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Everything posted by ProfD

  1. They aren't killing enough to take their luggage and get some threads. Yep. 8 minute video was d8mning evidence. Worldwide protesting helped convict him too. It may not be over yet. If the killer cop is allegedly stabbed assaulted again...they're going to find a way to release him early.
  2. Racism white supremacy is still the most powerful religion on the planet. They're willing to kill anyone in order to maintain it. Show me Black folks anywhere on the planet who are willing to kill white folks. They either don't exist or they're scattered beyond organization. AfroAmericans are placed in those positions and they are powerless against racism white supremacy. Black folks cannot wield a power they do not have without permission from white folks. One day you will accept what I write when it comes to Black folks and positions of powerlessness. They aren't lazy or unintelligent. They're up against a barbaric enemy.
  3. Prostitution is a misdemeanor. Just like littering or loitering or extreme cases of jaywalking. Prostitution is happening in so many ways and so many folks are indulging that it's really not a concern of society. Unlike illegal drugs, police don't have task forces running around kicking down doors and yelling, rounding up and hauling people off to jail. Imagine a version of Cops where po-po ride around arresting folks for prostitution. There would be naked people running through alleys and back yards and hopping fences trying to get away.
  4. Nothing. I hope you've seen the video of NF Jr. explaining how POTUS Obama was appointed and could have been snatched out of the seat at any time and made the janitor.
  5. The prison industrial complex has been providing free and cheap labor for a long time now. Prisoners are a step below migrant workers when it comes to providing labor and enriching corporations. These are type of issues more politicians need to be tackling. Of course, that would mean biting the hands that feed them.
  6. Understood. That's what I was referring to with GMOs. A blob of meat that doesn't have to be killed. At one time, KFC was being accused of using a mystery meat, something organic in place of chicken. I never believed it. I just figured KFC gave Edward Scissorhands the butcher contract.
  7. Two GOP Town Hall addresses this week on CNN. Ron DeStupid tonight and Vivek Rama-Slimey tomorrow night. Neither man will secure the GOP nomination. The candidates might win a few points with the former POTUS.
  8. First, it reads like some Chinese folks are watching too much reality TV. Secondly, if a Chinese person was allowed to become a billionaire they will be able to provide a financial safety net to their offspring. More importantly, these types of issues should be of zero concern to Black folks. AfroAmericans have more than enough concerns of our own as we continue trying to navigate the prison of racism white supremacy and everything that comes with it. We (AfroAmericans) don't need any more distractions to keep us from demanding America pay us for its greatest sin (slavery). Reparations should be a religion to AfroAmericans.
  9. That never made sense to me. Then again, some folks just like to judge others for one reason or five as they're not flawed. Ridiculous. I believe that if most folks knew how meat got to their dinner tables, a lot more folks would be vegetarian or vegan. This past weekend I went to a poultry place that allows customers to pick their birds. They slaughter and prep them on the spot. One minute that chicken was clucking and making a racket and shortly thereafter it was cut up and bagged and ready to refrigerate or cook. It's already happening with plant-based burgers and tofu and soybean substitutes. I wouldn't be surprised if there are GMOs ( Genetically Modified Organisms) being created in labs to replace animals.
  10. There are cultural ties that put them on code. It's easy for someone else to offer something especially when the community cannot offer the fool anything greater. A drop squad would be great. But, I'd also like to see it operate similar to the ADL (anti-Defamation League whenever Antisemitism raises up.
  11. Agreed. Funerals are the only reason I step foot in a church. Among Black folks, church still seems to be the place to show off clothes, jewels and cars and sing and socialize. Even during solemn services.
  12. Umderstood. True. Still, DC has been predominantly Black as well. No room for racists running rampant.
  13. As the resident agnostic around here that would be a negative. I stopped eating pork as a teenager. Thought it gave me a headache which I haven't had since I went cold turkey. No worries...I've doubled down on poultry predominantly the barn yard pimp aka chicken. I don't drink carbonated beverages either. Less high fructose corn syrup. I don't turn up my nose to those who choose to use and eat pork. Live and let live or in this case...eat whatever tickles the palate.
  14. A number of factors have led Black folks to the pimp game, er, religion but generational brainwashing and conditioning for starters. Any form of oppression usually forces people to look for a way out or to justify their situation. Religion is the happy pill.
  15. As a chocolate city, DC residents didn't have to deal with racists. If racists showed up in DC to work and live, they left their robes and hoods down south. They didn't bring that BS...burning crosses, lynching or shooting unarmed Black folks. DC is in the Mid-Atlantic part of the east coast and therefore onsidered more southern. Still, in my lifetime, DC never had the issues of the deeper south. We wouldn't tolerate or play that sh8t.
  16. Black folks should do a better job of keeping the media from putting our dysfunction on display for the rest of the world to see. Hard to get black folks on code when the powers that be are dangling that gold, mean green, moolah, ducats, etc. The desire for money puts many folks in a place where they can be bought at a price.
  17. I tune in to debates mainly 1) to know what both sides of the coin are yakking about and 2) it can be as entertaining as watching an episode of Martin. I watch and read news for the same reason. Sometimes it's more entertaining than consuming empty mental calories from TV shows and movies. Most of the current cast of clowns are definitely jockeying for position in carrying favor with the former POTUS.
  18. @Pioneer1, as I mentioned in another thread, most dates and marriages can be viewed as legal prostitution. Prostitution is called the oldest profession because it's been around for thousands of years. Regardless of laws, both women and men have been using prostitution as a means to an end. Sometimes it's happy.
  19. Understood. The media definitely works overtime pushing negative narratives about Black folks.
  20. Personally, I do not subscribe to the B. Smith version of soul food. I prefer to cook my food with the *unhealthy* ingredients that gives it soul. Smoked turkey in collard greens is an alternative to pork for folks like myself. The difference is that I'm still going to add everything that makes the greens soulful and tender. I don't know what that seaweed consistency sh8t is they're serving as greens in those *gourmet* soul food restaurants.
  21. I'm definitely not referring to angry Black folks as being mentally ill. Just folks like her who may have been through something and the PTSD came out.
  22. Agreed. Considering she was taken for a psychological evaluation....just nuts seems about right. Interestingly, 26-year old Laneisha Henderson is a decorated Navy veteran who received medals for good conduct. I'm sure we'll hear what may have pushed her over the edge that day. This could have been an attempt to get the Veteran's Administration to increase her disability percentage. Seriously, mental health issues are running rampant in this country and need to be handled accordingly.
  23. I know where this thread originated but the content has clearly jumped the shark. Illegal prostitution doesn't have the best benefits package (medical and dental) and retirement plan. There's also the hazards of unsafe workplace conditions and physical security issues. Housewives married to a strong provided have much better job security and benefits and retirement package. Especially if she becomes a widow i.e. out-lives provider who has accumulated savings, investments, pension, etc. While there are exceptions to everything i.e. women who have been *successful* prostitutes, the odds are lower than a more stable situation. Housewives have fared better overall. Over many decades, women have been able to choose how they want to live and provide for themselves. No pimp, John or husband required.
  24. Yep. It's just another crabcake made specifically with jumbo lump crabmeat. In general, steamed crabs is a DMV thing. Folks here love them. My sister can't afford to fall into the Chesapeake Bay. The crabs will not be kind to her since she is single-handedly trying to eat them into extinction.
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