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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. Delano All beliefs are based on faith. This isn't true. Some beliefs are based upon knowledge.
  2. Most of the brown-skinned Mexicans who you see in the United States are primarily descended from THOSE people. Most of the Caucasian Mexicans descended from the Spanish are STILL in Mexico ruling in positions of wealth and power.
  3. Lol...... Bootleg or not, the quality and scenes look exactly like I remember them when I actually saw it in a theater. You know how a book often seems to be better than if they make a movie out of it? Well perhaps for me Apocalypse would be better WITHOUT the subtitles distracting me....so I can focus on the action of the movie. Anyway...... How did you like the film? Like I said, they used REAL Mayan Indian actors and actresses.
  4. One idea he talks about (although I didn't see it in the actual contract) is the idea of a 2nd Reconstruction. Realizing how well AfroAmericans did and how much progress we made during the FIRST Reconstruction, he figured a Second one is necessary.
  5. The truth is....... While the odds of a total collapse are much much better under a divisive Trump - it doesn't matter whether Trump remains in office or Biden gets in office; uless the corrupt racist SYSTEM collapses, the problems that most AfroAmericans are experiencing will not only continue but intensify. About a 45% of our people are in DENIAL and don't want to recognize how useless their participation in the national process is. "White Jesus go saaaave ussssss!" Another 45% are INDIFFRENENT and simply don't give a damn any more. They aren't even TRYING to fit in with this system or society and are out to have as much fun AS they can WHILE they can. They are the ones out looting and grabbing haberdash from departement stores every time there's a police shooting. "Give it up sucka....you ain't go eat all that!" That leaves the 10% of us left. 10% who must try to survive and make it to the "other side" of chaos and uncertainty where glory awaits us. "This entire area used to be a ghetto with huge housing projects before the Big Collapse."
  6. A lot has been said about it, especially in the Black Nationalist and Pan Africanist communities. You can read the rough draft of the contract here: https://contractwithblackamerica.us/
  7. Daniel Ok get caught up in emotions and miss nuance. You need to know what people are saying. Interpretation of actions lead to misunderstanding. No, YOU need to know what people are saying in order to avoid misunderstandings (and the way YOU reject facts, something tells me that's still not enough...lol). However I'm perceptive enough to read body language and learn patterns of behavior that helps me to relate and communicate with people to a certain degree despite the language barriers. When I was younger and frequently took cross-country trips on the Greyhound bus I used to meet woman after woman who couldn't speak ANY English but I still was able to get next to them and "snuggle up"...lol. Why? Because I understood human nature, body language, and had common sense. These things are UNIVERSAL despite race and culture. Troy What bootleg version did you watch LOL! Hmmmm.... Maybe because when I watched it I wasn't in an English speaking country. I was in Belgium when it came out. I liked it so much I saw it several times and none of them had subtitles. In the above link I provided IT doesn't have subtitles either.
  8. Daniel That’s inaccurate. It wasn’t talk radio or fox which shaped my conservative views. It was more life experience and recognizing what brought the most success in our ever changing condition. You are implying that people couldn’t reach a conservative conclusion through experimentation and investigation. There's a difference between traditional Conservatism (which still incorporates racism) and this current right-wing Trump worship that has taken over the Republican Party today. No "life experience" teaches you to ignore diseases and threaten to kidnap state officials. That's right-wing extremism. There's a difference between a Thomas Sowell and a Candace Owens. Troy Look, I get that shutting down businesses for months on end has and will wreck havoc on the personal lives of millions of people. Believe it or not, it actually HELPED a lot of people. A lot of people got laid off from jobs they absolutely HATED and got unemployment insurance PLUS an extra $600 a week. The Pandemic actually led to a lot of people getting DECENT WAGES for the first time in their lives. It's the BUSINESS OWNERS who are taking the brunt of the restrictive policies. When they thought HALF of the population was going to die they were passing out money like candy. "Whoop there it is!" Even the most conservative Republicans were willing to pass out big checks and enhanced benefits....lol. Remember we were supposed to get TWO stimulus checks??? One in April and one in May. They looked around and didn't see as many people dropping dead as they had calculated and started stalling.....lol.
  9. 1. First...DO NOT refer to my Mother or Father or any other ancestor of mine in an irreverent manner. They aren't part of this discussion so keep them OUT of the discussion! 2. Second, what the fuck are you talking about????
