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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. Troy Our politicians have utterly failed us on this one In order for politicians "fail" us, their GOAL would have to had to involve us in the first place....which I don't believe was the case. I believe the goal of most politicians were/are to help and do the bidding for Amazon, big pharma, and other major corporations and institutions. As long as they have achieved that goal they have not failed, nor have thei failed us because we weren't the goal anyway. I think expecting or even believing that this current government can or will stop Amazon will only take you further down the rabbit hole. Don't even expect them to. Hell, the government is the reason they even EXIST in the first place because the government enabled them to grow to "too big to fail" status. Only the PEOPLE collectively can (if they choose....because many of them have no desire to) stop these mega corporations.
  2. Troy Where does all the activity in the Bible actually take place? Are you familiar with Osiris, Isis, and Horus the principles in the Egyptian create story? Christianity borrows quite liberally from this.., Where the events of the Bible took place is irrelevant in terms of establishing where the religion of Christianity was founded. The first "republics" took place in Italy but that fact has little relevance on the events taking place in THIS Republic thousands of miles away and thousands of years afterwards called the United States. Also, although I'm familiar with the Osiris and Isis myth....I have reason to believe that this myth did not originate in ancient Egypt. Never the less, the fact is Christianity did NOT start in Africa regardless as to how many bits and pieces of African philosophy and mythology they may have used to make-up the religion. It's foundations are in Europe/West Asia.   What technology would that be? It would take Europeans several millennia to build anything on the scale of the Pyraminds They didn't need pyramids and oblisks.....all they needed to conquer much of Africa and colonize it was their guns, cannons, armored horses, ect... That technology alone was enough to get the job done.   Yes, but all of these people are "white," using your language. In my language they would be "Caucasian".....lol. YOU are fond of using the term "White" which is why I use it for discussion purposes, but in reality most of the people called "White" vary in color from pale White to Tan. Also, although the people Hitler persecuted were pretty much all of the same race (although there were some African and Asian victims), they were still percecuted for RACIST reasons because Hitler and the Nazis thought these fellow Caucasians had too much "African" ancestry in them. Infact, it was the Caucasians of Germany and Austria who LOOKED White but were suspected of having African ancestry from long long ago like the Yiddish, the Slavic, the Gypsies, ect...... that the Nazi's were MOST worried about because you couldn't look at them and tell they had any African in them but they believed it was "hiding" in their genes and would be spread through sexual relationships. Their ideaology was twisted, but they believed in it very strongly. Do you think Jeff Bezos is motivated more by money (and the power it brings) or race? I believe he's motivated more by power and money. Just because someone is a racist, doesn't mean it's the MOST important thing in their life. John Wayne was a racist, but I believe he cared more about his Hollywood career than keeping the races separated.
  3. Troy who is Musa anyway As far as I know, "Musa" is the real name of the Egyptian priest/prophet who was sent from ancient Egypt (Kemet) up to the Caucasus mountains to civilize the wild tribes that dwelled there. The Jewish myth of "Moses" was based loosely on the mission of Musa. The Greek myths of "Muses" and "Musaeus" were based loosely on the mission of Musa also. You should read a book by Sigmund Freud called "Moses and Monotheism".
  4. The World Is Rated X -Marvin Gaye After all these years of listening to Marvin, I discovered this shit a few months ago and can't get enough of that song. Been playing it over and over again. Maurice You mentioned Funkadelic....Cosmic Slop is the shit!
