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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. Well I don't like how he set up Dr Umar Johnson on one of the recent shows he did and tried to clown on the brother. Maybe he can go back to CNN and get his old job as a commentator back.
  2. Well how how a person looks is subjective. The woman was not obviously Caucasian to me because as i previously noted, her hair line looked nappy and this suggested to me that she was mixed. Cynique I don't see ANYTHING in that woman's hair that would even remotely suggest she is of African descent. If something is artificial it is not authentic, so your agreeing with race being an artificial construct actually means you don't think race is a natural way of classifying people. The BEHAVIOR OF CLASSIFICATION is natural. The PHYSICAL FEATURES in which those classifications are based on is natural. But The TERMS USED TO CLASSIFY are not. So I agree that terms like "Black" "Asian" "Mongoloid" and "White" are artificial man made terms. Even the word "race" is an artificial man made term. Words and language ITSELF are artificial man made terms.....lol. But the skin color, hair texture, and facial features that those classifications are based upon are NOT artificial....they are natural. Troy I don't particularly love using the term "White" because it's too narrow of a term. I prefer the term Caucasian because it encompasses the larger scope of the actual race of people labled as such. The man in the picture is a Caucasian. Again, regardless of his background or ancestry.....HE is a Caucasian.
  3. There are so many............ These aren't in any particular order of importance and I'm sure there are some that SHOULD be included in the top 10 that I'm not thinking of right now but here are 10 just off the top: Message To The Black Man (The Honorable Elijah Muhammad) Up From Slavery (Booker T. Washington) The Phantom Tollbooth Black Labor White Wealth (Claud Anderson) Mein Kampf (Adolph Hitler) The Bible The Autobiography of Malcolm X (Alex Haily) Think and Grow Rich (Napoleon Hill) Time Machine (H.G. Wells) Life After Life (Dr Raymond Moody) It's been years since I've read them and I don't have the best memory in the world to remember every detail of them, but I do remember how much I got caught up reading these book and just thinking about them still brings comfort to this day.
  4. Because I agree with Troy's title. Comprehension is INTERTWINED with knowledge. To make it easier. KNOWLEDGE = Information + Understanding Information alone isn't knowledge. If you sent a child to school and they didn't provide teachers but just gave them a book and said READ....you would take your child OUT of that school. Why? Because regardless of the information they still need to UNDERSTAND the information they're getting.
  5. Number one she's OBVIOUSLY CAUCASIAN because if she didn't TELL YOU she had "Black blood" in her....you wouldn't know it. She looks like the typical White woman. And racial classification is just as valid PHENOTYPICALLY as it is GENETICALLY. Which means that if a person LOOKS White they ARE White....regardless of their genetics. Most White people have Black and Indian ancestry.....it doesn't mean they are no longer White. Second, I agree that race IS an artificial construct (based on natural/biological differences). The concept is completely MAN MADE. But just because something is MAN MADE and artificial, doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. The STOCK MARKET is a man made construct also, but it's real and valid. The concept of race was a MAN MADE concept used to classify humans on their natural differences. I've been saying that for quite some time now.
  6.   Troy OK let me clarify: When I wrote anybody, I meant, any so called "race" (human) can do well academically given the right conditions and ability. Is that clearer? Yes it's clearer. But the point you're making is still a bit.....I'm not sure of the correct word for it. Because again, you're saying anyone of any so-called race can do well IF they have the ability and the conditions are right. Well that's a given. But again, everyone DOESN'T have the ability or live under the right conditions. So where are we agreeing or disagreeing? My point about Asians has more to do with their persona and the way they carry themselves in society than with their intelligence level or even academic performance. Africans do just as good or better than Asians academically, but they STILL are more aggressive and independant socially.....atleast it seems to me. Cynique Everyone has intelligence. Some people simply have more of it, than others As with many words in the English language, there are many definitions of the word "intelligence". I'm using the more colloquial definition. Meaning, those with an above average level of it or as you said have more of it. There is a difference between the average person who can speak...and one who is a "speaker"....lol.
