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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. If you have a spiritual person, an intellectual, an athlete, a poet and a humanist on an island, the person with the gun will be in control. Not for long. Chances are the "intellectual" will find a way to take that gun away from him. That doesn't make the gunner more evolved or elevated than the other inhabitants. No. But if the gunner MADE his own gun while the other inhabitants relied on throwing rocks for their protection......it is a SIGN of him having higher intelligence. And if he shows a CONSISTENT PATTERN of making other high-tech weapons to increases his power....then that is a SURE SIGN that the gunner is working with superior intelligence.
  2. Even when it comes to illegal activity When it comes to selling drugs, running numbers, and pimping. I'm not advocating these activities. However, it's funny how a lot of Black people who can't make it on jobs or make it through high school but actually EXCEL in these unregulated underground activities that require a lot of complex business and social skills in order to be successful at them. The only "failure" is getting arrested and going to prison and that's because they don't control the laws or their enforcement. But they actually SUCCEEDED in the activities themselves and made a lot of money engaging in them! Little Black boy can't remember the correct answers to pass a 7th grade exam, but the same boy can memorize an entire rap album after listening to it for only a week. Why? These are not only activities that our people LIKE doing and generates a lot of money but it also allows them to do them THEIR way without a Caucasian standing over them with their arms folded advising them or forcing them to do it in a particular way. So they learn success developing their own style. Try to do shit HIS way and you get frustrated, confused, and not only fail but might even end up discouraged from ever trying again! "Man I TRIED to do it the way you told me to but....I can't figure out.... They never even READ my resume!" But we do GREAT when we do things OUR way! "Come on ladies...... Stop playing, yall know I gotta get up tomorrow morning. I'm a busy nigga. I got 3 businesses to stay on top of!"
  3. After years of doing what I "thought" were the right things in life I'm beginning to understand that.....atleast for myself personally.....following the rules and taking the advice that Caucasians give for success doesn't work most of the time for me and it doesn't seem to work for MOST OTHER AfroAmericans either. From my personal experiences and observations, following MY OWN rules or the rules and advice of other successful AfroAmericans work much much better and yeild more successful results. I like what Dr. Boyce Watkins said recently: He said Black men and women need to make OUR OWN rules. He said you aren't gong to be successful letting Caucasians TELL YOU how to be....lol. Now I've known this for years before he said it, but it's always good to hear another person bear-witness to and articulate what you've been thinking and saying. How many of you have had the same experiences in life? How many of you have noticed that when you listen to Caucasians either on the job or in other areas of life no matter how smart or successful they were and followed their advice, much of the time you ended up FAILING and CONFUSED. But when you say "Fuck what he said...I'm gonna do this MY way".....you for some reason ended up SUCCEEDING?
  4. Education is crucial, and as a culture we have dropped the ball on that big time. I'm not sure who you mean by "we". If you're talking about our society collectively the White Supremacists have NOT dropped the ball on education. They are very educated in how to do what THEY do and the control they maintain over society is evidence of that education. However if you mean "we" as in AfroAmericans, I agree....we need more education. But we need PROPER education that helps us to first stabilize then advance our communities and provides us with prosperity. Simply sending our children to Caucasian operated/approved Universities to be brainwashed and certified in how to function and get along in White society isn't the type of education our children need. It hasn't helped the majority of our people anyway.....which is why so many of our young men end up dropping out early on. By PROPER education I mean knowledge of how to effectively build housing and infrastructure in our communities. Learning how to cultivate the soil and grow our own foods. Learning medicine and how to cure diseases and heal injuries. Learning Black psychology to effectively deal with our people and their diversity of problems. This is PROPER education and this is what we need. Simply going to school to learn how to pledge and have "stepping" contests where people stand around eating fried chicken and potato salad may help INDIVIDUAL AfroAmericans achieve success but does little to advance our community collectively. "Ahhh....go 'head baby!!"
  5. Personally, I support an across the board FLAT tax of less than 10% for all people regardless of their income. Infact, the Federal Government doesn't really need anyone's taxes because they have the Constitutional right to literally make their own money. The only governments that "need" taxes as a source of revenue are State and Local governments.
