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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. Troy You must remember that of those killed in the world wars and Crusades.....millions of those people were actually PEOPLE OF COLOR. When the Europeans went into the Middle East and North Africa for the Crusades most of the people they killed were Arabs and Africans of color. And even in the World Wars 1 and 2 a large percentage of those killed were people in Africa and Asia who were serving as proxy soldiers to help their European colonial masters fight.     And don't get me started on white folks and their genocide of the indigenous people in the American's, Australia, and the treatment of Black people--come on man! Surely you are going to use some random white guy, given their collective history of rape, pillage, and plunder across planet Earth, to make your point Exactly my point! Their anger and violence tends to be focused on conquering people of color. While people of color's anger and violence tends to be focused on conquering EACHOTHER. Which goes back to my point about Black men constantly arguing and going to war with eachother over petty arguments when we should be on the same page when it comes to MOST things since most of us get the same treatment from society. Now let me bring something to your attention as an excellent example of how people stick together AGAINST the Black man........ Check out the end of this page of the thread where Mel correctly observes the difference between KNOWLEDGE and simply repeating facts and information: https://aalbc.com/tc/topic/4850-actually-troy/?page=2&_fromLogin=1 What's the problem? There IS NONE.....except for the fact that I basically said the same thing in another thread but Mel ignored it and Cynique argued AGAINST it and said that facts and information IS knowledge!!! But if you'll observe, this same Cynique actually gave her a TROPHY at the bottom of her post for what she said....signaling that she agrees with it. So now you have two Black women AGREEING with a position I initiated but one of them OPPOSED me on that very same position when it was coming from me and another simply refused to agree with it as long as I was the one pushing it! I'm telling you man, this is NO coincidence! White society has been against Black men and many of them have turned Black women against Black men. Many Black women have a HATRED of Black men. A hatred that DIDN'T come from being abused, molested, or abandoned with children but because they were TRAINED to hate and oppose Black men. Now ofcourse, I.....Pioneer....don't represent all Black men and just because someone disagrees with me or opposes me it doesn't mean they disagree with all Black men. But what you see going on against Black men in this society....especially in the United States is UNUSUALLY suspicious because too many brothers are complaining about it for it to be a hallucination and if you leave the nation and go to Canada or Europe Black men are NOT treated the same way. But Black men really need to put the pettiness aside and recognize that if we don't support eachother who else can we expect to support us.
  2. This is basically the same thing I said to Cynique in THIS thread: https://aalbc.com/tc/topic/4876-comprehension-is-intimately-intertwined-with-knowledge/?page=2 My argument against Cynique's was that there is a difference between KNOWING someting and simply repeating facts and details.....mere information. This proves to me that you AGREED with my assesment but refrained from admiting such. I wonder why.....lol.
  3. I still remember her coming on and saying, "I'm feeling Obama" to her audience and them cheering in response. That woman MADE Obama. I think the least he could do is return the favor.
  4. Del Pioneer you atr mistaken disagreement with disunity. Underneath the disagreement there's still camaraderie. How can there be unity without agreement? What's that old biblical saying, can two walk together unless they agree? Again, I point to Mel, Cynique, Linda Chavez and many of the other women who frequent this site....do you see them openly arguing and disagreeing vehemently with eachother? The only example I can think of where they openly disagreed was Sara.....which was a rare exception. I'm not pointing this out as if I WANT to see them bickering with eachother, but I point it out as an example of the unity and mutual respect that other demographics seem to have with eachother INFRONT OF or COMPARED TO Black males. Not only do other people see YOU as the enemy or opponent, but too often Black men see THEMSELVES as eachother's enemy. Again, Black men of a certain age who are straight and grow up in urban environments in the United States should share similar values....despite the differences in education and income. Just being a Black male period....knowing how society has treated you growing up...should FORCE you to think a certain way and have certain values that we all share with eachother. But look at the Black men in America..... Can't agree on gay folks. Can't agree on religion. Can't agree on immigration. Can't agree that White folks are jacking with the weather. Can't agree on what foods we should or shouldn't eat. I honestly think the many Black women look at how Black males fight eachother and see it as pitiful and it CONTRIBUTES to the loss of respect so many have for Black men; similar to how White people who observe Black people fighting over petty issues continue to lose respect for them. I've actually had a few White people tell me this OUTRIGHT! Years ago I was at a hotel and me, an older White man, and a Black man from Philadelphia were talking.....and it didn't take long before the brother from Philly wanted to talk about how "hard" Philadelphia was and argue about this and that. The older White man looked at us both and said the biggest problem Black people have is they can't seem to get along with eachother. He looked me in my eyes as serious as can be and said, Black men are just as smart as anyone else but if you can't stop fighting long enough how do you expect to get anything accomplished? That was almost 20 years ago but it stuck with me beyond this day. Now don't get me wrong, we NEED some friction. If everyone agreed whole heartedly with eachother then things would get boring real quick; but much of what we as Black men disagree over are issues WE didn't invent and things WE really don't know much about anyway. White folks are the ones doing much of the research, but we read it in the paper or see it on the news and now we want to argue with EACHOTHER about some shit White folks put out....lol.
