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Everything posted by ProfD

  1. Reportedly, there was a woman in bed with Kevin Samuels when he died. So, he wasn't alone. Probably had a crooked smile on his face too.
  2. Castro ruled Cuba with an iron hand. Didn't bow down to the US. He chose to roll with Russia and whatever that arrangement entailed. As a result, Cuba has depended on foreign aid and been behind technologically for a very long time. Then, it goes back to the greed and corruption which creates a condition of haves and have nots among the people. That leads to problems too.
  3. https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/18/americas/cuba-protests-food-economy-intl-latam/index.html Another island nation having issues. Cubans are dealing with food shortages and power outages and inflation. The leadership is worried about protests. There is no reason for food shortages anywhere on this planet. Nobody should ever go hungry or be homeless either. The most developed countries throw away almost as much food as they consume. Farmers can provide plenty if they're not being paid to stop producing My position is not steeped in socialism. I'm of the belief that human beings should do a better job of taking care of each other. Eliminate greed and corruption and immediately end most societal problems.
  4. Even the news has become another form of entertainment. It has morphed beyond keeping us informed into a soap opera/sitcom. Personalities get paid millions of dollars to sit behind a desk and spin, er, tell us what's going on in the world. The news media brings in subject matter *experts* and victims to add weight to their stories. Then, there's the opinion side of it too. I remember when the news was a boring 1 hour watch. Not anymore. Grab your popcorn.
  5. @Troy,I linked the NPR article above. The title is misleading because it doesn't provide enough context for what POJ said. Sensationalism is the name of the game in journalism and media nowadays. We definitely have to read beyond the surface and from multiple sources in order to get the real story.
  6. Asians seem to be docile and subservient. Because they were not enslaved by white folks, they don't seem to mind being a cheap labor force to white countries. In turn, the Chinese are using their money and labor to do business in and develop certain parts of Africa. China is enriching itself by extracting resources from Africa. Non-white countries are not 1) inherently evil enough to see work domination and 2) do not have the military might to defend themselves against super power countries. Their best strategy appears to be cooperation. China and Japan have enough muscle and/or backing to exploit weaker countries. That is their panacea to coping with racism white supremacy. Black countries can see the game being played against them. Unfortunately, being naturally peaceful is a curse more than a blessing. If Black countries got on code and built strategic alliances among themselves, they could end white domination in a matter of years. The *problem* is Black folks have been brainwashed into waiting on a white savior to deliver them the evils of this world. Go figure.
  7. It's a discussion forum. Your words and opinions are well documented. You're safe.
  8. I've noticed it too. It's ridiculous. I've got about 5 smoke detectors. As soon as I hear a chirp, I'm tracking down the culprit amd changing the battery. It's a cheap and easy and quick fix. No excuse to let it persist. People are lazy.
  9. That's one helluva bridge bro. POTUS Obama did the job Democrats selected him.to do. No more or less. I don't believe POTUS Obama was/is responsible for the rise of Orange Julius. Yep. POTUS Orange Julius (POJ) is the personification of the extreme right. Almost half the country or more rides with him. Black folks don't stand to gain or lose much if he gets re-elected. Maybe he'll pass out more stimulus checks.
  10. The US decided they owed it. Haiti won their independence from slavery. They didn't conquer those nations. Haiti was independent from slavery. Still, 21 years later that tax showed up to pay for what France lost. Many of the elites are mixed. Same goes for the Caribbean and Africa. Independent of being ruled. Colonized by remote control. Sudan and Somalia are examples of what happens to isolated countries. Strong militaries allows the US and other leading nations to keep a thumb on Black countries. A huge part of being an independent country is being able to defend against aggressors. just like real life, either know how to fight to defend and protect yourself or build strategic alliances.
  11. Not at all. Beyond religion and voodoo, historical perspective and facts provide context too. Right. Since 1825, the US and France agreed that Haiti owed the equivalent of $4 billion per year for the country's freedom. Haitian leaders have been selected by foreigners. The Haitian elites have been stealing money and using it to enrich themselves. It hasn't worked out too well over the past half-century and counting. Correct. It's hard to build an infrastructure when greed and corruption has people working against themselves.
  12. https://www.npr.org/2024/03/17/1239019225/trump-says-some-migrants-are-not-people-and-warns-of-bloodbath-if-he-loses Regardless of context, this kind of rhetoric would have gotten a non-white person kicked to the curb immediately. Yet, former POTUS Orange Julius can spit all types of vitriol and grievance and vengeance while white folks shake their heads and shrug their shoulders. Of course, the MAGA crowd and GOP fully support this clown. As @Pioneer1 mentioned above, the left side plays good cop bad cop. As I often mention here, these political parties are two sides of the same coin. Their primary purpose is maintaining the system of racism white supremacy. Everything else is smoke and mirrors.
