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Everything posted by richardmurray

  1. thanks @sabine ziyaI do you have a favorite?
  2. @sabine ziya thank you. I did no research except some for the collage piece "the black horse" I had issues seeing a story that related so I did a random search to horses, hell, evil and I got the knogglevi and the rest is my imagination
  3. thank you @Mel Hopkins and @Cynique and happy fathers day to all:)
  4. My horror premise A HINT TO THE PUBLIC PATHS COMING , if you have one, do tell The story will begin in the sewers, a mother/father/child living together in an old tunnel, one from many in new york city. The child has a birthday, thirteen, and the parents are worried; they worry that the child will want to leave the darkness in the sewers and step into the world outside: frankfurters/carnivals/taxi cabs/big posters/sexy women running to work. The child's uncle arrives; he had to travel from his spot in brooklyn to his sister's home in manhattan and has a gruesome arm. The child is shocked to see the arm, torn, scarred, brutalized. The child worries but wonders at the same time. That evening the child waited till mom/dad/uncle was sleeping and it went to the little ray from a street lamp. The child placed an arm under the light, and nothing happened. Fears abated and the child went to bed. The next day, uncle and father left to find a subterranean home for the uncle. The child is allowed to see under the subterranean grid to the activities above, but mom demanded the child do not step into the light. The child see's kids playing basketball and is in wonder; and place a hand where sunlight shine under the grid. No harm or damage, the child is confused to why the parents have lied to the danger stepping into the light. And, the child figures it will go on the street tomorrow when the kids play. A scream is heard and the child run back home. The child see mom or dad crying over Uncle. He is torn asunder, both leg a bloody nub, both arm a bruised bloody stump, chunks of his face or chest or buttocks or back are torn off. The child does not comprehend how this happened to Uncle, and ask the parents how. The parents respond they do not know. But, it is lethal. The next day, the child prepare to step outside and see the kids play. Tomorrow, the child is allowed to play near the grid , trusted as before by the parents. The child see some grown people pulling carts on the street and uses the method to leave out the tunnels from the grid. The sun is bright and the wind is cool, overjoyed the child run about and the cart pullers come closer smiling, happy, overjoyed too. And... the cart pullers fight with each other, grabbing as many dollars as they can, mysteriously appearing from the tunnels. JAPANESE HORROR GUY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIIA6QDgl2M&feature=youtu.be CREEPY PASTA http://www.creepypasta.com/pastas-indexed-category/ CReepy pasta that have african american in them- only 2 through search http://www.creepypasta.com/?s=african+american OTHER POST http://listverse.com/…/10-creepypasta-that-will-scare-you-…/ http://mashable.com/2013/10/28/creepypastas/#ZEfq25CCGZqs example http://www.creepypasta.com/the-russian-sleep-experiment/
  5. Leah Cutter has this idea for a island map where you use the coordinates for the genre you write in and make these islands So I first had to list my work, I chose only the work I have published on Kobo, I didn't choose everything I have ever written or had accepted in this that or the other. While that would be fair, to be honest, my mindset is, if I incorporate those things that I may have to add another axis and I didn't want this to be muddled too much. If you ever tried to graph a function having five variables by hand you comprehend me, in the visual imbalance to that. As it is, I first listed each work I have in Kobo or I am working on this year, and labeled them next to it Gospel of Joseph- Religious fiction Kings of London Epic Poem CFC 2012-2013 sport Poetry/sport Comic/Sport Assessment Kings of London Epic Poem CFC 2013-2014 sport Poetry/ sport Comic/Sport Assessment Kings of London Epic Poem CFC 2014-2015 sport Poetry/sport Comic/Sport Assessment Looking West and West - Story Collection - Fantasy Lucky 13 - unfinished science fiction Richard Murray Thoughts Round 1 to 8 and ongoing /Sport Assessment/sport Poetry Sunset Children Stories Fable Collection/ Story Collection The Janidogo Fantasy Script The Nyotenda Science Fiction Script The Visasiki Story Collection FREE intro Richard Murray Poetry Collection- Fantasy poetry/Social critique poetry Richard Murray public paths- Fantasy/Science Fiction For me, what I see is quite a bit of poetry and story collections If I use two axis- one for poetry the other for prose, the poetry can go from sport to fantasy(red) the prose from sport assessment to fantasy either have social critique or religious fiction in the center (green) I came up with the grid in the following ...Before I created it I knew it would not be good enough, the graphical scheme needed