  5. I actually agree with and support the author's position on this matter concerning Black women's struggles not being that of White women. However I don't agree with her bashing of Oprah. There's a popular Black radio show that comes in in the morning and the day after Oprah's little bit at the Globes there were a chorus of Black people....including Black women....who came on that show bashing the hell out of Oprah for not doing enough to "out" the White men who are involved in Hollywood's sex scandals. They thought she should be naming names. They bashed her because she was rich and said she got rich with the help of the same White men that she was trying to protect. To me a lot of this is ass-backwards thinking and limited thinking on the part of negroes. Some of these same Black folks are working on minimum wage jobs and wouldn't dare talk back to THEIR White bosses, but they expect Black atheletes and entertainers who are making millions and billions of dollars to jeopardize that by antagonizing their White benefactors. White women MADE Oprah. People gotta cut our sister some slack and recognize that she got where she got because she's no fool and there is no way she's NOT going to help some of the same White women (and men) who helped her. It's only good sense.
  6. All I have to say on this particular subject now is.......I'm disappointed.
  7. I said: Since Black is a CULTURE.....according to you. Do you believe that YOU/TROY can stop being Black simply by changing your culture? And do you believe that Steve Bannon or Trump can BECOME Black.....if they sincerely adopted "Black culture"? I'm sorry, but.....was the above post an answer to the questions???????
  8. I'm disappointed in both of the brothers, but I have to be honest that I'm not TOO suprised. Look at how Black men treat eachother. Can you think of ANY demographic on this planet that is less united and more divided than Black men. Walk down the street and you often see Black men smiling and trying to get next to Black women, Latina women, White women.....begging White men for jobs or money. Trying to be nice and snuggle up to everyone except ANOTHER Black man. Look no futher than your own site as an example of what I'm talking about.............. Look at how you, me, and Del go at eachother over minor subjects. Arguing over race. Arguing over climate change. Arguing over politics. All three of us are Black, straight, male, around similar ages and from urban environments.....you'd think we'd have pretty united philosopies. When was the last time you saw Cynique and Mel even disagree or criticize eachother? Looks like Wendy Jones may be joining, but do you really think she's gonna be arguing with either of them? I know they have their disagreements and have differing opinions; but like White people who are going to war with eachother will often put their disagreements to the side when it comes to dealing with Black people...... Even Black women have a "sisterhood" that makes them put their differences aside or ignore them while they are in the presence of Black men! "Girl, I don't like what you said....but I'll let it slide because right now we gotta stick together against them sorry ass nigguhz!".....lol. Say something a Black man doesn't like, he ain't letting NOTHING slide or hiding his feelings about it. He'll stand there staring at you for 15 minutes looking you up and down to find something to talk about and roast you on, even if it's just your shoe laces. I ran into some brother from Jamaica down at the Eastern Market just today. We started off agreeing and vibing. Talking about Marcus Garvey and Black American struggle ect....and before you know it we were disagreeing over this and over that and how much meat we should eat and how long I should let my hair grow...lol. I'm not sure if it's ego, high testosterone, or what..... But whether it's Tupac and Biggie or Umar and Tariq....it seems that many Black men seem to have something in them that they can barely hold back going head up and going hard against another Black man.....and enjoy it.
  9. I don't want her in the Senate or anywhere near Washington UNTIL she's sworn in....lol. The more time she spends there, the more chance of her becoming corrupted.
  10. Troy It is hard to have this discussion because you're mixing up race, with phenotype, and culture. Lol...... How am I the one mixing all these subjects up when YOU are the one who said: Black = Culture You said a lot about light skin and dark skin, but it really is getting away from your original statement that Black is a CULTURE. So I want to get back to it...... Since Black is a CULTURE.....according to you. Since your roommate's mother you met in college was so acquainted with Black culture that you considered HER to be just a light-skinned Black. Do you believe that YOU/TROY can stop being Black simply by changing your culture? And do you believe that Steve Bannon or Trump can BECOME Black.....if they sincerely adopted "Black culture"?
