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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. Cynique ((Pioneer scratches and rubs his chin while sighing)) Cynique do you actually have an ARGUMENT to present, or are you just being your usual ornery self? You asked for figures to back up my claim that alcohol ill-affects Blacks more than Whites....and I gave them to you. Now you're looking the gift horse in the mouth complaining about the color of it's teeth. In other words............... You're setting the stage to REJECT not only the figures I already provided, but ANY OTHER material that I may present to support my claim.....lol. Why believe the population of the United States is around 330 million? Figures CAN BE manipulated you know. It may actually be more like HALF A BILLION.....sho'll is lot of people walking around at Wal-Mart, lol. Hmmm....... Could that be because....perhaps....maybe...Whites are THE MAJORITY POPULATION in the nation? Ofcourse they'll be more Whites in hospitals period. Hell, back in the 50's the military had barely been integrated so it was still probably overwhelmingly White. Ofcourse most of the vets in that hospital were going to be overwhelmingly White regardless of the reasons they were in there because the military was virtually all White for decades up until that time.
  2. Cynique "Proportion" was the operative word in my response. Percentages are extrapolations. If the possibility of how white people are affected by alchohol is under reported than your whole claim has no point. If by "proportion" you mean the amount of CONSUMPTION versus the amount of PEOPLE....... It's easily observed that among those Blacks and Whites who do drink, White people STILL tend to drink Black folks under the table. The 2nd excerpt actually alludes to this fact. And why would they "under report" the illeffects of alcohol on Whites anyway?
  3. Cynique Being Ghetto Fab is comparable to traditional "middle class values" in the sense that rich Black people are using their disposable income to buy that which will bring them happiness, security, and contentment the same as rich Whites even if they don't value the same enjoyments. Most Black men love jewelry, fancy cars, and a lot of women despite where we were raised or how long wealth has been in our families. There are few "Carlton Banks from the Fresh Prince of Bel Air" among the Black aristocracy. Most of them seem to act like Brandy and Ray J. Most wealthy Blacks and Whites just have different social values period. I think this behavior is more than just cultural.....but I'll stop right there, lol. I know there's old wealth and there is a certain culture that goes along with it, but still most of what we call "middle class" values are actually White Anglo Saxon Protestant values that even the lower working classes of America strived to maintain. Values such as: Monogamy, lack of flashy loud clothing, bland music, quiet household, hunting, ect..... You find White people of all classes engaging in these habits (if they can afford it) While the richest Black men and women tend to like the same thing the poorest Black men and women like....flashy jewelry, similar tastes in music, loud colored clothes, promoting their sensuality. The only difference is rich negroes can afford more of the good thing, lol. There are no more "middle class values" so to speak in America today because the dot-com bubble as well as the entertainment industry has made wealth too diverse. Now there IS a "culture of success" and achievement and a "culture of poverty". But this has more to do with education, work habits, and spending habits more so than typical social habits.
  4. Cynique Lol, has it ever occurred to you to actually READ my responses to you before you attempt to respond back? It is well known that Black people in this society actually DRINK LESS than Whites! The first excerpt I posted states: "although a higher percentage of blacks than whites abstain from using alcohol " The second excerpt says: "It has now been confirmed that black women drink considerably less than their white counterparts" Now I'm "left wanting" to know how you missed this key info, lol. But I didn't need to research the internet to compare the drinking habits of Whites and Blacks...... Everywhere I've been I've seen that White people drink far more alcohol than Black people and on a consistent basis. They gotta have it in the morning, in the afternoons, at night, at parties, when they're depressed, when they're happy, at meals, while watching television.....White people love drinking! But it doesn't affect them the way it affects our people. Especially the hard fermented liquor like Gin, Vodka, and Whiskey.
  5. Cynique An NBA basketball star born and raised in the hood who's now worth 20 million dollars doesn't have the same "values" as the owners of the Walgreen's drugstore chain. .....yet they're worth about the same amount and they are in the same "class". Also, don't confuse "middle class" values with "White Anglo-Saxon Protestant" values that often transend economic boundaries. The Democrats made this mistake during the 1980 presidential campaign. No? But hasn't he also bought into the the very "materialism" that you condemn but attribute to the more "legitimately arrived" middle class Blacks?