a change for me. I added Roman numeral index to the list and applied the numerals into the graph but I then went at it again I Gospel of Joseph- Religious fiction II Kings of London Epic Poem CFC 2012-2013 sport Poetry/sport Comic/Sport Assessment III Kings of London Epic Poem CFC 2013-2014 sport Poetry/ sport Comic/Sport Assessment IV Kings of London Epic Poem CFC 2014-2015 sport Poetry/sport Comic/Sport Assessment V Looking West and West - Story Collection - Fantasy/adult riddles VI Lucky 13 - unfinished science fiction VII Richard Murray Thoughts Round 1 to 8 and ongoing /Sport Assessment/sport Poetry IIX Sunset Children Stories Fable Collection/ Story Collection IX The Janidogo Fantasy Script X The Nyotenda Science Fiction Script XI The Visasiki Story Collection XII Richard Murray Poetry Collection- Fantasy poetry/Social critique poetry XIIV Richard Murray public paths- Fantasy/Science Fiction So I was more rigid, placing an alphanumeric next to each representing a book next to each book that applied going down the line adding in Fiction- Religious 1 Poetry-Sport 2347 Prose- Sport 2347 Comic- Sport 234 Fantasy- short story 58B Adult-riddles 5 Science Fiction- unfinished 6 Fable 8 Fantasy -script 9 Science fiction - script A Fantasy poetry C social critique poetry C Fantasy fiction D science fiction D Then I remade the categories to focus on genre, I excluded audio which is unfair since i added the comics. But, the audio is akin to the text. Religious fiction 1 Sport poetry 2347 Sport prose 2347 sport comic 234 Fantasy - short story 58B Adult- riddles 5 Science fiction unfinished 6 Fable 8 Fantasy - script 9 Science fiction- script A Fantasy poetry C Social critique poetry C Fantasy Fiction D Science Fiction D Then the true boundaries came to light. I have fiction: religious/Fantasy-short story/fable/fantasy script/science fiction script/fantasy/science fiction Sport: poetry/prose/comic Adult: riddles poetry: fantasy/social critique if I combine riddles into poetry, which is not literally true, a riddle need not be a poem but the adult riddles in looking west and west are poetic, i should know:), then I have three shapes Fiction is a septagon Sport is a trigon and the poetry is a trigon but then i realized the shapes don't merge functionally , fiction needs to be an nonagon, to include sport and nonfiction; sport must be a quadgon to include nonsport, and poetry must be a quadgon to include nonpoetry, and I index them fiction(green): I religious/ II Fantasy-short story/ III fable/ IV fantasy script/ V science fiction script/ VI fantasy/ VII science fiction/ IIX sport/ IX nonfiction (yellow) Sport(red): I poetry/ II prose/ III comic/ IV nonsport (blue) Poetry(black): I fantasy/ II social critique/ III adult riddle/ IV nonpoetry (brown) So the following is the second attempt, I made the shapes and then placing the alphanumeric described above. For example, the gospel of joseph is religious fiction. So I placed digit one under the appropriate green line, using purple. For some books where I do multiple I made purple lines connecting, thus making islands, if you will on top of each other in the air that are see through except for the border. But this proves how some work I do have multifaceted and some does not. The first thing is obvious I learn about my writing, a lot of poetry. More than I even considered, spanning various genres, which makes my first poetry book this year, common sense. But it also shows how much of my poetry is dominated through sport and not beyond into the fantastic thus the poetry book this year will be about the fantastic. I also have not settled on a favorite fiction genre I like to write in. well, as it is , can you make your own graph and share with all what you have learned about your writing I was inspired by this post https://kobowritinglife.com/2017/03/09/writing-all-over-the-map-leah-cutters-island-sampler/
  6. Good day readers, the Visasiki excerpt is available for free on Kobo. If you enjoy you can follow up with the Visasiki which is an audio book from stories in the Sunset Children Stories or Looking West and West. The poems to the month is coming, be ready and I will make a collage to a story idea, that you may like. Happy reading. Visasiki Excerpt Visasiki Sunset Children Stories Looking West and West
  7. @Troy a company as large as Rakuten did not need to change the url's from kobo, I hope they map the old url's when or if they choose to change their addressing scheme in the future thanks brother... haha, well not that many. I know some writers who are very profligate. As a storyteller i overthink plot, so I dont allow for stories to continue on and on, characters move on, they die or they have nothing left to display, in my worlds. For example, I would never write the purge as it is. I would have written, the black character in the first one die outside the house while the white family discusss the purge and the white kid get killed inside, 1/2 hour story maximum. I think too many writers push plots to be longer that put characters out of logic or common sense.