  11. If Oprah ran for President.....I've readily vote for her. She's a smart self-made Black woman who's overcome many obstacles in her life to get where she is. Ofcourse she had a lot of support also, but she earned that support by being a natural winner whom people could count on to always come through and accomplish. She's also very likable and business savvy. What better gift can a President and world leader have than excellent PEOPLE SKILLS? She's just what this nation needs. BTW.....she gave us Obama. Incase people forgot, Oprah was among the first people in public to throw their support behind Barack Obama and she promoted him.
  12. Troy You asked me: "What are you talking about? What community are you talking about and who outside of it is trying to promote homosexulaity? " I provided you with not only clear evidence but absolute PROOF from a main-stream well respected media source (NYT) that the West is actually PROMOTING homosexuality among Black people in Africa. Infact the word "promote" is in the very article! But instead of conceding and considering that I may have a point.....you decide to ignore the very exerpt you asked for and found OTHER bits and pieces of the article. Bits and pieces that don't even contradict or oppose what I've said, but just takes the focus away from it. I'm beginning to believe that you really don't want know whether what I'm saying is true or not. I'm beginning to believe.....that your mind is already made up brother. Cynique I still want to know the name of this chemical being introduced into the black communities that can affect the sexual orientation of straight men. Once it is identified, straight guys can avoid anything of sustenance that contains it - if they so choose. One of them is called ATRAZINE. A Black scientist named Tyrone Hayes out of UC Berkely discovered that it was in the water supply and turning a lot of animals homosexual. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Z5MA_5Zfb0 But if your mind is made up that no chemical such as this exists.....well.   Wendy Which of these African Americans who have contributed or are contributing mightily to African American culture--known to be either gay or bisexual--do you, Pioneer 1, wish had not been born? James Baldwin, Bayard Rustin, Langston Hughes, Lorraine Hansberry, and Alice Walker. None They weren't great BECAUSE of their sexuality, but INSPITE of it. Also, how are our gay, bisexual, transgendered, and questioning sisters and brothers not part of our community? All of whom, by the way, are reading what you are saying. Just as you were sensitive to the death of my brotherfriend, please be sensitive to our fellow community members. Who said they are not part of the community? BTW..... I'm glad the "questioning" sisters and brothers are reading what I'm saying because perhaps some of their questions may be answered. What you are doing is very similar to what white racists were doing throughout the 19th and 20th Century discussing the "Negro Problem." Our fellow human beings are not abstractions. They are our sisters and brothers. There are a lot of Black men and women who sell dope to our people also.....doesn't mean I support their behavior and encourage it. We can love the person without co-signing the behavior. Instead of making up arguments over things I've never said, why don't you consider the possibility that you are being brainwashed into accepting that which is immoral and against the teachings of Jesus.....by those who want to trick you into hell.   Public Announcement: It's clear to me that I'm alone in this thread and no amount of evidence, proof, or sound argument is going to convince people who's positions are set and minds are made up. If after this you 3 continue to ignore any good points I've made and pretend I didn't make them, argue against strawmen statements that I've never made and attribute them to me, or just remain quiet about anything you DO agree with me on only to focus on disagreement........ I don't see a logical reason for me to go further on this particular topic. It's not the original subject of the thread anyway. *Although they do typically go hand in hand because almost everytime you find a woman criticizing the behavior of Black men.....strangely that same woman loves GAY Black men. You never hear a woman who criticizes Black men, talking about how no good, weak, and trifling so many of them are.....criticizing GAY Black men or calling them weak.      
  13. Here's an article from the New York Times about how the U.S.has admitted to PROMOTING homosexuality in Africa: "Since 2012, United States officials said, the American government has spent more than $41 million specifically to promote gay rights globally, along with a portion of $700 million earmarked for marginalized groups to support gay communities and causes. More than half of the $700 million, and $6.6 million of the $41 million, was spent on sub-Saharan Africa — just one indication of the continent’s importance to the new policy." https://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/21/world/africa/us-support-of-gay-rights-in-africa-may-have-done-more-harm-than-good.html Is the fact that over 300 million dollar was spent to support homosexual communities in Africa enough proof that they are PROMOTING homosexuality among Black people? The question you should be asking yourself is WHY are they doing this? Why is it so important to get Black people to change their mind and accept homosexuality?