  13. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/mar/16/plundered-and-corrupted-200-years-haiti-doomed-end-in-anarchy This is an excellent article on how the island nation of Haiti was plunged into turmoil and instability for two centuries and counting. Haiti successfully gained its independence from France. But, it has always been indebted. Foreign governments including our own has insured the long-standing suffering of Haiti. The extortion and exploitation of Haiti has served as a warning to other Black countries who refuse to cooperate with the system of racism white supremacy.
  14. Common interests could lead to cooperation which starts with communication. Strategic alliances are often built on common interests moreso than friendship or shared ideologies. If a tribe doesn't need any help reaching its goals and/or protecting itself there's nothing wrong with being an island.
  15. Fair enough. Democrats aren't nearly as aggressive as the GOP. The war in Ukraine would be over if Orange Julius (POJ) gets re-elected. Both China and Russia would rather have POJ back in the seat. No global threats because strong countries get to make a ton of money on POJ's watch. Again, I just don't see the Left rising up January 6th style. Democrats don't bring smoke. They will sulk away complaining about how they couldn't get anything done because of the GOP obstructionists. IMO, regardless who wins the election, I believe the status quo will remain unchanged.
  16. @aka Contrarian, a comical cold war is the best way to describe the current US political situation. The absence of a real global threat allows the red and blue teams to have a food fight and pull hair at recess. Rest assured that if there was a real threat, the clowns would close ranks and get down to business. Class would be back in session. Right now, poor Americans really should be holding the politicians accountable for doing whatever it takes to make their lives better. Most of the politicians are either already rich or very well off. They don't give a sh8t about poor people. Just keeping them distracted with BS.
  17. Right. Black folks in the USA are not a monolithic group of people. Same goes for Black folks everywhere. The common enemy to ALL Black people regardless of class, creed, station or location on the planet is the system of racism white supremacy.
  18. I would never advocate that police murder anyone. That's not within the definition to serve and protect. Police officers in states, cities and towns where the population looks just like them know how to de-escalate a situation without using deadly force. Those same NYPD officers would not shoot to kill a knife wielding middle-aged white woman standing in the street. They would talk to her for 3 days if necessary. We know that law enforcement treats Black folks differently than any other group of people. That's a battle we're constantly fighting all over the country. Not just NYC.
  19. No doubt. Many Black folks benefited from those programs. Even more white women and others benefitted too. True. They didn't understand or realize how detrimental it would be to having a solid economic infrastructure. Yep. As much as we were allowed to do so. Again, it's harder to make Chess moves when you don't own the board. Correct. At the same time Black folks were encouraged to get an education we should have been able to employ them. Your point is made in this regard. Just as there's a talented 10%, there will be a challenged 10% and the other 80% will run the gamut. Somebody has to take the lead. Osmosis doesn't work. They have moved to places that well established. Lack of leadership. The smartest people have left. Folks have moved on to better communities. White folks created the laws but they're not keeping Black communities safe. In fact, white folks have created conditions to stir up crime which feeds into their system. Obviously, it would take strong Black men to insure everything stays on point. Sure. In some cases, nothing can be done. But, I've heard that a stronger hand can even raise the dead.
  20. At one point in time, death penalties were carried out immediately after one was found guilty. The modern practice of allowing a condemned person to ride the row for decades falls within the business of the prison industrial complex. A lot of folks get paid in the judicial, legal and law enforcement communities from warehousing all types of prisoners. States receive money for their prisons. Companies use cheap prison labor to make products and provide services. A Capitalistic system will use anything to generate money. Death and the fear of dying is no exception.
  21. Not really. I can see the BS as it relates to Black people. I understand the reason for our condition. I cannot believe a Supreme Being would have left our people on stuck.
  22. Total overreaction. More political BS. There's more than enough NYPD police officers and transit police to keep this sh8t from happening. Police officers should have a presence and be working instead of standing around watching TikTok videos on their phones or sitting in vehicles or eating donuts or f8cking while on duty. A police officer riding the train could have calmed that situation in a matter of minutes. I don't believe that incident was staged or rehearsed but it was allowed to happen through benign neglect. The authorities pick and choose what they choose to police. A certain amount of crime is allowed because it's good for business.
  23. Historically, that's been a coup with varying degrees of success. Otherwise, there's no such thing as a superior Bllack group on the planet capable of showing up to stabilize a whole country. It would take a coalition of the best and brightest Black folks from all over to organize and form a plan of execution to bring stability, prosperity and peace to Black countries. The Civil Rights movement was killed in the late 1960s. The Pan-African movement lost traction over a century ago. They killed Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi who was the last African leader looking to unify the continent. They assassinated Haitian president Jovenel Moïse who was also trying to bring stability to the island nation. Another aspect of Black organization and leadership has to be protection. Bullets and poison will be coming from all directions if/when we start a movement. Among the enemies will be some of our very own greedy and stupid azz people.
  24. Right. D8mn shame when countries with a 99% Black population are on some dysfunctional BS. IMO, Black men in those countries responsible for 1) failing to build and maintain a solid infrastructure and 2) selling out to foreigners and 3) fleeing. Prosperous and peaceful Black countries would be an alternative destination for successful AfroAmericans to invest and live.
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