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Everything posted by richardmurray

  1. @Mel Hopkinshmmmm well who does not want a positive ending. the question is, can a positive ending still be dark? is darkness negative or dark? well, if the spirit is forever then happily ever after can never be known but only experienced.
  2. My pleasure @Mel Hopkins yes many tribes in the village. your personal query has as many response as individuals:) I think the literary question has merit as well, I wonder your thoughts to it.
  3. Happily ever after is the problem, in literary terms. I will reply to your personal query but after I speak on the problem with the entire modern relationship genre. The first problem is where happily ever after came from. It came from a change in european fairy tales. Originally fairy tales were meant to refer to tales concerning the magical. A fairy traditionally is not positive or negative, in literary terms fairies is a magical label, how the magic apply to humans or the human world depend on the fairies, the humans, the various natural aspects. Most of these fairy tales were variations on pre christian stories from various places in europe that were becoming or would become heavily christian, at the zealot level. The christian clergy to their part, maintained the original christian method, making non christian things negative. This is why the word villans means criminal or peasant is low class compared to urban, where the christian church started, in modernity.Originally fairy tales had many unhappy endings. Some meant to scare, some meant to educate, others cause the story was good. But, over time, as books were being created, some writers decided to omit the unhappily ending fairy tales and only include the happy ones, or convert the unhappy ending ones into happy ending ones. This was the way in the european literary world; that coincided to the european global colonial age. The funny thing is that many of the conquered peoples native to <using commonly used geographic nameplace, not appropriate ones>: Africa/Asia/America had their own fairy tales which reflected the same style that the original european fairy tales did; but, these non european or non white fairy tales were barely transcribed or remembered or recalled through enslaved or genocidal histories. This lead up to modernity, in the united states. The U.S.A. media traditionally likes an inhuman position. From davey croket <is that the correct spelling> to the founding fathers , whether referring to real or unreal history the u.s.a. puts a happily ever after spin on all tales. When, the world wars are ended, the USA through its relatively advanced media machine, spread the happily ever after style and embedded it in films or entertainment. Artists who tried to reject this had to be independent or their work was undermined in advertising. The original scarface black and white film/comedy shows on early television/tales from the crypt comic books are all examples of media in the u.s.a. where someone was telling a story that did not end happy ever after and in each genre rules were set up to enforce a happily ever after product. From the movie ratings to comic code to prewritten shows on television. The artistic goal was blocking unhappily ever after from being experienced. Now, in modernity, the film industries technological capability has allowed an audience to see some of the most fantastic written elements absent reading or use of their imagination. The non science fiction or high fantasy fiction genre's like relationships or biographies are where books are making the most money. And, with centuries of happily ever after saturating the media in anglo led ,u.k. then u.s.a. , humanity you get to the current scenario. Now to answer your query, I believe in being happy in the now and not expecting anything tomorrow. Time is a teacher, treasure each moment you live, hope for the better tomorrow, praise the best from yesterday. Expectation is the enemy to a happy life, cause humanity live in nature, not dominate it, nature will give sad days, unhappy days, and nature is no sinner for it.
  4. I finally listened, your voice is so sexy, if i ever do a read for a female character, you will be one of the fertile ones:) @Mel Hopkins
  5. I think so @Mel Hopkins I have been on here through iterations and the blog enhancements have been excellent @Troy
  6. @Mel HopkinsI don't see that button but I do have social media shares but I share my post myself on various sites as you know.
  7. Lovely prose, @Mel Hopkins and thank you. your posts as you know I like to read, very informative.
  8. thanks @TroyImagine if we can get aalbc to grow more:) wouldn't that be great @Mel Hopkins as the online black community, this should be our goal, to make a black owned website more popular:) Ok Mel:) private message me on here, we will work something out. I will say this, the promote or social share is not present on blogs and i think is not needed. let us be honest. more and more online people, spend their time with photo viewing or tweeting but very few of them spend alot of time with in depth looking at any level. So, social promotion is good but in the end of the day, we have to come up with ways to engender them to us. many people today have filters to their social experience that grooms it.
  9. @Troy i apologize for seeing this late:) I am trying to finish some poetry and see matches... time is squeezing me:) @Mel Hopkins I am willing to help you, to be honest, i never saw a promote feature on my blog and i use it more regularly. The only reason i have been inactive recently is i am working on my poetry book and i reformatted what my weekly blog will be and i am preparing that to both of you, a tutorial is great, but perhaps I should start a blog post , and it can be a place where we members can come and learn how to use aalbc blog platform through our debates and I will be willing if i don't know how to help to figure it out aside the query maker?what say you guys?
