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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. Dan They made the choice not to obey the law. And why should THEY feel obligated to obey immoral "laws" made by their enemies that are designed to entrap them?
  2. Dan The lies we tell ourselves. I thoroughly reject that sorry explanation. The reason is based on how we respond to words. The problem is that’s it is a fossilized confirmation of the property status of Blacks. Lol...it's no "lie". The definition has CHANGED....TRANSFORMED. WE have the power to define our own words for ourselves.
  3. There's difference between "nigger" and "nigga". A nigger is a derogatory term for a person of African descent. A nigga is a colloquial term....usually of endearment...that many AfroAmericans use to refer to other males.
  4. Nobody "chooses" to go to prison. They may have chosen to do what they did.....but they didn't put handcuffs on themselves and haul themselves away. They were FORCED into it. But like I said.....Black success has DECLINED and not increased for the collective. That was my main point, and as usual...I've proven it.
  5. Dan Unfortunate your world view blocks you from seeing the advancement of the Black worker, small business owners, middle managers and government workers. You seem to be "blocked" from seeing the COLLECTIVE and can only see individual achievement. Yes, I've seen the advancement of SOME INDIVIDUAL Black workers and businesses. But individuals aren't the COLLECTIVE. Most Black people in America have DECLINED economically. More Black men have went to prison in the past 20 years than in any other time in history. What's successful about that? Don't point at some nicca grinning in a suit and say "Black people" are successful, just because HE is! "We as Black people have finally arrived! Well....I know I have." Your ADOS world view is quite limiting. It also it alluded to in African Americans and Africa: A New History. I don't know about that book you keep referencing but there is no such thing as a "new history". There is an effort on the part of some to try and RE-WRITE history through lies and deceptions and omissions of certain facts. Next thing you know...... The "new history" will say Colonialism and Slavery never existed. They were just myths. Watch out for this "new history" movement.
  6. Ann No society built on FALSEHOOD can last. It eventually MUST collapse under the weight of it's own wickedness. Western civilization was built upon LIES and DECEPTION.....and so it must collapse. But that doesn't mean that WE as AfroAmericans have to collapse with it. This is an opportunity for US to rise and build our own society. But our society must be built upon the principles of TRUTH and RIGHTEOUSNESS and not just a copy of the old Satanic (White Supremacist) world.
  7. Candace Owens Gets Backlash From Harry Styles Fans Over ‘Bring Back Manly Men’ Tweet Celebrities and fans alike rallied to defend Harry Styles on Monday in response to a negative tweet about the artist from conservative author Candace Owens. In her post on Saturday, Owens quote tweeted Vogue Magazine’s photos from Harry Styles’ cover shoot to voice concern over the feminization of men. “There is no society that can survive without strong men,” Owens tweeted. “The East knows this. In the west, the steady feminization of our men at the same time that Marxism is being taught to our children is not a coincidence. It is an outright attack. Bring back manly men.” On Monday, fans quickly defended Styles and his decision to express himself through clothing, making the topic trend on Twitter. Several celebrities, such as Olivia Wilde, Zach Braff and Jameela Jamil, also chimed in. “Lord of the Rings” star Elijah Wood responded that “Masculinity alone does not make a man,” later adding, “In fact, it’s got nothing to do with it.” His words echo similar responses arguing that Owens’ idea of manliness is based on cultural expectations created over time, not anything inherent to manhood. In response to the backlash, Owens doubled down on her stance in a series of tweets on Monday. “I’m impervious to woke culture. Showing me 50 examples of something won’t make it any less stupid,” she tweeted, while also responding to her critics’ posts and promoting her book. https://variety.com/2020/music/news/harry-styles-candace-owens-tweet-1234833146/ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dan You SEE what happens when you so-called "Black Conservatives" decide to criticize people and condemn homosexual and transgenderism. That's why yall stopped talking about homosexuality and feminism about 15 years ago.....White conservatives told you NOT to. White Supremacy has MADE IT CLEAR to you that the only people YALL are allowed to criticize are other Black people.....leave the gay and cross-dressing White folks alone...lol
  8. Dan I would have been more impressed if you questioned what point is he making. Where in the book is he raising points which are relevant. I don't have to question what point he was making because I know his INTENT. He is a DEVIL....with the intention to cause mischief and division. Just because you are jealous of my Devastatingly good looks You're half-way correct....lol....you look DEVASTATED and DEFEATED. Like a ghetto hustler near the end of the month hoping he can make it to the 1st to get some work....lol. "Thangs is kinda dry right now. I'm tryna HOLD ON to get mo' cash in my hands!"
