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Everything posted by frankster

  1. True....I am not in Sudan nor do I have inside Info on the particular situation in Sudan What I do Have is insight based on experience of past similar events.....Now it could be totally of base - but I think not. "With their once uneasy alliance in tatters," https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/sudans-army-chief-warlord-feud-that-risks-civil-war-2023-04-19/ Omar al-Bashir, came to rely on Hemedti and the RSF as a counterweight to the regular armed forces, ....... Sudanese politics has always been dominated by an elite largely drawn from the ethnic groups based around Khartoum and the River Nile. Hemedti comes from Darfur, and the Sudanese elite often talk about him and his soldiers in pejorative terms, as "country bumpkins" unfit to rule the state. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-65297714 They did it in the recent past.... The international community is failing in its responsibility to protect the inhabitants of Darfur, many of whom are still dying or face indefinite displacement from their homes. New thinking and bold action are urgently needed. The consensus to support a rough doubling of the African Union (AU) force to 7,731 troops by the end of September 2005 under the existing mandate is an inadequate response to the crisis. The mandate must be strengthened to prioritise civilian protection, and a force level of at least 12,000 to 15,000 is needed urgently now, not in nearly a year as currently envisaged. https://www.crisisgroup.org/africa/horn-africa/sudan/aus-mission-darfur-bridging-gaps I do not need to....technology and people since before the dawn of human civilizations has traverse the Sahara for trade and war. I think you gravely underestimate the abilities of Black Africans. Africans leaders could not help Gaddafi under threat from the US....The same is true today as it regards Africans Immigrants in Libya The crux of the disagreement between the AU and NATO occurred when the Ad Hoc Committee met in Noakchoutt on 19 March, hosted by President Aziz. Mauritania provided a plane to fly to Tripoli the following day, but that was the day on which the no fly zone came into effect. The Panel members received a curt message from the U.S. and the UN saying that, should they proceed with their visit, their security could not be guaranteed. The communiqué published at the end of the meeting reflected the disappointment and anger of the participants for not having been allowed to travel to an African country for a peace mission. https://sites.tufts.edu/reinventingpeace/2012/12/19/the-african-union-and-the-libya-conflict-of-2011/ Provide the Links to this Nigeria and South Africa rescue effort of black Africans from Libya..... Yes I know of Black Africans being sold there openly.... Europeans and Americans are being sold into Slavery today.....Human or Sex Trafficking Slavery is still a global phenomenon Natural Obstacles are not barriers to cooperation.....Interventions by outside forces and fear and disunity among the faithful. There is no friendship among general and or criminals.....only shared Interests. Our Heros prove that to be a lie....From Ali to Martin To Malcolm That's like saying Communist Russia and Capitalist American were friends during world war II..... No they were not friends but allies because they shared a common interest - Defeat Fascist Nazi Germany. Maybe my definition of friendship is different from yours.....Rivals they were and are. They are only allies when their interests align....they then form an Accord and act in Concert - Mutually Beneficial I saw no need to post links at the time....since you demanded it I have. They both committed Genocide in Darfur which is one of the reasons they fear a Civilian Government - Both are guilty of War Crimes
  2. I think it is a Proxy war between the US and Russia. No they were never friends....one was used to contain or off set the other Dagalo was used to contain al-Burhan It was al-Burhan job to secure a peaceful transition to civilian rule.....instead he plotted with Dagalo to retain power. Now Dagalo had in the past shown himself to be willing to betray his Superiors.....Why did al-Burhan think history would not repeat is beyond me? True Yes the RSF are being support by Russia......Wagner Group The SAF are being supported by Egypt a vassal states of the........US As the Gulf States hedges with a Straddle approach.. Depending on which general wins this so called civil war will give their backer access to minerals and possible a base.....hence war by proxy The SAF will win if one or both Arabia and Egypt send in troops....if not RSF will win as their forces are already battle hardened. We know the first victim in all wars is usually the ....Truth They are both despicable human beings.....When Dagalo was killing and raping it was with the knowledge and most likely approval of al-Burhan. As the people he was killing was not Muslim or Arabized Africans....but mostly Christians and Traditional and Cultural Indigenous Animist. The war will continue until.....Black Africans step in - AU None of the foreign powers want peace....They want Victory which means - Gold or other minerals. Great Links will check out later
  3. War by Other Means - John Pilger Proverbs 22:7 the borrower is servant to the lender. SAP - structural Adjustment Policies....world bank and IMF are not organize to help African countries but to Help European Countries to Africa and Africans
  4. Who Killed Malcolm X? Family Files $100 Million Lawsuit Against FBI, NYPD & Others to Find the Truth Yes they will win in my opinion....if it goes to court. What yours?