  6. Troy Do you know human nature? It's PERFECTLY NATURAL for human beings to make broad generalizations! That's one of the reasons we are able to not only survive but be successful. Do you run a lab-test on every morsel of food you put in your mouth to determine whether or not it's fit to eat.....or do you assume based on broad generalizations that what you eat is GOOD to eat and won't harm you? Did you drill every woman you ever met as to whether or not she was a LESBIAN first before going out with her? Or did you make broad generalizations about them being heterosexual unless they gave you a hint that they weren't? Do you give all of your students IQ tests before admitting into your class to avoid generalizing them and assuming they have the intelligence to comprehend? It's natural for human beings to notice patterns in different groups and make broad generalizations and lump them into categaories. It saves time and energy and helps us to achieve our objectives much quicker! Generalizations prevent you from smiling at another man the same way you smile at a woman. There's nothing inherently wrong with broad generalizations. It helps you to establish patterns in society for success and safety.
  7. Troy If you had children @Pioneer1 you really would not get them vaccinated? Not if I could help it. I used to run around saying what I would and wouldn't tolerate without realizing that there are authorities with more power who have sneaky ways of doing things without my knowledge and I had to recognize that. I was engaged before and me and my fiance used to talk about this all the time because she worked (works?) in the medical industry and believed in vaccines too. When we talked about children and what our family would be like we went rounds and rounds over whether or not our children would be vaccinated and how many they would get. But she also understood my distrust and believed in natural medicine as well. So I would do my best to see that they WERE NOT vaccinated. But then again....... I wouldn't send my children to public fools schools anyway. If there weren't any decent AfroAmerican private schools to send them to I'd HOME SCHOOL them. Let us save some time......... I have numerous scientific articles that prove there is a rise of autism among Black boys but none of them say that the rise is due to vaccines. Something tells me that won't be enough for you.
  8. Troy There is a cliche that goes, "everything after the 'but' can be ignored." I've heard that saying to, but I don't ascribe to it. As far as I'm concerned, "but" doesn't cancel out the previous message. It just means the focus should be on what I'm about to say instead of what I already have. But hey, I'm not an English grammar scholar so I could be wrong...lol. I arrived at my above conclusions based on what I've SEEN and EXPERIENCED as well as what I've read over the years. It's not just from one source or a couple sources that I arrive at my conclusions, it's years and years and years of information taken in and processed with logic and reason. Most people don't want to accept being thought of as less intelligent, less good looking, or less strong....so they tend to make excuses to explain their short-comings or failures or positions they constantly find themselves in. I used to make excuses as to why Caucasians were so successful and ruled over our people so much for so long but if I didn't know history and just went by my PERSONAL INTERACTIONS ALONE with with various races, that would have been enough to convince me that many of our people just don't have any damn sense. If for 50 years you've noticed that whether you're on a job, at a grocery store, or just walking down the street and ask an AfroAmerican a simple question and ask a Caucasian the same question and over 75% of the time the Caucasian has the CORRECT answer while over 75% of the time the AfroAmerican either: -Don't know and don't care to know it or -Gives you the WRONG answer or -Gotta run and ask a White man for the answer himself or -Instead of simply answering the question jumps up and down and acts a fool for you even asking them...lol. You begin to notice a pattern REAL quick, lol. Pioneer1: "Excuse me, do you have non-refrigerated Greek Yogurt and if you do where do you keep it?" "Oh, yes sir..... It's right over in aisle G" "It's over in the other....wait..... damn...it's...damn where is it? Ok, let me call a manager (call a white man) because I knew we USED to carry some but...." Lol.....tired of making excuses for some of these brothers.
  9. Troy Bro, you started the conversation with this. I understand, and I stand by that statement. But your previous post was SPECIFIC about doubting whether or not the White Supremacists were deliberately infecting themselves. So I focused on proving to you that according to the FBI report they are NOT. Now, if that's clear and you accept the report that they are NOT deliberately infecting themselves.....we can move on.
  10. Troy Ok Well if you aren't worried about it I won't lose any sleep either, lol. But you believe they do more harm than good, PLUS they are designed to give Black children autism, which just a crazy notion given all the good we have seen vaccines provide. I don't believe you've heard ME SAY they've done more harm than good either....lol. Can you show me a quote of my saying that? You keep trying to paint a picture of my position that makes it seem ridiculous or more extreme or one sided than it really is. I said that I BELIEVE vaccines are bad and are giving AfroAmerican boys autism. How much MORE bad than good it is, is irrelevant....it's bad. How many MORE White children than Black children are getting Autism is irrelevant.....Black children are getting autism. The purpose of White Supremacy is to CONFUSE and DOMINATE and if necessary DESTROY people of color, no matter how many of their own are lost in the process. Don't get me started man.. Actually I should. It's not often I get a chance to witness you use strong language, lol.
