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Everything posted by frankster

  1. True....But Not "only" You are using bits and pieces of your memory to create a message In Dream Reality Time as in Now is not the same in its Attributes as in Shared Physical Reality......Neither are you Aware of all that you Know. The very infrastructure of Dream Reality is perceived through Memory... There are Many States of Consciousness....We are talking about the Dream State - REM(Delta Brain Waves) A Deeper(Theta Brain Waves) or Other State Of Consciousness can have you meeting with Beings.....That is not Dream Reality - A whole other set of Rules apply. Sound as we Know is Only exists in Physical Reality....It is believe communication exist via Telepathy Only Physical Reality has Physical Bodies.....Whatever body they were using to fly in their dream - was not physical not matter how much it looks and feel physical. The Movement Talking Characters and Structures you see on a screen in a movie house is not real.....they only look real. Real as in Spiritual....but not physical as we understand Physicality An Observation is an Observation whether or Not it is of an Observation....Each Observation is In a sense Individual. Time as we know is not the same in Dreams.....Bits of Memory can be use to create seemingly new information - Ideations It is a function of Memory and Familiarity...Dream Reality Time is not Linear or Sequential. Time and location change from moment to moment instantly. They Align with many Dream Cultures. I have Read up on many Dream Reality Traditions - Tibetan Dream Yoga and Senoi Dream Theory It was Money well spend even though it was a dream. In The Physical Shared Reality this is True....Pure Undifferentiated Potential (Wave Function) all Possibilities can be Realized(reality) - Collapse into a Particle. That is what science is realizing....We Do Create Reality - Buddha was and is Right. Give Thanks for the Light
  2. Or What if they are both right... Words do have more than one meaning...Which affects Context and Narrative. Not Necessarily Mistranslated....But it can be.. Yeah Why? The Translated text is Mistranslated.....Not the Original Text. - One must now render his own understanding given current insights If it was done on purpose(intentional)...then yes its a Deception What if its a matter of Cultural Nuances and Personal Bias....then it is Accidental or Negligence - Unintended without Purpose. Yes you could....I would rather translate the original text nearer to its true meaning. We all are Africans. Find then the Ancient texts yourself a new translation.
  3. Yes....Hence a human Being Thank you In the Dream Reality it is Memory of sound applied to Create and or Reflect Seeming Shared Reality. In Dream Reality....You as in your Physical Body, is Not there in your dream, so you as in your physical body is Not Flying in your dream. In Dream reality you only appear "Physical" Hence different Rules Applies....Physicality and all its attributes do Not apply. Similiarily You only seemed to be Hearing Dream Reality The Form Consciousness Takes is sometimes Referred to as Astral/Etheric/Double or Lucid Body. Its Attributes are different from the Physical Body's Attributes. Yes.. Dream Reality Has its own Attributes.....One in Which Time and Space do Not Exist - Only its Memory. In Dream Reality another Attribute is Bits of Memory is often recreated in New and Novel forms to convey meaning....While in Shared Reality Memory is Linear and Sequential. Yes....If they do then ask then about the incidents of the dream. If so they are a Novel and New recreation of Memory. Memory and Recreated Memory....You are the Dream and all Aspects of Dream are a part of You. Oh! I did. Thank You. The Extent of the Influence is Vast according many Spiritual Leaders and a Few Scientist There is no such thing as "Nothing"... The "Thing" in "Nothing" is Pure Potenial. Yes...Naming I feel appreciated. African and Eastern Spiritual Movements and Systems seems to be way ahead in this regard.
  4. Simply answer is No. but that's not the question I asked. Fair enough.. I have no photo of him....at this time. Very likely.
