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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. Daniel it shows a negative mindset. It's called being REALISTIC. Yes, our people need to learn financial discipline and how to invest and compound their money but they must first learn how to GET the money! What he's doing is like lecturing people who haven't graduated from Elementary school yet on HIGH SCHOOL level material. If they haven't properly completed the basics, anything you try to teach them will probably just go over their heads. Besides..... I've done a little research on this "Rotimi" dude and he's the son of a Nigerian INVESTMENT BANKER!!! How in the HELL can someobdy like that relate to the average AfroAmerican who is unemployed or working a low wage (under $20 an hour) job? I can see now he will miss the point in my story Mommy Be So Mean She Takes My Money. Well, what I HAVEN'T missed is that while you'll duck and dodge the TRUTH all day long....you are good for sitting up and telling STORIES....lol. "Do you wontz to hear another one, lil' Andy???"
  2. Troy Infections without desths will just "prove" to covid deniers that they are right. Kind of like what I said in another thread, that unless he's very sick from it they'll just use it as an excuse to say it's not "that bad". Yeah, I heard what Minister Farrakhan said. A lot of religious people claim that the virus is from God and that it's some sort of curse or Divine Punishment. I'm not going to say that it's NOT...I simply don't know one way or the other. But one of the reasons I'm not religious is for reasons like that. People like to point at this and that and CLAIM it came from God as if they know for sure. The SUPREME BEING is just That.....The MOST POWERFUL BEING in Existence! The most Powerful and Intelligent BEING in Existence doesn't need to send a disease that makes thousands of innocent bystander and little children sick and kill them just to punish some of the evil doers. Even a government can send an assassin or sniper in to take out a dictator without harming anyone else. So why would an Earthquake or Hurricane or Plague were thousands of people of various backgrounds, ages, and demographis are killed and seriously injured be a weapon of choice when all it takes is a lightning strike directly on whoever deserves it? "Oh no, see you got it all wrong!!!!! I was going to use that rope to make a BELT Not a noose for lynching negroes! Just give me a 2nd chance and I'll make that clear!"
  3. Well, it's interesting that so many REPUBLICANS are now coming down with Covid19 after preaching for so long about how the virus was not real, not that serious, and how you can't shut down society in the name of safety. Opening up the schools when they KNOW it was dangerous. Not wearing masks and telling other people not to. Now........ Senator Thom Tillis of Tennessee Senator Mike Lee of Utah Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin Rep Louie Gohmert of Texas Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky Kellyanne Conway former Counselor to Trump Hope Hicks former Communications Director to Trump And now Chris Christie former New Jersey Governor ....have Covid-19 And the list of Republicans who have it is growing by the day!
  4. This shows you the amount of "disconnection" and inconsideration that exists in the AfroAmerican community today. We KNOW that not all AfroAmericans are poor....but most are. Most are struggling. But instead telling people who are broke, unemployed, and struggling HOW to get together and start a business or service to GENERATE money that can be saved and invest LATER ON DOWN THE LINE AFTER BASIC NEEDS HAVE BEEN MET- He wants to lecture people about "buying a house" and living off your interest capital gains instead of dipping into your principle. Shit that only concerns MILLIONAIRES who earn enough interest to be able to comfortably do so anyway. That's not a conversation to have with poor people. There's a PANDEMIC going on. Millions are unemployed, being evicted, having their homes foreclosed- ....and these selfish negroes are sitting up there talking like it's 1998.
