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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/19/2019 in all areas

  1. @Chevdove yes you can! All day erry day! You got this!!! I didn't see this one! Thank you for the heads-Up @Pioneer1 I already failed at the gig because I agreed with you! Plus sorry, men are men... and although there is this one light skinned hazel-eyed brother that I'm crushing on - he scares me speechless so there's that - ok TMI TMI ... No, I already have a club here at AALBC that Troy, appointed me moderator and I'm working on getting folks to contribute there at readingblack.com ... So y'all come on over!!!
    1 point
  2. @Troy He was a Raleigh North Carolina Police Officer and he basically said that many people have been misled to believe that once you sign up on Facebook, you can delete your account but that is not true. Then he said that if you post a pic or something that you later regret and try to delete it, however, this will not happen but, it will still be there no matter what. Then he said that if can affect you job in the future. So he advise students to stay away from facebook. @Pioneer1 LOL! I do NOT have what it takes to stay tuned in long enough to do what Cynique did! I have short attention span! And also, like MC Hammer said-- regarding @Mel Hopkins-- being First Lady-- She is polished and awesome imo and as MC HAMMER SAID, when it comes to MEL HOPKINS, "I" ... CAN'T TOUCH THIS!...
    1 point
  3. Bastids are you a native New Yorker? @Mel Hopkins
    1 point
  4. I hope you kept such good records that they find they owe you!! #dabastids
    1 point
  5. I guess I did. Email your email address troy@aalbc.com and I'll send you the address I use.
    1 point
  6. Mel You brought up Bear Sterns. I may be mistaken but wasn't Bear Sterns the firm that Chris Gardner (the man the movie Pursuit of Happiness was based on) worked for and eventually made him a success? Perhaps they chose people based more on raw talent than academic record. What Epstein, Weinstein, and Spacy were accused of doing is certainly nothing new but what I believe happened is the same thing that probably happened in the college admissions scandal and why so many wealthy and famous people ended up getting caught up in that......somebody got PISSED OFF because they didn't get PAID OFF and decided to blow the whistle on them. As soon as they "rectify" the situation the charges will likely drop or be severely reduced. They're not going to do them like OJ, Cosby, or Kelly. Troy You can correct me if I'm wrong but I remember you saying in one post that you didn't pledge a Fraternity. If you had YOU TOO would have had the connections to either escape an audit or atleast they would have eased any financial penalties incurred and give you a slap on the wrist. The Federal and even many of the State governments up and down the Eastcoast are FULL of well connected "Black Greeks" with the power to help eachother out. Actually I'm more like a Maroon......and far from the plantation, lol.
    1 point
  7. Man.... I heard about this the other day and could barely believe it. He was so young. May our beloved brother have peace and tranquility. Thanks for posting this Chev.
    1 point
  8. So, Cynique can view the forums, without logging in, and all you will see is "guest." Which is what I suspect she's been doing.....lol. But since you brought up her age, I know a person can die at 20 or 30 if if you're in your 80s it would be nice to let people know that you're still around and doing alright from time to time. But if she's gone FOR REAL for real (which I never wanted because I liked bantering with her) then I say we should nominate Chevdove or....as long as she keeps agreeing with me and leave them white menz alone, lol....Mel as the new "1st Lady" of AALBC !
    1 point
  9. Humm @Delano you may have shown me a feature I was unaware of, "Last Visited." I always assumed it was the last posting date. I can tell you one thing for sure, the software does not track visitors, by name, unless they have an account AND are logged in. So, Cynique can view the forums, without logging in, and all you will see is "guest." Now, I have access to ip addresses, so I could in map the IP addresses of guests to one that Cynique has previously used and get a better indication of when she last visited, but I don't have that kind of free time. Besides, if she wanted to make her presence known she would just post. @Delano you seemed to be overly concerned that @Cynique will never return. Why? Did you look at the number of posts that she actually made over a 9 years period -- winning the day 500 times! Those stats are far more interesting. That does not included the 13,874 posts she made from 2002 until 2010, when I moved the forums to AALBC from thumperscorner.com. Del, that is an average of three posts per day, everyday, for 17 years. She is 80+ years old. If she never posted another thing here in life, she did her part. I agree with @Chevdove in that fatigue -- both mental and physical played a part. Del think about what that means. She actively engaged in a substantive and often enlightening way here for the better part of 20 years! Most people her age don't even use the web -- let alone actively engage on it. Is your mom actively engaged on the web? My own mother has no clue what I do on these forums -- let alone participate in them. I know you miss her Del. I do too, but all good things come to an end and she really did her part to make these forums interesting. All of you who participate make these forums interesting (you lurkers help too). No one else has done it on the level of Cynique -- at least not yet ;-)
    1 point
  10. @Pioneer1 Cynique also ended with the above comment. So it was not about gender, it is was about the contributions the posters made. She appreciated many of the men who posted here over the years. @ABM comes to mind but there were many others. @Delano Cynique wrote she would be checking things out from time to time. So I guess that would make you wrong Sorry would have probably sufficed, but people rarely say I'm sorry and mean it. Even when contrition is expressed the recipient often does not accept it... This is so true. @Cynique and @Thumper felt indispensable, but they were not -- no one is indispensable. As long as someone pays the bills, maintains the software and hardware, as hard as that has been for 20+ years, I'm not even indispensable. Well @Chevdove well, what did he say?
    1 point
  11. Yeah @Chevdove they ticked every box with this creature...
    1 point
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