  8. thank you @Troy they are fixed now:)
  9. There is a deadlock in the public paths voting, I want the public to decide so I will wait till the end of february if need be, if you have not voted:) use the link below 


  10. TV ONE SCREENPLAY COMPETITION 2017 The TV ONE SCREENPLAY COMPETITION 2017 promotes the production of creative, contemporary, engaging and relatable screenplays that can be turned into original movies for television. Genres include, but are not limited to comedies, romantic comedies, dramas, and family adventures (submissions should be non-period stories). One (1) Grand Prize Winner will be selected from three (3) Finalists and announced at the closing night event of ABFF. ALL INFORMATION IS IN THE FOLLOWING LINK https://tvone.tv/43771/enter-the-tv-one-screenplay-competition-2017-here/
  11. The TV ONE SCREENPLAY COMPETITION 2017 is meant to encourage and promote the production of creative, contemporary, engaging and relatable screenplays that can be turned into original movies for television. The competition is meant to: Encourage filmmakers to offer a fresh perspective and submit contemporary stories with a focus on the American black cultural experience with wide audience appeal. Encourage filmmakers to creatively center around entertaining, heart-felt and relatable topics that resonate and appeal to African American audiences. Expand upon the genres/formats that tell these entertaining stories. Genres include, but are not limited to comedies, romantic comedies, dramas, and family adventures (submissions should be non-period stories). One (1) Grand Prize Winner will be selected from three (3) Finalists and announced at the closing night event of ABFF. Click here for Overview, Eligibility & Instructions Click here for the Official Rules ( http://www.abff.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/TV-ONE-SCREENPLAY-COMPETITION-2017-Official-Rules.pdf ) SUBMIT NOW ( https://tvone.tv/43771/enter-the-tv-one-screenplay-competition-2017-here/ ) Contest Opens: December 16, 2016 Contest Deadline: February 16, 2017 *Contact them* _Email_ ( info@abffventures.com ) _Twitter_ ( https://twitter.com/ABFF ) _Instagram_ ( https://www.instagram.com/americanblackfilmfestival/ ) _Facebook_ ( https://www.facebook.com/americanblackfilmfestival/ ) _Official URL_ http://www.abff.com/tv-one-screenplay-competition/
  12. As the image state in the post above. SWahili fashion week 2016 will be from December 2nd to DEcember 4th The WebSite Emerging Designers Competition Winners (2008 - 2015) 2015 - Kulwa Maneno Mkwandule 2014 - Mendrad Peter Mlowe 2013 - Bhoke Chacha 2012 - Philista Oniang'o (KE) 2011 - Sara Masenga 2010 - Subira Wahure 2009 - 2jenge Africa Matalay 2008 - Edwin Musiba TO ADVERTISE IN THE MAGAZINE: CONTACT: HAMIS K.OMARY Mobile: +255 787 747 918 Email: hamis@361tanzania.com SFW MAGAZINE COPIES WILL BE AVAILABLE: 2000 Copies, Distribution: All over East Africa, Corporate Offices, Government Offices, Hotels, Cinemas, Restaurant, Cultural Organisations, and Supermarkets.
