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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. Thank Antonio! One of the most progressive and visionary periods for AfroAmericans in the United States was during the period of RECONSTRUCTION and a few generations after. Roughly from 1865-1930 During that period Black people owned more businesses, had more inventions, owned more land, and built more schools and even entire towns for themselves more than any period in United States history until 2017! If there were ANY such thing as a "model minority".....back then WE were it! I believe our success was owed to a number of factors. Among them: 1. We had a much stronger morality and faith in God back during that period so we treated eachother better. 2. We had just came out of slavery where we were FORCED to work hard just to survive, so that instinct was still in us and help drive us to success....before laziness set in. 3. Racism from Whites was RAW and OPEN in those days so there was no confusion about Black people as far as who their enemy was and what obstacles they had to overcome. They weren't walking around begging White folks, "Can't we all just get along????" They said, "You built yours.....now we gotta build ours!" 4. Although you had SOME Black people who stressed formal academic education like WEB DuBois, the vast majority of our people focused on gaining REAL LIFE KNOWLEDGE like how to build houses, how to lay foundations for buildings, how to do carpentry, how to grow food, ect..... They didn't spend 10 years studying liberal arts in some college getting in debt only to come out begging White men for jobs. They learned how to MAKE A LIVING OFF THEIR OWN LAND and were self reliant. Again, Black people during THAT period owned more land and grew more of their own food than the Black people of TODAY. We can learn a lot of lessons from that period.
  2. Troy My man Troy.....lol. I believe racism is a tool of the plutocracy to enrich themselves. And what do these "plutocrats" look like? ....physically speaking. I believe religion has been used for this reason, indeed our education system Mmmmm....ok.... And when we find those who control the educational system in this nation, what do THEY look like? Whether is is the tobacco industry selling us cancer sticks, And what do the men who control the tobacco industry LOOK like?   big pharma making opioids freely available, What COLOR do you think the people are who control"big pharma"? Wall Street bringing the world's economy to the brink of collapse, What do the men who control Wall Street look like? Facebook manipulating our election and brainwashing people, Lol, and the men invented and control facebook are WHAT color? 45 fueling racism Wonder what RACE does Prez #45 check off in the census form.....lol Racism is one of many tools these folks use against us. I KNOW what color "us" (you and me) is....but what color are "these folks" that you're talking about????   We live in a world where someone like Amazon's Jeff Bezos can accumulate a net worth north of $90B on the backs of factory workers grinding away making slave wages and he is celebrated. As Bezos builds a monopoly some people even vigorously defend it?! Well hell, what COLOR is Jeff Bezos? but the real problem are the plutocrats pulling the levers--impoverishing us all. And again, what COLOR are the plutocrats who are pulling the levers and impoverishing people? You see the point I'm getting at Troy? No matter which way you cut it, you'll still end up with a slice of.... No matter how much you shake the can, when you open it and pour out it's content you'll find..... No matter how long you bake it, it'll still come out of the oven as.... WHITE SUPREMACY. Because when you trace everything you mentioned back to their original sources, you'll discover a WHITE MAN in a suit and tie sitting at a desk master-minded all of it.     You can destroy racism tomorrow and the greats masses of the world's people will still be poor. That's where you're wrong my brother. Neither YOU nor I can destroy racism....because we didn't create it. The WHITE SUPREMISTS started racism and it will end when THEY decide to end it. It's not up to you. The only thing you can do is....with the help of The Supreme Being.....PROTECT yourself from it by trying to stay out of their way and be as self reliant as possible.   And this is the advice I would give the people living in poverty around the world. Rely on the Supreme Being, try to be as self-reliant as possible, and try not to piss off the White Supremists who control most of the world right now.     Del So it's a bit inelegant to say all white people. Who said "all" White people? I'm talking about the White Supremists. They aren't ALL White people, but they are enough to control the world without the other White people being able to stop them. It's also less than useful to provide an uninformed perspective, Pioneer. Then why do you continue to do so? Lol, get bored sometimes??