  5. Troy Why would these regions make Africans hate themselves? Both religions stared in Africa. Besides whats does this have do with race? Well Christianity DEFINATELY didn't start in Africa, it started near the Caucasus mountains in and area known as TURKEY today. As far as Islam, as an organized religion it's origins are in Arabia but I know you consider that part of Africa so there's no sense in arguing with you over that one....lol. But the religious scriptures sub-consciously influence Africans to hate themselves and love Caucasians with scriptures that use terms like "light" and "white" for good and clean and pure and "dark" and "black" for that which is bad. Also, the Europeans and Arabs who came to many of these African nations came with higher technology and more knowledge which made many of the Africans WANT to associate with them and imitate them in order to "improve" their status and set themselves apart from the other Africans. You see this in Sudan today and how the Africans who call themselves "Arab" think they're better than and make war against the "non-Arab" Africans although both look the same. Or in other African nations where the Christian Africans who are educated by Europeans and went to school in the West think they're better than the so-called "pagan" Africans who still follow their traditional religions and cultures. It's realy self-hatred and an attempt to be more and more like the European and Arab and less like their own African selves, so to show how loyal they are they will even go as far as to enslave and help kill other Africans like they're doing in Sudan and some other parts of Africa today.     So the germans were putting each other in gas chambers to rule over darker people? You are over-simplifying it by saying "germans" were doing this to eachother. That's like pointing at Michael Brown being shot down in Ferguson and asking why were the people protesting just because "Americans" are shooting eachother down in the streets instead of acknowledging a racist Caucasian America shot down an innocent Afro American which would be more specific. In Germany, these were a very narrow SELECT group of WASP Germans who were targetting Jews, Gypsies, and Slavic Germans who THEY claim had non-white ancestry and they were doing it for RACIAL reasons. They were doing it to get rid of what they thought was "black blood" tainting the German nation. So yes, they were doing it to rule over darker people but in a more indirect way. So you are saying king Hammurabi was a white? Still black Africanscwere to first people to establish any form to civilization far longer than any white civilization. I'm not sure what race/color Hammurabi was. The first civilization of Sumeria was a Black civilization before the Caucasian Akkadians came down from the mountains and established what would later be called Babylon. Where Hammurabi fit in with this....I'm not sure. Do you think America the world's most piwerful nation will reign supreme for another 1,000 years if not who will take over ... france? I believe so, yes. Infact, I believe the nation "America" will rule far longer than 1000 years. ....but that's all I'll say about that for now, lol.
  6. Troy White people here made it a above -- even going as far as enslaving their own children born of enslaved women. Because you refuse to see the paramount factor that RACE plays in slavery, you're not seeing the fact that the reason they could enslave their "own" children is because they were NOT WHITE like them.....so they felt it was justified. If it weren't about race and were instead about money, morals, ect....then they would have treated their mixed offspring as most fathers would treat their children. But the non-White status of these children prevented them from doing that in that RACE-based institution. If course you know Bkack peolle henefited from the transatlantic skave trade too. Was there motivation race too? Yes. Racial self-hatred. You must understand that many of the Africans who sold other Africans into slavery were adherants to Christianity and Islam. They were already influenced by the anti-African Europeans and Arabs who taught them these religions. Kind of like what's going on in Sudan today where you have one group of Africans mistreating and enslaving another group because of racism. One group of Africans think they are Arabs and are oppressing the Africans who aren't for racist reasons.   Further, European "dominance" is just a flash in the pan on the scale of world civilization. Consider the British Empire; how long did their rain last? Compare that to any ancient African civilization. If you view things in perspective and within a historical context you could not continue to be so fixated on race as the sole motivator for people -- including luding so called white ones. Troy, when you look at most of history (his-story) you're just looking at one Caucasian civilization replacing the other. The original Black civilization of Sumer was replaced by the Babylonian Caucasian empire which was replaced by the Persian Caucasian empire which was replaced by the Greek Caucasian Empire which was replaced by the Roman Caucasian empire which was replaced by Caucasians who converted to Christianity. The Aryan Caucasians came down and invaded India and displaced the Black Dravidians but the British Caucasians eventually overan the Aryan Caucasians and colonized India.....lol. The British Caucasians conquered and took land from the Native Americans and put some British people here but eventually THOSE Caucasians didn't want the British Caucasians telling them what to do anymore so they fought the British and established the United States so THEY could start telling other people what to do....lol. Man....just one group of Caucasians fighting ANOTHER over who's gonna rule the world. Even the so-called World Wars and "Cold War" were about which group of Caucasians were going to rule over the darker world.
  7. Troy Musa was the motivation of the muses from greek mythology and he also invented Musak that we listen in elevators .....trying to be funny, you're actually correct. Musa IS where we get the word "music" from. According to Webster's dictionary.....   https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/music   Also, if my statements seem contrived then me and the ancient Greeks must have conspired together to make them up..... http://www.faculty.umb.edu/gary_zabel/Courses/Phil%20281b/Philosophy%20of%20Magic/Pythagoras,%20Empedocles,%20Plato/Orpheus%20and%20Musaeus.htm   Here we have a man named "Musaios" who was of the "Muses". Who was greatly respected and also was said by the Greeks to produce "ancient oracles" or words of wisdom.     https://www.bible-history.com/links.php?cat=48&sub=4255&cat_name=People+-+Ancient+Greece&subcat_name=Musaeus Now the same man is called Musaeus OR Musaios (Musa stays in the name) who was called a PRIEST as well as a PROPHET and MUSICIAN (music) among other things! Musaeus....Musa.....prophet = MOSES. Anyway you slice it, MUSA (Moses, Musaeus, Mosaios) was the prophet responsible for uplifting and inspiring the Caucasians who later became known as Greeks.
