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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. One of the problems is that most AfroAmerican children learn DIFFERNTLY than Caucasian children (especially the boys) and most teachers are trained on how to teach Caucasian children, not children of other races. There was a school in Chicago (I forgot the name of it) which was a special academy of all AfroAmerican children nearly ALL of them turned out to extemely high achievers not only academically but well rounded in music and other fields and I think nearly all of them were able to learn several languages and qualify for prestigious colleges. AfroAmerican children can learn and EXCEED Caucasian children in academics and all other fields and disciplines when taught in the proper environment by the proper teachers. They know this, which is why they keep the educational system the way it is.
  2. This was from 7 years ago....how did you end up digging THIS one up, lol. in my opinion, for most AfroAmericans Kwanzaa is just another excuse to celebrate the same season Caucasians are celebrating. They may call it something different but it's the same theme. It's like a person who rejects Catholicism and swears they're not religious but every Sunday morning they congregate in a building and get lecture to by a man with a white collar and drink bread and wine with him....same theme, different name.
  3. Something tells me this event might end up being an echo chamber. Most AfroAmericans pretty much have their minds already made up about this virus and their response to it and little is going to convince them either way. At this point, the only thing that will influence the behavior of most people are if their benefits or job status is threatened for failure to comply with mandatory policies.
  4. Stefan I'm sure most of the non-AfroAmerican teachers there were racist like most of them tend to be in school all over the the nation in both good and bad schools. Some are just better at concealing it than others. Infact, the racism of many of the teachers and other staff is another part of the reason why these magnate schools were established in the first place. Since they worked in public schools they probably were and are in teacher's unions, which gives them a lot of leverage and options. Under a fair and just system good teachers (racist or not) would be evenly spread to all public schools in proper proportion through out the ENTIRE school district despite the zip-codes and poverty levels of each particular neighborhood. This would ensure that ALL schools had the same amount or atleast a proportionate amount of good teachers (again....racist or not) to reach and teach all those students who are willing and able to learn despite their background and poverty level. Ofcourse the most common argument of these teachers would be that it's not racism that makes working in ghetto neighborhoods so undesirable for them....it's crime and safety. But continuing with my example of a fair and just system...... Ideally every school would have adequate security for staff and student regardless of the environment outside. Not everyone who went to Brooklyn Tech came from impoverished backgrounds. Some came from families that owned profitable businesses and these kids lived in big homes. I'm sure they didn't. Some people who send their children to these schools aren't poor, just not wealthy enough to send their children to prestigious private schools but....like their wealthy counterparts...still recognize their children's high intelligence and potential and want them to receive the best education and future opportunities that come with going to these specialized institutions. On the flip side of the coin.... I went to public schools and met a few kids who weren't so smart but came from wealthy backgrounds and could have went to private schools but their wealthy parents didn't want to "shelter" them and wanted them to get used to interacting with people of less privileged backgrounds!
  5. Speaking of the Magi..... Most people don't realize that the term "Magi" is where we get the term "magic" from because of the metaphysical and occult practices of the Magus secret society that originated in the Persian Empire. Most of the Jews of Palestine at that time were direct descendants of PERSIANS who converted to a new religion called Judaism which itself was made up largely of Persian mythology, Zoroastrian beliefs, and the much of the laws that Musa gave the Caucasians while they were in the caves of the Caucasus. When King Korush (Cyrus) allowed most Jews to go into occupy Palestine and build their temple they brought their new religion (Judaism) with it's heavily by Persian influenced belief system to the land.....including the concept of a "Christ". Going with the Biblical narrative......... What they were calling a "star" moving around and "standing" over a manger sounds more like a flying saucer (they tend to glow brightly in darkness). So the fact that BOTH the Jews and the Magi were looking for a Christ probably explains why 3 non-Jews from Persia called Magi were following a flying saucer and galloping all the way to Palestine looking for a new born baby.
  6. Yeah....lol....that's what we call them in the Midwest Townhouses. For a long time they weren't building any more of them. You had to go deep into the city to find blocks of townhouses like you found in Philly and Baltimore. And even then you wouldn't find entire NEIGHBORHOODS of them....just a few blocks scattered here and there. Sometime around the early 90s they started building more and more townhouses IN THE SUBURBS of all places and then they started building more of them in the city on top of demolished land areas. And started calling them condos and charging hundreds of thousands of dollars to live in them.