  10. Well, I can tell you that Climate Change is more of a Caucasian argument than that of AfroAmericans. The ecology and climate change ARE important issues, but most Black people around the planet are so focused on SURVIVING and getting their basic needs met they don't have time or money to travel to the North Pole to measure how much ice has melted. White folks can afford to argue this because they have too much money and free time. Like that angry white girl from from Sweden.....Greta....who stood up at the UN crying and shaking over the environment. Infact, I got into an argument with a White woman and a bunch of other people who tried to come to her rescue over some damn DUCKS a couple nights ago during a local townhall meeting about politics and what to ask Kamala Harris when she comes back this week. It was during the question and answer period and she wanted to take up 30 or 40 minutes "demanding" that we address her concerns about Canadian ducks drinking water from polluted lakes in Michigan. Who cares about Covid 19 Who cares about police brutality. Who cares about jobs. Who cares about the Black children in Flint and what kind of water they're drinking ....let's talk about some ducks in a lake and what kind of water THEY'RE drinking! Man we all got into it and we almost ended up going to the parking lot! Here's a middle aged Caucasian woman with plenty of money, plenty of time on her hands, a nice big home, and probably no husband (not there atleast...unless he was hiding from all the action), with nothing better to do than devote her life to squeezing into tight jeans and driving to events to raise hell about some ducks in a lake!
  11. It presented a long laundry list of things it was going to do to contain the brothas, Like promoting homosexuality (which I'm not necessarily opposed to, but recongize it HAS been weaponized to use against our community) and introducing more mind-altering drugs to Black boys (like Ritalin) for alleged behavioral problems.....to name just a couple. They've been planning on this for DECADES. They were planning on destroying the Black man's ability to support himself and his family when they eradicated the manufacturing jobs that most Black men relied on. White men had power and wealth, but we were steadily GAINING UP on him right up until 1980! If you notice, right before the late 70s Black men were making economic, political, and social progress at ROCKET speed! Everytime a White man walked through a door to go to work, a Black man with a doo-rag on his head was walking in too with a big ass lunch-pail full of cornbread. Everytime a White man looked up or looked out his door a Black man was moving into the house across the street. Everytime he drove down the street, a nigga was driving PAST him in the opposite direction in a brand new car grinning with a gold tooth in his mouth. "Da' womenz stick to me like fly paper, neighbor!" Too many White women are seeing successful Black men and more and more of them were LEAVING White men and running off with Black men. White men felt they had to do something about that. They all got together and decided to send most of those jobs overseas. I tell people that White Supremacy is GOVERNMENT. When I talk about White Supremacists, some people think of a couple of rednecks drinking beer talking trash while sitting in the back of a pick-up truck somewhere in the woods They don't understand that White Supremacy is a well organized SYSTEM. These people sit around all day and all night year in and year out thinking up various ways to DOMINATE and CONTROL people of color; and they especially target AfroAmericans.
  12. Mel Gibson may be a racist, but he did give us something we can appreciate.............. A movie I recommend EVERYBODY see if they haven't already is a great movie called APOCALYPTO. Watch Apocalypto Here! It's about life among the ancient Mayan Indians of the Mayan Empire before they were colonized by the Spaniards. They used REAL Mayan Indians from southern Mexico to make the movie. And pay attention to how dark and brown so many of them are with broad noses, thick lips, and straight jet black hair. Those are ORIGINAL people...like us. And the coolest thing about the movie is that not only is it NOT in English, there aren't even any subtitles....but it's so powerful that STILL can keep up with what's going on and love it!
  13. Gibran The country wanted Hillary. The country got Trump. Same thing in 2000. In both cases, the popular vote fueled by black voter turnout had no effect on the final outcome. Vote. Another thing both elections had in common was the fact that BOTH Gore and Clinton refused to fight and readily decided to CONCEDE the election despite overwhelming evidence of voter suppression and fraud. Which tells me that neither of them were sincere about seeking the office and it also gives me a pretty good indication of how they would easily capitulate to Republican demands had they GOTTEN in the office anyway. If, as you contend, the government does not give us rights, where do they come from? An argument can be made for God-given rights, but every right, real or imagined, in this country stemmed from either law or constitution. As such, they are enforceable due to the power of the government to punish. Laws must be accompanied with the power to enforce them. Otherwise ,they are meaningless. Excellent point! I wouldn’t ask black people to leave the church just because the portrait they worship of a blond-haired, blue-eyed Jesus is as wrong as two-left shoes. I would....lol. I used to literally STAND OUTSIDE of various Black churches telling our brothers and sisters to stay the hell out of those brainwashing temples of doom. Especially if they have a picture of a White "Jesus" and angels inside. But even if there are no pictures, the brainwashing has the same effect. I wouldn't expect blacks to stop going to school because of the deliberate lies that doctor history. I wouldn't either. But I WISH they would....lol. They SHOULD stop going to public schools ran and/or designed by Caucasians because they're not helping our people for the most part but since so many of our peoplep have so much faith in the Caucasian's educational system....I don't expect them to.