  5. My bad....I forgot to be clear There is One human Race.....Many cultures and many ethnicities
  6. I do believe so We will have to agree to disagree on whether Nephilim is just another Name for Anunnaki or what their hybrid children were called. All I did was to point out your inaccuracy Exactly you was the one who said - "It's not about a bunch of spirits with wings floating around snatching up human women and flying off with them," All I did was to point out your inaccuracy. Their Knowledge of flight does not mean they did not have wings whether it be biological mechanical or biomechanical ......they had wings The one in Mid air had no wings yet he was flying or levitating....the ones with wings feet where on the ground . Yes it looks like he is in a Vimana....please note the differences too - these wings are appear different to the ones seen in the first set of pictures. They are many possible answers..I never said Adam and eve etc were the only people on the Planet First I already stated that Adam was not the only Man....He was probable the first Homo sapien sapien We both agree that the Anunnaki and the Nephilim were around too....lets not forget the Igigi - last but not least so called wild Men - Hominids
  7. We agree..... except on that it was only white people. Again we....except on the point of they only being Caucasian Women We concur We Agree....except for daughters of Caucasians exclusively. In the Picture you provide as of the Anunnaki/Watchers/Fallen Angel some of them definitely had wings and one was even floating in mid air??? I at no time said the Anunnaki were Spirits. You have yet to show me how you arrive at the color of the Anunnaki? I know how you arrive at the color of Adam and caucasian, though we continue to disagree on that . I can see the similarity....though it be a stretch.
  8. Great books The book of Enoch speaks of the Watchers The bible speaks of the sons of God....those I know What does the talmud, the book of adam and eve and message to the black man says in regard to these beings? can you provide a quote? Ok NTR/Netjer/Neter or Neteru is Nature and the Divinities are various Forces of or In Nature The Anunnaki do seem to be Physical beings as the had children with human women called Nephilim. They Look Humanoid to me. First off some of them have wings, they all have large strange eyes and final the One kneeling in what appears to be a Chuppah seems to be in mid air. I Think they were Human beings in all likelihood comprised of varying skin color....Or Hominids. Yes I believe we are all descendants of Adam We have had this discussion before in which I showed you that all human beings blush and show blood. Lamentations 4:7 is speaking about Nazarites who are Israelites of the Vow of Consecration in Service to God. The theory that white people was a creation first came to me as they were descendants of Gehazi, the accursed servant of Elisha. Then Descendants of Laban the Albino Now creation of Yakub on the Isle of Patmos
  9. I have a sneaky feeling that black people are already the majority.....just a feeling
  10. Ok True...that's also risky, many people with money are risk averse - in other words they are looking for as sure a thing as is possible " show me the money" You start where they are....They will tell you what they think they need or want. And that too have been done Yet you are recommending "IMPLEMENTING" without doing the necessary groundwork before hand. The Above quotes simply means if you give swines or dogs pearls and they have no way of knowing how to unlocking there Value hence it will be a waste. Now it is different if they are trained and know to take the pearls to the store in exchange for goods and or services...then you can give it to them. Before he had evidence that the earth revolve around the sun.....Galileo believed - Hypothesis/theory. We all must start somewhere....all have their role to play - some as leaders and others as followers. The 6.4% are dealers not users and most have some type of organizational affiliation. I am not talking about users or abusers...just individual who primarily sell as a means of earnings income or lifestyle. Usually on a corner day in night out for hours at a time with life limb and liberty on the line... There is one Major Reason - Racism All other reasons are minor in comparison. Education. Freely Available and readily accessible. True.....The Earth is my home. To Know and to Understand is two different thing. Everybody knows that cigarette smoking is unhealthy.....few understand/realize its implications and even less has the wherewithal or know how to resist. Concepts have home in the minds of people who target