  6. Cynique http://alcoholism.about.com/cs/alerts/l/blnaa23.htm Alcohol and Minorities Given major underreporting of alcohol-related diagnoses, minimum estimates from one survey of non-Federal, short-stay hospitals in 1991 found 54.5 patient discharges for alcohol-related diagnoses for every 10,000 people in the United States over age 15 (10). The rate for whites was 48.2 per 10,000; however, the rate for blacks was 102.9 per 10,000 population (10). Because it is not known whether the rates of underreporting are equal among ethnic groups, it is difficult to interpret the meaning of such reported differences. A study of alcohol-related mortality in California showed that blacks and Hispanics had higher rates of mortality from alcoholic cirrhosis than did whites or Asian-Americans. Nationwide, death rates attributed to alcohol dependence syndrome also were highest for blacks, although a higher percentage of blacks than whites abstain from using alcohol (5,11). The high rates of medical problems seen in blacks thus occur among a smaller percentage of the black population when compared with whites. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) The prevalence of FAS among select groups of Navajo, Pueblo, and Southwestern Plains Indians has been studied. Among two populations of Southwestern Plains Indians ages newborn to 14 years, 10.7 of every 1,000 children were born with FAS. This was compared with 2.2 per 1,000 for Pueblo Indians and 1.6 for Navajo (12). Overall rates for FAS in the Un ited States range from 1 to 3 per 1,000 (15). Cultural influences, patterns of alcohol consumption, nutrition, and differing rates of alcohol metabolism or other innate physiological differences may account for the varying FAS rates among Indian communities (13). The incidence of FAS among blacks appears to be about seven times higher than among whites, although more blacks than whites abstain from drinking (5,14,15). The reasons for this difference in FAS rates are not yet known (14,15). http://www.clutchmagonline.com/2011/12/black-women-and-alcohol-positive-prognosis/ BLACK WOMEN AND ALCOHOL: POSITIVE PROGNOSIS Another revealing find tears down the stereotypes about alcohol and black women. It has now been confirmed that black women drink considerably less than their white counterparts. The statistics show that 46 percent of black women are more likely to refrain from drinking while 34 percent of white women will struggle to do the same. But despite that fact, black women suffer significantly more from alcohol-related illnesses ________________________________________________________________ Still haven't learned not to "try" me.......lol.
  7. The reason why the working class aren't traditionally counted as Middle Class is because that definition was established BEFORE the industrial age.....sometime during the French Revolution.....when the vast majority of the workers were indeed poor. But after the Industrial Revolution and Labor movement most workers today earn income above the poverty level if they work full time. So today it is more accurate to say that there are 2 "middle classes". Blue Collar-Working Class (factor workers, police/firemen, postal workers, ect.....) White Collar-Professional Class (doctors, lawyers, small business owners, politicians, ect...) At the very bottom UNDER the working class are the Poor/Destitute Class (homeless, welfare, chronically unemployed, ect......)
  8. Funny I was actually discussing a similar subject last night with an associate who calls himself an agnostic but believes in a soul. He's the type that believes things should be measured in a laboratory for proof. I understand the desire to want to PROVE any type of theory before accepting it. But there are 2 things we must remember: 1. The spiritual world is far far more advanced and you're dealing with energies that are finer and more subtle than anything you'll experience in the physical world. There are no instruments that we know of today that can accurately measure the energies of the spiritual realms. 2. You're dealing with ANGELS....GUIDES...SPIRITS....and who knows who/what else that exists outside of our physical plane of existance. These entities are infinitely more advanced than any human being on this planet and to expect them to submit to some "experiment" by some clown in a laboratory in a white coat with glasses........is laughable. The fact that most scientists have to wear GLASSES is evidence of thier frailty and inferiority. They haven't advanced to the point to heal their own bodies yet. It's like a snail or worm with only a fraction of intelligence and only lives a few weeks trying to figure out and do studies on human beings. I believe one day humanity will progress to the point where we'll have tools and instruments that can access the spiritual world.