  14. Troy This is also why I wrote "Black" is cultural; because there is not genetic basis for it. But if I'll accept the term "Afro-American" for people who confirm to "Black culture" in the United States. I use "African American" myself hence the name of the website--which address culture, not the color of someone skin. Listen to me, let us use pure simple logic. You said that Black is cultural. That means if a person PRACTICES a particular culture...then they can become Black. And if they DON'T practice a particular culture...they will no longer be Black. Going by you logic, 1.If the people who were enslaved because they were Black could have changed their culture and turned White...they would have freed themselves. 2.Those people who were forced to sit at the back of the bus during segregation because they were Black, could have sat up front with the rest of the Whites had they only changed their culture. Wouldn't those 2 assumptions be correct?
  15. The major media in the United States promote homosexuality as normal and acceptable. Most of the Universities in the United States promote homosexuality as normal and acceptable. There are laws in every state that protect homosexuals from being discriminated against because of their homosexuality. Infact there are many internet sites that prohibit you from speaking badly about homosexuality or homosexuals. And although I'm not sure I've heard from multiple people that there are conditions being attached to foreign aid from the United States that certain countries in Africa and the Carribean must not discriminate against homosexuals in their nations if they want to continue to receive assistance. In almost every case with the above mentioned, these are NON-BLACK people at the top decision making level trying to force people.....many if not most of whom are Black....to accept homosexuality and not criticize it in any way with threat of some sort of punishment.
  16. Troy Well since I won.....then LISTEN to me! Lol..... No one is "culturally Black" because Blackness is not a culture. There are Black people in Africa who's culture is 180 degrees different from AfroAmericans. And there are Black people in Brazil who's culture is different from Blacks in Haiti. But we're all called "Black" despite those cultural differences. So how do you explain? You're mixing race...which is based in genetics...with ethnicity....which is based on culture. Your roommate's mother was culturally AFROAMERICAN....not "culturally Black", because Black has no solid culture.
  17. Cynique, Del, Troy I think you all are missing my greater point. It's not about whether or not people are born gay or become gay....I also believe most homosexuals ARE predisposed to be. Nor is it even about the morality of homosexuality or whether or not it's acceptable. My point is, IF someone from outside of the Black community is actively trying to promote homosexuality inside our community....should we not be concerned?
  18.   Troy But I give. I'm convinced there is nothing I can show you or tell you to convince you of the fallacy of any genetic basis for "race." Now I know people like to use the term "race" to describe the way people look, but even that is a slippery slope and I rather simple describe people rather than pinning a racial label on them -- especially if don't know how they define themselves. Since you admit you can't produce hard evidence- And since you admit it's no longer a matter of SCIENCE, but a matter of personal PREFERNCE- Lol, do you realize that you have henceforth basically forfeited your right to argue against my belief that there are multiple races?   Blackness is about culture not genetics. If Blackness is about culture and not genetics...... Do you think those dark skinned people who were enslaved because they were Black could have gained their freedom simply by becoming White by changing their culture? And do you believe those dark skinned people who were lynched for being Black....could have avoided their fate if only they had practiced a non-Black culture that made them no longer Black?
  19. Wendy Honestly I've been going back and forth on this subject......homosexuality....for years. First as a kid I didn't know what it was. Then as a younger adult who was very "religious" I condemned it. Then as I got older and learned to think more for myself, think more analytically, and became less religious I TRIED to accept is as just a natural part of life with no threat to our community. But then as I got even older and looked more into the history of homosexuality, the history of White supremacy, and interacted with Black people from all over this planet.....I began seeing it as a threat to Black society. So here I am. Not condeming it, but not welcoming it either. You mentioned Jesus. I'm not religious but I do know the Bible. Jesus said you can COME TO HIM as you are.....but you can't REMAIN like you are. Once you are in his presence you must clean yourself up and make your body presentable as a temple. He didn't come to erase the law, but to fulfill it....meaning the law was and is still in effect for those who believe in him and the law strictly prohibits men from sleeping with men. It's White people who made it ok....not Jesus....so Black Christians need to get a back-bone and decide who their REAL master is. Now for a scientific point of view, I actually believe that just like mental retardation and people being born blind or deaf.....homosexuality occurs NATURALLY....to a certain extent....in society. Meaning that, if there were no influences PUSHING homosexuality in the population....a certain percentage of people would STILL be homosexual and BI-sexual as well as A-sexual. I believe it to be a natural form of birth control. However I also believe that chemicals have been introduced in our environment to ENCOURAGE many of our people to be born predisposed to homosexuality. A much higher percentage than normal. So now you got one group introducing chemicals in the environment that causes more homosexuality and transgenderism in the society..... And then on the other end of this you have another groups pushing us ACCEPT them instead of scratching our heads trying to figure out why so many of our people are like this TODAY as opposed to 200 years ago. We as Black people don't control the media....Whites do....and they are the ones who are telling Black people what is and isn't acceptable. Look at the amount of autism, drug addiction, and alcoholism so many of our children are being born with today. It's not too far fetched to believe that many of our women and men are being introduced to chemicals in the environment (like soy products) that are actually producing an unnaturally higher rate of homosexuals in our community than would naturally or ordinarily would. I encourage you to look up a man by the name of Wesley Muhammad and the work he's been doing on the chemicals that have been introduced in the Black community since the 60s to increase the homosexual population among our people and how the synthetic marijunanna that is on the streets of Black America today is also playing a role in feminizing Black men. I also encourage you to check out a scientist out in California by the name of Tyrone Hayes who has found chemicals in the water of many Black communities around the United States that has been showned to increase the amount of trans-sexualism (species being born half male and half female) among fish and frogs and how these chemicals are being directed at the Black population. This is not natural sister....our people are being targetted and we have to be wise enough to realize this and not just accept it.