  5. Troy If Biden wins in November right when all the prohibitions against foreclosures and evictions end, Biden will be burdened with all that misery. You think you have seen unrest so far? I noticed that and I'm sure many other people did also. He's working from BOTH angles. He's gonna bribe you into voting for him (or atleast that was the plan until he got sick) by passing out those IRS checks right before election. And by extending the moratorium only until December (which doesn't seem to be very effective because hundreds of thousand have STILL been evicted and put out on the street) he's indirectly telling people that if you don't vote for him and he loses.....he won't extend it for you! You think you have seen unrest so far? Wait until 2021. Man I've told you, I BELIEVE (because I don't know...I'm not a fortune teller) that 2021 is going to be the year that things turn around for AfroAmericans and we collectively become VERY successful starting around the late Winter early Spring. What you, I, and other AfroAmericans with good sense must do right now is seek shelter and BE SAFE. Try to avoid as much madness and chaos as we can as this society collapses so we can live through it and make it on the OTHER SIDE where I believe success is waiting on us. FAS Well..... What you said was lovely and poetic but it was based in EMOTION, not logic. And when it comes to serious matters I tend to prefer COLD LOGIC over STICKY-SWEET EMOTION because it usually proves to be more pratical. I'm savvy enough to know that if Trump recovers and continues the country's march to societal collapse, hordes of racist cretins armed to the teeth with ak-47s and ar-15s will do search and destroy missions for me and everyone who looks like me.... and destroy us. Perhaps this illustrates the difference in our mind sets or what we consider success. Think about what you're saying....... Here's a bunch of racist White men with guns "standing by" to attempt a racial slaughter. And you're saying we should vote for ONE White man and hope he gets in so that he protects us from ANOTHER White man. While I'm saying that our community shouldn't be in that position to BEGIN WITH. Because if those racists armed militias exists under Trump....they're going to exist under Biden too, and it will only be a matter of time before they are activated no matter WHO is president. Furthermore, I don't know what it feels like to be a woman but I know most women have an innate desire to feel protected. How secure do you feel believing that the men of your community have become so weak, docile, and unorganized that while a few may fight back many of them will simply ALLOW gangs of racists to go door to door killing their own women and children and elderly while THEY hide in a closet somewhere with their hands over their ears trying to drown out the screams and gunshots? Perhaps this is where logic overrules emotion and even the survival instinct but IF what you said was true..... Wouldn't logic dictate that relatively quick DEATHS from mass slaughter be better than continuing to live with weak and pathetic men who can't protect you or your children and living with the knowledge that anytime they get ready the racists can attack? Who wants to continue to live under such pitiful, helpless, and stressful conditions? Black folks sure do take pride in "surviving" and talking about what all they went through and how they're still surviving in oppression, while a lot of other people would just KILL THEMSELVES before ending up in such a pitiful condition. Imagine a JAPANESE man standing at the gas station begging for money with some dirty shoes on and a bottle of malt liquor in his hand grinning at you with a mouth full of yellowish brown teeth as he preaches to you about what all he "survived" and how much he's been through in his life. You probably couldn't imagine it because you probably HAVE NEVER seen it. But guess who you DO see standing around babbling and acting crazy at the gas station..................... "Yeah, I been around da block a few times. Yeah, I been caught up with diss and dat But I'm still here! I'm still ALIVE! See what I'm saying...... I'm a SURVIVOR....na'da'mean?? Hee hee heeeeee.... Cain't nobody put me down!!!!! I'm go LIVE baby baaaabaaaaayyyy!!!"
  6. Daniel But shouldn’t the Country come first? My people (AfroAmericans) come before my nation. Like Malik Shabazz said, before there even WAS an America.....we were Black. And looooooooooooooooooooooooong after America is gone from the scene there will STILL be Black folks, lol. I just couldn’t see electing people who want to destroy America. Then why did you vote for Trump, who is ACTIVELY trying to destroy the United States on behalf of the Globalists?
  7. Minister Farrakhan warned him earlier this Summer to take this seriously and put on a mask.............
  8. I think he may be a smart young man but there are too many gaps in his presentation. I didn't hear any "challenge" nor did I hear any actual INSTRUCTIONS from him. All I heard was more cliches and vague principles that anyone can tell eachother riding on the train. First of all he's telling people how they should SAVE and INVEST their money before he tells them how to actually MAKE the money...which is the first step. I know a lot of our people lack financial discipline and financial literacy but the BIGGEST problem most AfroAmericans have is ACQUIRING enough money to save and invest in the first place. A lot of our people don't realize how wealthy Caucasians are. Caucasians have access to TONS of money, so they have enough to play around with and practice with until they are able to master it. Don't talk to AfroAmericans about investing and contracts until you teach them how to generate wealth in the first place.
  9. Troy you hate 45 to win the state because you and your boys decided to sit this one out. Lol..... Not sure if you got the gist of what I've been saying for the past few months but I actually PREFER Trump in office over Biden because of the chaos he brings. He's helping to tear down the system by destroying people's faith in it. Like I said, they like to put the Democrats in office to clean up the mess the Republicans made and get the system churning again so that people can maintain their faith in it. As long as Trump is in the office lying, cheating, and screwing things up....people are seeing Washington for EXACTLY the clown show that it is. Like Hollywood....it's a workshop for white supremacy and deception.
