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Posts posted by richardmurray

  1. yeah @frankster ever since the 1970s, the usa went full into the idea of financial manipulation through the market though again, the military helps. without military power this does not happen


    exactly @ProfD exactly, its genius as long as its true

    but @frankster the roman empire rebounded and retained itself under justinian. the move from roma to nova roma had a financial element, but also a militaristic + cultural element, militaristically  the roman empire had overreached but culturally, the christian community had become a menace that forced potent changes of the roman empire from a publicly multiracial government to a christian government and that eventually led to its end. The banking wasn't what killed it. 

    I will also add, the roman empire centered at roma + nova roma didn't know how to operate as a small country. leading is one thing, but following is another and the roman empire had a problem following. 

  2. @Troy

    no it is an implication, here is here quote



    After our talk, I wrote back to Ruth saying:

    "I am deeply saddened to hear that all hate speech will be allowed and that there is no recourse planned for any inflammatory remarks should they occur, nor any preventative measures being taken. I believe deeply in free speech, but not hate speech.


    Here is the link tot he substack you shared


    yes i concur, no government has ever accepted 100% free speech in human history



    I did say i read the article:) 

  3. I read the article, she said hate speech isn't free speech, which of course is a simple lie. Free speech includes all speech. If free speech doesn't include all speech then it isn't free speech. 

    And in the comments to the article, someone who said they are jewish disagreed with her reasoning. 

     I remember Richard Pryor did a stand up at an event led by bett midler and in it he called it like it is to many in the white lgbtq or white jewish communities. I recall when Sammy davis jr wasn't invited to catholic john f kennedy's inaugural party. And   again, WEB DUbois went to court and spoke against Marcus Garvey. I even learned recently that 67% of the ticket buyers to the Marvels were men, so women didn't even show up to see the marvels movie more than men when the movie is clearly aimed at women's empowerment. 

    My point. 

    The populace in the usa has a problem, I argue a problem made at its very founding. The problem is a more complicated set of communities exist side each other than the usa's government or media or people themselves are willing to admit. 

  4. yes @ModestoGarr having a powerful military allows any country to be indebted. The british did the same thing. Even if the king owes the landlords, the landlords can't collect from the king because of his army. 

    The true backing of the usa economy is the us military. as long as it is the strongest, the usa can have an untold level of debt BUT, the big problem with relying on a military is the simple truth of all militaries... sooner, or later, for one reason or another, a military losses its quality and when a military is the support for a financial system being allowed, in its absence comes devastating consequences. The USA doesn't have to have a functional/efficient economy because of it's military but history shows, through its imperial predecessors,  it will pay hard if it keeps that up one day. 


    I know one thing though. See, what a sex toy can do, what a good vibrator can do , I don't know one man that can do that job? 

    True that.

    And that is just facts. You see that rhythm, that consistency that a vibrator has. No man can wiggle his tongue consistently like that , till you come.  Sometimes you know, when your doing with a man, he's getting the rhythm, he's getting the rhythm, and then your about to come and then he changes something. And, I am like, oh my goodness, get the fuck out of my face. 

    If, If your partner, is giving you one on one and you've been taking it for years. And then the vibrator just goes like this [mechanical sound :)

    And your legs begin to shake like [ write what you will :) in comments ]

    You know. It takes you there in three seconds. What do I do with a man again? 



  6. @Pioneer1

    If both of us have money + the willingness to finance movies, I will finance the ones I want and you will too. And both are acceptable. Both will have an audience. Why doe you treat that as a problematic scenario? 

    I will not finance such a film. BUT, I will support you financing such a film with your money. Wish it the best. See it if in truly interest me. 

    And second, what are the other four films you will produce? 

    I stated my five, why can't you state yours. 


  7. @Troy



    OK, for the sake of clarity, let’s just pick one question editor raised that I’ve addressed; what makes the United States of America is the richest nation in the country? Is that truthful? What are the multiple acceptable answers? This strikes me as binary, either we are, or we are not.


    What makes the United States of America the richest government in humanity? 


    I said in my first comment <  https://aalbc.com/tc/topic/10668-poverty-is-an-american-problem-not-black-one/?do=findComment&comment=64167 >



    define riches to any country? if china is the second richest and the usa is the first then define riches?  