  7. In the real world, things tend to be complex.....complicated. The answers don't seem to be as cut and dry or obvious or appealing. The fact is...... The owners have the right to hire and fire whoever the hell they want. Actually, in many ways they even have the MORAL right to do what they're doing. Let's say I owned a business in the city of Detroit. Which is a mostly Black highly urban area...... And I hired a White man to do a job. And part of that job is to be friendly with and get along with the customers and promote the values of the community. Now he KNOWS what I want and he AGREES to do this...which is why I hired him in the first place. Well hell, if the fool comes in one week with a confederate flag t-shirt on playing country music and turning on the television in the store to FOX NEWS. Should I respect his right to "express" himself and piss off my customers? Or should I HURRY UP and get rid of his ass? And if I gave him an ultimatum or just fired his ass out right.....I don't need some people jumping up and down in my store telling me about how he has to right to express himself or promote his conservative values. This is MY store....not his. And it's not public....it's private....it's MY BUSINESS. If people don't like how i run MY BUSINESS they need to start THEIR OWN business! Sometimes you have to look at things from OTHER PEOPLE'S point of view. Hell yeah the owners have black listed Colin and are refusing to hire him. Is it right? I don't know. But they certainly HAVE THE RIGHT both legally and in my opinion ETHICALLY to do so because THEY OWN IT. The point of OWNING something is CONTROL over who works there.....duhhh...... Black people focus too much on trying to force OTHER PEOPLE to do the right things in THEIR institutions instead of creating institutions of OUR OWN. If Black people owned their own teams and leagues, this wouldn't be as big of an issue if at all.
  8. Cynique That's really an ambiguous response. I started my post saying that the woman was OBVIOUSLY CAUCASIAN. What's "ambiguous" about that? Troy Actually @Cynique, @Pioneer1's response was completely understandable and consistent with what he's previously expressed. Thank you! Agree or disagree with me, atleast I'm consistent.....lol. I don't see her as Black at all despite her claiming to be 1/4 "African American". Does it make sense to consider a person the same race as just ONE of their grand parents? Infact, we know most AfroAmericans aren't pure Black anyway so for all we know even THAT GRAND PARENT may have been mixed race while being considered "Black". But I DO consider her an AfroAmerican.....meaning an American of African descent. Race is in the eye of the beholder. The terms are "mixed-race" or "biracial" are in the eye of the beholder too. Again, since there is only one race of humans alive today, these racial terms make no logical sense and are at best inconsistent. But Troy.....look at what you JUST said in the same statement. First you say: Race is in the eye of the beholder. Then you say: These racial terms make no logical sense You can't grant people the priveledge of looking at race and defining it from THEIR OWN perspective.....then turn around and call their perspectives "wrong" or "illogical". It's like calling a person's taste in beauty or music "illogical"....lol. So if you're giving people the right to see race however they want to see it then the fluidity of various perspectives grants everyone the priviledge to be correct in their OWN understanding. The only thing wrong or illogical would be like if someone else TOLD YOU what your perspective was about race and it wasn't what you believed.
  9. I would consider FACTS to be a component KNOWLEDGE. I know many wouldn't, but facts are supposed to be TRUE. If it's not true...then it's not a fact. So information that is true...in my opinion....just adds to one's knowledge. Delano Comprehension is linked to understanding. Understanding and knowledge are not the same. True. I believe that "intelligence" is made up of both information AND understanding. There are a lot of autistic people who "know" a lot of facts and figures but don't have any real understanding or "grasp" of what they know or how to apply it. People can spit outca lot of numbers without understanding the implication of those numbers. Exactly! Cynique If comprehension is linked to understanding, then how can it and knowledge not be the same. I think the difference is between knowledge and education. Because comprehension is just a component or part of overall knowledge. The other part is having the information/facts to comprehend. Education...atleast formal education...is simply an organized system of passing along KNOWLEDGE (information and understanding of it) from one group of individuals to the next. Knowledge you can acquire on your own by the comprehension acquired through experience. I believe WISDOM comes with experience, but you don't need experience or age with comprehension. It's more of an intellectual function that some people's brains simply perform better than others. This is why I say you CAN'T give people knowledge. You can only give them information or facts. But if they can't understand what the hell you're saying despite you telling them 40 different ways, there's not too much you can do about that....lol. Some people are better "understanders" than others.
  10.   Del He did a lot of good. He has been proven right. Has anyone signed him? Good point. And it's a point I've been making for over a year now. In my opinion..... The damage that he's done to himself and what the other players have done OUT WEIGHS the whatever good may have come out of this. I think the entire move was not ony poorly thought out but pretty much ineffective. Troy This MAY be another "Wednesday Thurdsay Friday" moment......lol. I think Del's question of whether or not someone signed him MAY have been rhetorical. Meaning...... Yes he may have did good and stood up to power....but what good did it do him? He's now out of a job. But if Del's question was meant exactly as stated......then both of you will have to forgive me.