  11. Brother Greg Do you believe that God (or a "higher intelligence") made some groups or cultures superior in intelligence, wisdom or value, while making other groups inferior --- such as men over women, religion A over religion B, straight over gay, rich over poor, and (especially for this discussion) white over black (which has been the primary religion-based argument by whites for socially and politically subjugating black people)? Well..... I'm sure you, Troy, and many other AfroAmericans reading this are probably not going to be too crazy about my next statement but: I believe that Caucasians COLLECTIVELY have a superior intelligence. Meaning, although not every Caucasian is more intelligent than every African obviously....as a group I BELIEVE they are smarter. And their actions and ability to rule other races for thousands of years despite their relatively smaller numbers is evidence of this higher intelligence. They have a consistent record of conquering and ruling over people. You don't get that by a "fluke". Now, I could be wrong and they could just be getting ASSISTANCE by some Being(s) with higher intelligences aiding them in their rule, I'm not sure. But my personal interactions with Caucasians and Africans has also helped me to arrive at that conclusion. Now, how they GOT that alleged superior intelligence I'm not sure. Did they always have it, I'm not sure of that either. But I believe they have it for some reason. However, I also believe that collectively Africans are PHYSICALLY superior to Caucasians...by nature. Meaning most of us naturally have stronger bodies and stronger genetics...though living under a White Supremacists system has weakened them. Again, Who gave this to us or how we got it....I'm not sure. I also believe we as African people have superior "creativity" than Caucasians. But that "creativity" is also suppressed under White Supremacist rule. These are my opinions based on my experiences and observations.
  12. Troy again, as FAS pointed out and as I previously wrote your articles do not support your conclusions ((said in a White man's voice....lol)) "Hold it. Hold it. Hooooold it.......just cool it buddy." You're mixing up too many points and focusing on the wrong things. You ask me a question, I answer it, and then you attach THAT answer to a totally different question and claim it doesn't fit. Now, let's separate this and piece it BACK together......... You said: "I just do not think they are crazy enough to sit around to hatch of this wacky scheme, to infect themselves with covid-19 then head into Black communities to deliberately spread it." I said to you in response: The focus of my response wasn't on what they were doing to the Black community. The focus of my response is explaining to you that according to the FBI they were NOT deliberately infecting themselves but IF they got infected they were told to spread it! You asked for the quote and source of that statement.....and I provided a couple quotes and sources in my previous post. Again. of them spreading it IF they contracted it. We weren't dealing with their targeting the Black community, yet. Only HOW they were getting it themselves. Comprendes?
  13. Troy You reject the idea the reality that Vaccines provide a benefit to society I don't deny that reality. I accept that v*ccines provide a benefit to society. I also accept that they cause harm to society. Now, since you can't use THAT as an example of me denying reality.....can you provide us with an ACTUAL example of me denying reality before moving on to the autism aspect? BTW....... The reason I spell v*ccines with an asterisk is because if you mention the word too much, your site may get flagged. I've seen it before. There is an agenda to push v*ccinations and so if people start having discussions about it they monitor the site and if there is too much negativity over them they get targeted. Now YOU seem to be for them, but still.....it draws attention.
  14. Daniel White supremacy supporters are the least of my concerns. Sounds like low SELF-esteem to me, lol. It shows a lack of understanding what is significant. Actually it shows that unlike YOU (lol) I have a pretty GOOD understanding of mathematics and logic. You see, if according to you (red writing): The sign said Thank You Lord Jesus For Trump. The object of her thanks = Jesus (A) The sign the woman held was thanking god for sending Trump The object of her thanks = god (B ) Then A = B With me so far? Now, if: All references to fake gods are lowercase. god = fake god (C) And we already established that (B) god = object of her thanks Then C = B which also equals A! But I know math isn't your strong point, so perhaps I should just drop the whole thing....lol. For a person on a book club site that statement is pretty disrespectful. Lol.... And for a person who claims to be Black, your support of a racist Republican is even MORE disrespectful. "You know what! Messin' round out here..... I just thought of anutha' GOOD book to write!" ((White Supremacist: Shut up boy, and hurry up out there....it's gettin' dark!!))