  9. Troy Lol.....man what's wrong with you. Posting all that - what Archie Bunker would call "pornagrafitti" But personally, I don't have a problem with programs that promote and celebrate Black sexuality as long as it's NORMAL HEALTHY sexuality (not homosexuality, pedophilia, incest, rape, ect....) In a culture where White women have long been considered the epitome of feminine beauty, I can't stress enough the need for Black women to promote their sexuality in a POSITIVE way. I'm sure SOME people will consider this exploitation. It really all depends on who the producers of the show are. What I mean is............ If the producers are BLACK MEN, they will be called exploiters who are disrespecting Black women. But if the producers are WHITE GUYS in t-shirts and glasses then they'll probably get praise and applause for promoting the "untapped treasures" of Black female sensuality.
  10. Louis Farrkhan Wants to Rebuild Detroit http://www.mlive.com/news/detroit/index.ssf/2013/05/louis_farrakhan_to_meet_detroi.html Well.....I'm glad I'm not the only one, lol. Whether one agrees with his views or not, we can certainly use the young men in suits standing guard in some of the neighborhoods since there aren't enough police to keep the city safe.
  11. I'm sure it'll be an interesting read. However...... ((Pioneer taps his cigar a few times and looks down with a smile)) I find it quite INTERESTING........that the author saw fit to use a small town in TEXAS (of all places) to set this story. Hmmmmm..... I've noticed that often times whenever people choose places to illustrate examples of homosexual intolerance , they seem to usually choose places in the SOUTH. The same region of the nation that is well known for slavery and racial intolerance. Now I've been all over America and I've heard and seen intolerance of homosexuality in all regions of the nation. No one place seems to have a monopoly on homophobia. There are plenty of places in the INNERCITIES of America where homosexuality is ridiculed and not tolerated at all. So it's funny....to me atleast....that so many see fit to LINK regions known for historic racism with being homophobic also. As if they wish to LINK homosexuality with race.
  12. This is nothing new. Whether it's done on purpose or coincidentally, the Western diet of heavy starches and red meat not to mention an abundance of alcohol has a detrimental effect on Black people both physically and mentally. It's the same with the Native Americans. Look at how fat most Native Americans, Native Hawaians, and Samoans are who eat the same crap that most other Americans eat! Most of our bodies weren't designed to tolerate the typical Western diet. When Asians brag about how smart they are and how well they do in school and corporate America I tell them to just wait..... Watch thier children how much fatter, slower, and lazier they seem to be as generations go by. Black "peoplle"?? Is that the way it's spelled in France....lol....???
  13. It makes sense if you understand IT and it's PURPOSE. A pick-up truck makes sense if you're using it to haul furniture or wood or gravel, but if you're using it to go to the moon or even China...it's useless. And if you sell it for that purpose....telling people you can drive it to the moon or to China....it will not work and people will dismiss it as useless not knowing it's correct use. It's the same with astrology.......... If you try to attibute things to astrology for which it wasn't intended, you make it SEEM useless and people will dismiss it not knowing it's proper purpose in the first place. My understanding of astrology is limited, but from my limited understanding there is indeed a scientific aspect to it. Just as the moon has influence on the minds of people and a full moon will increase erractic behavior in a certain percentage of the population........... The stars also influence the minds of people not only as adults but when they are born. How? I'm not sure. But there seems to be a "get in where yo fit in" method to success in life and astrology often helps people learn where they fit in.
  14. Zinique YOU SAID...and I quote: To sit up there and say that middle class Black people.... Professional Black people Working Black people Both of whom make up the "middle class" .....are "house niggas" is an insult to them and not only mininizes thier achievements but actually DEMONIZES their achievements. It's like saying they shouldn't be where they are, they should be poor and broke and out in the streets struggling like the other "field niggas". Uh...this type of thinking...Cynique.....is certainly not helpful. Actually the Bourgeois were the middle class that BUFFERED the ruling class standing between them and the peasants. You need to brush up on your history, lol.
  15. For some reason I was actually getting your news letters in my e-mail before I even became a member of the site. Every so often I would get e-mails from some cat in a suit with a million dollar grin on his face but to be honest I really didn't pay them any attention.....lol. It wasn't until I became a member here and later saw your name that I started putting 2 and 2 together.