  10. WHITE HOUSE INFERNO! This was so much fun, but in honor of Sean Spicer, who I can imagine thought this everyday as the white house press secretary. I think i emulated the volume control of the original correctly or near enough:) (Burn baby burn) (Burn baby burn) (Burn baby burn) (Burn baby burn) To my surprise, whitehouse spokesman I! Voters getting loose y'all, tweeting all through the world Folks are screaming, out of control It was so- entertaining, when the campaign, started to roll I heard somebody say (Burn baby burn) whitehouse inferno (Burn baby burn) burn that mother down (Burn baby burn) whitehouse inferno (Burn baby burn) burn that mother down Satisfaction, came in a chain reaction (Burnin') I couldn't get enough, so I had to self-destruct The heat was on, rising to the top Everybody going strong, and that is when my spark got hot I heard somebody say (Burn baby burn) whitehouse inferno (Burn baby burn) burn that mother down (Burn baby burn) whitehouse inferno (Burn baby burn) burn that mother down
  11. @sabine ziyawell this is just another creative leg, next i will take the most talked about fragments or prompts and compose a tale shell from them
  12. haha:) I disturbed you good, i am transitioning my fiction out of the high fantasy since i write so much poetry in that zone and am pushing into the horror:)
  13. haha the bleeding mouth nun, you clicked:) i knew that one would get it:) I don't know the professor and assistant, do you recall the image it was @sabine ziya the professor and assistant, is that the one with the stone statue of an angel?
  14. thanks @sabine ziyaI do you have a favorite?
  15. @sabine ziya thank you. I did no research except some for the collage piece "the black horse" I had issues seeing a story that related so I did a random search to horses, hell, evil and I got the knogglevi and the rest is my imagination
  16. thank you @Mel Hopkins and @Cynique and happy fathers day to all:)
  17. My horror premise A HINT TO THE PUBLIC PATHS COMING , if you have one, do tell The story will begin in the sewers, a mother/father/child living together in an old tunnel, one from many in new york city. The child has a birthday, thirteen, and the parents are worried; they worry that the child will want to leave the darkness in the sewers and step into the world outside: frankfurters/carnivals/taxi cabs/big posters/sexy women running to work. The child's uncle arrives; he had to travel from his spot in brooklyn to his sister's home in manhattan and has a gruesome arm. The child is shocked to see the arm, torn, scarred, brutalized. The child worries but wonders at the same time. That evening the child waited till mom/dad/uncle was sleeping and it went to the little ray from a street lamp. The child placed an arm under the light, and nothing happened. Fears abated and the child went to bed. The next day, uncle and father left to find a subterranean home for the uncle. The child is allowed to see under the subterranean grid to the activities above, but mom demanded the child do not step into the light. The child see's kids playing basketball and is in wonder; and place a hand where sunlight shine under the grid. No harm or damage, the child is confused to why the parents have lied to the danger stepping into the light. And, the child figures it will go on the street tomorrow when the kids play. A scream is heard and the child run back home. The child see mom or dad crying over Uncle. He is torn asunder, both leg a bloody nub, both arm a bruised bloody stump, chunks of his face or chest or buttocks or back are torn off. The child does not comprehend how this happened to Uncle, and ask the parents how. The parents respond they do not know. But, it is lethal. The next day, the child prepare to step outside and see the kids play. Tomorrow, the child is allowed to play near the grid , trusted as before by the parents. The child see some grown people pulling carts on the street and uses the method to leave out the tunnels from the grid. The sun is bright and the wind is cool, overjoyed the child run about and the cart pullers come closer smiling, happy, overjoyed too. And... the cart pullers fight with each other, grabbing as many dollars as they can, mysteriously appearing from the tunnels. JAPANESE HORROR GUY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIIA6QDgl2M&feature=youtu.be CREEPY PASTA http://www.creepypasta.com/pastas-indexed-category/ CReepy pasta that have african american in them- only 2 through search http://www.creepypasta.com/?s=african+american OTHER POST http://listverse.com/…/10-creepypasta-that-will-scare-you-…/ http://mashable.com/2013/10/28/creepypastas/#ZEfq25CCGZqs example http://www.creepypasta.com/the-russian-sleep-experiment/
  18. Leah Cutter has this idea for a island map where you use the coordinates for the genre you write in and make these islands So I first had to list my work, I chose only the work I have published on Kobo, I didn't choose everything I have ever written or had accepted in this that or the other. While that would be fair, to be honest, my mindset is, if I incorporate those things that I may have to add another axis and I didn't want this to be muddled too much. If you ever tried to graph a function having five variables by hand you comprehend me, in the visual imbalance to that. As it is, I first listed each work I have in Kobo or I am working on this year, and labeled them next to it Gospel of Joseph- Religious fiction Kings of London Epic Poem CFC 2012-2013 sport Poetry/sport Comic/Sport Assessment Kings of London Epic Poem CFC 2013-2014 sport Poetry/ sport Comic/Sport Assessment Kings of London Epic Poem CFC 2014-2015 sport Poetry/sport Comic/Sport Assessment Looking West and West - Story Collection - Fantasy Lucky 13 - unfinished science fiction Richard Murray Thoughts Round 1 to 8 and ongoing /Sport Assessment/sport Poetry Sunset Children Stories Fable Collection/ Story Collection The Janidogo Fantasy