  10. If I had enough disposable income to....I would. Right now the money should go to more important priorities. Maybe if I had a nice big mansion About 10 or 15 (older) women running around butt naked inside Thousands of acres of property in my name And sitting on atleast $25 million .....I would feel MUCH differently! I would not only be voting but I would be HEAVILY involved in all political matters as well as the school board and everything else. I would have too much to lose to NOT be involved! One of the fatal mistakes that ultra-capitalists make is that in their extreme greed.....they let TOO MANY people fall under the cracks. Which means that usually there's a sizable amount people who just don't give a damn anymore, have given up on success, and have no vested interest in maintaining the society or it's values since they don't benefit from it anyway. They SHOULD take their cues from the Mafia and make sure EVERYONE has atleast a little "taste" of something so that everyone is atleast satisfied. That way they will help defend the Boss and keep the racket going!
  11. Troy Ok, I admit that the scenario you laid out makes a LITTLE more sense of how that could happen but.....would your scenario give 3 million votes to the losing candidate???? You're scenario is an almost PERFECT scenario....which usually doesn't happen in real life elections. First of all there are a lot of red states like Texas, Florida, and Georgia mixed up in that 11. It's hard to believe that the SAME person who won New York and New Jersey will be the SAME person who won Georgia and Texas. If you're GOING to play the game, perhaps what Democrats should be aiming for is OVERWHELMING voter turn out in all states for them to the point that even with their cheating the Republicans will be crushed. That's how Obama and Clinton got elected. They have to fight with OVERWHELMING force. Because if it came anywhere near close then the Republicans would just cheat their way into office. Now the voters should do their part, but you also have to understand that once the Democrats actually get in office they must do THEIR PART also! Once they get in office they have to ACTUALLY FIGHT the Republicans on key issue, instead of capitulating and compromising with them. And they also have to start transfering wealth to those who voted for them! Republicans give money back to those who helped them get in office....Democrats don't give the poor or AfroAmericans shit. Not even a "thank you" card. Oh yeahhhh.....Democrats are good for shaking their finger at lazy voters. They're good for scolding the voters and telling them to get off their ass and vote, and if they don't vote then don't complain. But once these Democrats are voted in office they don't DO SHIT for those who DID get off their ass and vote for them.....which is why so many aren't motivated to vote in the first place. Like you said in another thread, people want to vote FOR something...not simply AGAINST it. Why should I even waste my time to get off the couch while enjoying my day off and run down to the polls just to vote for some asshole who ain't really going to do shit anyway? I'm supposed to vote for him because....he may be an asshole but atleast he's not AS BIG of an asshole as the Republican he's running against.
  12. Troy roll over and die? No Stock up on food, medical supplies, and try to stay safe and survive while waiting for the chaos to come to a head and then end. Then resurface and help the survivors rebuild a brand new society. Lol....me and the other survivors may even journey to Oklahoma looking for you (hopefully you're still around) so you can tell me I was right! Might even swing by Chicago on my way from Michigan to scoop up Cynique (and her daughters....they should be close to my age) and bring them with me and my crew...on our way over there! Honestly bro, at nearly 50 as an AfroAmerican man in THIS society.....I just want the shit over with. I'm ready for something new. I don't give a damn about the Biden camp, the Trump camp, DACA, mail-in ballots,.....it's meaningless to me at this point. You made a thread the other day talking about how tired you are of the bad news and try to avoid it. It's only going to get worse and worse until the house of cards comes tumbling down. Pretend that Biden won. So what do you have to look forward to? Increased cases of Coronavirus? Mandatory vaccines? What's the nice big prize that Black folks can expect to get from EITHER one of them being in that office that they can look forward to? Besides more of the same.........
  13. FAS for the total collapse of society is imminent and in a world, as in the 1800's, where not only do whites outnumber blacks 7 to 1, and each has 3,4,5 times more guns and the will to use them, than blacks, that is not the answer. Although I've said it before on this particular site I hadn't repeated it in THIS thread (until now) because it can be too disturbing for some people........ However I've said that while SOME AfroAmericans are doing very good...most are not and being TOTALLY annihilated may actually prove to be much better for AfroAmericans collectively than for this current system of things to remain and run it's course. If this thing doesn't fall and you continue MAINTAINING a system you think is better than nothing. You're actually prolonging the suffering of AfroAmericans collectively. Because if you think the FIRST 400 years for AfroAmericans in this land was rough....you wouldn't want to see what some of our people will end up going through if it continues on the course it has been going for the past 40 years. Slavery would be a JOKE compared to what they have planned for AfroAmericans now that technology and central Americans have been brought in to do much of their physical work. You just....((shakes head)).....you just would NOT want to be around to see it. A lot of young people who contract HIV commit suicide upon getting the diagnosis. And people shake their heads and say what a shame, how could someone so young be so "silly" and make such a big mistake. But if you go to a hospital and see some of those who decided to "live through it" and end up with full blown AIDS..... If they are still able to talk many of them may tell you they WISH they had committed suicide early on and gotten it over with than to go through the shit they are currently going through. Death would be welcomed with open arms. What I'm trying to say is AfroAmericans collectively have very little to lose if society collapsed. It's politics, not a gentleman's agreement. It's chess, not checkers. Problem is, in Presidential politics Caucasians not only own the board and pieces you're playing with but they actually MAKE THE RULES. So why should we continue to participate in a game we have little control over?