  8. Kareem California was an open-carry state until 1967 when former GOP god before Trump, Ronald Reagan, signed the Mulford Act into law as governor, banning open carry. He had the full backing of the NRA. He did so specifically to disarm the Black Panther Party of Self-Defense and stop their armed Copwatch patrol and stop them from walking around with their guns. On top of what you said, it's also my understanding that what really pushed him for this action was the Panthers storming the California legislative assembly.
  9. Chev Today a museum is just a place to go and see art work, but the original "libraries" and "universities" of Western civilization were actually called MUSEUMS. Museums started off as places of knowledge in Kemet and perhaps (though I'm not sure) some other ancient Black lands where intelligent Caucasians were taken for further education after they had been civilized. There may have even been some built in ancient Greece. These places were named "museums" in honor of "Musa" (the real name of Moses) who was sent up to the Caucasus to civilize them. Moses is just a Greek rendering of Musa. Even today, artists whether musicians, painters, sculptors, ect.....they claim to be inspired by a MUSE. A muse is just a mythological being that was inspired by the REAL "muse" who was Musa (Moses) their inspiration and law giver.
  10. Troy You give white supremacists too much credit. People who believe in white supremacy are either ignorant or dumb. The fact we are still discussing the concept of race and the supposed superiority of one over the other is just plain stupid. Man, they are CONTROLING THE WEATHER. ....either them or "Whoever" is helping them. That doesn't sound like stupidity to me. Some people may use that same argument you're using to make the claim that SLAVERY and COLONIALISM has nothing to do with race. They may say it was just a bunch of greedy corporatists, land owners, and nobility of Europe who conspired to confiscate land and mistreat people from around the world and race was just a "tool". My question is, if race has nothing to do with the large corporatists of today and their aggressive bid to control as much of the planet and her resources as possible......then what percentage of this group are NON-Caucasian? If Caucasians make up less than 20% of the world's population and race has nothing to do with it, I should find almost FAR MORE more wealthy and powerful NON-Caucasians in positions of leadership who are exploiting the masses on this planet as Caucasians. I think you should turn it around...... Rather than saying it's all about money and racism is a tool- You should say it's all about race and money is just a tool.
  11. Excellent information! North Africa wasn't always a desert. Much of it was lush tropical wetland before the major wars that destroyed many of it's ancient cities. The Taureg are one of many African ethnic groups who are native to North Africa or came out of ancient Kemet and were in that land for thousands of years BEFORE the arrival of the Caucasians (Arabs, Persians, Assyrians, Amazigh, ect....) I personally believe that just about ALL African peoples on the continent have their origins in ancient Kemet and can be traced back to one of the 42 "tribes" of that great kingdom. They all share some aspects of ancient Kemetic science, language, and social customs.
  12. Kareem I forgot to address this part last night........ You also notice how disco was the last CREATIVE genre of black music...where we actually played instrument and MADE music? Today disco is clowned as some circus act. They made stop MAKING music and created "rap" where you sample other people's music and talk over it. They even steal our creativity.   Yes sir. And notice how the often self-destructive "rap" which started back in the late 70s seems to be the longest music genre of AfroAmerican history and like you said nothing new has came out of the youth up until now? We were making up 2 and 3 genres every decade right up until the mid-80s. And notice how the dance styles and dress styles have lost a lot of creativity also. One of the reasons a lot of AfroAmerican artists aren't using musical instruments anymore is because they took music and band out of most public schools! Back in the 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s......like workshop and automechanic shop.....music was also taught in the schools! You learned how to play the flute, the drums, the piano, and trumpet, ect...FOR FREE in school and a lot of AfroAmericans were coming out of highschool with skills that allowed them to make a good living and even get rich! But another reason they are using fewer instruments in music today is more diabolical..... Our brother Roger Troutman introduced the voice box in the 80s but the demons in the entertainment industry had other plans. Africans were known for thousands of years as having the best and most beautiful voices. But if you notice today, fewer AfroAmerican artists are using their REAL voices, and many of them can't even sing or hold a note. Their REAL voices are being replaced with that computerized robotic "voice box" sound that robs them and their audience of the spiritual VIBRATION of the human voice. Meanwhile a lot of Caucasians who formerly couldn't even hold a note, are sounding like Whitney Houston and hitting all types of notes! Public Enemy asked "who stole the soul"???? We know who. And the same plot is behind taking away real musical instruments like horns, drums, and guitars and replacing them with computerized sounds. Every instrument has it's own set of VIBRATIONS that tune into the body and soul. If you take that away and replace it with computerized sound and robot like sound then you confuse the soul and deprive it of that TRUE VIBRATION that soothes it. They're using computers to lay the tracks for rap, but if you notice in Country Music they are still playing the pianos and guitars.   