  11. Troy I don't necessarily condemn religion. Infact I tell people that if THAT is what you need to keep yourself from jumping off a building or over a bridge....if that's what you need to make it in life.....then by all means GO TO CHURCH. Some people call it a crutch, but still...I'm not the type to take people's crutches away. Especially if I personally can't heal their legs and help them. It's the same with drugs, alcohol, and sex addiction and other forms of stress relief. I don't think smoking crack or getting drunk every night is the best choice to make in life.....but if someone is getting raped every night or suffering from some terrible painful disease.....maybe that is their only means of "escape" from their misery. If a person is going through hard experiences in life and the Church, Mosque, Temple, Tent, and the preacher or minister is helping them to get through what they're going through.....they should continue to go. But for me personally so far, my belief in and prayer to The Supreme Being and facing the problems I've had directly so that I can figure out what caused it and how I can solve it has proven to be far more effective and beneficial to me that just clapping and singing
  12. Probably because the television show Good Times had an episode where Michael's teacher was given a Black IQ test. I guess FCC rules prohibitted them from saying "BITCH" on a televison show at that time so they didn't give out the test's actual name.....lol.
  13. Troy It just sounds so crazy if not outright racist to me. You know there are many so called "Asians" that don't do very well academically, indeed those in southern Asia have some of the lowest literacy rates on Earth. Being Asian doesn't meant you do well academically. If you have the resources, intelligence, support, conditions, and study anyone can do well academically. There are a lot of men who don't like women either...but most do. You can find exceptions to most rules. I didn't say BEING Asian meant you did well, I said Asians do well. And you know I was speaking in general terms. Now if we started holding eachother accountable for every single exception there may be to a general rule then no one would be able to post anything without attaching footnotes to our posts....lol. Another problem is that you just cancelled your own statement out. You said, "If you have the resources, intelligence, support, conditions, and study anyone can do well academically." You said ANYONE can do well academically, but list having INTELLIGENCE as a prerequisite. Knowing that everyone DOESN'T have intelligence. Knowing that some people are legally retarded and will not perform to normal academic standards regardless of the resources they receive and studying they do. ....how can "anyone" be expected to do well academically?
  14. Troy this reminds me of the obviously racially biased IQ tests that were so prevelant in the United States school system up until the 1970s. A Black psychologist had to come up with the BITCH-100 test to prove that despite lower IQ scores, Black children were just as smart as White children when given IQ tests based on OUR OWN culture. The public educational system in the United States today is training people to just memorize and parrot back information to past exams and move on to be good working "slaves". Not well informed independent thinkers who question authority. Cynique Who doesn't know that experience is the best teacher?? Well for one.....I'm not quite sure of this myself. I think in many if not most cases OBSERVATION is the best teacher. Because some experiences you may not LIVE through to learn your lesson.....lol.
  15. There is no guessing, she's obviously CAUCASIAN. Now because you asked me the question, I'm almost certain you know more about her ancestral background than I do. And I'm also guessing that your asking me because you know she probably has a Black parent or some Black ancestor. But remember, RACE is just as much how a person LOOKS (phenotypical) as it is about a person's ANCESTRY (genes). So despite what her parents may be or who is in her family.....SHE is a Caucasian woman. I know 2 or 3 Italian women who look just like she does....with darker skin.
  16. The PUBLIC education system in the United States today is primarily training people to be EDUCATED SLAVES. People who will just show up to work and do what they are told in the most efficient manner possible without questioning authority. This is why Asians do so good academically. And this is why Asian students are often held up as "model students". Because they are typically docile, unassuming, bland and agreeable in personality, and uniform in behavior. Central Americans are highly desired on the other end of the employment spectrum because THEY typically do what they are told and work for next to nothing. The business owners and ultra capitalists could give less than two damns about America, they'd just as soon replace EVERYONE with immigrants from Asia and Central America if it meant more profits, more production, and lower wages with fewwer complaints from the workers. What sells is what people want, but people can be INFLUENCED to want certain things they ordinarily wouldn't. Social scientists and market strategists are highly trained in social engineering and influencing people's minds into wanting thing that aren't necessarily good for them.
  17. This is one of the reasons I'm not in the church anymore. I don't care too much for hypocrisy.....especially unnecessary hypocrisy that no one forces on your. It's one thing to be born into a despotic nation, or even have your nation CHANGE on you from being a free state to a dictatorship. But when you already live in a relatively liberal and open society and CHOOSE to join an organization or sect and put oppressive and unrealistic rules and restrictions on yourself....I don't understand that.