  15. FAS Before we go any further, do you mind addressing my question to you at the bottom of this thread?
  16. Del You didn't answer my previous question....sir. And as for your previous post. Just because it's a part of HIndu literature doesn't mean it's NOT by Caucasians. If you are aware of the history of HInduism you know that Vedic scriptures were introduced to the original Black people of India BY the Caucasian Aryans, thousands of years ago. Many of those who are in high positions in Hinduism ARE Caucasian Brahman Indians
  17. Daniel Anyone that isn’t Jesus. The lady's sign said thank JESUS And you said she was thanking "god" for Trump, essentially calling Jesus "god" with a lower case "g". If ALL references to fake gods are lowercase as you said, then you are essentially calling Jesus a "fake god" by using the lower case "g" in reference to him. Man, see how CONFUSED the White Supremacists (or somebody.....lol) has you? It’s interesting how you have no answers in how to survive the tax hikes. You should be more focused on how to survive the coming societal COLLAPSE, instead of focusing on some damn "taxes". Your White Supremacist buddies are planning on launching an attack in the very near future. That's what THEY are focused on, while you're focused on DISTRACTIONS put out by the media keep you focused on what doesn't matter. What good are tax codes to a slave? Because THAT is the position YOU'LL be in in the very near future if your White Supremacists buddies have their way! "I wuz sellin' chilluns books n' everythang! Dem white folks slapped da' books out my hand, put a shovel in it, and said GIT YO ASS WORK!"
  18. Daniel Jesus is God. There’s no two masters. Really? Seems to me you don't know your own religion because according to Colossians 3:1.... If....according to the Bible...he's sitting at the right hand OF God then he can't BE God. All references to fake gods are lowercase. Oh...... You said: So.....exactly what "fake god" were YOU referring to?
  19. There are quite a few good ideas in this "Contract", however one of my biggest problems with it is that it relies too much on requesting and demanding that private Caucasian organizations treat our people better when that's not THEIR responsibility. For example...... In the Entertainment Industry Reform and Reparations section we read: This is essentially trying to FORCE private Caucasian industries to GIVE some of their success and wealth to AfroAmericans. This isn't necessarily fair, in my opinion. For one thing, they have no obligation to give anyone anything except for what they've agreed to by contract. It's business and businesses were set up to make money, not be nice or charitable. Also, when you set this precedent and start demanding those who HAVE wealth to just "give it away" to those who don't.....then what will stop poor Filipinos and Guatamalans to come to wealthy AfroAmericans and demand that WE help THEM out and give THEM a platform in our music, movies, and studios? If Caucasians were smart enough to set up Hollywood and get rich off of it, we should learn a lesson from them and try to come up with OUR OWN studio-land and focus on making it just as if not more popular than Hollywood! We have Tyler Perry Studios in Atlanta and I believe Oprah has studios also. Rather than focusing on trying to force White people to "be nice" we should focus more on patronizing Tyler's and Oprah's studios. What's wrong with Denzel and Wesley and Jamie Foxx putting their money together for a Studio grounds in Detroit? It goes on to say......... NBC, FOX, CBS, and ABC are all PRIVATE networks! They don't HAVE TO produce anything. People need to understand this. Like I said, the White Supremacists thrive off of CONFUSION and they confuse you with words like "public" and here you are thinking it's owned by the public and you have a right to it when in reality these are privately owned organizations who have the legal and moral right to do whatever the hell they WANT to do with their companies! I do believe the airwaves are public although monitored by the FCC. We need to establish OUR OWN networks over the public airwaves instead of demanding a piece of someone else's network! If I'm living in your house and don't like the fact that you have me sleeping in the basement, then maybe I should try to go out and buy or build MY OWN house! What do I look like standing there arguing with YOU about how you manage YOUR own house? "What da' hell you got me down in da' basement fo'? Why can't I sleep up stairs in the same bed as YOU and yo' big butt wife????" We need to get out of the habit of asking, begging, and even trying to demand that Caucasians do for our people what we are smart enough and able bodied enough to do for ourselves. Even if it takes some time and a little discomfort, our people need to learn how to DO FOR SELF and develop our own institutions.