  14. Big Pharma is CERTAINLY seeing overwhelming success during this Plandemic Pandemic.
  15. Don't discount the power of suspicion.............. Come on Troy, you know this government and the media has a well known and well documented history of LYING to the public about things both great and small. A healthy suspicion is warranted.
  16. Troy When people join a church and start to believe that the Earth is 6,000 years old and now have to believe that Dinosaurs and man romanced the earth that the same time to make their time scales work is that brain washing? Yes. If it were drilled into them repeatitively and they accept it without critically thinking. Brainwashed is just a more colloquial term for conditioning or programming. Most Black and poor/working classed Whites who belong to and support the Republican party are BRAINWASHED by media outlets like Fox News and Conservative radio. Doesn't mean they're evil. Doesn't mean they're stupid. They are just victims like an abused spouse who got trapped in a relationship and can't find a way out.
  17. Just imagine if our Black Communities received Israel's outlay of $20 billion a year in materiel, cash, grants and deferred payments. I've often thought of how unfair this is myself. However I must ask, are there any AfroAmerican communities currently who are QUALIFIED to handle getting that much money and support? We can have a 40 year discussion as to whether or not the U.S. should be giving Israel anything. But the fact that they seem to put their foreign aid to good use helping to fortify and build up their nation. Many of these African regimes get foreign aid and it goes directly to the pockets of the dictators, their mistresses, and foreign bank accounts while the masses of their people remain in dire poverty. From what I've heard and seen (in the media) Israel doesn't do IT'S OWN citizens like that. They may mistreat the Palestinians....but they treat their own Jewish citizens well. We must be QUALIFIED to receive that kind of money. Which means we must be properly organized and have a practical knowledge of economics, sociology, and urban planning so that if we ARE granted so large of an amount we can use it effectively.
  18. Troy I know that you are not dumb or ignorant about Covid-19. At the time the only other reasonable conclusion was that you were intentionally trying to be deceptive. I failed to appreciate that you truly believe what you wrote, that is not lying. I'll have to find a word to describe it the spreading false information believed to be true. Maybe there is no word for this in our language... How about BRAINWASHED? Lol....is THAT the word you're looking for?
  19. Something doesn't smell too Kosher around here....... Stefan First you come in calling yourself a Black man but BASHING Black men at every turn you get while and praising Black women. Then you make questionable statements about how great Trump is doing among AfroAmericans. Then when questioned on it, you get hyper sensitive and set up several strawman accusations of personal attacks and persecution. After my previous post explaining myself to you, most men who are sincere and emotionally balanced would reconcile with me by giving ATLEAST a lame-ass: "Yeah, whatever man....we're good" ......before moving on. But not only do you refuse to but you double-down on your feelings of persecution. You CLAIM to be a senior citizen..... But I don't remember meeting ANYONE who's made it past 60 years old in THIS world.....especially as a Black man.....who is THAT sensitive and paranoid as to what others say or think of them. Again, something just ain't right. But if I were as immature as you CLAIM I was, I'd tell you to stop acting like STEVE URKLE * ....and start acting more like a Stefan Urquelle, lol. Troy @Troy I'm not surprised, for there is science to explain this flaw in our reasoning. It has to do with "moral certainly." Basically, when you believe something is right, data, science, statistics, expert knowledge -- none of it matters when you are in this state. It is why covidiots and climate denier sso easily reject science changing their life style by wearing a mask or using less fossil fuel is an affront to their civil liberties -- to which they have a God-given right. I don't reject SCIENCE or FACTS. I reject much of the information coming from CAUCASIANS because they have a long and documented history of LYING to the public and especially to people of color. Which is why I would rather rely on anecdotal evidence and PERSONAL OBSERVATION. I know it's true.... because I WITNESSED IT. .....as opposed to some well dressed White man with a part in his hair TELLING it to me, or writing it down in a text book. Stats are just numbers, you BELIEVE them because you're trained to....but you don't KNOW that they are true. *It's hard to believe Family Matters ENDED over 25 years ago! I miss that show. You don't see Black families portrayed like that today.