  5. Thank You The definition of the word "someone" is typically of a human being....Deities and Spirits are not considered human beings though they maybe mistaken for One. Yes....But the Physical Body the Conscious(waking) mind remains asleep and there is nothing within earshot that is producing those sounds True....The Mental censor that curate/create this Waking Reality is in abeyance whilst One is asleep....different Rules now applies. If You believe its pure mentation/memory then - Thank you If not. If you believe there was actual people in your dream then go ask them if they also remember the incident or see if the cars and planes are where you left them. One of worst kind of dreams i have had was that of finding money only to wake up and realize it is but a dream. Yes...Ears turn vibrations into sound and eyes turn vibration into sight - Synesthesia The Object is the Vibration(pure Potentiality) What Color is Tuesday? exploring Synesthesia - Richard E Cytowic. This Reality is a Shared Reality. There is no Flower only Pure Potential "With our Thoughts we Create the World" - Buddha Thank you. This Our Shared Reality is Pure Undifferentiate Vibration....Once a Potential has been Name(observe) it collapses into a Packet Called an Atom losing its Wave Function and is now a Resonant Frequency in this Shared Reality.
  6. At the Time of the war both sides had and held slaves The British promised freedom to all who fought for them...Nova Scotia - The British ended the Enslavement of Human Beings in 1838. The Revolutionaries/Insurrectionist had not decided the question of whether or not to Enslaving Human Beings ....it was finally decided in 1865 Name one? Or what does it mean today to be an erstwhile Royalist? I am for Truth Justice and Liberty....I am not anti anything - except while in the pursuit of said mentioned ideals it may appear so.
  7. If race makes a difference in either the "gathering" or Interpretation of Facts....Then it Propaganda. How so? The Memory of Sound and Ideations. Yes Its Pure Mentation/Memory of Sound...as there are no actual people(/music/airplanes or cars) talking(making those sounds) in their dream Or are you saying their are an actual people(/music/airplanes or cars) in their dream? If the people are not actual(as in real) why then would the sound be Actual(real in the conventional sense of the meaning of the word). Ears turning vibrations into Sound as Eyes turn Vibration in to Sight Everything is One form of Vibration or the Other it is our Senses that make then somewhat Distinct and Recognizable. Our Observation of the Flower is in a sense its creation(subjective) and another's Observation of the flower is another creation of the same flower - hence changed.. Both Observation of the flower is not the same...Personal Bias The Flower is Pure Potential....That Collective (Un)Consciousness has Projected from its Subjective bias thru Naming(Resonant Frequency) It's Fun
  8. Why is that? Proslytize to Build Numbers....In a Democracy Numbers count in Elections.. So you are a Loyalist?... I am more of a Jacobin - Egalitarian Democracy We Fight for Freedom Liberty Justice and Truth ......What is more Important? I disagree with the racialization of the conflict.....there are those who have and continue to strive for a Demarcation of the Struggle along those line - That Paradigm is False. So then lets nonviolently work for shared connected goals views and desires. I agree Depends on the type of proselytizing ? Unity is strength in numbers. What matters the tribe or path if the goal is the same? Can we work together till the goal is accomplished? What then is the best reason for you to vote for a candidiate? Cornel is One of us and is our candidate What are these goals if not Justice Liberty and Truth?
  9. Thank you. Yes Blacks are not Monolithic.... Whether they are wrong or incorrect depends on if they are on track to achieve Worthy Goals or are being led by Selfish Deceptive Losership. Until I see the rest of the field and hear Cornel's Policies and Goals it's a good bet I will be in His Camp. My Question to you is What is the best reason in your opinion to vote for a Candidate?
  10. I think that Cornel use the word Reintroduction to empathize the fact that he is not bringing something totally new but bringing back some ideas that many of the founding fathers stood for and others rejected. Distribution of Land has already been done for some. Equality is the goal... Well give the brother a chance....I am sure in his campaign he will enlighten us as to how he intends to achieve his goals My guess is they won't be too happy...Or maybe Cornel will convince them to" beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruning hooks" Bad Leadership is Losership....The blind leading the blind. Not Every individual has avail themselves of the freedoms and liberties America Offers whether they are ill informed or incapacitated against their will...... As a people we have benefited and is in a better position than many who came before...as such we have a responsibility for and to those who will come after....
  11. Yes we do.... Then you need to check out the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle it explains the Problem of Measuring large objects.. My very first response was to say truth is what you are "Convicted of"...Meaning that Reality as in True is a matter of Consciousness - Biocentrism(Lanza).