  3. Cynique there are always a few who speak up and confide, that i am just verbalizing what many people think. Funny..... This is the SAME thing Donald Trump says....lol. It is becoming clear that this political correctness specter played a significant role in the last presidential election. Trump's followers were tired of high-minded liberals dictating who and what they should accept. And now these deplorable bigots are happy because they are free to be themselves. Meanwhile liberals are unhappy because their "inclusiveness" formula couldn't dissolve the electoral college. In the ongoing battle between Liberals and Conservatives, the right-wingers are presently in control.   Under the system of White Supremacy there IS NO "liberal and conservative"... Just like there is no Democrat or Republican. These are just con-games that they're playing to fool the public. There is only one party/system.....the system of racism. These issues are put out to confuse Black people and other people of color. Get THEM to fighting eachother over ridiculous ideologies. If you notice, the Black conservative fights harder for so-called "conservative" or traditional values than even the White conservative does and will argue with Black people all day and night over policies that HE/SHE didn't even make but got from a White Republican. But while the Black Republican and Democrat are going at eachother's throats....the White Republican and White Democrat are playing golf together at the same country club! While the Black Christian is arguing with the Black Muslim in America or fighting eachother in Nigeria......the White Christian is doing business with the White Jew and marrying the White atheist! Most of these religious and political ideologies were and are being put out to confuse and divide people. Meanwhile the HEADS of these various groups and organizations are all at the top working together to share the wealth and power with eachother.
  4. Troy If you don't understand the system of White supremacy....you will be confused about poor White people, their mentality, and how they see and relate to other poor people. Under the system of White supremacy........... The entire world is a PRISION and people of color are the INMATES while the White race are the STAFF. The staff is made up of many members; the Warden, guards, doctors, cooks, janitors, ect...... Poor Whites may be the JANITORS or COOKS in that staff of the prison and they may be poor, working hard, and treated like shit by the Warden, doctors, and other people higher up....but they STILL see themselves as better off than the INMATES who are people of color who are stuck and can't leave. Poor Whites see hard work and harsh living conditions as their DUTY in the system of White supremacy. Most poor White men work hard, drink hard, and smoke cigarettes like a chimney because they don't care about their own lives or comforts. They vote for Trump because they care about maintaining the system that oppresses Black people and they'll sacrifice their own comforts to maintain it. You know as well as I do that the average poor White person would rather be poor and White, than rich and Black. That should give you some indication of their mentality and how they see life.   Some people understand intuitively, or through life experience, that racism is a flawed belief system. Anyone with a decent education should know this as well. Whether racism is flawed or not, the most powerful government and religious system this world had witnessed in 500 years has been built off of it. It's called WHITE SUPREMACY. With the ideaology of racism....which you called a flawed belief system....a handful of men have been able to sail out all over the planet and dominate millions of people and several continents. Mel In the documentary, the problem is NOT white supremacy... Now if you want to go off topic, that's fine. I wasn't trying to intentionally derail the conversation/topic, just putting it in perspective. All this talk of poverty without revealing it's SOURCE.....it's SOURCE are White men who practice a system of economics that is influenced by racism. Which is why I'm not suprised that the film....by a White man...doesn't discuss it. He'll continue to toss red herrings out there for people to chase after rather than tell the truth.   If you really understood white supremacy, you'd know you fell for the illusion. Then you’d know it’s a distraction to keep alleged "non-white" people on a defense to lose sight of their own goals. You’d know the would-be emperor is skilled at the art of legerdemain. White Supremacy is no more an illusion or distraction than is a terminal illness. It's an all encompassing system that affects almost every aspect of your life whether you realize it or not. All this talk of some mysterious "emperor" causing poverty around the world is just another red herring tossed out to the public to have you looking under garbage cans and poking around in back-alleys looking for some "boogy man" to blame. When you really don't need to look any further than the man who produced this film and those he went to college with as key players in the game that keeps global poverty going. If you doubt what I'm saying or think it's a bunch of uninformed nonsense, then show me one nation in the past 500 years that was able to accumulate any substantial wealth WITHOUT the assistance of White men! Poverty will end when WHITE MEN decide to end it.....because they in charge and control the purse stings.
  5. Yes SOME poor White people are dumb and unskilled a very few, but most AREN'T. Don't deceive yourself into thinking we're all the same. Most of the White people who are poor and living in these woods that you think are dumn and you feel sorry for are SMARTER THAN YOU. They know how to build cars, rig up buildings, make helicopters and all types of machines. They tend to be VERY smart and mechanically inclined. They also have big laboratories in these trailors where they sit up and make all types of chemicals and drugs to sell. They know how to make meth, artificial heroin, and others drugs and synthetic drugs. They are living there because they WANT to live there.....because they don't want to live anywhere near Black or Brown people because of hate. Poor White people have a different mentality than poor Black people. Most Black people DON'T WANT to be poor and if they knew how to get out of poverty they would....in a heart beat. Most poor White people in America don't mind being poor, because they feel it's their LOT or DUTY in the system of White supremacy. They'll take that hit for the "team". Just like many of them will go without healthcare and will fight against Universal healthcare even though they need it too. White people as a group are MUCH smarter....even the poor ones. Like I said, most (not all) of the poor ones are poor because they WANT to be in the position they're in.