  20. Troy See I told you...lol. She couldn't find an actual statement in my previous post to disagree with so she felt COMPELLED to go on a journey to FIND something in which to disagree with me over. Digging up statements from another thread from an entirely different subject all together just for the purposes of arguing...lol.
  21. I love it when Black people from different cultures sit down to dialog together, even if we may disagree from time to time. BTW, Watch out for that African sister on the right with the grape kool-aid lip stick! She's a HOT mess....lol.
  22. Troy As far as a traditional African cultures that accepted homosexuality and was not influenced by islam or judism... try all of them. Come on man, can't Black men stick together or atleast unite on SOMETHING? It used to be a time where unless a Black man was actually gay himself, you could rely on your brother backing you up in acknowledging that.....right or wrong....homosexuality was routinely condemned in Black culture and that the acceptance of it came from OUTSIDE of our community....usually from White culture. How many Africans have you met who told you that homosexuality was accepted ANYWHERE in their country or culture whether it was Christianity, Islam, or traditional? I haven't met one yet.   Wendy   I don't understand heterosexual males or females who are so upset about males or females who are gay. What difference does it make to you who someone loves? Because of 2 reasons: 1. More women who practice homosexuality means less available women for me as a heterosexual man to chose from. Black men who aren't wealthy are already limited in their sexual options. Lesbianism takes even more of those options away. 2. The more homosexuality is encouraged in the Black community the less sex men and women will be having with eachother....which will in turn lower the birth rate. Also, how does a black person not see that condemnation of gays involves the same dynamic patterns as racism? It never made sense to me. Because it's not. Homosexuality is condemned in most major monotheistic religions, and because of this there is a strong moral foundation for the aversion and condemnation of homosexuality. Although racism has a long history and strongly practiced, their is no moral argument for it's practice like there is for being anti-homosexual. I'm trying not to sound insensitive to the death of your friend. He sounds like he was a productive brother and I'm not taking that value away from him because he was homosexual. But the fact is, since the 60s there has a been an agenda from OUTSIDE the Black community to push homosexuality and other forms of sexual deviancy ON TO the Black community. And this kills two birds with one stone: 1. It lowers the Black birth rate. 2. It tears the community apart because you have Black people who either ARE homosexual or SUPPORT homosexual loved ones fighting with those who CONDEMN homosexuality as a sin or see it as a non-productive way of life. The energy we're using to fight with eachother over a practice that is NOT a part of African culture could be used to build stronger healthier families among ourselves. And quite frankly, it irriates me that so many Black women love running to the defense of deviant Black men. If they aren't defending thugs, criminals, and dead-beats......they're standing up for and defending homosexuals and transvestites. It's as if White men have unzipped Black women's backs....crawled up inside of them....and are now using their bodies to push THEIR agendas. Why would a heterosexual Black women DEFEND a Black man who has sex with another man or where's a dress and acts like a woman? Why? I could understand it more if most women just remained neutral and didn't have anything to say about gay men one way or the other, but the fact that so many actually come out to DEFEND gay Black men and fight for them....is what puzzles me.