  7. One of the benefits of being less educated (academically atleast) is that you can still think on more simple terms and ask simple questions. For example........ I did some very brief research on both of those high schools (Stuyvesant & Brooklyn Tech) and found that both are supposedly PUBLIC schools designed for high achieving smart students (which made me wonder how Troy got in - he doesn't even know that different races exist.....lol). In my experience of living in different parts of this nation I found that MOST major cities have these type of "public" schools that have been designed to SUCK the "smartest" children from all over the metropolitan area into centralized locations and concentrate them into a hand full of schools with the best teachers and academic programs. In Detroit you had (have?) 2 well known ones: Renaissance and Cass Tech. My question is why don't they keep the neighborhood schools of their respective communities relevant by formulating a curriculum in their own schools as effective as those in these magnate schools designed for high achievers so that they don't have to travel many miles out of their own communities just to get a decent education that keeps up with their intelligence and potential? But that's more of a rhetorical question because I THINK I already know the answer to that question. While private schools were designed for students WITH wealth.... These elite "public" schools were designed to attract intelligent and promising students who come from poor and working-class background who couldn't afford private schools. It was designed to pool and exploit their intelligence. Without having set foot in either one of those schools, I'm willing to wager that just like Renaissance and Cass Tech in Detroit....those schools you two mentioned were MUCH more structured and disciplined and MUCH safer with effective security than over 95% of the other public schools in the city! Would I be wrong?
  8. Well this entire concept of "holiday" or "Holy Day" in Western society is part of their religious and cultural indoctrination. Even if you don't believe in the actual concept they are trying to indoctrinate you with....you look forward to the day because you usually get the day off and even get monetary incentives. So you are being BRIBED into celebrating the day. Those with children who are NOT Christians and try not to indoctrinate their children with these lies often find this time of the year a little rough because you want to keep your children happy and when they see other children getting gifts they don't wanna hear whatever you're saying if THEY aren't getting them too....lol. Next thing you know you're buying them gifts and celebrating Christmas just like other folks. ....now you gotta justify it with a myriad of excuses.
  9. Troy That's what I'm saying....rats all over the place. I had another friend in Brooklyn and had my FIRST experience with some real good street-grilled Jamaican jerk chicken ruined by a HERD of rats....lol. I'm standing on the street with the plate of jerk chicken and rice/peas in my hand talking Black consciousness with the other brothers on Marcus Garvey Blvd. and I hear a scuffle behind me....turn around and saw a HERD of maybe 500 rats run pass us....up a wall....and through a big hole in a building. I stared at the plate....that was the end of that meal. Now I saw rats growing up....one here...a couple there.....but not a HERD of them traveling together by the hundreds, lol. ((shivers)). But my wealthy (wealthy in Midwestern terms) boy......... He's showing me around this supposedly wealthy neighborhood with dog shit "neatly" piled up against buildings and pigeons crowding the sidewalks talking about "John Lennon" did this and "Al Pacino" did that....like I'm supposed to ignore the filth on the street to focus on famous landmarks, lol. "Hey man look over there , look! That's where Big Al Pacino made his first movie! Look nicca..right overthere!!!" Lol.......pigeons and dog shit all over the sidewalk and he's talking about "look overthere". Now....... If I were a Billionaire or Multimillionaire maybe I'd buy a huge condo or maybe buy a well maintained row-house (you're calling it a Brownstone but some of my friends told me that the only difference between a Brownstone and a row house is how well it's maintained) with multiple floors along with some other millionaires and SHARE that unit so we'd have a place to stay (like a permanent hotel room) while we were each in the city for business! But my MAIN place of residence where I would lay my head down at night to go to sleep and relax would definitely be in a quiet suburban (or maybe even rural) type setting. Especially if I had a lot of children to raise. What good is all of that money if you can't enjoy it and live like you WANT to live?
  10. I remember when some Whites were living in the projects also.....but a very very few. As I look back on it now, usually something was "wrong" with them and prevented them from living with other Caucasians and they were STUCK in the hood. But I didn't live in the projects, I just had a lot of family who did. We would go visit THEM to keep them from visiting US....lol. Remember the old saying? "Don't call ME.....I'll call YOU!".....lol. Like Chris Tucker told that fat girl in Friday.... "Listen girl....tell me where you live and I'll come to see YOU. But don't you EVER... ever...ever...ever...come around HERE!! Understand???" We (the Black people of my neighborhood) weren't rich or even upper middle class, but we weren't poor or ghetto either and didn't want a lot of ghetto people with crazy out of control kids coming into the neighborhood to mess it up. That's how a LOT of Black people thought in those days.