  14. Daniel I don’t have a problem with Ultra-Right wing organizations just because of their labeling and description by the media. Black People openly belong to the Proud Boys. Based on the news reporting I have heard they have been a counterbalance to Antifa and BLM. There were Black folks who sided with the Confederacy to keep slavery going. There were Black folks in Africa who helped Caucasians to enslave other Black folks. There are Black officers who lie and help fill out paper work in defense of Caucasian officers who shot an unarmed Black person. Just because a Black person participates in an organization, doesn't mean it's not viciously racist and evil. There are some AfroAmericans who are stupid enough and non-caring enough to do ANYTHING including kill their own mothers for a quick buck or some fame....let alone sell out their entire race. By that I mean I have assessed his political philosophy and see that there is no benefit in discussing matters of politics with him. Lol..... To the contrary, YOU were being educated but your "handlers" got worried and warned you to top talking politics with me because they knew the impact I was having on the viewer who were following our exchanges. The biggest difference between you and our other associate is that Lol @ "our associate". Sounds like the Mafia. "Hey fellas...... Meet our new associate here!" Troy Well.......... Not sure of the entire circumstance surrounding his contracting the Coronavirus but if Trump is an ASYMPTOMATIC positive this could potentially be used by him to downplay the seriousness of the disease. (like someone else we know....lol) Did you understand what I wrote about electors? If so then you'd know your statement is irrelevant. I totally understand what you said as well as the process. What I DON'T understand.....and perhaps you can explain it to me.....is how someone can win the popular vote by 3 million and LEGITIMATELY lose the electoral vote. That doesn't add up. Although it's not exact, the amount of electoral votes are supposed to LINE UP with the population in each state. So while it's conceivable to win the popular vote by...say...HALF a million...and still lose the electoral vote. How in the WORLD can someone get 3 million more popular votes and lose the electorate????? That's almost like getting straight A's in your class but STILL flunking on some sort of technicality.
  15. Ndamdi Interesting name..... Are you Yoruba or Igbo? For the most part I did the same thing until I started writing my book. People are hiding their identity just like the people who wear hoods and lynch mobs. When I decide whether or not to do things, I don't just go by emotions but I also like to weigh the benefits and consequences to determine is it worth doing. I simply see very little benefit in putting my name and picture on this or any other discussion board or social media at this time. A lot of our people (African people) love acting off of EMOTION. They'll put their identity and other personal information all over the internet and social media as some sort of act of "bravery" as if they're showing courage or being impressive. It means nothing. Infact it's a clear sign of LACK OF GOOD JUDGEMENT. The more information you put out about yourself the more opportunity you give people to potentially identify you and harm you. You DO realize that White Supremacists monitor many African sites looking for victims don't you? If you don't...you should. Hell, if you're smart enough to write books it would seem to me that you'd also be smart enough to protect your identity and realize the potential dangers if you don't.
  16. Troy The Civil War wasn't a total collapse. Infact, it wasn't a collapse at all. It would have been a collapse if the SOUTH had won. But yeah, we're better off than we were during Chattel Slavery (slavery still exists in prison) but AfroAmericans collectively aren't better off than they were during the Reconstruction years between 1870-1920. Choosing not to vote over voting makes no sense to me. Where is the upside in not voting? From a practical point of view, you could be doing something better. Something you enjoy. Rather than wasting time doing something non-constructive. For example...... If I were unemployed I would rather lay on the couch and watch pornography than get up, get in my vehicle, and drive to Wendys just to apply for a job that pays $8 an hour. and apply for a job at Wendy's to make only $8 an hour.