  13. The Nyotenda is a story I wrote ,as a script, free to fans or others who may be interested; it was based on a dare perhaps you can figure out what the dare was after reading my prose; it involve a woman who played a video game as a child to adulthood; after she succeed in the videogame in a way, she gain the attention to people from outer space who want to use her skills; she is successfully trained, and achieve a great feat becoming The Nyotenda. I cognize the universal comprehension from graphic imagery to a global audience that has no common tongue. Sequentially, I added the complete Nyotenda Comic alongside the story in the ebook. Enjoy. https://store.kobobooks.com/en-us/ebook/the-nyotenda Check out my ebooks- the free one is noted, please read/enjoy/give me your response:Sunset Children Stories: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/sunset-children-stories Looking West and West: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/looking-west-and-west Janidogo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/the-janidogo The Gospel of Joseph: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/gospel-of-joseph The Nyotenda FREE : https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/the-nyotenda Includes a comic. The following link is an excerpt LINK
  14. ONYXCON August 19th - 20th Art Exhibition & Film Festival 6-9 pm COnvention 1-7 pm Southwest Arts Center 915 New Hope Road, SW Atlanta, GA 30331 404-613-3220 Illustration is titled Magic from La'Vata E O'Neal http://www.leonealart.com/ And ONYXCON is ready! We have the Magic to stay Cool for INFINITY! Check out the amazing Art of La'Vata E O'Neal on our official ONYXCON: Infinity Flier! THIS image entitled MAGIC is just a taste of the levels of talent you can continue to expect at ONYXCON! Check out @LeoNealArt on Instagram! See our Schedule and Guest list on ONYXCON.com In other news! ONYXCON President sat down with the Principal Stunt Performer for BLACK PANTHER in Captain America: Civil War - Mr. GUI DaSILVA ! This amazing young talent is on the rise and no doubt has the achieved one of the most coveted stunt roles in the film business being Chadwick Boseman's stunt double for the ' Black Panther' in Captain America: CIVIL WAR . The interview will be produced by director LAMONT GANT of CREATIVE GENIUS FILMS and is scheduled for a release at the ONYXCON FILM FESTIVAL this AUGUST 19-20th! You do not want to miss this if you are a BLACK PANTHER/ Marvel film and comics fan! FILM FESTIVAL - Selections in the film fest are very limited, so request applications and send links to your trailers or other samples in emails, ASAP! ONYXCON@gmail.com If you are interested in this year's ART EXHIBIT the theme is CALL FOR ARTIST- ART EXHIBITION THE RESURRECTION - celebrating the lives of transitioned Artist like Prince, Phife Dawg, Maurice White, Natalie Cole, Dwayne McDuffie, Octavia E Butler, LA Banks, and many more. Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Action, heroic themes are the expected depictions. * Artist in music, film, comics, and other related arts that have become ancestors are all eligible subjects for works. There will be a limit on how many honor to PRINCE works are accepted. We want the show to have range. So if you have an incredible work that fits the theme we want to see it at ONYXCON : INFINITY ! POTENTIAL ONYXCON VENDORS - Do not wait until the deadline in July! APPLY NOW and get the best price on your space while they last! You must submit examples of your work when applying. See ONYXCON.com under VENDING for all instructions and then send a request to ONYXCON@GMAIL.COM thank you! Final words- Shoutout to CREATIVE LOAFING for featuring us in their annual SUMMER GUIDE to ATLANTA! We are honored to be featured. The ever popular SANKOFA LADY/LADY SANKOFA has her first ever comic thanks to ONYXCON contributor James 'MASE' Mason and the books are available at http://www.indyplanet.us/brands/urbanshoguncomics/ and digitally at PEEP GAME COMIX http://peepgamecomix.com/product-category/urban-shogun/ ONYXCON TEE SHIRTS are still available- check out our partner www.LazyNerdsDesigns.com and ask them about our ONYXCON gear!!! FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM @ONYXCON / ONYXCON on facebook, @ONYXCONtruth on twitter and our great and talented leader - Artist (Drawer/Painter/ACTOR) Mr. Joseph R Wheeler III - Artist on Facebook and @JRW3Artist on Instagram!