  16. Here we go again.................... ((Pioneer takes off his glasses and tosses them on the bed)) It's so silly to collectively call middle class Black people "house niggaz". See......it's THAT type of mentality.... Calling Black people "bougie" when they act proper. Accusing Black people of "talking White" when they use proper grammar. Acting White when they do good in school. Saying things like: "Ooooowweee.....I'm tellin' ya if you're in the middle class then you MUST be materialistic and bought into some sort of pyramid scheme devised to keep the masses enslaved!!!!!" It's that same type of collective punishment towards Black achievement, that keeps so many of our people locked into an inferior mindset and retards any potential progress in many Black communities. Keeps people thinking they have to be broke and sitting on some curb in the ghetto smoking NewPorts in order to be "real". My idea of "sell outs" are these no good rappers and dope dealers who literally SELL their people out just for money and fame not caring what damage they're doing both physically and psychologically to thier own kind.
  17. Admin You'll get no arguments from me that he needs to be stopped/punished. Castration in my opinion is too harsh for reckless sexual behavior in which the women were WILLING PARTICIPANTS. Again, it's not like he raped these women. They knew he wasn't on the up-n-up, they just didn't give a damn. But like Ester's husband Woody said when Grady asked him what the hell he was: He's still a MAN. ((During the conversation Pioneer notices Troy looking up at an improperly dressed Cynique who happened to stumble into the room clutching a bottle of Wild Irish Rose....lol. As a grinning Troy extends his glass towards her, he winks and mumbles something about wanting her to give him some of that good ole "sum-a-dat". She takes a swig, pours him some, and as she makes her way towards the bar she thinks to herself...what a sissy.....lol.....trying to flirt with me?...atleast my man Desmond Hatchett don't drank his wine out no glass, like a real man he dranks it straight from da bottle! )) .....lol. Cynique If they're making babies then they're not useless. Believe it or not, they're actually contributing to the maintenance of the population.....lol. I remember hearing a famous Black leader recently say that if it weren't for so many Black women having babies out of wedlock, the Black population would be shrinking in America because too many educated and professional Black women are waiting too long to have children and some aren't having them at all. I wasn't sure how to take that statement when I first heard it. I've been the type to prefer QUALITY over QUANTITY. Not only do I think children should be born to parents who aren't married, I don't even think MARRIED people should have children unless they are financially ready for a family. But maybe he had a point..... (shrugs shoulders) Maybe the people we're calling irresponsible are really acting in accordance with their nature.
  18. {late at night...the kids are sleep....2 grown men speaking in the living room} ((With Troy sitting in his main chair, Pioneer sitting on the couch leans over and smiles as he says.....)) Now wait a minute mayne, I think you're putting a little TOO much responsibility on the men bruthaz here. Now....... I'm not in the bedroom during EVERY sexual encounter between Black men and women but if I were a betting man I'd be willing to wager quite a bit of money on the fact the the overwhelming majority of these women are NOT BEING RAPED OR FORCED TO SLEEP WITH THESE MEN DUDES. They're CHOOSING to sleep with these men guys even when they KNOW that they ain't shit. You'd think when a woman hears him calling his baby's mamma a "bitch" and talk about hurting her or calling his own children "little bastids".because he has to pay child support....HAT would be a signal to get her purse and end the relationship right then and there.....but noooo.....they get even hornier and even suggest helping the man to hurt the other woman. We all know how the CURRENT girlfriend often plots and plans to hurt the ex or mistress or any other woman seen as a threat to her relationship with her man....rather than the man himself. I would caution you or any other person who attempts to discipline these wild young bruthaz (and uthaz) who go around banging women and making children they aren't supporting, to be careful. Just like a woman who's being beaten by her boyfriend will often turn on YOU when you try to help her out.....that same confused mentality will cause some of them to turn on YOU if you try to punish her man for exploiting and abandoning her and her children. As I said before, sex is natural and you're not going to stop men and women from screwing eachother. Castrating them or locking them away will only produce a lot more ANGRY and sexually frustrated women. The game don't change....the only change is in the players. Demeaning men for being irresponsible and socially stripping them of their manhood addresses only PART of the problem....the other parts involve the women who love them and continue to allow them to do what they do and for as long as they want. ((Pioneer taps his cigar in the ash tray)) I offered a solution to this problem months ago but it was dismissed by some as impractical.