  9. Daniel I believe that if Blacks continue to gain affluence the more they will migrate to the Republican Party. Right up until this time, AfroAmericans collectively have been LOSING wealth since the mid-80s. You're focusing on a HANDFUL of Black entertainers and a few who have been fortunate enough to be ALLOWED (by White people) make it in the financial/corporate world and have done good for THEMSELVES. I'm looking at the MASSES of AfroAmericans and how many of them are in prison, poverty, and homeless. You haven't seen nearly as many homeless AfroAmericans living on the streets at any other time as you do today. Having said that...... I wouldn't have been a bad idea (in my opinion) of AfroAmericans would have STRATEGICALLY split their votes between the Democrat party AND Republican party to finess some TANGIBLE benefits from both. Because this "all or nothing" dedication to one party at a time certainly isn't working. That’s also if it survives the persecution and marginalization it’s about to experience. Oh... Lol....so YOU believe AOC and "Da Squad" are compiling a list of Trump supporters to go after and persecute like a lot of Conservatives have been running around claiming??????
  10. Queen X There's nothing wrong with a black man crying because he's elated. Now sis...... You know good and well something is WRONG with a grown man who comes on television snotting and stuttering and crying like that...lol. Especially if nobody died or got hurt. Dan More Blacks voted for President Trump than any other Republican candidates. Even more than Ulysses S. Grant?
  11. It's not in the scripture. That's one of the problems with Christianity......the scriptures say ONE thing while the religion teaches ANOTHER.
  12. Troy You write in the last thread that T.D. Jakes schooled her That wasn't me, that was Gibran. I didn't know exactly WHO taught her...but I could easily see that she was coached by somebody and didn't just pick it up from simply watching. She doesn't seem like the smartest person in the world based on the few videos I've seen of her. She most likely was tutored. I attended a TD Jake's service in Dallas one. The "church" is an arena. I've been there before too. If I remember correctly it's on the south side of Dallas, in the middle of a ghetto. It's called the POTTERS HOUSE. Another huge and very nice church that I said if I was a church goer I'd love to attend is the Crenshaw Christian Center in Los Angeles. Jakes appeals to people on a very emotional level. People around me were in tears -- seriously. The power he has over people is powerful. Many people need what he gives them. T.D. Jakes has powerful CHARISMA. He has great oratory skills and knows how to move people easily....but his natural charisma still overpowers the audience. I bet hecould snap his fingers and point in your direction and have even the old ladies beating you down if he so desired.....lol. The appeal of Trump is no different. Trump has charisma too. Not quite as much as Jakes....he can't speak as well as T.D., lol. Trump's charisma helped make him a billionaire and it helped get him in the White house and it may very well KEEP him in the White house well past his appointed time if enough of his followers decide not to give up. If Trump was to announce tonight that he has NO INTENTION of leaving....I guarantee you there would be MILLIONS in the streets ready to fight for him! That's the power and influence he has. Not everyone can do this -- even if they know how. It does take a skill and some measure of psychopathy to be able to exploit someone in that manner. They say pimpin' and easy; if you have a conscious it is very difficult. Most pimps and politicians are very charismatic. At some point in life.....usually in childhood....very charismatic people recognize that they have the power to get people to do whatever they want them to do. They recognized that for some reason...usually unknown to them....people just LIKE them and want to be their friend and will follow them off a cliff. Most charismatic people use that to their advantage....some for good like Marcus Garvey and Martin Luther King, others for bad like Jim Jones and Hitler. I've been around Mafia members who used to congregate at an old hotel I worked in and many of them had charisma.....lol.