  20. Stefan We may not know that until the voting numbers and analyzed and sifted. Even THEN we may not know the truth, because the White Supremacists lie about the numbers they give to the public like they lie about everything else. If you know only one Black person who is going to vote for Trump, I don't know what to make of that. I said I can count them on ONE HAND. Unless you frequently borrow money from the Mafia knowing damn well you can't pay them back...most people have more than ONE finger on their hands, lol. If we Black reporters had had Mentors back in the 80's, a lot of us would have stayed in the business. But most of us get drummed out by racism, overbearing and biased editors or White folks who should have never been allowed in a news room in the first place. But they knew somebody. I've heard this from several AfroAmerican reporters. This is why I've said for decades that we need OUR OWN media institutions as AfroAmericans. We can also work for Caucasian companies, but we still need our own as home bases. Black males working as news anchors are especially targeted by racists both in the newsroom AND the racist viewers at home because like most people on television they are good looking and articulate and this makes a lot of Caucasian men jealous as hell. White men HATE it when AfroAmerican men make THEM feel inferior....lol. Which is why they'll get rid of an intelligent handsome Black man but keep a stupid buffoon who tells "ghetto hood stories" on the job for years despite always screwing up and coming in late. He'll NEVER get fired. Because HE'S the type of negro who makes the White guys look good. "You know what, I'm sorry I'm late man. I smokededed too much weed last night. Been going through a lot with the baby mama drama and shit ....na'm saying???" What disappointed me about you, Pioneer is how quickly you lost your temper and resorted to personal attacks. That’s silly. I simply presented a thread starter and like a lot of people who disagree, but never investigate, you got hot. Got news for you sir..... I haven't lost my temper on this site in YEARS..lol. I'm not sure how I come across on the screen but I'm having fun running my mouth about a lot of subjects. I don't take my relationships with most of the people I come across online serious enough to get angry with them.....lol. I have a heavy handed way of expressing myself, even in disagreement. I may disagree with you from time to time but just like with Daniel, I mean no malice. If I were angry with you, trust me....you'd know it because Troy would have to step in, lol.
  21. Troy maybe they have bidets at home. Come on bruh..... Does SHE ...look like the type of person who has a BIDET (or even a working toilet) in the place she lays her head down at night?
  22. Del If you are ranked #4 in the nation there aren't a lot of Universities that are better than you there are three. If you are ranked 11 in the world again there are a lot of Universities that are worse than better. Well let's not mix it up, let's be accurate..... I didn't simply say "better" but said a MORE THOROUGH EDUCATION. Yale is near the top when it comes to PRESTIGE and CONTACTS, but I just showed you several links to many other schools that had better ACADEMIC PROGRAMS depending on what profession you want to go in. If you are ranked 11 in the world again there are a lot of Universities that are worse than better. .....according to the link YOU provided, but not the ones I provided. Furthermore, if we're talking about a BAG OF SKITTLES .....maybe 7 or 8 wouldn't be considered a "lot". But when we're talking about actual INSTITUTIONS.....lol....what number constitutes a "lot" to you? If someone told me they had 7 businesses, I would say that's a LOT of businesses! So I give first hand experiences, while you use a ranking and then you misinterpret the results. Stoooop Delano, stop....... You don't have "first hand experience" because you weren't EDUCATED at Yale in order to compare it's quality to any other. You were allowed to sit in on and witness ONE CLASS in session (if you promised to sit down and keep quiet) and that's about as far as YOUR experiences with Yale go. You dug up an article and posted a link that supports YOUR argument just like I did.....lol....so let's be fair.
  23. What kind of movies is THIS, with no nudity? I was looking forward to seeing who was going to play Michelle.....lol. They should rate this movie P (for Prescription only, because it'll put your ass to sleep.
  24. Voting Day? So who are you going to vote for: SATAN or LUCIFER No matter which devil ends up getting in, you're STILL gonna end up catching hell. "Look on the bright side. Atleast you no longer have to worry about social distancing!"
  25. This may be an example of what I was talking about in the other thread about the various arts taught in so-called Egyptian "Mystery Schools" and how it isn't necessarily applicable to African people. Tarot card reading...... While originating in Kemet, may not be for OUR people. Atleast not the version practiced in Western esoteric systems. The same with a lot of this so-called "astrology" that so many of our people engage in. Astrology is real and is an actual science when WE practice it....but we can't just copy the Caucasian's version of it and expect it to be effective. Like I said in the other thread..... A lot of what you're calling magic and occultism was designed BY US FOR CAUCASIANS. We gave him a WEAKER and more WATERED DOWN version of it in those Mystery schools (we didn't call them that btw....that's what THEY call them because EVERYTHING is a mystery to a new man on the planet) . We have our OWN sciences and ways of doing things based on OUR chemistry, DNA, and psychological make up and soul-history. Trying to use HIS "magic" and occult sciences is like the parents having milk and cereal for breakfast just like the children, lol.
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