  11. I did excellent in school right up to the 6th grade when I started really hitting puberty and my focused changed less on grades and more on girls...lol. But quite a few Black students got excellent grades and were smart and had great conduct in class. They were quiet and studious and most of them went on to college and have successful careers. I also knew smart Black boys who kept getting in trouble and got poor grades. They started off getting good grades like I did but when puberty hit and their voices started changing not only did their priorities change but how people TREATED them in society (including school) changed also. This why I'm still in amazement when I find straight masculine Black men like yourself, Delano, and many others that I know who were so successful in college and corporate America. They TARGET straight and masculine Black men in corporate America and unless you're some sort of genius....how do you avoid being targeted and blocked from success in THEIR world? I suspect this is one of the reasons many different Black fraternities and sororities were established early on, so they can help eachother get good jobs and protect eachother in this racist system. On a lighter note.......... You mention living in a brownstone. I just don't get ONLY living in NYC, lol. That place is so congested...even the outer boroughs. As I got older I realized many business people want to live in or near Manhattan where they could get to Wall Street and various firms and financial centers but making NYC you're ONLY home??? Had wealthy friend who took me to meet a friend of HIS who lived in the Upperwestside of Manhattan. Nicca had a car but insisted that we WALK so he could show me the "sites" like where John Lennon got hit and things of that nature. Man, pigeons and puke all over the sidewalk.....lol....and that was supposed to be a "rich" neighborhood! ((shakes head)) We meet his friend in his apartment which was not much bigger than any average 2 bed room apartment and he's bragging about paying $35,000 a month and how he's right around the corner from the best Chinese food restaurants in the city....while complaining about the "rat problem" in the area. ((shakes head vigorously)) Now if I were a billionaire or multimillionaire like his friend (my friend was just a "hundreds-of-thousands"aire....lol) I would live way out in Long Island or maybe even another state in a nice big home in a beautiful neighborhood and COMMUTE to Wallstreet or the law firm that I own....but I'm not gonna pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to live down the street from it in a rat infested building with security and a door man!
  12. Troy As I've gotten older I've become wiser and gained more understanding about society and human nature. This has caused me to look at things from OTHER PEOPLE'S perspectives sometimes........ If you're a smart young Black woman with a bright future and a lot of potential but you're born and raised in the ghetto where you grow up seeing all types of violence and foolishness and criminality going on around you. You survive all of that just to go to a major university and get a degree and now you have an opportunity to get a good job with "the white folks" and escape the madness you grew up around and live in a nice big house in a nice green peaceful neighborhood with neighbors who smile fake smiles at you and wave as you walk by. Why would you RUIN your chances to enjoy all of that just to hang out in the ghetto fighting and scraping with the ghetto-girls over men? Most people may not ADMIT it but they'll they're going to go with what they think are their BEST options. In many cases that includes "selling out".
  13. Troy He's not my type....lol. He seems like the type of guy who always has to have the last word.
  14. Troy I don't remember the projects being nice....lol. I remember being a whole lot better than they are today (the few that still exist). You DO know Canada has housing projects too, right? And the public housing in Canadian cities are BIGGER and NICER than the ones in the United States! Blocks and blocks of tall well maintained sky scrapers with thousands of poor people packed in them. But as far as projects in the United States go............. I found out that projects were rough all over America. I remember going down south on vacation as a little kid and we'd go to some housing projects in the rural area near a lagoon where some of our relatives were and as rural and country as it was it was STILL wild with children running around acting a fool and tearing up.....lol.
  15. Troy Because wearing masks and social distancing WORKS...based on my experiences and observations. I don't have any knowledge that vax work. My research and intuition says they do more harm than good to Africans worldwide.
  16. Troy This is true, but where did she get the money to OWN the property? If the rent is high and she's not getting any customers so how is she able to afford to keep up the property she owns to stay in business? This thing is deep man. You have a lot of wealthy Caucasians whom....if you interact with them....realize that individually they aren't very smart and not nearly as smart as you are, so have you ever sat down and wondered how were they able to generate so much wealth?
  17. Troy Lol..... Yes sir, right here on THIS planet...we call "Earth". Can I prove it? No. However just know the technology you're seeing is nothing new. We gave the Caucasians the mathematics by which the technology they are using operates on today and it's only a FRACTION of the mathematics we had at that time.