  12. We are in accord. I do not believe it is a Zero Sum Game...where there must be winners and losers - that is how it's presented not necessarily the true situation.. Since 2011, at least 22 states have closed or announced closures for 94 state prisons and juvenile facilities, resulting in the elimination of over 48,000 state prison beds1 and an estimated cost savings of over $345 million.2 The opportunity to downsize prison bed space has been brought about by declines in state prison populations as well as increasing challenges of managing older facilities. Reduced capacity has created the opportunity to repurpose closed prisons for a range of uses outside of the correctional system, including a movie studio, a distillery, and urban redevelopment. https://www.sentencingproject.org/reports/repurposing-new-beginnings-for-closed-prisons/ More than two decades later, those promises ring hollow in Tecumseh, where the 960-bed facility has become more burden than boon, adding to the city’s court costs while doing little to help the town’s economy grow. https://www.yahoo.com/now/small-towns-used-see-prisons-100013293.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAKMfohnAssqSx4cJTC7etHvjsZlpQfi5DJqwwfMErprA9XJzR-pltBgE2xYUGYJM6FmXuLoRxqiVSTS97Rci5v3_spGOs4WnQECvBpEcFKb6JcvSb-UzmGa9rJWwqowRwQ7kLI1lDsTWgCx2B6IS8E2chDkZkcm2rEkQlIvWdcED It is troubling because one of the purpose of civilization is to continually reduce or mitigate that which is considered bad in the human experience.
  13. Researchers have sent molecules containing either 58 or 114 atoms through the so-called "double-slit experiment," showing that they cause an interference pattern that can only be explained if the particles act like waves of water, rather than tiny marbles. https://www.livescience.com/19268-quantum-double-slit-experiment-largest-molecules.html What we do know is that our physical bodies consist of atoms that do...this directly address our conventional idea of reality. Maybe Cats do not exist in wave form when not observed.....but the Atoms they consist of do - how then is this reconcile with reality?
  14. I think he was referring to the Promise That the Statue of Liberty represents and fulfilled for many Europeans - "Give me your tired your poor" Cornel is a Professor/ commentator/ pundit / and Political Activist....So far he he is Now a Political Candidate and a Potential (Black) Leader Black Prophetic Fire.....Liberation Theology (Romero) - Black Liberation Theology (Cone) Cornel West: The Difference Between Justice and Revenge | Big Think Re-Introduce America to The True Promise of the Constitution and to Live up to that Creed. The so called Lack that leads to poverty is not one Scarcity or Expense.....But a Policy of Maldistribution of Resources. 75% of All prisoners are illiterate....That statistic demonstrates the need for Proper education and Coping skills training That is what Leaders do....envision the seemingly impossible, the down right unpopular and create ways and means to realize the Dream - like Martin's Nonviolent Movement for Black Civil Rights Leaders do not seek popularity or consensus of expediency.....but Truth Justice and Integrity with Love. There is Over 16million Abandoned homes/houses in the USA vs approximately 500 thousand homeless....There is already enough money - Fiat money The United States spend more on the military than the next 10 highest spending countries combined....Maybe some of those monies can be spend else to monitor and ensure peace. Again True leadership is not a popularity contest.....but one of finding creative solutions. All black peoples was and is being helped by the Emancipation Proclamation and the Civil Rights movement... Cornel West run is a Further demand for Truth and Justice.
  15. He has always been a role model for me......Now all his dirty laundry will be aired - hope he survives it.
  16. Yes our definitions do differ.... Being Black and in a Position of Leadership does not make one a Black Leader either in my Opinion....Shared Skin Color does not guarantee or imply Loyalty. Those in positions of Leadership are often bureaucrats at worst and managers at best....rarely are they Leaders The Two individuals you mention to me are not Leaders but Politicians and as such one should not look to them for direction....instead one should Organize around the Issues, Build Consensus, Control the Narrative and Influence Public Opinion - Then one maybe fortunate enough to get politicians to act in your favor. Yes that is often the case since Blacks in Position of Leadership owe their position to Whites. An Improved Black Community is an Improved USA.... These are not contending forces or communities in terms of if you have one you can not have the other - they are not mutually exclusive. True...but troubling.