  19. Cynique Agreed. But the more I learn about how the "system" works the more I understand the reasoning for this strategy big business uses on workers. Agreed True I wouldn't say it "doesn't exist" but it's certainly not wide spread. There are many reasons for inequality, some reasons are actually justified. Why should a person not as smart and industrious as me have just as much as me? Is that fair? There's a difference between FAIR and EQUAL you know. Not sure if this statement is true or not as I haven't had much contact with the criminal justice system except for a divorce related issue. That's partially true but not totally. Many of the have-nots do-not-have because they do-not-want. They want just enough money to have fun and enjoy themselves but don't want the responsibilities that come with accumulating and maintaining wealth. It's true that Capitalism thrives on tapping into the emotions of greed and ambition but this is also the reason why it tends to promote more progressive and advanced societies than the ones where all the wealth is shared and everyone's needs are met. As long as it doesn't turn into "feudalism" I think Capitalism with a few key institutions being Socialized is best for our people. Not sure why you provided me with this bit of information but I can't say I disagree with it. Maybe just one more of those strawmen you like to prop up from time to time.....lol. More of your straw men popping up I see...... I don't have to "defend" the manhood of men like that. The fact that they're making babies bears witness to thier their masculinity and the fact that they are indeed MEN. Rotten, immoral, mentally immature men....but men none the less. Oh clam up.... I haven't said that. I think that may be your guilty concience talking to you, lol.
  20. It's always the story BEHIND the story. It's like a commercial for washing machines featuring a half naked woman dancing around in her underwear. You ain't gonna focus on the damn machine, you're going to focus on HER. SHE is what the commercial is really selling! My question is why is THIS case getting so much attention? I was watching CNN the other day and they actually interrupted a program and reported this as breaking news like it was a nuclear disaster or something. What happened to these girls was terrible but you find stories like this in every state in America. Every few weeks they're finding some nut who's been holding girls hostage and sexually abusing them. Why this one? The media goes into an obviously low income neighborhood and stick a camera into the face of EVERYONE who lives there including bums, fools, dope addicts, ect..... Like it's some big social experiment or something. I knew the media was making fun of him (Ramsey) when they kept showing videos of him. White America was silently laughing at this dude and his animated way of speaking. It's the same mentality that produces so many daytime talk shows that routinely feature the crazies zaniest negroes they can find to prop them up on stage and let them make fools of themselves infront of the cameras. It's not about the actual story itself, but making fools of the people who are in it. The mainstream media is a JOKE. It's not about news and informing the public anymore. It's about entertaining people and using psychology to manipulate minds for political purposes.
  21. Troy The answer would still be YES ((Pioneer takes off his glasses and leans back in his chair with his hands clasped)) Let me get a little deep into this and explain why I'm so adamant about refusing to reduce the status of a man's gender based on his morals...... Whether we know it or not, all this "he's not a real man" crap is actually born from the history of White supremacy and racism. You want to talk about sexual stereotype being rooted in slavery, well accusing a Black man of not being a "real man" is also rooted in slavery. So the sister has been abused, exploited, and abandoned by a man she loved and she thought he loved her back.....so out of her pain she gets in a man's face and: says he's not a real man calls him a dog calls him a little boy You grow up hearing this and the community adopts the attitude that if a man doesn't take care of his children, he's not a real man. Then we add a little more to it and say if a man isn't working he's not a real man. Then if he lives off of women instead of supporting himself he's not a real man. When does it stop? It's just another excuse to demean Black masculinity. These are emotional slanders aimed at Black men by a lot of angry women but these slurs at their basic level are really born out of the White racist notion that Black men are somehow not "real men". This belief is already deep in the hearts of many Black men and women and all it takes is a fit of anger to bring it out. There are White and even some Asian men who abandon their responsibilities of fatherhood as well, but how many times have you heard their women question their manhood? Abandoning your responsibilities as a father is a terrible thing but it has less to do with manhood and more to do with being IRRESPONSIBLE. It has nothing to do with their gender or masculinity....which is why they continue to make babies with other women with no problem. One of the things I learned years ago when I was working in the food industry was that things should be kept in thier proper context to prevent cross contamination.