  15. East Coast Black Age of Comics Convention From Tuesday, May 17, 2016 there are 4 days left until ECBACC. http://ecbacc.com/wordpress3/ecbacc-2016/flyers/ KIDS’ LIBRARY ZONE {11AM – 3PM} Bring your young creators to this fun-zone, brimming with activity! Young participants will be challenged to think creatively as they are guided through fun projects and games that allow them to draw, color, write and imagine! THE BIG DRAW {11:15AM – 12Noon} This one-of-a-kind workshop shows young artists how make big, fun and impactful artwork that can be used for book covers or even splash pages in your very own comic book! Facilitated By: N. Steven Harris DIGITAL ARTISTRY 1 {12Noon – 1PM} ECBACC will hold an amazing and timely workshop that teaches participants how to create art using the latest technology and computer techniques. Facilitated By: Mshindo Kuumba I. WRITING CHALLENGES & HOW TO BREAK THEM {12Noon – 1:15PM} Professional creators invite you to join in or listen to a discussion that examines the most common writing challenges and how to conquer them in creating your very own work! Facilitated By: Alex Simmons CARTOONING 101 {12:15PM – 1:15PM} Interested in breathing life into your story characters? Come and join our youth workshop that will instruct you on how to create exciting, energetic and related character designs for comic books, strips, and animation. Facilitated By: Jerry Craft AFRICOZ 5 CONTEST {1:15PM – 1:45PM} Every winner represents the heroes we want to see. So who will it be at AfriCoz5!? Help the judges review the best in AfriCozplay today! Cheer for your favorites and support those who gave their all to make AfriCoz5 amazing! Remember “Many May Coz but only a few will AfriCoz!!” THE GRIOT ZONE! {1:45PM– 2:30PM} Educator and storyteller extraordinaire, Mrs. Carla Wiley delivers fun activities where participants, sing, dance, and tell stories! CREATIVELY ILLUSTRATED {1:45PM -2:45PM} Often illustrations are judged not only on the skill of the artist but also the creativity and imaginative concepts the artist brings to life. Professional illustrator Eric Battle will show participants how to make those important illustrations creative and imaginative! Facilitated By: Eric Battle CREATING INSPIRATION {2:45PM – 3:45PM} We all know that creating images and stories is no simple task. Participants in this panel will discuss their solutions for low creative days and what gives them the inspiration to create their masterpieces! Facilitated By: Jerry Craft AFRICOZ CONTEST RESULTS {3:45PM – 4:15PM} The votes are in! Having tabulated the judges’ votes, ECBACC will be announcing the winners of the 5th Annual AfriCoz contest! Come celebrate all 2016 participants! DIGITAL ARTISTRY 2 {4:30PM – 5:30PM} ECBACC will hold an amazing and timely workshop that teaches participants how to create art using the latest technology and computer techniques. Talented artist Sheeba Maya shares her experiences, new work and projects with fans. Facilitated By: Sheeba Maya IMAGINATIVE FORCE {5PM – 6PM} Join the talk as many of our headlining guests discuss how the creativity of our professionals are changing the landscape of comics, films, and storytelling! Facilitated By: Prof. William Foster III http://ecbacc.com/wordpress3/2016/ecbacc-2016-programming-schedule/
  16. If you or any writer you know is in Sao Pauloo brasil on the 29th of April This week's club of written for women in our living room! Admission is free, just pick your class and attend with your writing material: 29/04 a.m. to 19 p.m. For Women of all ages. Paulista Avenue, 2073, National Assembly - room 319. Introduce yourself with rg at the reception desk of the horsa I that stays between the stores viacores and geek. The Club of the written for women is a project thought especially for women who write or want to write any literary genre, but they feel insecurity in the process of writing; is because they consider that their production is not good enough, or because they need more return Other people. The proposal of the club is to keep regular meetings between all concerned for the practice of writing exercises, conversations and discussions on topics related to literature and the publishing market, promoting mutual aid between writers. Together, we practiced our writing and we exchanged perspectives, tips, constructive criticism and important ideas, in a climate of understanding and acceptance. The Club of the written for women is mediated by Jared Arraes, writer, cordelista and creator of writing therapy https://twitter.com/jaridarraes/status/724633074806329344 club site www.terapiaescrita.com
  17. https://www.threadless.com/heavy-metal/ Design a Heavy Metal magazine cover. Here's your chance to add your name to the impressive list of artists who've graced the cover of Heavy Metal magazine. Since 1977, Heavy Metal magazine has been home to the weirdest, wildest, wonderfulest, WTFest illustrations you’ve ever seen. And Threadless is home to some of the most weirdly wonderful artists in the world. Travel to the darkest, most fantastical corners of your imagination. Create a design that will fit perfectly into the legendary history of Heavy Metal while making us exclaim, “How did they think of that?” Test your creative limits, but stay within the confines of the magazine’s cover using this submission kit ( http://media.threadless.com.s3.amazonaws.com/Threadless_HeavyMetal_SubmissionKit.zip ). The final cover will include