Script The Nyotenda Science Fiction Script The Visasiki Story Collection FREE intro Richard Murray Poetry Collection- Fantasy poetry/Social critique poetry Richard Murray public paths- Fantasy/Science Fiction For me, what I see is quite a bit of poetry and story collections If I use two axis- one for poetry the other for prose, the poetry can go from sport to fantasy(red) the prose from sport assessment to fantasy either have social critique or religious fiction in the center (green) I came up with the grid in the following ...Before I created it I knew it would not be good enough, the graphical scheme needed a change for me. I added Roman numeral index to the list and applied the numerals into the graph but I then went at it again I Gospel of Joseph- Religious fiction II Kings of London Epic Poem CFC 2012-2013 sport Poetry/sport Comic/Sport Assessment III Kings of London Epic Poem CFC 2013-2014 sport Poetry/ sport Comic/Sport Assessment IV Kings of London Epic Poem CFC 2014-2015 sport Poetry/sport Comic/Sport Assessment V Looking West and West - Story Collection - Fantasy/adult riddles VI Lucky 13 - unfinished science fiction VII Richard Murray Thoughts Round 1 to 8 and ongoing /Sport Assessment/sport Poetry IIX Sunset Children Stories Fable Collection/ Story Collection IX The Janidogo Fantasy Script X The Nyotenda Science Fiction Script XI The Visasiki Story Collection XII Richard Murray Poetry Collection- Fantasy poetry/Social critique poetry XIIV Richard Murray public paths- Fantasy/Science Fiction So I was more rigid, placing an alphanumeric next to each representing a book next to each book that applied going down the line adding in Fiction- Religious 1 Poetry-Sport 2347 Prose- Sport 2347 Comic- Sport 234 Fantasy- short story 58B Adult-riddles 5 Science Fiction- unfinished 6 Fable 8 Fantasy -script 9 Science fiction - script A Fantasy poetry C social critique poetry C Fantasy fiction D science fiction D Then I remade the categories to focus on genre, I excluded audio which is unfair since i added the comics. But, the audio is akin to the text. Religious fiction 1 Sport poetry 2347 Sport prose 2347 sport comic 234 Fantasy - short story 58B Adult- riddles 5 Science fiction unfinished 6 Fable 8 Fantasy - script 9 Science fiction- script A Fantasy poetry C Social critique poetry C Fantasy Fiction D Science Fiction D Then the true boundaries came to light. I have fiction: religious/Fantasy-short story/fable/fantasy script/science fiction script/fantasy/science fiction Sport: poetry/prose/comic Adult: riddles poetry: fantasy/social critique if I combine riddles into poetry, which is not literally true, a riddle need not be a poem but the adult riddles in looking west and west are poetic, i should know:), then I have three shapes Fiction is a septagon Sport is a trigon and the poetry is a trigon but then i realized the shapes don't merge functionally , fiction needs to be an nonagon, to include sport and nonfiction; sport must be a quadgon to include nonsport, and poetry must be a quadgon to include nonpoetry, and I index them fiction(green): I religious/ II Fantasy-short story/ III fable/ IV fantasy script/ V science fiction script/ VI fantasy/ VII science fiction/ IIX sport/ IX nonfiction (yellow) Sport(red): I poetry/ II prose/ III comic/ IV nonsport (blue) Poetry(black): I fantasy/ II social critique/ III adult riddle/ IV nonpoetry (brown) So the following is the second attempt, I made the shapes and then placing the alphanumeric described above. For example, the gospel of joseph is religious fiction. So I placed digit one under the appropriate green line, using purple. For some books where I do multiple I made purple lines connecting, thus making islands, if you will on top of each other in the air that are see through except for the border. But this proves how some work I do have multifaceted and some does not. The first thing is obvious I learn about my writing, a lot of poetry. More than I even considered, spanning various genres, which makes my first poetry book this year, common sense. But it also shows how much of my poetry is dominated through sport and not beyond into the fantastic thus the poetry book this year will be about the fantastic. I also have not settled on a favorite fiction genre I like to write in. well, as it is , can you make your own graph and share with all what you have learned about your writing I was inspired by this post https://kobowritinglife.com/2017/03/09/writing-all-over-the-map-leah-cutters-island-sampler/
  19. Good day readers, the Visasiki excerpt is available for free on Kobo. If you enjoy you can follow up with the Visasiki which is an audio book from stories in the Sunset Children Stories or Looking West and West. The poems to the month is coming, be ready and I will make a collage to a story idea, that you may like. Happy reading. Visasiki Excerpt Visasiki Sunset Children Stories Looking West and West
  20. @Troy a company as large as Rakuten did not need to change the url's from kobo, I hope they map the old url's when or if they choose to change their addressing scheme in the future thanks brother... haha, well not that many. I know some writers who are very profligate. As a storyteller i overthink plot, so I dont allow for stories to continue on and on, characters move on, they die or they have nothing left to display, in my worlds. For example, I would never write the purge as it is. I would have written, the black character in the first one die outside the house while the white family discusss the purge and the white kid get killed inside, 1/2 hour story maximum. I think too many writers push plots to be longer that put characters out of logic or common sense.
  21. thank you @Troy they are fixed now:)
  22. There is a deadlock in the public paths voting, I want the public to decide so I will wait till the end of february if need be, if you have not voted:) use the link below 


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