  20. Troy Of course it's relevant; if the increase was proportional with white people this would disprove your assertion that Black people were targeted specifically. No, it wouldn't "disprove" it. It may be considered "evidence" of my being wrong....but it wouldn't PROVE that I'm wrong nor DISPROVE my assertion. In order to "disprove" my assertion you would have to provide PROOF that there was and is NO INTENT behind the increased rate of Autism among Black boys. Ok so show me information, not conjectured by another antivaxer, which shows vaccines are directly correlated with an increase in autism in Black children. It's not polite to respond to a question WITH another question instead of answering it. Let's put this in perspective....... YOU SAID: "Your morality allows you to reject reality sometimes and accept it other times. " That was YOUR accusation. Then I asked you to provide me with an example of a "reality" that I've rejected. I'm asking you to do that BEFORE asking me a barrage of other questions that try to steer us off topic. Can you back up your accusation of my denying reality at times with a CLEAR EXAMPLE of something that was real and proven that I rejected? If you'll say NO and admit you have no example.....lol....I'll be glad to move on.
  21. While you type "God" with a small "g" I see you once again capitalize Trump's position as a Servant.....lol. According to the Bible you can't serve 2 masters, Coggins! If you love one you must hate the other. Troy I don't think very many Trump supporters "workship" him. In fact, Christians are prohibited from workshiping him for religious reasons. Lol, Christians do a LOT of things they are "prohibited" from doing like eating pork, engaging in homosexuality, and harming people. Like I've said before, the White Supremacists CLAIM to be "Christian" when it's convenient but they've also train people of color to follow their lead and call themselves "Christian" too, while engaging in the most un-Christian behavior. But the difference between them is that the White Supremacists don't really believe in Jesus, while most Christians of color actually do despite their behavior. But anyway...... I didn't specify a number. I said his supporters worship him. Now, whether that's a LOT of them or just a FEW of them, I'm not sure....but it's a fact that they do. And apparently I'm not the only one who believes Trump is being "worshipped": The one guy you found on the other side of the planet, obviously has a mental problem. Well, I would say that MOST people of color who support Agent Orange have "mental problems". Being STUPID is a mental problem....lol. Being BRAINWASHED is a mental problem....lol. Having a mental problem may explain their behavior but doesn't excuse it.
  22. Del I'm not sure if your previous post was directed towards me. But if it was......what was the purpose of this picture of "Rafael Nunez"?
  23. Troy Please provide the quote and the source. ABC News The Hill I just gave you 2 reputable (to most people) sources of mainstream media that confirms the FBI report that White Supremacists were instructing eachother to spread the disease. Whether they get it deliberately or by accident is irrelevant, the fact that they are DELIBERATELY SPREADING IT should be your main concern. Unless you don't believe the FBI or ABC News or The Hill.....then you must accept this as a fact.
  24. AJ Yeeaaaah, I guess....but......... I'm around a decade older than you and I too have lived around the nation from the Midwest to the South to the West Coast and I don't recalled AfroAmerians using the term "Really???" as a slang to express profound astonishment prior to about 5 years ago. And I don't remember hearing Caucasians use it for that purpose prior to 10 years ago. I distinctly remember FIRST hearing the expression used in that manner in a television commercial. After a few views I realized that the guy was using it as another way of saying "come on". . Then like clockwork people all over society started using it...like the "wait what" phrase. Now maybe I was a little late. I'm not the smartest guy in the world. But I don't remember it going back further than 10 years. The next time you hear a brotha say “Really Dude” pay attention to the facial expressions and the body language. I can promise you a white person is either NOT going to be as expressive or they are going to be overly expressive and go “over the top” with it. Well ofcourse whether we evented it or not we're going to put a little "respect" on it, lol. The term "dude" I have heard since childhood! I heard cats on my old block say "dude" so much that to this very day when I hear the word "dude" I picture a young Black man in an Adidas sweatsuit and black derby hat leaning against a car talking trash...lol. But the "really?????" expression, that's a new one. You're right. We're diverse. But still...........lol. "Really dude?" VS "Come on bruh...."
  25. The fact that you spelled "God" with a small "g" but capitalized Trump....says a lot about your mindset, lol.
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