groups made up of individuals. Aluta Continua.... Yes....And they will not stop the struggle from continuing. Until he realizes that drugs is the main cause...he will continue to struggle against murders until they are of his own household All fomented by agents of the State It worked for the American Russian and Chinese revolution Sure. Ongoing No....they were fleeing peonage. Thanks I said Allege....or it could be Abraham In any event it is a offshoot of hebrewism/hebraism of which Moses is seminal Moses and Egyptian Prince is a Major Influence on Hebraism/Judaism of which Christianity is an offshoot hence Christianity is a Syncretism of the Egyptian Mystery Schools Are we talking about the God of the flood???? It Was ruse.. Genesis 12-13 Say, I pray thee, thou art my sister: that it may be well with me for thy sake; and my soul shall live because of thee. Yes...the are. But should you be facing me my right is your left.... Repurpose the prisons....today they are instruments of Racism and Greed Coercion is not in anyway being recommended You always start where the individual is and proceed at their pace..... Yes some will be faster and further along than others ... work with each at their level and speed.
  11. My suggestion of Blacks involvement is with the Continent wide struggle against White Racism... Blacks have a unique perspective often not shared or known by Continental Africans....We live in the belly of the beast. The Current struggle and ongoing violence in the Sudan is best addressed by through the AU..... for an immediate cessation of hostilities - AU PeaceKeeping Troops is our best bet...
  12. True.. "Forgive them for they know not what they do" It is difficult to help those who do not know you are helping or see any value in what you are doing or how best to avail themselves of that which you have provided. Matthew 7:6 Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces. I believe one should render help to all according to the limitations of your own resources and their ability to receive it. Then You are Jaded and haughty. 6.4% of Black youth are involved in Drug dealing.....thats not a fraction.... Not to mention involvement in Gangs.... Approximately 3.4% of youths indicated selling drugs. Among Whites, rates of drug dealing were 4.5% for males and 2% for females. Among Black adolescent males and females, rates of drug dealing were 6.4% and 1.6%, respectively. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2871399/#:~:text=Approximately 3.4% of youths indicated,% and 1.6%%2C respectively. I have recognize the ills of the Community - Food Justice Issues and lack of Proper Education are a major reasons for all those symptoms Each according to his or her abilities. That Swim instructor you mention believes in Curing.....I believing in Prevention where possible. They do not know better.....teach them. Then we disagree....Education is the first step. I have never met a stupid person just miseducated or sick individuals. They do not Know....To know denotes Understanding. They have the information....but no ability or knowledge of how to put the information into practice in their lives. Racism. Maybe you have heard of the many attempts we have successfully made and the many more that have failed....Racism is real - COINTELPRO The Enemy is Racism....Not ourselves To say we are our brothers enemy is to buy into the Psyop. Bob Marley says it best in his song: Ambush They say what we know Is just what they teach us And we're so ignorant 'Cause every time they can reach us (shoobe, doo-wa) Through political strategy (shoo-be, doo-wa) They keep us hungry (shoobe, doo-wa) And when you gonna get some food (shoobe, doo-wa) Your brother got to be your enemy https://www.google.com/search?q=lyrics+eat+some+food+bob+marly&sxsrf=APwXEdf5zKqwMXj36LeVIdLY3raadxcCqA%3A1683766311138&ei=JzxcZJmFCIbQ5NoP6c2e2AY&ved=0ahUKEwjZtPCmhuz-AhUGKFkFHemmB2sQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=lyrics+eat+some+food+bob+marly&gs_lcp=Cgxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAQAzIFCAAQogQyBQgAEKIEOgoIABBHENYEELADOgQIIRAKOgcIIxCwAhAnOgcIABANEIAEOggIABAIEB4QDToKCAAQCBAHEB4QCjoNCAAQCBAHEB4Q8QQQCkoECEEYAFCKE1ibXWCBZ2gBcAF4AIABhQGIAaYOkgEEMTYuNZgBAKABAcgBCMABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz-serp Its Call Agent Provocateur Subterfuge and Sabotage thru Infiltration. Inner city Youths are exposed to food poisoning and psyops from birth and pre birth. Many black farmers were dispossess of their farms Again if it is not shown where it can be a financial viable ....most people will not invest in healthy foods. When Racist resort to overt naked Violence it is usually because all else