blooded. Troy Lol @daniellegfny is prone to refer to sources which don't support his position. She was talking to me, not Daniel. Daniel Why aren’t there more women board owners? Lol, why aren't there more women owners of ANYTHING? Because old fashioned Republican Conservatives REALLY don't believe a woman's "place" is in the position of ownership or any other position of authority, but that of an obedient house wife. Like the Leave It To Beaver Days. That's what America would look like if Mike Pence had his way.
  16. Same "difference". The point is sometimes discrimination and division is NECESSARY.
  17. Troy many Black middle aged Black woman have let themselves go physically. While I don't disagree with the overall sentiment, you know what man? Believe it or not, I'm seeing a lot more good looking sisters who are OVER 50 than UNDER 30! There's something about age that ALLOWS certain imperfections on a woman's body. In other words..... A 60 year old woman with a big jelly ass and flabby arms can still be attractive. But a 20 year old woman with the EXACT same features....will be unattractive! If I know you're a certain age I will ALLOW you to have certain things wrong with your body or just ignore them as a sign of aging. And based on my experiences, most older sisters are definately CLEANER than a lot of younger ones. I've met women in their 20s who didn't even CLEAN their ass properly because they had those long nail extensions that didn't allow them to properly wipe! Other white people, like they always have. Ruling over Black people is/was a relatively recent phenomenon. Yeah but, that doesn't always work out too well. Caucasians aren't like AfroAmericans. They may play their role as serfs and low-class in the system of White Supremacy, but they don't take to kindly to being ruled over and dominated even if it's by other Caucasians. For example.................. Some redneck and racial mixed dude were going back and forth for minutes. But the MOMENT that same redneck got into the face of another White man trying to be "bad" the guy shot him. White folks wouldn't put up with HALF the oppressive shit AfroAmericans are on CNN crying about.....lol.
  18. Daniel Thinking things which divide rather build sets up unnecessary Conflict. In order to make progress sometimes you must DIVIDE the useful...from the useless. Didn't Napoleon Hill teach you to DIVIDE the information you come across, separating that which helps you achieve your goal from that which does not? Didn't the Apostle Paul teach you to properly DIVIDE the word?
  19. I don't like this attempt to separate AfroAmerican men and women by constantly berating and blaming AfroAmerican men while heaping praise upon AfroAmerican women. What I mean by that is...... We know our sisters are smart, tend to be mentally strong, and generally speaking have been the backbone of the family for the past 50 years...I'm not arguing that. But WHERE this praise for the Black woman and condemnation of the Black man is coming from, is what I'm taking issue with. The praise for AfroAmerican women is coming from those who traditionally HATED the Black woman and helped to demean her. I've noticed that for the past 4 years or so the mainstream media (dominate by Caucasians) have gone out of it's way to WOO AfroAmerican women as if they are trying to remove THEM from AfroAmerican society in general when they make up over half the population. I saw one article the other day that actually said "Black America Should Learn From Black Women to....." and then went on to the rest of the subject. Why are Caucasians "just now" discovering Black girl magic? And why do they feel the need to condemn and denigrate Black men in SO PUBLICALY ? Especially over something as vague and unproven as not voting in large enough numbers. I knew something was wrong when the media started blaming Black men for Hillary Clinton losing. The heifer loss because she gave up and conceded the damn election! It wasn't Black men or our lack of participation that caused her loss. Hell....she had 3 million MORE votes than Trump! She decided NOT to fight it or take it to court or make claims of fraud....but instead concede; that's not the fault of Black men or anyone else but herself. The same with Al Gore. But it's as clear as day that White Supremacist are trying to exploit and widen the division that already exists between AfroAmerican men and women.
  20. Troy There you go man trying to run the women off the forum with your misogynic statements. I would think most Black women would LOVE to hang around an environment where brown skin and big butts are desired....lol. But then again, I'm not a woman so I don't know what they think. One significant advantage of operating your own platform is that I can not get "cancelled." I can say whatever I want, and so can you I suspect THIS fact is the REAL reason so many sisters don't feel comfortable on this discussion board. It's moderated by a Black man. I've said it time and time again..... If they don't have the ability to flag certain posts that they don't like and get them removed or get certain posters banned or black-listed....they don't feel comfortable being there. Again, I'm not a woman so I don't know exactly how they feel but I've noticed the same trends on various sites. It's not even about harassing women which I don't approve of. You can say certain things to OTHER MEN that the women reading it may not like....and they'll flag it to the moderator. Like you said in reference to FAS, a lot of women tend to be more emotional and sensitive and I realize that...that jittery emotionalism it's part of what makes them attractive (in my opinion) but the walking on egg-shell shit will get on your nerves after a while. I supposed this is a major reason so many brothers don't do well in most corporate environments. "When you have time I want to take you somewhere and....uh..... TOUCH BASES with you".