  13. Troy I didn't know that about Langston until you just told me. If I were to only read your posts, no....you don't sound like most people I've met from Harlem (Like Sa Neter and Brother Polight). But in the couple of videos where I've heard you speaking you DO sound like a typical New Yorker. That Bugs Bunny accent so many have.
  14. Daniel You demonstrate you don’t understand the premise of Christianity. It doesn’t matter what you think. Well I know the basic premise of Christianity..... According to it's basic tenets, as long as you say and believe that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior you are forgiven of your sins and will be saved. That pretty tells people they can kill, rob, rape, and commit all other manner of evil including ENSLAVING OTHER PEOPLE and still be spared from damnation through "the blood". Is there something I'm missing?
  15. From Adam...to Noah....to the Children of Yacub (Israel) in Babylon............ The Old Testament books of the Bible are just a compilation of the early exploits of the Caucasian race....especially in the Middle East. It starts off with a group of Beings (Us/We) making Adam. Adam is not the first man; he's the first Caucasian. And you follow the journey of him and his descendants as they interact with the Original peoples of the planet that they came across for time spans of thousands of years. "Thus we come to CONQUER in the name of our Lord!"
  16. Daniel The Gospel is simple and was spread by word of mouth. Most lies are. Until those responsible for it figure out a better way to deceive the people. The necessary components are recognition and repentance. Says who? Did JESUS say that, or did those who intended to corrupt his message and use that corruption to exploit the masses, say it? When you go before people and say that their behavior doesn't matter....all they have to do is repent and accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.....you're basically giving them a LICENSE to commit all kinds of evil. This is why there is so much chaos in many Black communities across the globe. They believe their being "saved" permits them to be wicked.
  17. When I was in the Church I used to believe that also. I used to wonder WHY did a person have to go to Seminary school and get "man's education" in order to become a minister or priest. But when I realized that the Bible was translated from Latin and Greek and has a history of being re-interpreted, mis-interpreted, having books added and taken out and that Christianity itself has a long history of going through revolutions and reforms.....I realized why this was necessary. Most Christians are just READING the Bible and assuming it means one thing.....not realizing it means something totally different in it's ORIGINAL script/language.
  18. Dan, before we get into your questions I would like to point out that THIS is Tom Reiss: Tom Reiss This is the elitist, snobbish looking, devil....going around stirring up trouble and conflict between the Africans of the United States (ADOS) and the Africans of the Continent. Why should we pay attention to ANYTHING this mischief making DEVIL has to say? That said............ Just because someone is a devil, doesn't mean ALL of the information they offer is invalid. Dan My questions are “Will there be an effort to reconcile these issues in the quest for reparations?” When WE (ADOS) take over the land and begin to issue JUSTICE all over the planet. And “What are Blacks in America do to stop the current Slavery which is going on?” Not NEARLY as much as we SHOULD and COULD be doing. Infact, I don't believe the vast majority of AfroAmericans even KNOW that it's still going on over there. And even if they did I don't think many would care. There are plenty of AfroAmericans in congress who could pass bills and use their power to INVESTIGATE what's going on overthere and there are plenty of AfroAmericans in the military who could go over there and put an end to it. But it's BLACK STUPIDITY that is holding up that process. Too many of our people are TOO STUPID to even acknowledge what's going on...let alone actually do something about it.
  19. Most people don't know that Dr. Sebi was actually LATINO. He was born and raised in Honduras and spoke fluent Spanish. I notice that the actual AUTHOR of the book is Beverly Oliver....not Dr. Sebi himself. So I wonder how much of it will be HIS actual perspective as opposed to her interpretation.