  18. I appreciate Del's support for WHATEVER reason he's doing it....lol. In a world where Black men fight with eachother so much, when Black men DO compliment and flatter eachother....it should be both appreciated and welcomed. Del Pioneer mentioned that he didn't go to university a while back. That moved me. Whether it was said with humility I don't know. What i have noticed with Troy recently is a need to attempt to use his pedigree to win arguments. I say it constantly. Infact when I'm meeting people it's one of the first things I mention. Part of the reasons I say it is out of humility, but mostly it's that people don't expect more out of me than they should. Accuracy refers to the closeness of a measured value to a standard or known value. For example, if in lab you obtain a weight measurement of 3.2 kg for a given substance, but the actual or known weight is 10 kg, then your measurement is not accurate. In this case, your measurement is not close to the known value. Precision refers to the closeness of two or more measurements to each other. Using the example above, if you weigh a given substance five times, and get 3.2 kg each time, then your measurement is very precise. Precision is independent of accuracy. You can be very precise but inaccurate, as described above. You can also be accurate but imprecise. For example, if on average, your measurements for a given substance are close to the known value, but the measurements are far from each other, then you have accuracy without precision In other words....... For it to be accurate it must be TRUE. But you can have PRECISE LIES as long as they continue to line up and agree with eachother...lol.       Troy Are you going to address my commentary on the ONE exerpt that you DID provide related to our argument discussion on the meaning of race? You put Dorothy's quote up for a reason. Was it supposed to be some sort of "evidence" meant to back your position?
  19. Cynique While you're right (or atleast I agree) with most of what you just said............ This still is OUR nation. We were born here and are legal citizens here. Despite all the obstacles you've presented.....the BIGGEST obstacle Black people need to overcome exists in our minds. That doubt in our own abilities and that irrational fear of what someone MIGHT do to us if we start doing great things.
  20. Del Don't let Cynique vex you. She's just frustrated at the fact that you said a few good things about me. Some people don't like to see Black men getting along with eachother....lol. Cynique So now you turn to Pioneer, who you previously dismissed because he didn't take your predictions and astrological claims seriously, and you do an about-face, heaping flattery upon him to get back at Troy. Damn. Lol, couldn't you have given me a FEW days to enjoy the compliments before bursting the bubble???? BTW, my modesty isn't false..... I truly understand and accept my limitations in scientific understandings. I would never compare my accomplishments with Troy's or claim to have as much knowledge as he does. But when I'm right....I'm right. Why? Because I base most of my convictions on EXPERIENCE or DIRECT OBSERVATION....not academic findings and paperwork from other sources that I had no hand in preparing.
  21. None of what you parrot will come into fruition unless African-Americans amass in a separate territory and establish their own nation.   1. We already have our own nation.....THIS NATION. Black Americans are just as much American as White Americans. 2. If you believe that White Americans wouldn't allow Black Americans to organize and rebuild their own neighborhoods and economies........ Why do you think they have allowed Chinese and Mexicans to do it? Those 2 groups aren't White, yet they have carved out entirely self sufficient communities from coast to coast and there doesn't seem to be much of a White backlash against it. Hell, White folks GO to Mexican and Chinatowns to eat, do business, and enjoy themselves. White Supremacy is a major problem, but it's not the biggest problem. Black ignorance and laziness is a much bigger problem. Most Black people would rather sit around WAITING for White people to fix their houses, fill up the pot-holes on their streets, and open up grocery stores in their neighborhoods to fix the "food drought".....when they can do ALL of this on their own.
  22. Cynique That's not an example of confusion on my part; i was clueless Oh..... Lol, then since you had no clue are you saying that rather than being confused you were just IGNORANT? That's not an example of confusion on my part; i was clueless. Confusion was when you weren't sure whether or not what you thought Wednesday, Thursday, Friday meant was right. Something you admitted to.   I said: "I'm probably one of the FEW people who understood what YOU just posted....lol." "I'm presuming Del's "Wednesday Thursday Friday" stands for "W T F" https://aalbc.com/tc/topic/2695-why-black-men-cheat/?page=2 Now does that sound like someone who is "admitting" to being confused? There is a difference between CAUTION in not assuming what a person means, and being CONFUSED about what they say or mean.
  23. Del I was wondering if you have consciously changed your style? I've always been direct and linear. But because I'm an idealist, most of what I post about are the problems I've observed in society and what my ideal solutions are, so you probably don't see my linear or analytical side much. Also, because I'm not too smart or too educated (academically) I've learned the best thing for ME to do is not to get too fancy but to stay focused and on the point. If I tried to argue the way you, Troy, or other highly educated people argued....I'd get lost....lol.
  24.   A girl who graduated after I did from under grad was he first Black woman to graduate my school with a civil engineering degree! Now if I had my way, more Black people would be getting civil engineering degrees. This is the type of knowledge that is needed to help REBUILD the cities of the United States. Learn how to bring water from the lakes and rivers to the cities. Learn how to lay foundations for and build roads. Learn how to build housing. These past couple years I've seen more older Black folks pushing shopping carts around hustling pop cans and bottles than I've ever seen before. It's really bad in California where it appears that most of the Black people there have lost their status and are living on the streets. Instead of focusing on Silicon Valley and or artificial intelligence, we need to focus on learning how to build a society for ourselves so that our children aren't subject to poison water, malnutrition, and poor education.
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