Troy You give white supremacists too much credit. People who believe in white supremacy are either ignorant or dumb. The fact we are still discussing the concept of race and the supposed superiority of one over the other is just plain stupid. Brother I wish I didn't have to give them any credit at all, but the facts are they RUN THE WORLD. You cannot deny this. You're cussing and shaking your fists at Amazon and other mega-corporations owned and operated by Caucasians, yet want to deny their power and authority. The white boy working in the coal mine, who is addicted to cigarettes, whose livelihood was destroyed by the BP oil spill, or who lost their home in the motgage crisis is not an actor, but is exploited and as disposable as you or I to the oligarchy. The difference between them and you is that they KNOW they are sacrificing themselves for White Supremacy and racism. They may not say it, but they know it and are willing to go along with it because they belong to the "hive" mentality. To be clear you have White actors and White sacrifices: White Actor The White Actors aren't suffering, they are just PRETENDING to suffer in public to garner sympathy and trick people of color into believing that it's not racism that's creating the problems in the world but greed, climate change, sexism, drug epidemic, capitalism, ect...... Their jobs is to RE-DIRECT you and throw you off the path of the real problem and those who are causing it. There is a large "climate change" protest going on today and this is a good example of Actors who are pretending to be outraged about something THEY are responsible for. White Sacrifice The White sacrifices ARE suffering, but they either don't mind or don't care. Ofcourse a few are what you call "cannon fodder" who inadvertently get hurt by the powerful racists when they are aiming at people of color. But the White sacrifices for the MOST part understand the system of White Supremacy and understand their role as peasants and serfs in it and accept their lot in life. They see themselves as sacrificing for a greater "good" or and idea much bigger than themselves. Kind of like how a knight in medival Europe would gladly give his life in honor of the Queen. A good example of this would be the 53% (probably more) of Caucasian women who voted for Trump ALTHOUGH he was clearly caught on tape being sexist and demeaning towards women. They knew his character, they didn't care.....they'll gladly sacrifice themselves and their freedoms for the GREATER cause!
  13. Chev Central/West Asian isn't just one country, but it's a REGION with many countries. I want to say that you often use the term "Hebrew Israelites", but you should know that Hebrews and Israelites are separate terms for 2 different groups that often interwine with eachother. Let me explain................... Hebrews/Ibo While I've repeatedly told you that the original Israelites were mostly Caucasian, the ORIGINAL Hebrews were indeed African. They came from Kemet. Like many of the ethnic groups of ancient Kemet, when it was invaded the Hebrew (Ibiru) people left the land and went further into Africa and their descendants are the IBO/IGBO people of Nigeria today! Although I'm not sure, Moses was PROBABLY of the Hebrew/Ibo peoples of ancient Kemet and when he went up to the Caucasus (Central and West Asia) mountains to civilize those wild tribes most likely the majority of the people he took with him to help him came from the Hebrew/Ibo ethnic group. Incase you didn't know....Moses didn't go by himself. During the time they spent with those wild tribes civilizing and organizing them, the men mated with some of the Caucasian women and they had children and THOSE children were the ancestors and beginning of what you call the "Jews" or Yahudi or Israelites. Because of their African ancestry and closeness to more knowledge, they became the leaders. So the original Israelites were predominately Caucasian but had a lot of African ancestry from the Hebrew/Ibo Africans who sired them. Hebrews = African "Igbo" ethnicity originally from ancient Kemet but now residing in West Africa Israelites = major groups of "chiefs" that Moses and his helpers organized some of the Caucasians into after civilizing them. Again, most of those Israelites were chosen for leadership because they were half or part African from Hebrew/Igbo men mating with Caucasian women which gave them a higher status than the others......similar to how the mixed AfroAmerican slaves who had Caucasian fathers had a higher status than the AfroAmerican slaves who's both parents were African. Now if you'll be nice and don't fight me on this...lol...then I might explain to you where MUSEUMS come from!