  20. White people are NOTORIOUS for that. They are well known for being from the suburbs but CLAIMING to be from some tough hard urban area. I believe they do it for street credibility. What bothers me is when no one CALLS them on it, but are quick to call another Black person over the slightest fib.
  21. I think where you're actually from matters IF YOU'RE LYING about it. If you aren't from Detroit, why claim it? What's the purpose...unless you're deliberately trying to deceive the public. I'm not from New York. What do I look like running around telling everybody I'm from St. Albans or Soundview.....doesn't make any sense. The purpose is to CONFUSE and DECEIVE the people by making you think he's something that he's not. Just like that Pastor Paula White.....White Supremacists know how to carefully CRAFT an image in order to deceive the masses. It's like adding a particular ingredient to a recipe..........maybe you don't THINK it matters....but it matters tremendously.
  22. Del I have no doubt that he loves Rap....most Caucasians love and worship our creativity even if they don't love where it came from! More often than not, they don't love it as much as they want to INCORPORATE it and take it over! That's why you often find Caucasians who know the lyrics to certain songs and the entire background behind it better than the Black folks who jam and dance to it. We just love the music...but the Caucasian wants to ANALYZE it so he can MASTER it! As far as money and power........... Black rappers usually start off in poverty so they see rap as a means to attain success and wealth. Most White rappers....like most White people in general...start off with PLENTY of money so they can focus more on the "finer" things in life like music, art, wine-tasting, ect....since money isn't a worry. When you have plenty of money and power, you can get reeeaaaaal deep because you don't have anything else to spend your time on doing, lol. Never the less, what I said about him LYING about his origins....not by accident but deliberately....stands.
  23. Eminem is a great MC....I can't take that away from him. They looked and looked and searched and searched until they FOUND a good White rapper. My problem is that he CLAIMS the city of Detroit....where he's NOT from. He's from Kansas. I grew up around nothing BUT Black people and noticed how the media went out of their way to make Michigan and especially Detroit look like some haven for White people. Growing up seeing New York and Los Angeles getting so much attention for their Black populations and music while Detroit's was ignored was already a sore spot...and to promote Eminem as a "Detroit rapper" when he was actually from Kansas was like putting salt in the wound, lol. To illustrate my point.............. What if THIS man was going around saying he was a "Bronx Comedian"? "So I took the subway to my trailer park and a funny thing happened...." Being actually FROM The Bronx and knowing what the people there look and act like, how would YOU feel about this?
  24. This is a "spin off" of the thread that our brother Gibran started about Paster Paula White......one of the more well known interlopers who is getting rich off of imitating the style of AfroAmericans. I want you all to take a look at her style of preaching and her body language Look at how she sways from side to side and bounces while preaching. Look at the white tennis shoes with the tight jeans and color contrasts. She's clearly trying to ATTRACT and CHARM the mostly Black audience and get them under her spell as she preaches in a certain cadence. She learned all of this from AfroAmerican preachers.....not just through close observation....but from those who were more than happy to teach her like Black rappers were happy to teach Eminem. You all have been WARNED so many times about the dangers of integration. Marcus Garvey warned you 100 years ago that if you aren't careful living around Caucasians, you will end up drinking the poison of their civilization and die from it's effects. But on the FLIP side of that....they could end up drinking the elixir of YOUR civilization and prolong their life! In other words....................... When Caucasians and AfroAmericans "integrated" and mixed with eachother in the United States. Many of our people adopted the worst parts of THEIR civilization (individualism, greed, disrespect of parents, atheism, abuse of women, dirty sexual practices, ect.....). But many of THEM learned how to dance, sing, and season their food from being around OUR people. "Hi yall! I'm Paula Deen and today I'm gonna show you all how to make some delicious soul food I mean uhhh... SOUTHERN COOKIN!"
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