  17. True The Quantum is a basic part of Our Observable reality. The Spiritual among us holds as true the Maxim " As above so below" Matthew 6:10. Agreed True As a corollary the Double slit experiment shows that Atoms (seemingly) know when they are being Observe and behave differently.... which has led to the idea that reality as we know it comes into Being when we Observe a thing....(Of course they are more factors involve). Once the Cat is no longer being Observed it is in Wave Form....Is it still a cat or only a Potential Cat? Atoms tend to be in the Wave Form when not being Observed.....Once Observe Atoms they then it collapse into Particle Form. The Change from Wave to Particle is the act of creation of Reality.
  18. Of course there are better ways.....If you can avail yourself of them Often we use what's at hand to show our dismay.
  19. Do not mistake Politicians as Leaders...More often than not Politicians are Managers - and seek to see which way is more Expedient than what is Right and Just. Black politicians are notorious for having allegiance to those who support their candidacy with cash....than those who vote them in. Politicians are consensus builders and test all idea as to how much and what type of support it will garner before doing anything. A Leader does not seek popularity or expediency but Inspires and Motivates for that which is True Just and Right. Every struggle has its own unique situations and circumstances.... There are plans and outlines.....even Laws and Precedents - Indemnity, Theft, etc. Reparations as a movement is not seen by most black as Urgent, Imperative or possible......Critical Mass has not been achieve as a result it bog down in the quagmire of Intellectualism (paralysed by analysis) - More Important the Land of the Blacks the Home of the Black is still struggling with Neo-colonialism.
  20. We learn by sharing....each one teach one - challenging our assumptions forces us to think deeper and research more.
  21. The Apparent Situation The President Macky Sall....is backpedaling on his promise not to run for a third term - truth be told he has not answered the question when directly ask. The opposition Candidate who stands a chance of defeating him and or his party is facing prison time.....that Many believe is politically motivated The Real Issue. For years now the 14 African countries in the CFA economic community has been trying to liberate themselves for what is euphemistically call the "Colonial Tax". These African Countries pay to france annually 50 billion (euros) which is roughly equivalent to 20% of the entire French economy. There have been changes, some have left (7) and the CFA is set to be replaced by the ECO... In 2019 the Italian Deputy PM accuses France of creating and perpetuation poverty in Africa.... The fact that France and Quattara backs the ECO's introduction.....Makes my very suspicious. Nigeria is the power in the region and will definitely be lobbying AU/ECOWAS to send troops if matters escalate. Most believe the Courts have been compromised....
  22. Below I quote: It was your incredulity that I was challenging and proved. "If" so you did not. No Arguments here A Muslim brother it seems of Egypt. No it was not them who unearth the codices...
  23. Which I also qualified.. Training is education.....but it is not the only type of education. Its like risk....there are many types of Risk When you dealing with intellectually disingenuous people you always have to be clarifying
  24. Yes....They wanted a larger share and role in the International Marketplace 1. Lingua Franca.....the Language of International Trade - English 2. Defacto Global Reserve Currency - All international Trade is and was done in - Dollars 3. More Land - Resources. Yes... In a Nutshell 1. Mugabe's ZANU-pf Defeated Ian Smith of Rhodesia....Rhodesian Bush war/The Second Chimurenga. 2.Lancaster House Accord Negotiated by the British was Ratified - willing buyer willing seller( white/europeans had 90% of the arable land) 3. Margaret Thatcher refused to honor the agreement sign by the previous British Government. 4. Former ZANU-pf Fighters began to take over white own land by Force. 5. Western Countries cried foul and employed sanctions against Zimbabwe. 6. Zimbabwe economy went into free fall and Foreign Interventionist Policies was set in motion for the removal of Mugabe. 7. AU/SADC stood with Mugabe (excluding two member nation of SADC) 8. Zimbabwe Triumph. Mugabe's Major Supporter outside of Africa was North Korea. A Type of Cuban Missile Crisis in Reverse....back then Russia was encroaching directly in the US Sphere of Influence.
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