  14. Troy It's not Eugenics (which is really European genetics) but more like "Afro-genics" for the betterment of AFRICAN people and our genes. But who got "got" wouldn't be based on IQ scores, DNA, or family lineage...but based on the malignantly self-destructive behavior of fully grown ADULTS who are for all intents and purposes "criminally insane" and pose a threat not only to themselves but to the rest of the community. However it's just an idea that is entertained from time to time, not something I advocate. Lol.....I mean.....do you honestly think Caucasians would allow Black people to clean up the mess they MADE of some of our people???? BTW, I erased the most aggressive and controversial parts of my statement while leaving the concept intact. As far as so-called poor whites.... Actors can ACT like they're poor, ACT like they're on drugs, and ACT like they're dead as well. You aren't seeing the bodies, you just hear what they're reporting on the news. I live in a community that has a large number of Caucasians, many of them are drug addicts. I see the Black addicts getting cuffed, frisked, thrown in jail, many of them not seen or heard from again....but I see the same Caucasian addicts on the same corners day after day year after year. When I walk past them on the street they tend to remember who I am and many of them can hold an intelligent conversation.....but they're sleeping on the street with needles laying all around them. Neely Fuller said the White Supremists are the smartest and most powerful people on the planet, you shouldn't put ANYTHING past them.
  15. Maurice I hear you...... I'm not sure about the laws in Romania but I'm a supporter of free speech. As long as you aren't calling for somone's harm or exposiong personal information about them like thier address or phone number.....I say you should speak your mind. Is it wrong? Ofcourse. But when you start punishing people for what they say it's becomes a slipperly slope. And ofcourse the station should have the right to fire that individual if they choose without the government forcing them to keep him or let him go. I say fight fire with fire. Serena should be allowed to go on a Romanian radio show and use some of the skills she learned growing up in "Da CPT" to roast his ass....lol.
  16. Kareem This is very important. I've argued with many brothers and sisters that we were FAR better off before so-called "integration." The statistics don't lie. 89% of black babies were born to their married mom and dad in the 1960s. Black business ownership (meaning businesses that creates jobs in black communities and had black patrons) peaked in 1963. There were fewer than 150,000 black people in prison/jail in 1960. Today there are over 2 million. The most chilling stat of today - 80%+ of black babies in the USA are born to a single mom. AfroAmericans were far more independant before integration, that's for sure. We knew that if we wanted something or needed something done we better get off our ass and do it OURSELF because we couldn't expect for Caucasians to. If you wanted some food, better get your ass out in the field and grow it yourself! If you wanted a school, better get some wood and old chairs together and build it yourself! If you wanted a better house than that shack you're living in, you better get together with some other brothers, chop down some trees and build it yourself! Your grandma died and needs a proper burial? Better get your own funeral home because Caucasians don't want to touch a dead negro! We were FORCED to work and do for ourselves and when Caucasians saw this they realized that we didn't need them and were independent. If you're already independent and can pretty much do everything yourself, that was only one step away from separating and having a nation of our own! So they had to figure out a way to get AfroAmericans BACK into a dependant mode so we wouldn't leave them. Integration told Black folks you can sell your banks and businesses now because we'll let you work and do business in ours. Marcus Garvey suggested that if he wasn't careful the Black man will drink the poision of White civilization and die from it's effects!   Troy mentioned how I'm out of the loop for not knowing what Wakada is. If I'm not mistaken I don't believe he was refering to a rapper. Wakanda is the fictional (?) African nation that the movie Black Panther was based around. I'm assuming you heard about it even if you didn't see it. When Nipsey Hussle (sp?) died, that's the first time I heard of him. A lot of black folks seem to respect him. I'm curious of your opinion of him? I NEVER understood the obsession with 2Pac. I mean, he's a typical nigga to me. You took the words right out of my mouth. Nipsey is just THIS generation's "wanna be" version of a Tupac because of all the hype Tupac got 20 years ago, this generation felt left out and needed a "down nigga" to believe in too. As for my opinion of him.....like you I haven't heard any of his music and don't wish to. I'm sorry that he got killed, but I wasn't very familiar with the brother. But I am familiar with Tupac and not only was Tupac hyped up by the media to be the "leader" of AfroAmerican youth but he bares a major responsibility for so many AfroAmerican youth walking around to this very day with tatoos all over their bodies, refering to themselves as "thugs", and worshipping death and dysfunction.     