has failed....All the other blackwall st esque communities where already being successfully undermined covertly. Exactly......"So lets understand God in terms of His/Her Functions - Creator Preserver and Destroyer" Egypt was filled with Gnosticism and in the early days of Christianity, many christians studied Gnosticism....it's not a conflation its a fact Moses The allege founder of Judaism was a prince of Egypt Acts 7:22 And Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and was mighty in words and in deeds. Matthew 2:15 And was there until the death of Herod: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Out of Egypt have I called my son It is a Title that I know....whether it is shared by different beings or the same being or several beings in a council is up to your understanding of scripture. For sure.....The question is what's in a Name Harag means to Kill or Killing.....Ratzach means Murder All Murder is a Killing ...... not all Killing is Murder. Sarah was his Cousin....his Uncle Haran's daughter. The direction depends on the perspective. Then you must also realize that in considering a transition there will always be uncertainties Most people can learn and be taught....though I was not thinking of the mentally and or intellectually challenge The third child was profoundly mentally retarded and had minimal expressive language skills. All had received sign language training to facilitate communication.....These data suggest that use of a combination of visual stimuli, operant and social learning methods can remediate social skills deficits in children with multiple psychological and physical deficits. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2970102/
  13. The Continuum is One....Agreed. So already you see you are not dealing with Two separate phenomenon. Now instead of seeing the Continuum as a Flat Line ....Imagine it is a Circle - where then is the Ends?? To Truly appreciate Physicality it is necessary for your mind to censor out information That lets you know that all is truly one thereby creating Duality The difference you see between darkness and light is limited to the ability of your eyes to perceive.....Should your eyes be capable of seeing in infrared then we would be talking about detecting (Energy)heat or cold juxtaposed one against the other.. All is Mental.... it is the organ of reception that dictates whether it be taste sound or color sometimes when the lines between censorship and organs of perception are crossed we taste shapes and see voices.....Synesthesia Reality is a product of your mind and its ability to censor how energy impacts on you To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour William Blake.
  14. We are are Spiritual Beings Have a Physical Experience....For many of Us their is a veil of Forgetfulness/Separation from our Spiritual Self done so in order for us to fully experience physicality. There are as many ways/paths to reach/remember Spirit as their are human beings The Mystic is the Man who has Studied the Esoteric (hidden in libraries) Writings of Various Religious orders and have Practice and Mastered (experienced) them in order to Contact or Remember Their true Spirit. The Shaman use Various traditional Herbs and Techniques to achieve the same end....Pass on from mentor to mentee. The Guru is one who teaches purely physical and mental techniques to achieve Spiritual Awakening There is also direct Awakening by another - Shaktipa There are many ways to Spirit each with its particular strengths and weaknesses. Physicality and Spirituality are two ends of One Continuum....the difference is in Perspective and Perception not in Actuality.
  15. Never Read the book... Do you know of any of his source materials? I am not saying I am Right and you Wrong on this point....but I have been led to think the following. The Anunnaki are Physical biological Beings... The Neteru are Principles that Operate in our Existence. The Anunnaki will have color can you say that they were Human and black Provide links. I see Adam as the First man of our Kind (not just of White men)- Homo sapien sapien...yes Other Men existed. If Ham is a Descendant of Adam the I am a Descendant of Adam. Yes information is key..... provide any links you have to support your claims
  16. Scarcity is a false notion used to drum up fear and panic....Hence the will not be taking or vying for any resources that Blacks Americans Need The Net result of Immigrants is Good for all concern, Political Demagoguery always work on those who refuse to do the work required to find the truth. I agree Jordan Neely needed help...but how is Immigrants responsible for what politicians fund or not fund.