  18. I guess......... However how much "monetary" incentive is expected to be gained by reporting on so many AfroAmerican men being killed by police when each killing risks mass protests, property damage, and calls for boycotts? I sense there must be some ulterior motives like brainwashing/programing or desensitizing going on with reporting the same sickening images over and over again with seemingly no resolution or justice being brought to the killers. Like you said far more Caucasians are killed by the police than AfroAmericans and I believe that is correct....although I must say many of them are almost FORCED to be killed by the police because they tend to put up far more of a challenge to law enforcement when they engage in reckless and criminal behavior. The average White man will cuss out a cop, call him all kinds of names, threaten to sue him for violating his "rights" and even rip up the ticked and drive off with seemingly no fear of the consequences....lol.
  19. I'd say late 30's or early 40's. ....she happens to look good for her age but I can tell. That's the right aged woman for men who are around 50 - right up to before death, lol
  20. Troy Lol.... Would those "other reasons" make her want to go out and get a RESTRAINING ORDER against you if she found out?????
  21. Troy You believe what I said because you went by your PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. But many Black people who haven't had that experience and just went by their own reasoning would doubt what I said because it wouldn't make any sense to them. "Ha, ha,haaaa....that's bullshit We're all in the same boat! Small White businesses are suffering just like the others. You crazy!!!" They wouldn't be able to fathom a system so organized and disciplined. They just wouldn't believe it.....until they EXPERIENCED it. The "gook bood" says BLESSED IS HE WHO BELIEVES BEFORE HE SEES....lol If you look at the Stimulus Bill they're arguing over right now, it has some provision that protects "small" businesses worth over 1 million dollars but doesn't protect those UNDER a million! These are the little sneaky games they play to undermine Black businesses and get them to fail. It's not just ONE thing, it's many little tricks and schemes and scams. Sometimes they'll just send an inspector into your business to see if you're up to code or if you have separate restrooms for men and women and continue to fine you for every little infraction until they run you out of business. Meanwhile a 75 year old white woman has a picture-framing shop across the street that has been there for 38 years and you NEVER saw anyone go in or out of her door....except her. Yet she somehow remains open and is always smiling and waving at you when you walk by!
  22. I was listening to a show on Youtube and just heard of a video of a Black police officer arresting another White officer!! Apparently they were making an arrest and the White officer tried to brutalize the suspect who was Black and already in custody and handcuffed, and the Black officer ARRESTED HIM ON THE SPOT. I gotta look for this video.
  23. Right message.....wrong person delivering it. Like Snoop Dogg trying to tell Cardi B not to degrade women, lol. What she's saying is correct that we need to eat better and exercise but 2 things: 1. SHE isn't a Native America. She's a Caucasian women with maybe a TRACE amount of Native American heritage in her trying to claim a culture that doesn't belong to her. 2. Different races can eat different foods. What may be healthy for Caucasians to eat and drink, isn't necessarily healthy for us as Africans to eat and drink. For them, a tall glass of milk and an apple may be healthy.....it will give OUR people digestion problems. We need to learn what type of foods are best for US and focus on eating THAT. Also, I can let you in some SOME wisdom that I have from the ancients............. We have had technology for BILLIONS of years that was and is far more advanced than anything in this current society today. But we didn't always use it because we knew that in order to keep our bodies strong it was better to USE them! We had vehicles that we could travel the ground, water, and air BILLIONS of years ago...but most people still WALKED to where they were going for exercise.
  24. Del ¿ y tu ? ¿ cuando estas yendo (voy?) a el United States otra vaz ?
  25. Marvin Gaye Straight Troy Yes, White men commit suicide more but....and you're gonna again say it's crazy....they AGREE to do this. This is their system and they agree to play along in it for as long as they want and when things get too tough, they "check out" of it. Again, they don't mind being poor and they'll even sacrifice their own health for the system of White Supremacy. Now you may ask what sense does any of this make............ Think of YOUR children. What wouldn't YOU do to ensure your children have a safe and successful future? White people will sacrifice their life and health and run out without masks on and catch Covid in order to keep working and keep this society moving and keep making money in order to (so they think) ensure the success of not just their children but the system of White Supremacy. This is why I constantly urge Black folks to wear masks in public and be aware when Caucasians are around them. They don't care about their lives and health like our people do. Most Black folks want to LIVE and ENJOY LIFE.....most Caucasians live to work and maintain the system and ironically they don't mind "dying" trying to do it.
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