  23. Troy It appears to me that most millenials are more sexually repressed and timid than even the baby boomers were at their age! There is no social and sexual freedom among them. No one is meeting anyone new and growing because they're all continuously revolving in their own little social media worlds....afraid to leave their comfort zone.   It does however influence our collect condemnation of homosexuals through, I suspect, our brand of Christianity. If you eliminate Christianity you would still have Islam as a religion...which condemns homosexuality. And if you look at all of the traditonal African societies that neither ascribe to Christianity or Islam, can we find any that accepts homosexuality?   Cynique indicated, science is showing people are born this way. It will however take time a long time for homosexulaity to become more universally accepted, probably as long as it will take people to dispense with racial-driven stereotypes. I do believe human sexuality for the most part is a predisposition, however that doesn't make all sexuality "normal". Natural doesn't necessarily equal normal because a percentage of the population are born psychopaths. Nor do I think it will ever be universally accepted. I think it may be "tolerated" but not accepted or welcomed....because it is a clear abnormality. Even most heterosexual children have an aversion to homosexual behavior. Take little boys in the 1st and 2nd grade who barely even know about sexuality if at all...... Now if a little girl came up and kissed one of them they would probably blush or smile a little. Very few would say that's nasty and try to hit the girl, most would be shy and bashful while secretely enjoying it. But if another boy came up and kissed them the same way, most would probably have a gutteral reaction of "yuck" , or one of anger pushing the boy away or even hitting him. Look...... My position isn't to condemn homosexuals or punish them for being who they are. My position is that we as Black people...both in America and abroad....should be the ones who decide what OUR morals will be and what we will and will not accept. It shouldn't be force on us from the outside. Cynique I'm wasn't talking about how a black female would react to a white male saying what you said. I asked how you knew whether a white female wouldn't have reacted the same way, had a white man said to her what you said to a black female, I'm sorry I didn't read that correctly. To be honest, I think a White female's reaction to a White male saying something like that would be FAR WORSE. She'd probably turn red and tell him to "fuck off" or somehow make it verbally clear that his comment was unwelcomed. But this is because flirting and the warmth that Black men and women traditionally showed to eachother during social interactions is UNCOMMON among most White people, especially in Western society. Sexuality and public displays of sexuality are often shunned, condemned, disapproved of. But that's not us. I don't now about the 60s but in the 70s ad early 80s Black men and women who didn't even know eachother still called eachother "baby" and "honey" every other sentence. I'm not homophobic. But I have family from the West Indies on both sides and I can tell you for a fact, there WERE NO BLACK CARRIBEAN WOMEN taking on gay men as "confidants" and "best friends" back in the old days. Ofcourse homosexuality existen, but it was hidden and kept in the closet because it wasn't seen as acceptable back then like it is today. In places like St. Kitts and Greneda if a man was caught being a "batty boy" the women of the family would get together and beat the hell out of him before the men got to him. I don't approve of that treatment of homosexuals. But it gives you an idea of how far we've came as a people where that which was once vehemently rejected is now embraced.
  24. If only we could get Tariq Nasheed and Umar Johnson to end their nasty squabble and work together for 2018 Troy If you check it out, I actually have a record of AGREEING with Cynique most of the time. SHE is the one who makes it a point to disagree; even on subjects where there initially was no disagreement. If I said 1 plus 1 was 2 she'd find a way to disagree with that! Start telling me how 1 plus 1 could really be 15 in a parallel universe and if I could think in the abstract I would realize it....lol. Troy your girl is something else, lol. Like the old folks used to say: Some people would sit up and argue with a leaf on a tree, if the leaf was fool enough to argue back....LOL.
  25. Guest Tific @ Pioneer 1 . You advocate that 25% of people in University drop out & focus there attention to building factories & supplies. Those 25% will most likely be the least qualified or experienced with debts , external influences & additional pressure & indifference. I shouldnt have to expand to demonstrate why that's a recipe for failure. Well 25% is a quarter or 1/4 of the population....lol. So I guess it's a matter of WHICH 25% that drops out would determine how successful they'd be. If the bottom 25% of the students with no ambition, little intelligence, and even less common sense were the ones who dropped out and focused on the hair care industry......perhaps it would indeed be a disaster. My overall point is that we need strong young Black minds who aren't caught up in and focused on what White people tell them to focus on......but rather will focus on what's best for our community and what will generate us wealth. Many if not most Black people in college actually COME FROM poor and disadvantaged neighborhoods where the housing is crumbling and the roads and infrastructure is raggedy. The smart thing to do would be for them to learn civil engineering and architecture insteaed of computer software design and communications that so many are taking today. Are you in the UK or Europe?
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