the official Heavy Metal logo, so feel free to incorporate it into your design submission. Just think. Moebius, Frank Miller, H.R. Giger, Bernie Wrightson, Richard Corben, Julie Bell, Aaron Horkey, Mike Mitchell, Jack Kirby, Ron English, and YOU. It can happen. Share: ( https://www.threadless.com/heavy-metal/ ) You could win Legal stuff( https://www.threadless.com/heavy-metal/legal/ ) GRAND PRIZE: One design will be selected to be featured on the cover of Heavy Metal. The artist will receive $2,000 cash, a $250 Threadless gift certificate, a 10-year subscription to Heavy Metal, and a full set of Lord of Light collection prints. RUNNERS UP: Two designs will receive $750 cash, a $250 Threadless gift certificate, and a three-year subscription to Heavy Metal. Submit a design ( https://www.threadless.com/make/heavy-metal/add/ ) Submission kit ( https://www.threadless.com/heavy-metal/submission-kit/ ) Submit from: April 13 – May 4, 2016 at 23:59:59 US/Central
  18. Call for Submissions Killens Review of Arts & Letters Fall/ Winter 2016 Embracing Difference Please send your submissions no later than June 17, 2016, to “Fall 2016 Killens Review” (in the subject line) to writers@mec.cuny.edu. The theme of the Thirteenth National Black Writers Conference, “Writing Race, Embracing Difference,” is indeed an engaging and inviting one. Writers of the African diaspora have worked in earnest for decades to compose text that represents African-American experiences in its complex and various conditions. As stated with regard to the National Black Writers Conference: “If one is to write what one knows, then that writing will represent their perspectives and points of views of racial, cultural, and geographical space in the world.” More recently within genres such as sci-fi, mystery, historical fiction, and biography, writers of the African diaspora have connected the experiences of Black America with a broader appeal. Pulitzer Prize-winning writer James Alan McPherson, author of Elbow Room and Hue and Cry, once commented in an interview: “I’m going to be called a Black writer until I die. But the point is that when I write at my best I try to look for the human situation….” The programming for the 2016 Conference came about as the result of wanting to examine how and whether Black writers “write texts” knowing they are creating works out of spaces that are constructed by race i.e. is race at the core of the works of Black writers, no matter how candid or subtle. For the Spring 2016 issue of the Killens Review of Arts & Letters, we want to continue that exploration of “writing race, embracing difference” in the works of Black writers. Under the theme “Embracing Difference,” we seek submissions of fiction, essays, poetry, memoir, and artwork in which writers and artists create works that embrace race and differences with regard to the aesthetics, belief systems, politics, sexual identity, and cultural heritage that are reflected in the narratives and texts they compose. The Killens Review of Arts & Letters is a peer-reviewed journal that welcomes Black poets, novelists, short story writers, playwrights, journalists, essayists, scholars, yet-to-be discovered writers, and artists whose literature and artwork speak to the general public and to an intergenerational range of readers represented throughout the African Diaspora. http://centerforblackliterature.org/2016-killens-review/ The Killens Review of Arts & Letters Is Currently Accepting Submissions for the Fall/ Winter 2016 Issue THEME: "Embracing Difference" The theme of the Thirteenth National Black Writers Conference (NBWC) is "Writing Race, Embracing Difference." Writers of the African diaspora have worked in earnest for decades to compose text that represents African-American experiences in its complex and various conditions. As stated with regard to the National Black Writers Conference: "If one is to write what one knows, then that writing will represent their perspectives and points of views of racial, cultural, and geographical space in the world. Pulitzer Prize-winning writer James Alan McPherson, author of Elbow Room and Hue and Cry, once commented in an interview: "I'm going to be called a Black writer until I die. But the point is that when I write at my best I try to look for the human situation...." For the Fall/ Winter 2016 issue of the Killens Review of Arts & Letters, we want to continue that exploration of "writing race, embracing difference" in the works of Black writers. Under the theme "Embracing Difference," we seek submissions of fiction, essays, poetry, memoir, and artwork in which writers and artists create works that embrace race and differences with regard to the aesthetics, belief systems, politics, sexual identity, and cultural heritage that are reflected in the narratives and texts they compose. #JOKReview2016 The Center for Black Literature at Medgar Evers College, CUNY Phone: 718-804-8883 E-mail: writers@mec.cuny.edu Like us: Like us on Facebook Center for Black Literature Follow us: Follow us on Twitter @Center4BlackLit www.CENTERFORBLACKLITERATURE.org Submission of Materials: The Killens Review of Arts & Letters is published once or twice a year by the Center for Black Literature at Medgar Evers College, CUNY. The Killens Review seeks book reviews, essays, short stories, creative nonfiction, art, poetry, and interviews related to the various cultural, sociopolitical, and historical experiences of writers and