The remaining 20-25% (you, I, Troy, Chev, etc.) are going to be extinct by 2050. I've maintained that forever. The black man and woman in the USA will not exist in 30 years. This was the white imperial plan since 1619 and it   The Black man and Black woman have no beginning and no ending in this world. They've been trying to wipe out our people for thousands of years, but like Be Be's kids, instead of dying we multiply......lol. We were MADE to be the toughest people on this planet for the purposes of surviving all of the tricks and brutality Caucasians have inflicted. Anyone else would have BEEN gotten annihilated.....look at the Native Americans. No brother, it's not extinction we should be worried about. Infact, perhaps AfroAmericans NEED to "thin the herd" and get rid of the dead weight holding our community back. Perhaps with the decent and intelligent Black people who remain, we might get our communities back to the condition they were in in the 1920s before all of the sexual confusion, crack babies, AIDS, gangsta rap, ect..., and from there....having learned from our mistakes....go in a direction we SHOULD have went. This is true. But we know its coming. Bottomline is that we're still trying to impress a master, whether its liberals (probably 60% of ADOS) or Trump (probably 15% of ADOS). We've been conditioned to beg them for paychecks, for dignity, for respect, etc. We have no way to counter it. The most powerful black people in America are pushing white agendas. I'm going to be so sad when Minister Farrakhan passes away. Now I'm feeling depressed! Brother if you knew the REAL reason Trump was PUT in office for this day and time, you wouldn't be depressed....lol. You would be saying to yourself, "Well it's about time!" I'll leave it at that.   Troy Yes because ADOS are greedy too. half the country lives in, or near, poverty. Most of these people are white. What I've seen from AfroAmericans seems to have more to do with gross ignorance and foolishness than greed. Neely Fuller Jr. has warned us about these "White sacrifices" and how they don't care about their own lives as long as they can harm as many people of color as they can in order to support White Supremacy. The truth is, we really don't KNOW what Caucasians are going through or how many of them ar going through it. We know what we SEE, but what if I were to tell you that many of those so-called "poor" Caucasians and drug addicts weren't even real, but ACTORS? There are hundreds if not thousands of Caucasians on the streets of America dressed dirty and raggedy holding up signs and begging for money but THOUSANDS of dollars in the bank, good homes, and cars....they are PRETENDING to be poor and oppressed in order to trick people and DECEIVE people. But since you don't believe in conspiracies you probably wouldn't believe this either....lol. who can also disagree without running away Lol...... Well, if you notice it's only been WOMEN who have chosen to leave and as usual it wasn't because they were threatened, harassed, or had anything sexual said to them (maybe that was the problem....lol). I've said time and time again that it's BLACK MALE LEADERSHIP that a lot of AfroAmerican women don't feel comfortable with, especially leadership they can't manipulate and side with them. . But no brother, I'm not depressed anymore. Thanks for the uplift! I'm ALMOST back together now....lol...but what really got me isn't the situation that our people find themselves in in this nation. I've come to accept and understand that. What got me was that Hurricane Dorian and how it just stood over that Black island and pounded it while waving at Florida before flying North. Man....it's one thing when other humans are racist against you and oppress you; but when it seems as if NATURE HERSELF is against you or can be used by your enemy against you....man. It really messes with your head.
  17. Troy I used to say it was the media portraying AfroAmericans a certain way, and you're right to a large extent there IS a lot of racist propagana against AfroAmericans being shown around the world. A lot of it is from OUR OWN hands, by the way. It's hard to blame Caucasians for all of those ghetto and "hood" movies so many AfroAmericans have been producing for the past 30 or 40 years portraying their own people as violent thugs, criminals, and dope dealers. But it's not just the media or the movies influencing them but REAL LIFE that forces a lot of immigrants.....including African immigrants....to draw negative conclusions about AfroAmericans! Go to your typical urban areas whether New York or Florida and check out the brothers hanging around gas stations and liquor stores begging for change and smoking black-n-milds. Check out how they look, how they act, and how they sound cussing and clowning.....and compare them to most of the Caucasians you interact with sitting in Starbucks tapping away on their lap tops. Now imagine if YOU were an immigrant just coming to this nation and were checking out both groups, who would YOU respect and trust more? How can you as an African immigrant respect someone who was born and raised in this nation and is sitting on the street cross legged with a long nappy grey beard looking up and begging YOU for money and YOU just got here 12 years ago?