  17. Troy I live in state where more that half of the Black men did not vote. If every Black person here voted for Hillary. 45 Hillary would have gotten all of Florida's electors and won the election. This pretty plain @Pioneer1 spreading your conspiracy theory just discourages Black people from voting. Brother! Hillary won the popular vote by over 3 MILLION people, but STILL didn't get elected. Now what in the increasingly-polarized-world makes you think that a few more AfroAmericans voting for her in Florida would have made any difference? Net-net I've been better off during the Trump years than I was during the Obama years, but I can't say that either man has been responsible one way or the other (save 45's $1,200 check). Same here. Although I must say that I'm not sure if I feel as safe under Trump as I did during the Obama years. Especially the way so many openly racist Caucasians have been walking around with military style weapons since 2017. Why did you dodge Pioneer1's question Danielle? Because his "handlers" warned him not to get into back-n-forth arguments with me....LOL. "Jeez, Coggins..... Come on man will ya just leave that guy alone! Push the agenda and ignore him. Just push the agenda!"
  18. Sounds like it may be an interesting story but the name "Tranqueray" though...... She doesn't look transgendered at all to me. Why is so much AfroAmerican documentaries and sexual stories today pushing the "trans" this and "trans" that now a days. This sister was pole dancing back in the 60s and 70s...come on now, how popular was transgenderism back in those days?
  19. Daniel Your beloved Great White Hope (Trump) that you have so much faith in told a White Supremacist organization to "stand by". Stand by....for WHAT??? You proudly support a man who REFUSES to condemn White Supremacy. Troy I vote, but I vote in LOCAL elections. I don't vote in the Federal Election (not since Obama's first term) because I know it doesn't count. They've already decided who will get in. Most AfroAmericans don't want to acknowledge or even believe this because to do so means they would have to admit they have no REAL political power. .....something they don't want to accept. Kind of like a woman who WANTS her husband to love her and doesn't want to accept the fact that he's cheating on her despite all of the evidence (like finding naked women under the bed from time to time....lol) . "Ooooweee...."
  20. I said it before and I'll say it again: For MOST AfroAmericans* it's better for Trump to stay in office and continue doing what he's doing. ....which is ruining the fabric of the nation and destroying the integrity and credibility of traditional institutions. Theoretically, what many are hoping for is that Biden/Harris will get in and restore the economy and social stability and get things back to "normal" or how they were before Agent Orange took office. The same thing President Obama did after G.W. Bush left office. But is that what we REALLY want? I can understand why Caucasians would want things to get back to "normal"; they were doing GREAT. But should WE as AfroAmericans want things to get back to "normal" in this society? Or do we want MASSIVE CHANGE that will benefit us and our progeny for countless generations to come? If so, that probably won't happen as long as things remain "normal" in this society. Let's look at what WAS "normal" in this society before the pandemic: -Most AfroAmericans working on jobs (if they worked at all) that they DIDN'T LIKE, the wages were decreasing and the work demands increasing -Extremely high unemployment rate for AfroAmericans. -Every 15 years or so a new "drug" hit the streets getting causing more crime, addiction, and social instability -Unarmed Black men, women, and children being shot down in the street by racist law enforcement -Hundred of thousands of AfroAmericans warehoused in jails and prisons with little hope for many of them inside OR when they get out -Millions and millions of immigrants coming to the United States each year to get jobs, get businesses, and some even getting rich, but most making it CLEAR that they want nothing to do with AfroAmericans Is THAT what some of you want to get back to? I say TOTAL COLLAPSE of society would be much better than going back to that. Why? Because AFTER total collapse there is usually a RE-building process that atleast gives you the opportunity to learn from past mistakes and build things even better. What's in it for us? A NICE BRIGHT BEAUTIFUL future welcomes us as AfroAmericans! However we have to get PAST the chaos of this crumbling establishment first so that a new one can be built. * By "most" I'm not talking about the fortunate few who like the smartest rats in a maze somehow found a way to "make it" in America..... but the majority of people who are struggling to support themselves in this society,
  21. So..... Since this one is dedicated to Republicans but you want to honor ALL of our best....does that mean you'll start another thread in honor of President Obama? After all, achieving the office of President of the United States definitely counts as being among the best and brightest!
  22. "Hey Coggins! Hey, what's up buddy...it's me...Jared. Yeah, hey listen....don't go back and forth with that Pioneer guy. Just....yeah, yeah......but just leave him alone! Yeah......I know.....but you're not winning. The guy's busting your ass on every point. You're just giving him more opportunities to spread his rhetoric. Just ignore him like we told you and stick to the plan.....ok? Yeah.....alright buddy. We'll be talking to ya. " ((click)) Daniel:
  23. Daniel There’s nothing more to gain from conversing with you. Typical selfish Republican attitude. "What's in it for me???" "If there's no personal gain involved, it's not worth my time." .....lol.
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