    The multiple acceptable answers are based on what people define as wealth. Is it gold or natural resources? Is it modern , 11/20/2023 , financial evaluation? Is it land? Is it military power?  today, China or russia have more natural resources. Today, russia alone has the most land of any human government. Today, the USA has the largest military power of any human government. Modern financial evaluation is based on military power and defined through contrived calculations. What I define as wealth doesn't matter. But I know that many people define wealth differently from me and that doesn't make them wrong or me right, but the variance matters in discussing the existence, generation or distribution of an absence of wealth , ala poverty. My point is the book itself has flaws not from its content but its premise. And why? only if the reader agrees to the author's answers to said questions can a reader agree to the content. If someone is devout to some religion, which I am not, and measured wealth through some piety, this book's underlying positions don't work. 

    And as I tend to always ask, who is we?   I have never viewed the government of the usa as reflecting the populace under it. To be blunt, the native american has never been represented by the usa. I think it is an negative insult to history  suggesting that.  

  8. @richardmurray

    The point in my questions wasn't in any answers to them.

    that is why i said. 


    Are they truthful/functional/Lies/half truths and if so what is the truthful part? 

    You accept all the questions I answered have an answer on the internet or in some book but I argue all of those questions have multiple acceptable answers. And that is my point about what you quoted. 



    do you think (or anyone) feel that anyone in the good 'ole US of A be without running waler, a toilet that flushes, or health insurance, and if they don't have these things it must be completely their fault?

    The usa is a country of fiscal capitalism , a system that generates fiscal poverty by default, by default. it isn't unnatural or government agenda or government allowance for fiscally poor people to be in any fiscal capitalistic country. It is natural for fiscal capitalistic countries to have mostly fiscal poor. I use NYC as the easiest example. NYC has always been mostly fiscal poor people from the time of new amsterdam to today, through all the financial ups and downs of the city [gilded age/pre 1920 stock market crash/1980s / 1950s post world war NYC was mostly poor people for all the financial opulence in the stated areas]. The reason is simple. The fiscal capitalism in NYC. So to use the words in your question, I personally never blamed and do not blame fiscal poor people for being fiscal poor in the usa or any fiscal capitalistic country.


    As MLK jr said , a video i posted a few times in this community, I couldn't find the post so I shared it direct


    In a country where 90% of fiscal wealth is inherited, I find it odd that black people whose forebears were enslaved thus could offer no fiscal inheritance need the video above said in various forms over and over. and yes, to your point, most whites have no inheritance either, but the problem is phenotypical bias played and plays a role in the history of inheritance to blacks sequentially, phenotypical race makes poverty like all other issues in the usa a split issue. 


    and please check your private messages troy

  9. Well...from the quote you shared @Troy my problem is the perspective of the author?  



    “The United States, the richest country on earth, has more poverty than any other advanced democracy. Why? Why does this land of plenty allow one in every eight of its children to go without basic necessities, permit scores of its citizens to live and die on the streets, and authorize its corporations to pay poverty wages?”


    The first question in my mind is all the terms he uses. Are they truthful/functional/Lies/half truths and if so what is the truthful part? 


    What makes the usa the richest country on earth? define riches to any country? if china is the second richest and the usa is the first then define riches?  

    What defines an advanced democracy? a rule of the people that used to be before , a rule of the people for the future, is advanced democracy? does that apply to the usa? or the others mentioned aside it? Is that a wish or a hope or the truth?

    Does the usa government allow fiscal poverty, or permit people to live in the streets? Or is poverty or people living in the streets natural to the usa ? Is a legal interpretation of the usa allow for the usa to be deemed allowing poverty? 

    Who are the children of the usa? Are the children of the usa, citizens of the usa? how do the people who live in the usa feel toward the usa? does that matter? do those who live under a government viewpoint matter? how does go along with the rule of the people assertion?

    Does the usa government authorize firms to pay laborers less than to live on?


    Gardless to the authors or anyone elses answers of said questions the author's perceptions to said questions are mandatory before he begins the book. 

  10. @aMhayes

    Well, based on what you said, people in government have been lying or making policies based on lies, and lies have consequence eventually.

    NY city is a prime example. WHo told NY city to be a haven city? NY city has always been mostly poor people, always, not sometimes , always, yet adding more poor people is smart? NY City used to have a bread factory, used to have a multitude of industries, didn't keep them? So who is to blame ? Eric Adams says the immigration is a federal issue. but, ny city through management of both parties of governance lying about the situation of the city is what led to this situation. 

    Truth may not be pretty or simple or desired, but government by lies always leads to chaos. 


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