  6. Cynique My problem isn't necessarily the idea..... We've known for millenia that people interpret the same sensory information differently, this is nothing new. It's the source. Why is it that WHITE MEN seem to be the only one's coming up with all this? Why didn't an Asian woman come up withthe idea of quantum physics? Why not an Aboriginal man? White men make up less than 15% of the global population but seems to come up with over 90% of the so-called "science" and "innovative philosopies" that no one else seems to be able to do. You mean to tell me for 100,000 years people were sitting around twiddling their thumbs waiting on THIS man to come along and pull this type of philosophy out of his ass? No one else thought of it before? Come on Cynique.....stop going for this shit. See, THIS is one of the reason Harvey Weinstein was so successful with his victims.....they let their guard down around him because those women just thought that man was "soooo profound". That man don't know any more about "the truth" than anyone else and there is no hard proof that he does. Has that man's philosophy cured cancer, AIDS, or any major illness that we should take it as useful? For all we know, him and Donald Trump could be in alignment with eachother back in some secret chamber...lol.
  7. Let me also say...... I know you've worked with a lot of so-called "poor White people" in different parts of the United States, so my blaming racism and White Supremacy for poverty and gross inequalities may not jive too well with you, however......... If you understand the SYSTEM of White Supremacy and how it works, you'll realize that MOST of the White people in this nation who are poor and living in those conditions are living exactly how they WANT to live. It may be hard for you, me, or other people of color to understand why people would want to live in poverty or without adequate healthcare....but we aren't White. Anyone who's lived or worked around poor White people will know how openly and viciously racist most of them are. One of the reasons you found so many poor White people living out in the woods and in trailer park communities around Virginia, Illinois, and Ohio is because they were too hateful and racist to live with Black people in the cities where they probably could have accessed more resources. They PURPOSELY moved out into these rural areas and if they were born there they CHOSE TO STAY in these communities because most would rather live in poverty in the mountains than move to the city where there's more opportunity and risk their sister or daughter dating a Black or Latino person. Some of the same poor Whites you were helping probably voted for Trump and were AGAINST Obama Care although it would help them tremendously.
  8. Troy Don't log off and turn out the lights just yet....... I think Trump needs your help now.....lol.
  9. Mel Yes... because while I knew of the inequity- I didn't know of the laws that made it possible.   What's worse is we haven't stopped it yet. We haven't changed our ways. We continue to vote to allow the oligarchs to take more of our rights. We haven't taken the steps prescribed in the documentary or even from the man who is a confessed economic hit man to act on it. When you say "we" haven't stopped it yet.....it shows me that you don't have a full grasp of the problem. The problem is WHITE SUPREMACY. If you look at the bottom of my posts at the signature it read, "If you do not understand White Supremacy....what it is and how it works......everything else you understand will only confuse you" Part of understanding White Supremacy is understanding that ALL economic inequality is caused by White racists because THEY control the economy all around the world! WE haven't stopped it because WE (me, you, and the other people of color and victims of racism all over the world) didn't start it. It was started by the White Supremists who left Europe centuries ago and imposed a system of oppression and injustice GURANTEEING that most of the people will live lives of poverty oppression in order to satisfy their worldwide economy. Asian women have little influence over poverty. African men have little influence over poverty. Native American men have little influence over poverty. They are mostly victims of it. Who controls the world's economy? Who controls the IMF? Who controls the World Bank? WHITE MEN! ....White men like Mr Diaz who is pretending to give a damn...lol. And WHITE MEN are the ones who can influence it and change it.....if they want to. What part shocked you? I haven't watched the movie yet, but I'm sure none of it will be shocking because I've worked with and still work with poor and homeless people so I've seen destitution and it's effects first hand. What simple action can you do to make a difference in all our lives today? -Make sure I'm not living in poverty myself, because before I can help ANYONE I have to be in a position to. -Give CONSTRUCTIVE assistance (food, housing, limited cash, protection, advice, ect...) to people living in poverty and destitution in my community....which I've done for years. -As best I can....let people know some of the rules and codes of White Supremacyand how it works so that they can protect themselves and not fall into poverty, crime, incarceration, addiction, and other traps of White Supremacy. This won't guarantee they still won't fall into the traps, but with more information and with their guard up...they'll be less likely to. The only LASTING solution to poverty and oppression is for the system of White Supremacy to end since it spawned these plagues in the first place.