  17. A truly great one....literally cut from the same cloth of Paul Robeson....See You Again Soon here on Earth
  18. True. This is the part of the conversation where it gets personal. You must First Know what kind of Collective you are looking for? What how do you intend to bring about the change you want to see? A detailed well define plan is your first step - write it down in your journal....."When the student is ready the teacher will appear" though in this case "when the plans are made those of like mind will find you or you them" There are thousand if not millions waiting to take actions....when the man with the plan Arise or arrive - Messiah or Mahdi or Saviour or deliverer. Great Idea God willing I can join you and others..
  19. Religion is Socio - Cultural institution with rules regulations practices and ritual on how to worship the Divine, in that sense it is our first true science. Where we record the past deeds admonitions and practice of men and women we consider worthy of Imitation. Thru the codification of these procedure it is believe that others who apply them will have accomplish proper worship of the Divine and achieve Favor and Everlasting Bliss. The institutionalization of Religion has made it corrupt because of Man's imperfection greed and ambition. Spirituality is about find the links that binds you to All That I s.....You are another me - Man know thyself
  20. Here is what I understand Russian wants two things a Military Base in The Sudan and its Gold.....Afterall China has its Military Base in Djibouti The FSB did the Dirty works for the SAF....FSB seems set win...Direct support from Russia - can you trust a traitor? SAF having the US/West and Arabia in its pocket anything can happen.... Money from the US is being poured into the US backed UN Demand for Democracy.....The Circuitous route of this money weakens the SAF With Arabia being their saving grace. SAF is the aggressor within its rights firing first shot and trying to disband FSB. however FSB started open hostilities by moving troops provocatively. Who is the better of the two...None Nevertheless leaning toward FSB - but remain undecided at this time. Praying for peace When the Elephants fights the grass gets trampled.....African Proverb. Only we Black People in the West Can save Africa....Our Greatest Strength Lies in Africa. True.....And it will continue until we Black Africans step in Africans on the Continent do not know the Enemy.......we do The Greatest Fear the white man has is that Blacks and African work together. We Blacks and Africans were instrumental in Dismantle Apartheid South Africa b) to elaborate and bring into effect a special program designed to perpetuate division in the Black movement and neutralize the most active groups of leftist radical organizations representing different social strata of the Black community: to encourage division in Black circles; (c) to preserve the present climate which inhibits the emergence from within the Black leadership of a person capable of exerting nationwide appeal; (d) to work out and realize preventive operations in order to impede durable ties between U.S Black organizations and radical groups in African states; (e) to support actions designed to sharpen social stratification in the Black community which would lead to the widening and perpetuation of the gap between successful educated Blacks and the poor, giving rise to growing antagonism between different Black groups and a weakening of the movement as a whole. https://www.finalcall.com/memorandum-46.htm
  21. Sure tell me what you know and the support link to the texts that inform you. Do You have a link to where they were guarding the caucasus Mountains? As well as that they were black Men?
  22. Of Course we bear some of the responsibility.....first we must understand our Oppression - before we throw blame on the victims of Oppression. To think our so called celebrities or our rich is not in this fight....is to not understand the struggle. Not all is an Ali, Harry, or Ruby dee and her husband etc....The Anti-slavery movement was funded by Rich blacks way back in 1700's like Paul Cuffee, Elisabeth Sansom and James Forten. No I am speaking in terms of not alienating the people you are trying to help. Then watch the video by Dr Jawanza Kunjufu and you find the reason why. Really but they will "sling rocks" on the corner 14 hrs a day.....That's real work - your life and or freedom is on the line Look I too have been hurt by my brothers in the worst ways too.....but I know the cause. Which is what it appears you are doing...."believing the worst" It's not a hopeless scenario....what the need is education. There are two types a swim instructors One who throws you in the water and shout from pool side kick stroke - the sink or swim method it works 50% of the time. Then there is the instructor who gets in the water and hold you afloat until you are kicking and stroking right then he or she gradually lets you go almost 100% successful. Your approach appears to me to be the sink or swim method and for those who sink separate and leave them be....you have not time to waste on them. The Franchisor has the final say on what he can do with the business....The Franchisee is not a truly Independent Operator. Yes and I respect