  18. Kareem Bill Cosby also threatened to quit his show when it was at its peak in the late 1980s. Theo had "End Apartheid" posters on his bedroom walls in the show. The network ordered him to take them down. Bill Cosby told them the poster stays or I go. Guess who won that battle. Loved Bill Cosby for that. Man, in all these years I didn't hear about that one until just now. As much as I criticize the internet, I'm glad it's available because I seem to learn something new every day. As far as open carry states and permits, I don't understand why you need a "permit" to do what the 2nd Amendment already gives you the right to do. Based on my LIMITED knowledge and understanding of the law, if you have the right to KEEP and BEAR something and that right SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED......that means you can own it, carry it, and if the Constitution is the highest law of the land then no one can make a law preventing otherwise.
  19. This is one of the reason I'm so adamant about using the proper TERMINOLOGY and insist on separating RACE from ETHNICITY. Africans are a race which most of us are apart of, but we as AfroAmericans are an ethnic group separate from other ethnic groups within that race and we need to recognize that. Now this may set me at odds with you brothers over this issue but I think SOME of the way Africans feel about AfroAmericans is actually JUSTIFIED. Let's look at it....... Troy and Kareem you both are intelligent, educated, well spoken Black men and if YOUR TYPE were the majority of the AfroAmerican men there wouldn't be a problem with Africans, Asians, and probably not even with most Caucasians. I believe one of the main reasons for Caucasian racism is the STUPIDITY of so many of our own brothers and sisters who make it so easy for them to victimize them! Often times I fantasize about where would we as AfroAmericans be as a people if all AfroAmerican men thought just like me....lol. We probably wouldn't be college educated but I'm pretty sure the brutality and imprisonment of AfroAmericans would grind to a complete halt inside a week or we'd all just be eliminated and wouldn't have to deal with it any further....lol. But anyway....... If all or even just HALF of all AfroAmerican men thought like you two and those were the kind of AfroAmerican men these immigrants were encountering when they came to the United States I'm certain there wouldn't be near the amount of tension and disrespect between AfroAmerican and immigrant (African and otherwise) communities you see happening all over the nation. But yall know good and dog-gone well most AfroAmerican men aren't like that. When Africans come to this nation most of them see the typical "nigga" hanging out smoking dope, selling dope, and acting a straight fool in the street going in and out of jail and getting in and out of trouble. Why would them or anyone else with good sense even RESPECT people like that let alone want to "unite" with them and work with them? In truth, we as AfroAmericans having been here for over 400 years actually should have already established communities in America where African immigrants (who choose to) can come and feel at home. Instead, you have negroes hanging out on the corner begging African students and business owners for money or a job in an African restaurant. On top of that, many Africans HAVE to take over the roles of AfroAmericans both on and off the screen because they STILL can speak properly, are not obese, and have enough sense to follow directions and stay out of trouble. If you look at most African immigrants and their children today, they remind me of ourselves AfroAmericans back in the 50s, 60s, and 70s BEFORE integration and the poor diet screwed up so much of our community and values. They are hungry and "coming up" for education, jobs, and self improvement......I can't get mad at them for that.
  20. Kareem But there are in fact a lot of Nigerian and Caribbean immigrants who belittle and disrespect ADOS. In fact they even have their own derogatory word for us - akkaka or something like that I think the word you're speaking of is "akata". It's my understanding that it's a general West African term for AfroAmericans which means "cottoner" or "cotton picker"....lol. Well, it's a little bit better than what many of the EAST Africans call us, which is "adoon". That is the Somali word for AfroAmericans which means "slave". It appears that everyone's got a name for us....lol.
  21. Kareem Ofcourse the name "Malcolm X" is much more becoming of his character and legacy than "Malcolm Little", however as he progressed forward in his life he changed it to "Malik Shabazz" and I'm sure that unless he changed it again....if he were still with un on this plane he would still be calling himself "Malik Shabazz". But as I said before, I used the two....X and Shabazz....interchangeably to avoid confusion. As far as our hard hitting "cradle to the grave" brother....... When I first heard of his death and the circumstances surrounding it I strongly believed that he was poisoned and killed, but the more I listened carefully from those closest to him like Malik Zulu and also Chairman N'Zinga who both said he had dangerously high blood pressure, was very stressed out, and that contributed to him having an anyurism.....that more plausible it began to sound too. I would be 50/50 on the issue but the fact is I actually saw him in real life on several occasions and his eyes were often so blood-shot red that they looked brown almost so that corroborates much of what Malik Zulu has said about his eyes being red from such dangerously high blood pressue. So that puts me just a little bit over (just a percentage or 2) on the side that he probably did have a massive stroke. This world is interesting, people don't always die in the manner you THINK they may die. Eazy E grew up in Compton selling dope and pulling guns on people but ended up dying of AIDS. I'm with you completely on Farrah Gray. He has his father's intelligence and drive and the older he gets the more he looks like him.