  10. Yet ANOTHER White man trying to tell us how to think and what to think.....lol. Even with all of these White men being caught lying, indicted for conspiracy, sexual assault and yet we STILL put credence into their opinions and quirky ass philosophies. It seems every 5 years some White man in a dress shirt and no tie comes before the world with a "new" philosophy that supposedly answers all the worlds problems and he charges people hundreds and thousands of dollars to attend his boring ass lectures and workshops in hopes of getting some "enlightenment". Until he's busted and sent to jail for molesting or sexual assault. Then the show is over. What's it gonna take????? Seriously.
  11. Do i sound like a bitter black woman, lacking in compassion? No, you sound indifferent for the most part and a bit irritated that the issues you brought up are getting so much undeserved attention. Perhaps you may have a few health issues. If so, THAT may be where your real concern and focus is and all the other crap going on in the news will seem like trivial in comparison to something that actually affects you in a direct personal way. Perhaps you're really missing loved ones who have passed and that frustration makes the current events of this world seem rather dull and mundane without them being here to witness these events with you and share there input. Or perhaps you've seen so much of "this world" that you've become jaded with it and now are ready for something NEW and exciting.....like a major world war or authentic extraterrestrial invasion....to liven things up.
  12. For the first time in AALBC history I agree with Delano 100%. It must have been that Solar Eclipse or something....lol. Racism is a problem WHITE PEOPLE need to discuss with EACHOTHER because it's a problem that....outside of Divine influence.....only they can solve for themselves. We can talk about it among ourselves or to White people for centuries and it still wouldn't change anything. Black people have only a limited ability to eliminate racism because it's not coming from US but from THEM....so they have to change themselves. We can PROTECT ourselves from the effects of racism. One of the ways to do this is to take control of our communities and provide housing, employment, food, health care, and other necessities and luxuries for ourselves so that we aren't beholden to Whites for them. But that will only have a minor effect on the MIND SET or ATTITUDE of Whites toward us. LIke Malcolm told the White student who said she wanted to help him, he said if you want to help me then go to YOUR PEOPLE and influence them. If White people are truly interested in ending racism then THEY must confront the racists and White supremists among themselves and have a civil war to end it. And that will be one of the GREATEST WARS that has ever been fought in the history of humanity.
  13. I appreciate it when people draw attention to a problem because it's one of the first steps to solving that problem, but....... But did we really need Phillipe Diaz or any other White man to "reveal" to us that poverty wasn't accidental? Come on..... White men MADE the inequality and poverty you see going on all over the world so ofcourse they are the one's best qualified to talk about it in great detail and insight. It's like what Archie Bunker told the man at the unemployment office, who tried to play sympathetic and said he understood what Archie was going through. Archie said, "You damn right you know what I'm going through because YOU'RE the one putting me through it!!" Western civilization and all of the societies that have been heavily influenced by it has ALWAYS been a society of haves and havenots.....this is nothing new. Things got a little bit better in this nation when Black people demanded more rights back in the 50s and 60s and 70s....but as soon as we got satisfied things went back to business as usual. So I'm not suprised or jumping up and down that Diaz or any other White man would do a film on a subject they help establish. What would suprise me is if he took affirmative steps to SOLVE the problem! He can start in France which I believe is the nation of his birth and convince the other White Frenchmen who have benefited off of colonialism to end their policies that are choking the life out of the African nations they formally colonized.