that. But in the context of a threat to Racism it is nothing....I do admit it is a beginning for us - but to racism it's only a potential threat. Just being black you are a potential threat. Braids Barber shops etc are not being targeted......Food is So here is an example The Predominant society Psyops with a 100 million budget says to the black Youth and community "eat Junk" You open your health food store with a couple thousand dollar budget saying "eat healthy" The junk food seller will run you out of business....yes you will have a core support Plus Junk food is readily available and easily accessible. The Issue we face is one of education that unravel the psyops of black self hate perpetrated on black communities. Understand it's a matter of having the proper information....EDUCATION I paraphrase Carter G Woodson in the "Miseducation of the negro" - "If you control a man's thinking you will not have to force him to sit in the back of the bus he will fight you to go sit there" If you do not know that so called "junk food" is not food but think that it is food. Then why would you buy fruits and vegetable? I soon as we begin to politicize social issue is when the fight begins.....and it takes a lot just to get to the point of politicization. It's Called Functional Unity.....they are united against Non whites or a perceived threat to white supremacy racism Self hate expresses itself in many ways. We are not allowing anything as such to happen....There is a reason it's called White Supremacy Racism - because it is totally Anti-Black. They have the most of the Power here in US and Most of the money....they can get away with pretty much anything they do in the black communities. Probable you forgot what happened to the Black Panther Party. Farrakhan and Sharpton save many with their message.....But most still fall for the old psyops of Racism. True... The person does not have to be already be lazy.....He/she is "dumb down" by food poison and psyops of self hate. It is very costly to maintain peace thru dominance......It is best done thru Reconciliation. Training works too.....that's physical and skill development education Of Course Who said we Stop doing for ourselves....we are using both avenues to gain access to credit. Weed shops are being Promoted as Lucrative.....It's not lack of Desire - it's lack of information and know how Not sure that nobody would stop us. My argument stands....They have not be properly informed of it's benefits and profitability We did have banks that could rival Chase and PNC.....they were Bombed. During the seven year period between 1983 and 1989 the number of Black owned banks declined 22%, while the total number of banks in the U.S. declined by only 12% (Price, 1990). Black-owned banks make capital more accessible because they approve a higher percentage of loans to Black applicants than other banks, but their impact is limited by their low numbers and often precarious financial standing....... Banking access in the Black community has not only been limited by the decrease in the number of Black-owned banks, but by an overall decrease in the number of banks in majority Black neighborhoods. Since 2010, the number of banks in majority-black neighborhoods decreased 14.6%, with JPMorgan shrinking its branch footprint in majority-black neighborhoods by 22.8% from 2010 to 2018, compared to a decline of just 0.2% in the rest of the U.S. https://www.brookings.edu/research/an-analysis-of-financial-institutions-in-black-majority-communities-black-borrowers-and-depositors-face-considerable-challenges-in-accessing-banking-services/ Breaking these barriers to inclusion in the banking industry will require structural policies that directly improve access to banking services and credit, like public banking models. Alternative credit assessment models for the credit invisible are also vital to help these individuals achieve more economic security and build wealth. https://www.jec.senate.gov/public/_cache/files/2756e78d-cd64-4413-8d26-a4f9c2756947/embargoed---jec-banking-and-financial-exclusion-brief.pdf Not sure that nobody would stop us my argument stands....They have not be properly informed of it's benefits and profitability That's Monotheism......One God yet Three - Trinity. Yes that's Monotheism and Syncretism.....The Story of Ausar/Osiris is The putting back together (religion) of that which is scattered - Humpty dumpty Is the President of the US one or many? The Tetragrammaton Your Understanding contradicts..... Not the divine or the bible Exactly perspective depends on your vantage point... Is the glass half empty or half full? No Argument here The Lord Admits in the Scriptures: Amos 3:6 Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it? Study more you are getting close Again I said it need to be repurpose.....prison are corrupt institution and does not lived up to any of its promised. You yourself admitted to prisons being a "for Profit and cheap labor" institutions as such its current use and purpose being different from what we think it role is yet you defend its continued existence as a form of Deterrence to crime? It is only use today is in secret....and many say it does not work Then we agree. I disagree... will do
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