  22. Troy The book cover on "the site that begins with A," that you linked to ???? I didn't provide a link in that post. Man, you don't believe in ANYTHING do you....lol. You don't believe in race. You don't believe the Illuminati exists. You don't believe the Willie Lynch letter is authentic. I picture you just sitting in a chair with your arms folded and one eye brow raised whenever people are talking to you, lol. Kareem Thanks. Lol.....man you didn't a better and more articulate job defending my post than I would have!
  23. Troy especially if it includes decendants of the enslaved across the Americas. Usually it doesn't and that is part of my response to your question: However, does anyone think the term might be divisive for the reason i just mentioned? I've said for a long time that AfroAmericans need to slow down with all of these "coalitions" with Latinos, Asians, ect....who don't give a damn about our cause. But as much as I love Tariq Nasheed I have to take issue with the way he's been bashing African and Carribean Africans lately. You have ADOS the loosely based concept, which I'm down with. But then you have an ADOS hard core group whom I believe is led by Yvette Carnell and a brother who's a lawyer out of Los Angeles and they are STRICTLY AfroAmericans of the UNITED STATES ONLY. They ain't trying to hear about the plight of Brazilians, Haitians, Jamaicans, Puerto Ricans, ect...and like you said, they've been enslaved also. So yes in my opinion it is divisive but SOME of the division is NECESSARY. Especially when it comes to separating ourselves from many of these Caucasian Latinos, East Asians, Arabs, and others who claim to be "of color" but are also racist and anti-Black.
  24. Kareem I'm glad someone else has noticed the degradation of AfroAmerican television over the past 25 years or so. Back in the 80s and 90s besides the sitcoms you listed, we also had a respectable list of of INTELLIGENT AfroAmerican talk shows like Arsenio Hall, Oprah, and Montel Williams. Now they get rid of them and give us Wendy Williams. ...talk about a "freak show". They had "Cops" in the 80s and 90s which some considered somewhat racist, but there were so many positive AfroAmerican shows on that it OFFSET the damage done by shows like Jerry Springer and Cops. Today you have 1st Responders and Live PD which is FULL BLOWN RACIST and there aren't enough intelligent AfroAmerican programs on to offset it. Because they are not allowed to do that. No sense in getting in a back and forth about it. But if you join a white imperial organization, you exist to enforce white imperialism. Police imperialism is what one of our sites has covered since 2007. There's no such a thing as a "good cop" because if they cross that "thin blue line," they get fired, arrested or worse. I hear and understand exactly what you're saying my brother, yet and still.....as long as we're living in this society and don't have a police force of our own what's the alternative? As racist and corrupt as the system may be, if it were to collapse overnight.....knowing what YOU know about many of our people it wouldn't be 72 hours before there was complete mayhem on the streets in certain areas because so many of our people haven't learned how to govern themselves peaceably and civily. Just like you and your uncle can work in and with this system to establish justice for our people, are not atleast SOME AfroAmerican cops capable of the same? BTW..... To show you what kind of guy I am, here's an article I just read today that actually bolsters YOUR argument of what happens to AfroAmerican officers who try to speak up. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/sheriff-helped-plot-his-own-deputys-killing-over-racially-offensive-tape-prosecutors-say/ar-AAHq9xj?li=BBnb7Kz&ocid=TSHDHP
  25. To be clear, their were Africans in the Americas for THOUSANDS of years before the Great Ma'afa (Trans Atlantic Slave Trade). And while the first slaves were brought to the United State in 1619 (before it even was the United States), slavery actually started in North America around 1555. The reason there's a 64 year difference in the dates is because of a very horrible fact. In 1555 the first few boats of Africans were brought to the ISLANDS of the Carribean like Haiti, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, ect...... These Africans were beaten, tortured, and trained to become slaves and their children were taught this also. They were forced to forget their religions, thier languages, their diets.....and forced to adopt Christianity, learn English, and eat rotten food that wasn't good for them. This was called "breaking". THEN after 64 years of torture and breaking down the will and bodies of Africans and making them fit for the dehumanizing conditions of slavery then THEIR CHILDREN AND GRAND CHILDREN were brought to the mainland to be slaves in 1619. To learn more about this process of slave-making and buck-breaking, I suggest a book by a brother named Alfred Ali called 64 Years To Make a Negro.
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