  14. Delano Pioneer here is your quote. Nailing women is your capstone statement. OK? And where in that statement does it say I harass women as you accused me of? If you have a problem COMPREHENDING my statement then let me re-phrase it. Rather than standing there trying different or the same approach over and over again on a woman who has made it clear that she's not interested in us.......something that WOULD be considered harassment......after the first or second rejection most of the time we would just move on to the next woman until we nail (have sex with) one. Does that make things clearer? Pioneer let's say your Boss is a bisexual male. Who only promotes his lovers. And it took you a year to get this job. Due to a sexuall harrasment claim against you. Would you still not care that people are using sex to get a head. I didn't say I "didn't care" that people are using sex to get ahead (or get some "head"....lol). I said I didn't have a problem with it. And unless "Mr Half-n-Half" is the owner of the firm, I'll just go over his head to get promoted....lol. I've actually encountered similar situations before. Not with bisexual men, but with women who were in higher positions that I didn't find attractive.
  15. No these weren't corporate jobs. Mostly sales, industrial, or retail. I hear exactly what you're saying about the problems that arise from promoting people based on the sexual favors they offer you and I personally don't engage in that behavior. Infact, about 10 or 12 years ago I made a rule for myself not to even sleep with anyone at work regardless of their position. I'm getting older.....lol. Pioneer is not what he was at 25 or 30.....lol. If something "goes wrong" in bed.......lol.....I don't want that shit getting around the workplace!!! Ofcourse it's usually UNETHICAL......meaning it's bad business practice. But is it IMMORAL??? And should it be CRIMINAL??? EXCEPT when it comes to government positions, I say no to both. Whether we're talking about government or a business I'm of the personal belief that the fewer the rules and regulations....usually the better. Rules and laws should only be to maintain safety and honesty. But when it comes to business (again not government and civic institutions) ofcourse a person should be promoted based on their ability to do the job BUT some people have a gift for charm or sex appeal that makes whoever is promoting them enjoy their presence and gives them peace of mind. Things that aren't measured in hard numbers and performance. Come on man...... You know about "work wives" and "work husbands"! Men or women who work around eachother so long that they know eachother better than their own spouses and know how to "comfort" eachother when they need it. Or "morale boosters"! People who aren't good at the actual job but their personalities are very harmonious and great for the morale of the job so everyone likes them and they keep the environment enjoyable. Now too many rules and regulations would demand that these people not be promoted since they aren't qualified to occupy the positions they are seeking.....BUT....their presence in that position would bring far more happiness than if another more qualified but less appealing person occupied it. Do you know what I'm saying? So yes you're right that a person shouldn't make decisions based on who they're sleeping with I believe when it comes to BUSINESSES (not government institutions) these decisions should be left up to the individuals because there are so many variables involved.
  16. Mainstream media would be the major accredited new sources like CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, NBC, ABC, ect.....that have a history of practicing professional journalism and usually are the first to get major news stories. As opposed to the thousands of alternative news sources like Infowars or Huffington Post, most of whom have a very pronounced bias in the news they report and usually get much of the news THEY'RE reporting from the mainstream too. My desire for a Black presence in the military has less to do with proving a point to racists who wouldn't like them no matter what they accomplished and more to do with: 1. Making sure that the military charged to defend this nation both internally and externally have enough Black people in it to HOPEFULLY preven that military from being turned on Black citizens. 2. Making sure that Black people in this society have the ability to get the same weapons and defense training that White people are getting, lessening their vulnerability to racist assaults.
  17. I wouldn't call what I did "harassment". I'd make a play for them a few times and if they reject, I move on....no stalking or harassing. Another thing is the fact that I wasn't in a position of power over most of these women which would constitute as traditional "harassment". Most of them were women I met outside of the work place and those who I met IN the workplace were either at my level or in a higher position of authority. I didn't and still don't date women who are subordinates at work because I know many if not most will be expecting favors in exchange for sexuality. Having said that.............. I actually don't have a problem with people using sex to get ahead whether they be male or female. As long as it's CONSENTUAL. Just like a prostitute uses sex to make money, other people can use use sex to get ahead in life also.
  18. Troy You took the words right out of my mouth. I was just about to post that the NAACP is becoming increasingly irrelevant, precisely BECAUSE of attention getting "antics" like this and the one they did a few months ago when they "advised" Black people to be careful when in the state of Missouri. I can't really bash any group willing to sound alarms, but like you said before.....this is almost like crying wolf. It's hard for people to take you seriously when you put out bulletins like this without any plans to actually If the NAACP want to alert people of a REAL threat......... If the NAACP wants an issue to REALLY investigate and bring attention to...... They should focus on the FBI memo a few years ago that clearly states that White supremacists have started to infiltrate various law enforcement agencies. When the memo was first made known they should have pounced on it and stayed on it until the Obama Administration with it's Black Attorney Generals took affirmative action to investigate and purge these clowns out of the system. But where were they? Hell, they can STILL place demands on the current Administration, though I don't have too much confidence in the matter being properly addressed with Sessions in office.