artists from the African diaspora. The aim is to provide well-known and lesser-known authors as well as educators and students opportunities to create and expand the canon of literature produced by people of color. Please submit to only one category at a time: essay, fiction, interview, poetry, prose, and art. We aim to respond to your submission within two months. Electronic and Postal Submissions Kindly e-mail material to writers@mec.cuny.edu and CReynolds@mec.cuny.edu with "Killens Review" in the subject heading. Please include a brief introduction of yourself and of the work being submitted. On the first page of your submission be sure to include: 1. Your name 2. Telephone number 3. E-mail address Please make sure the pages are numbered. Please visit our website detailed submission guidelines at: centerforblackliterature.org/2016-killens-review/
  19. DEEP SOUL IN THE TEMPLE Monday, April 25th at 7:30 p.m. DEEP SOUL IN THE TEMPLE will feature 4 plays by Nina Angela Mercer in excerpt directed by Ebony Noelle Golden and Candis Jones. The four plays featured in this showcase are Mother Wit & Water-Born, Itagua Meji: A Road & A Prayer, Gutta Beautiful, and Gypsy & The Bully Door. This is more than a stage reading. It's an environmental workshop performance with some music, dance and song. We will also facilitate a community conversation following the performance. RSVP at Facebook Event Link here: https://www.facebook.com/events/241740509511203/ https://www.facebook.com/NationalBlackTheatre/events?__xt__=33.{%22logging_data%22%3A{%22profile_id%22%3A38771499619%2C%22event_type%22%3A%22clicked_view_events%22%2C%22impression_info%22%3A%22eyJmIjp7Iml0ZW1fY291bnQiOiIwIn19%22%2C%22surface%22%3A%22www_events_permalink%22%2C%22interacted_story_type%22%3A%221628857644061911%22%2C%22session_id%22%3A%22MCAwLjY5NzM1MjAwIDE0NTQ0MjYzOTYgMjc4MjAyNzA3%22}} When Monday April 25, 2016 from 7:30 PM to 10:00 PM EDT Add to Calendar Where National Black Theatre Inc. 2031 5th Avenue New York, NY 10035 Nina Angela Mercer https://www.facebook.com/nina.a.mercer The Center for Black Literature at Medgar Evers College, CUNY Phone: 718-804-8883 E-mail: writers@mec.cuny.edu Like us: Like us on Facebook Center for Black Literature Follow us: Follow us on Twitter @Center4BlackLit
  20. My second story collection, Looking West and West, is a collection of 18 stories followed by 18 poems; in the work, 18 story is to the most lifefull in their heart fore 18 poem to those mature in body or will; it is the second in my story collection series, the first being Sunset Children Stories. In Sunset Children Stories two part exist: fables and tales. A preview is available for the ebook on the official kobo page. Check it out and at some time, leave your review on the official kobo page. Any question or thought, you can respond in this blog. If you want to hear an excerpt from Sunset Children Stories, use the following audio stream Below is an excerpt from another book, The Janidogo If you want to check out my writing style, or just enjoy a free book, please utilize the followingSunset Children Stories: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/sunset-children-stories Looking West and West: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/looking-west-and-west Janidogo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/the-janidogo The Gospel of Joseph: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/gospel-of-joseph The Nyotenda FREE : https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/the-nyotenda Includes a comic. The following link is an excerpt LINK
  21. Submissions Open! 2nd Annual TV Hosting Workshop Sharpen your hosting skills and techniques! Workshop will also focus on the Social Digital Interaction of Media/TV! For details on how to apply, go to: http://www.abff.com/nbcu-tv-hosting-workshop/ video preview of workshop https://youtu.be/TfZMx6hHEdA HOW TO APPLY Select TWO host scripts to perform and videotape: click to download < http://www.abff.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Host-Script-Options-and-Instructions-ABFF-NBCU-TV-Hosting-Workshop-2016.pdf > Click on and complete the TV Hosting Workshop Application Form < https://abffnbcuhostworkshop.wufoo.com/forms/2nd-annual-nbcuniversalabff-tv-hosting-workshop/ > to upload your host reel and self-taped video entry according to the provided instructions. Applicants MUST also submit a reel of their previous host work (previous host experience may include, but not limited to: digital, TV and live events). WORKSHOP DATES: DAY 1 - Friday, April 8th (9:00 am - 4:00 pm) DAY 2 - Saturday, April 9th (9:00 am - 4:00 pm) DAY 3 - Sunday, April 10th (9:00 am - 1:00 pm) APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS Applicants must be a minimum of 21 years of age, and permanent, legal United States residents. Applicants must be available to participate in the workshop for all three scheduled days in New York City. Applicants must be able to provide their own housing and transportation to New York for the duration of the workshop. (NOTE: You do not need to be based in New York City to be considered) SUBMISSION DATES Submissions Open: December 1, 2015 Submissions Deadline: February 26, 2016 Notify Participants By: March 4, 2016 * Please note: This workshop is not for beginners, but for participants with some host experience already under their belt. We are looking for candidates drawing upon diverse backgrounds.