  21. Troy I can see definitely see a need for these organizations. I think their mother (of your children) made the right decision. Was SHE connected? She probably knew more of the importance of it for them later on. You seem to be a self-made man, but most people don't have that ability....so if you want to keep your children at a certain "level" of comfort and social status that they were raised in then they need to be socially and financially "secured". I know a brother who is 42 years old in a homeless shelter who was born and raised in a wealthy and pretty well connected (in Detroit) family in a wealthy old neighborhood and BOTH of his parents were professors at Wayne State University. But because he grew up in the city the lure of 'hood life was more attractive and he ended up in and out of jails and homeless. This is pretty common. I know another sister who is 62 and used to be an elementary school teacher who is homeless. She never pledged. She had the education, but not the connections to call up and help her KEEP here social status. On top of all of that....... If I were very educated and wealthy and had daughters I would definitely enroll them in a Black society to make sure they married intelligent well connected BLACK men when they grew up so they don't end up becoming another Candace Owens or Kamala Harris.....lol. I keep saying to myself I should try to join one, but then I confronted with the question of why ... and I never came up with a compelling reason. Lol, for the same reason people join GANGS. For protection. This White Supremacist society wants to strip you of your wealth and status and if they can't get to you they'll do it to your children if they aren't protected like the two examples I gave above. Hence the need for Black societies. I know a lot of brothers and sisters who joined Black Greek societies for the career and other business and political opportunities they offer. I'm VERY surprised you don't belong to any organization given your academic career as well as personal relationships with so many AfroAmerican authors. That's usually one of the first things educated Negroes ask eachother before going ANY further in the conversation.....LOL. "I can TELL you're a Morehouse man.... Because I've only been talking to you 2 minutes and already realize I can't TELL you shit!"
  22. Troy The opportunities in the land are boundless no doubt but we have to have a solid plan for sustenance just incase things don't according to our calculations. Plus the cultures there tend to be so different not just our own but FROM EACHOTHER. As soon as you get accustomed to greeting and doing business one way with one group, you have to learn an entirely different method dealing with another group in the very same country. Before doing ANY business in The Gambia you might want to check out some of the critiques from THIS sister who is already living there: -------------- Art Cathey's Experiences Living In The Gambia ----------------------------- She's a bit on the emotional side so I'm not sure how much of these experiences were brought on HERSELF, but she's not the only one who's made these claims.
  23. Troy The Jack-n-Jill and other Black wealth societies are so small and secretive that they barely have an impact on EACHOTHER let alone overall Black wealth. It's not part of our CULTURE to marry our children for better connections like say Jews or Koreans and many Caucasians. A lot of our people are so envious of eachother they focus on marrying OUTSIDE of the community more so than marrying with other wealthy AfroAmericans. It is an rather insular crowd. But this is not unusual as people generally pal around with people of the same socio-economic class. Exactly. That's my point. It's almost to the point of being inbred/incestuous....lol. Plus they do a lot of unnecessary discrimination based on alumni and educational achievement, more so than professional achievement and wealth accumulation...which in my opinion is a better determination of one's character and potential for success.
  24. I'm not sure of the stats OR the truth. Just going by my personal observation..... Again, when it comes to ACTUAL MARRIAGE (legal) it looks to me just about EVEN. I'm not talking about just banging eachother or even living together, I'm talking full fledged MARRIAGE. Now just sleeping with eachother is a different story, it seems to me that there are still far more Black men doing it than Black women. Many Black women, who reach middle age, are simply no longer interested in a relationship and make themselves unavailable, This is true. Which I find kind of strange because I'm noticing a lot more older Caucasian women who seem to be dressing sexier, doing yoga to make their bodies more flexible for sexual activity, and attending events in order to meet men of different ages for sex. In other words, it seems as if a lot of White women are getting hornier and looking for sex as they age. I'm not sure what the deal is. A lot of AfroAmerican women get hysterectomies and other medical procedures that disrupt their natural chemical hormonal balance to the point they are no longer really interest in sex and some even become more masculine and get deeper voices and grow facial hair. But this isn't natural because you don't see this among our sisters from Africa. Just like you don't see a lot of African women with stretchmarks and c-section scars. It's an American thing seen more among AfroAmericans. I don't think any of this is part of some master plan of an evil cabal of white supremacists hell-bent on world domination and the eradication of Black people Ofcourse not. If the evil cabal of White Supremacists that DOES exist decided to eradicate Black folks.....who would they then rule over?
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