  19. I'm very suprised that the mainstream media hasn't raised the issue of RACE in this entire story.....yet. With the obvious fact that this brother and wife were both Black as well as the Congresswoman being a Black Democrat and all of them going head up with the suspected racist Donald Trump, you would think there would be atleast some chatter about it in the commentary sections of media outlets. With all of this though, I STILL support Black people joining the American military. If White men are getting military training and know how to use guns, I want BLACK MEN to get military training and know how to use guns. When you tell Black people to stay out of the military of their own country.... You're basically telling them to proudly become sitting ducks for well armed racists.
  20. ???? I rarely talk about a woman's looks to another woman either. There's little purpose in doing so. However I HAVE approached dozens of women with compliments on their looks and body parts. Did ALL of my encounters go as well as planned? Not necessarily. But some were EXTREMELY successful. Right off the top I can think of atleast 2 women I "got with" simply by stopping them on the street, telling them how nice their butt was, and asking them how many accidents did they cause from men staring at it.....lol. Much of life is about doing what you HAVE to do to be successful despite what society tells you is "right" or "wrong". In this society much of the rules for social engagement are laid out by middle class White people who don't suffer from the same problems poor and working class urban Black people suffer from. Most Black men, especially ones who are poor and aren't very attractive physically don't have the luxury of kicking back and WAITING for women line up and invite them to engage in sexual encounters....lol. Nor do most Black men have the money and ability to "mail order" brides and prostitutes from all over the globe like White men do. We do what we HAVE to do...and we do what works for US. This is why I'm very adamant about Black people and especially Black men deciding OUR OWN morals. When Tupac said, "Only God can judge me".....that resonated with a lot of Black males because it captured the frustation of being criticized by people who've never experienced what you have but expect you to behave as they do.
  21. I believe the RACISTS of Wall Street as well as some of the CEOs of these major corporations were trying to derail Obama's Presidency.....but not all of Wall Street and not all CEOs. There were and still are a LOT of White people who love Obama and supported him all the way and THEY are the ones who helped get him elected twice. If all the wealthy and powerful Whites were racist and hated him he would have never gotten in. Which is why....like you pointed out....he was so quick to bail out Wall Street. Even when a lot of conservatives like Neil Cavuto were coming on television saying that the bailout wouldn't do any good and probably wouldn't be a good idea, it was Democrats like Obama who were among the main ones championing the bailout of Wall Street. He KNEW where his bread and butter was and played to it. I've learned that no matter who you are or what you do in this world there will be White people who are AGAINST you (for usually the same reasons) and their will be White people FOR you (for various reasons). The key is to have the RIGHT White people on your side and stay in good standing with them so that they can help fund/finance you when you need it and help protect you from those Whites who are against you when you need it.
  22. Again..... It boils down to laziness and intellectual decline, and both tend to play on eachother. The fact that so many Black people are opting to use facebook as their means of advertisment and launch programs and talk shows instead of buying and building THEIR OWN websites so that they'll have full control is a matter of laziness and shortsightedness. Of all people WE should know by now that if you don't OWN it then you're not safe and it can be (and too often is) taken away from you at any time for any excuse. Now facebook is kicking negroes off their plantation left and right and finding any old flimsy excuse to do so. But as to the much deeper problem of why so many websites that are aimed at Black people aren't owned by Black people, it breaks down into 2 reasons: 1. Non-Blacks are taking advantage of Black people a. There are racists who are trying to manipulate Black thought and activity and they're using websites and content that attract Black people to do so. b. Non-Blacks see a market and are taking advantage of it. Non-Blacks see that Black people enjoy and are attracted to certain things but don't see many Black people addressing those needs so they've decided to supply them themselves. 2. Black people as a group aren't smart enough to build and maintain or atleast control all of the websites and other forms of media being aimed at them. There is not a lot you can do about reason #1 until you first deal with reason #2. Until we figure out WHY so many of our people aren't smart enough to keep up with what Whites and Asians are doing on the internet...... Smart intelligent well educated Black men and women with clear organized minds like Troy and Mel should get together with other liked minded Black people of similar creditials and teach those of our people who ARE smart enough to learn HOW to build and maintain their own websites and market them effectively to attract an audience.