  22. My knowledge is obviously limited on the matter but beating somebody up and leaving them alive to get to the hospital and possibly recover doesn't sound like a "political hit". It does indeed sound like he was set up but not by some sort of covert operation but more like some criminals and thugs who he may have thought was cool. Regardless of who or what was behind this tragedy, you have to say that this is an embarassment to the legacy of Malik.
  23. Malcolm Shabazz, grandson of Malcolm X, was killed in Mexico City following a dispute over a bar bill, authorities said. MEXICO CITY — Malcolm Shabazz, grandson of political activist Malcolm X, was killed after a fight at a Mexico City bar, Mexican authorities said Friday. He was 28. City prosecutors are investigating the attack that sent Shabazz to a nearby hospital, where he died Thursday of blunt-force trauma injuries. United States officials confirmed that Shabazz was killed in Mexico City. Much like his grandfather, Shabazz spent his youth in and out of trouble. At 12, he set a fire at his grandmother's apartment, a blaze that resulted in the death of Malcolm X's widow. After four years in juvenile detention, Shabazz was sent back to prison on attempted robbery and assault charges. In recent years, the first male heir of X seemed to seek redemption, saying he was writing a memoir and traveling around the world speaking out against youth violence. Before his trip to Mexico, he reached out to a group of Mexican construction workers in the U.S. and then visited in Mexico with a leader who had been deported. Malcolm X, who inspired books and the 1992 Hollywood movie named after him, was shot to death as he delivered a speech in a Harlem ballroom in 1965. Shabazz's mother was only 4 at the time. Labor activist Miguel Suarez, who was traveling with Shabazz, told The Associated Press that his friend was beaten up at a bar near Plaza Garibaldi, a downtown square that is home to Mexico City's mariachis. Plaza Garibaldi is popular with tourists, but the pair were at a bar across the street from the plaza in an area of rough dive bars tourists are warned against going to. Suarez said he and Shabazz were lured to the bar on Wednesday night by a young woman who made conversation with the American in English. The Palace bar is on one of Mexico City's busiest avenues. "We were dancing with the girls and drinking," said Suarez. Then the owner of the bar wanted them to pay a $1,200 bar tab, alleging that they should pay for music, drinks and the girls' companionship. "We pretty much got hassled," he said. "A short dude came with a gun." Suarez said he was taken by the man to a separate room. Shabazz stayed in the hall. Suarez said he heard a violent commotion in the hall and escaped from the room and the bar altogether as he saw half-naked girls running away, picking up their skirts from the dance floor. Minutes later, Suarez came back in a cab to look for Shabazz and found him on the ground outside the bar severely injured. "He was in shock. His face was messed up," said Suarez. "He was alive." "I grabbed him, and I called the cops," said Suarez, who was recently deported from the United States. He said he took Shabazz to a hospital but his friend died hours later of blunt-force injuries. Suarez said Shabazz had traveled to Mexico to support him and his movement advocating for more rights for construction workers. He crossed the border from San Diego to Tijuana with Suarez's mother and then the pair took a bus all the way to Mexico City. "We were planning to go to Teotihuacan, to see the Aztec pyramids," he said. U.S. State Department spokesman Patrick Ventrell did not offer details on whether they are working with Mexican investigators. "We've been in contact with family members and have been providing appropriate ... assistance," Ventrell said. "At their request, we have no further comment at this time." The Shabazz family said in a statement they were saddened to hear of X's grandson death. "To all who knew him, he offered kindess, encouragement and hope for a better tomorrow," said the statement. "We will miss him." Ruth Clark, Shabazz's godmother, said that her heart was heavy, but that she believes he is now "among angels." "Malcolm is part of a welcoming kingdom, sharing his bright smile, intelligence and wisdom." Shabazz was born on Oct. 8, 1984 to Qubilah Shabazz, one of six daughters of Malcolm X and his wife Betty Shabazz. In June 1997, Malcolm Shabazz set the fire at his grandmother Betty Shabazz's home. She died from severe burns, and he served four years in juvenile detention. He later expressed regret for his actions, telling The New York Times in 2003 that he would sit on his jail cot and ask for a sign of forgiveness from his dead grandmother. "I just wanted her to know I was sorry and I wanted to know she accepted my apology, that I didn't mean it," he said. "But I would get no response, and I really wanted that response." Despite the