  22. http://artscenterlive.org/artscenter-stage/10-by-10/ Call for Submissions – 10 By 10 in the Triangle Plays Accepted between January 4 – January 31 2016 Ten 10-Minute plays showcased on The ArtsCenter’s Main-Stage Theater In performances July 8-24 2016 Submission Request: 10 By 10, ArtsCenter Stage is interested in presenting thought-provoking plays. Submitted plays may be humorous or serious or any where in between. The Submissions: Email new, original 10-minute plays with minimal set requirements to 10by10submissions{at}artscenterlive{dot}org. Plays that have had no prior productions or limited prior productions are preferred Musical submissions with little or no accompaniment are accepted Plays that have been published are not accepted Monologues are not accepted Playwrights may submit up to 2 plays in standard format in Word or PDF Send a separate email for each play submitted. Do not zip the files Read more Submission Guidelines under Email Submissions below These guidelines must be adhered to for qualification Be advised: We cast an acting troupe of 10 actors – 5 Women and 5 men Not all ten actors are in every play; they are cast in multiple plays Plays can have a cast of 2, 3, 4 or 5-6 at most Age range of actors is from early 20s – 50s+ (2 20 somethings, 2 50s+ somethings, and everyone else in between) Very dark or profanity heavy plays tend not to be produced for our audience Email Submissions 1) The subject line MUST be 10 By 10 Submission followed by the title of your play (Example subject line: 10 By 10 Submission Fighting Mr. Right) 2) The body of the email MUST contain the following contact information: Title of the play Playwright’s contact information including Full name Full mailing address Phone number(s) Email address 3) Attach the play to the email in word or pdf. The title of play on the attached document must match the title of the play in the subject line Example subject line: 10 By 10 Submission Fighting Mr. Right Example attached play: Fighting Mr. Right 4) IMPORTANT: Contact information These are blind submissions No contact information can be on the scripts submitted Do not attach contact information Contact information must ONLY be included in the body of the email Contact information on the script will lead to the automatic disqualification of that play All plays go through several round of readings and these are blind readings so, again, no identifying contact information can be found on any script submitted. You will be sent an automated response thanking you for your submission. If you do not receive that automated response check the submissions email 10by10submissions{at}artscenterlive{dot}org or contact Jeri Lynn Schulke at jlschulke@artscenterlive.org. Do not send submissions to this email. Submission Dates: January 4, 2016-January 31, 2016 (deadline at 10:00PM EST) Plays will not be accepted before January 4, 2016. Submission Deadline: Submissions must be received by 10:00PM EST on January 31, 2016. Plays will not be accepted after this date and time. We will notify the semi-final playwrights by email and post those titles on our website We will notify the 10 final playwrights by email and post those titles on our website We cannot contact individual playwrights outside of the semi-finalist and the finalist lists We will announce the final 10 productions by May 30, 2016 The Award: Playwrights receive an award of $100 The final ten playwrights will be invited to attend our Playwright Gala on July 16, 2016 Playwrights wishing to attend the Gala will receive an additional $100 travel stipend The Space: Our main-stage theatre is a 325-seat house with basic lighting and sound capabilities. The Producer: ArtsCenter Stage provides 10 directors, 10 actors, designers, and technical crew for the festival. The directors will contact the playwrights at the beginning of the rehearsal process. For more information about The ArtsCenter, please visit our website:www.artscenterlive.org. The Dates: Performances July 8-24, 2016 Playwright Gala Saturday, July 16, 2016 The Production: All final ten plays will be presented together as an evening of theatre. All ten shows run each night and are performed by an ensemble of five men and five women. Not all ten actors are in every play; actors are cast in multiple plays. Cast sizes range from 2, 3, 4 to 5-6 characters. There are a total of eleven performances. Playwrights Gala: Participating playwrights are invited to attend the Playwrights Gala on July 16, 2016 which includes an overnight stay at a local hotel and a $100 travel stipend. If you have questions, please contact jlschulke{at}artscenterlive{dot}org Do not send submissions to this email address.
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