  23. Troy Lol.... What if the tooth was infected and we find out that the gunshots were SELF INFLICTED by the man because he was in so much pain BECAUSE of the tooth? It may sound silly to play on your analogy like that, but it's just to point out that perhaps the poor schools in many Black communities in the United States are SYMPTOMS of an underlying problem manifesting itself in different forms. In my community there is a thriving private school full of Arab children. That school was started by 4 Arab young men who went to college, got their degrees, and came out and started building resturants, buying houses, and eventually opened up a school for their own people. There are THOUSANDS of Black people in this very same community who haven't managed to do what just 4 Arabs did.......not to mention what Arabs are doing in other parts of America in much larger numbers. Yes the schools in Black districts are often poorly funded, but why is this? Because: 1. Most of the Black people in those districts aren't ambitious enough to run for office and occupy a position to siphon money from Lansing (or Albany) and Washington BACK to their communities to fund their schools. 2. Most of the Black people in those districts aren't as involved in the curriculum and other goings on of the school as they should be and so many racists are able to take over the district and do what they want with the money and treat the kids poorly. Yes Black schools are being defunded in Chicago, Detroit, and other Black communities around the nation but it's happening because Black people are LETTING it happen. Now why are Black people LETTING this happen to their children and their community when most other communities WOULDN'T let this happen? Because of the UNDERLYING PROBLEM with Black America today. Too many of our people have been DUMBED DOWN....literally....with various poisons and toxins that errodes the intellect and makes them lazy, docile, and half crazy. If we don't get to the bottom of what's the dumbing down so many Black people in America then the SYMPTOMS of crime, poor schools, lack of Black websites and businesses, and other ills will continue. .....and so will the head scratching.
  24. There are MULTIPLE factors involved. The fluoride in the water is just one factor. Poor education is another. Lead in the water is another. Breaking up the families and taking the father out of the home is another. Placing Black boys in special education is another. There are MANY factors involved in the attempt to dumb down and destroy Black America. But you have to KNOW all of the factors in order to solve the problem. You can't just focus on one or two and ignore the multitude of others. You can't just look at deteriorating schools in the Black community and see THAT as the only problem without addressing the other problems. Because if you just focus on that and ignore the lead, the flouride, the miseducation, ect...the problem may slow down a little bit but will STILL get worse. We have to examine ALL of the factors of why so many of our children aren't learning the way they should and why the Black community in the United States hasn't made as much progress as we should have by now.
  25. I'm not going to say I've NEVER used the lewd approach...lol. But I wasn't my usual style. I didn't care too much for making dirty sexual remarks to women I didn't or barely knew. For me, it was (and still is) boldness and a numbers game more then finesse and charm; but I always have a certain amount of respect and courtesy. However some men DID get success from being lewd and I've seen women go for men who were down right thuggish and threatening. But first, what is considered "lewd"? If a man says, "Hey baby what's up? What's your name....can I get to know you?" That's not lewd. Even if he told a woman how nice her body was or how nice her butt or breast are.....that STILL isn't lewd.....in my opinion We did that all day long with NO shame with a lot of success. But if he starts asking her to perform something on him or gets graphic about what he wants to do to her.....then THAT crosses the line and becomes rude and lewd. And again, I've known DOZENS of women who both bold AND "lewd" talk actually worked on. But I guess it depends on a person's definition of "worked" or what "success" is. Meaning, what is a man's AIM or GOAL when he approaches a woman with lewd remarks and lines? If is goal is to meet a woman to marry or is looking for a compatible partner to have a life long relationship with....theres a slim chance that he'll find that type of relationship from women he's using those remarks on. However if is goal is to must find somebody to "hit it and quit" or have a few night stands with where it's just sex and not much else......those lewd remarks will work remarkably well and I've known several instances where they have! But we have to be careful in what we're calling crude and lewd. There's a "street harassment" push going on among racist young White women where they are going around taking videos of men of color who flirt with them and using this as an excuse to make flirting with women on the street ILLEGAL. They want to get it termed STREET HARASSMENT and get these young men punished simply for being normal men. These are middle class mostly racist young White women who aren't used to men boldy displaying their sexuality so they want to demonize it. This is the type of attitude that SPAWNS the "Harvey Weinsteins" because men are forced to suppress their nature and turn to perverted methods to satisfy themselves.
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