encouragement and support by his family's numerous supporters in New York, he struggled. He joined the Bloods street gang and after moving to the small city of Middletown, near New York's Catskills region, he had additional legal scrapes. Shabazz also served time on a 2002 attempted robbery conviction, and was released in 2005. In 2006, he pleaded guilty to criminal mischief for smashing the window of a Yonkers doughnut shop. More recently, Shabazz had taken on public speaking engagements and traveled, describing himself as a human rights activist. On his Facebook profile, he said he was attending John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York. Yet his entanglements with law enforcement continued. In one of the last posts on his blog, in March, Shabazz had complained that FBI agents had recently questioned him about his international travels. He also accused officers with the Middletown police department of harassing him since the fall, and said an arrest in the city over the winter prevented him from traveling to Iran in February to participate in a film festival. Shabazz also wrote about traveling to Damascus, Syria, to study and to Libya as part of a delegation of Americans who met with Moammar Gadhafi, prior to his ouster and death. Police officials in Middletown didn't return phone messages Friday. An FBI spokesman in New York had no immediate comment. He proudly embraced the legacy of his grandfather, one of the most influential black people in history, who had a more radical, angry approach than Martin Luther King Jr.'s nonviolent movement in the 1950s and into the 1960s. On his Twitter page, Shabazz posted a picture of himself mimicking the famous photograph of his grandfather, peering out at a window with a rifle in one hand. "Grandson, name-sake and first male heir of the greatest revolutionary leader of the 20th century," he wrote. Associated Press writer Bradley Klapper contributed to this report from Washington; and David Caruso from New York City. http://news.msn.com/crime-justice/grandson-of-malcolm-x-killed-at-mexico-city-bar
  24. Cynique I don't know about Chicago but Black people HAD VERY GOOD HIGH PAYING JOBS in Detroit working in auto and steel factories and many of them wasted their money on dope, whiskey, and partying. To keep it real, many bought houses, businesses, and other property which was a good thing. Many more sent thier children off to college which was also good to a point. But too many messed up their money and didn't invest in building factories and corporations for economic independance like a lot of Jews and Asians have done. That's not racism or the legacy of slavery, that's poor choices in life that comes from a lack of discipline along with financial ignorance. Now is that all our fault...no. But it is what it is, and attributing it to slavery or racism is a mistake. White people weren't BORN into having what they have as a race. They built by respecting and collecting knowledge and being industrious and if we want to be succcessful as a people we need to do the same thing. I'm no Republican but I'm VERY conservative when it comes to some issues like morality and economics. Talk about maturity, when I was younger a few older successful Black people told me that as I got older I WILL become more conservative and I found it to be true. Anyone with good sense and observation can easily see that most of the problems in the urban centers of the nation has less to do with slavery and more to do with too many of our young people being criminal minded and lacking ambition and being all around unprofessional. You can criticize the "Uncle Toms" and "apologetic negroes" all day but I have more respect and love for them that I have for these little thugs and hoodlums who run around raising hell and destroying the community. Or these rappers who are getting paid to humiliate and degrade their own people unapologetically...lol. Hell, atleast the Uncle Tom is making a decision based upon REASON and LOGIC. Atleast most are willing to put on a suit and tie and duck and bow and apologize in order to get SOMETHING in life. He has weighed his options and at some point felt it would be best to align himself with the establishment for money and power, especially in a society where most of his own people have nothing to offer him for his loyalty. What will one get out of walking around in dredlocks smelling like wild musk oil with a big black fist on your t-shirt cussing out White folks and condemning the system? Especially when you don't have enough sense to build one of your own? I personally believe in working with like minds to build a healthy Black society. BUT.....if given the choice I'd rather live in a neighborhood full of Uncle Toms who atleast try to be productive citizens than in a hood full of unapologetic nigggaz and thugs. And I'm sure anyone with as much sense as a brass-ass monkey would agree....lol.
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