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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. I've said it before and I'll continue to say it. ONLY righteous Black men will clean up the problems plaguing the inner cities of America. I used to think that White men had the ability to do it but didn't have the will, now I truly believe that they no longer even have the ability to effectively and properly establish order and civility in the "hood". The problem is actually beyond their control. The only thing many White law enforcment officials know how to do is either: a)Keep troubled areas segregated and cut off from the rest of the city to contain the problem or b)Lock as many "criminals" as they can up without dealing with what makes people turn criminal in the first place or c)Use gestapo type tactics like arming themselves and other citizens so they can shoot down as many "bad guys" as they can as a last resort In other words, rather than addressing the CAUSE of the problem they only try to deal with and contain the problem as much as they possibly can and then hope for some sort of solution in the future. Only Black (and Latino) men who know the psychology of eachother know how to surgically and effectively go into these areas and not only protect the community but with the skill and precision of a surgeon....impliment programs with focus for maximum effectiveness. For example..... If you have a group of healthy young men being pressured by not only thier bellies to eat, but by the courts to pay child support and other daily financial obligations......those brother need money. This is a capitalist society. Food clothing and shelter isn't free. How are they going to get money to meet their needs outside of selling dope or stealing? Especially if the ony jobs in thier immediate area are liquor stores ran by immigrants or churches ran by degreed pastors? You must: 1. Flood the neighborhood with police officers to stablize it and provide security 2. Quickly bring in a force of good paying (in Chicago say....atleast $15 and hour minimum) jobs that require only basic intelligence and ability so that everybody who wants to work can. This eliminates excuses for criminal enterprise and will separate decent people from those who are just plain no good. 3. Then you can effectively focus on the hardcore unredeemable criminal element. How much would this cost for one neighborhood? Let's say 1 billion dollars at the most. But wouldn't it be worth it?
  2. Any information that's just now "coming out" about Jonylah's father is out because they PUT it out. Why does the public need to know all the dirt on that little girl's daddy? Demonizing the parents. Do they demonize the parents of these mass murderers for not raising them properly or leaving guns around the house for them to get ahold of? No Look at the news and how they have to broadcast a negative element to so many tradgedies involving Black victims. Look at that SUV accident in Ohio where 6 teens were killed when thier vehicle flipped into a pond. 6 young people died tragically and their bodies weren't even cold before the media started putting out reports to demonize them: ((Old square headed clown in a suit shuffling papers at a news desk)) "Whoaa looks like they weren't wearing seat belts......." Then the next day..."Wow, now it looks like there was too many of them piled up in the car!!". Then the next day...."Oh jeez, we now have reports the SUV they were in wasn't theirs and may have been stolen". I knew then the teens had to be Black or mostly Black for the lack of compassion shown to them. I'm beginning to believe that some news organizations have a policy againsts broadcasting anything that may entice the public to feel sorry for Black people in any way. If there's a story that may jerk even a few tears, they have to follow it up with something to somehow lead the viewer to believe the poor negro was the reason for his own demise.
  3. In my opinion I think too many of our people are placing too much weight on the wrong things and it has made many of them lazy and lacking in ambition. ((jumps back behind a corner and shouts out: )) Now wait...let me explain! A nation or community works best when the majority of the people are working class. Not broke and unemployed..... And not rich.... But working daily and keeping the system going. In the case of America, that means we need a strong service sector that pays people decent wages and benefits for decent service. But because during the past 40 years the service sector wages haven't been keeping up with the cost of living, most people (including AfroAmericans) have tended to avoid and despise service related jobs taking them only as an absolute last resort while focusing ultimately landing a corporate job or their own business. When they don't get it, they tend to give up, lose ambition, and either stop working (turning illegal or becoming a parasite to friends/family/community) or grudgingly take a low wage service job and do it only half-ass while grumbling. The fact is most people WILL NOT get corporate jobs or own thier own business because of the simple fact that most aren't qualified for them and thier aren't enough to go around. It's like everybody in the hood trying to slang. EVERYBODY can't slang and drive around in fancy cars in nice clothes.....lol. Hell, there's gotta be somebody left to slang TO. If everybody is selling and no body is buying then you're stuck holding a useless product with no money. That's why I think the real American dream should be that of making a decent and "relatively" easy living for one's self and one's family, not necessarily getting rich. As unglamorous as it may sound, as long as it pays enough to pay the bills and keep them and their families eating some people should be content driving buses, flipping burgers, and mopping floors.
  4. That.....or perhaps something similar, lol. It's all about being able to switch your focus back and forth on a dime. It's like acting. Some people can do it, some people can't. I don't think it's about intelligence or education but how your brain is wired. I did OK. I was promoted to managing my own store which was (and still is) one of the worst in the region. I wasn't able to turn it around and 3 months after the promotion (having moved to the city) I was fired and replaced by another guy who was also fired and replaced. Multiply that story by 4 different people....lol.
  5. Perhaps the term "multi-tasking" would give you a better idea of the importance of being able to integrate physical and mental reflexes. Picture a mother who is able to keep and eye on and entertain her child WHILE cooking dinner and making sure the laundry is washed, dried, and folded all at the same time. Or just picture a father talking to his friend in the living room about sports or sex but when his little daughter comes in with a picture he painted he's able to congradulate her, send her on her way, and resume the conversation. The mental and physical reflexes are constantly working in concert sometimes together and sometimes separately but in the proper sequence.
  6. Our website (found in the link next to my signature below) has been updated to include more of our goals and suggestions for a better economy.
  7. That was a great read. I find this part expecially interesting: "If you look at the 1910 Census, there were more African American entrepreneurs than Whites. Today with all of the communication tools at our disposal, the tremendous consumer spending, and the urgent need to create jobs within the Black community, we must raise our collective consciousness and bring that entrepreneurial spirit forward again through massive action.” Durng the late 70's and early 80's after "legal" integration there was a big shift in Black economics that took the focus from independance and business ownership as a form of economic security to abandoning the small businesses and joining corporate America and then trying to work one's way up the corporate ladder. In Detroit as in many Black cities, most of the gas stations and liquor stores and resturants and funeral parlors and even many grocery stores were owned and operated (and quite well) by Black men and women. Black men who often had bald heads and glasses from the stress of operating a business and reading the necessary figures to keep a business successfully humming. Many of thier sons and daughters saw thier parents getting up at 5 in the morning to go to the store or resturant and make a living, decided they didn't want to do that, and chose to get a degree and apply for a position in corporate America with a salary and benefits. And we all know how THAT turned out.
  8. Troy For the record, I see neither Chavez NOR Obama as Black. I see both as men of African descent, but racially speaking neither are Black in my opinion. As far as Chavez being seen as Black if he were in America......it depends. His being of Spanish ancestry and being a Latino may negate the "one drop" theory in the eyes of most Americans. How many Puerto Ricans have you known in New York who were Blacker than you but because they spoke with an accent were considered "Latino" instead? Most Americans still see Latino as a race in and of itself. Anika THAT beady-eyed character is even spookier than the first negro you had on the stage! Atleast the Black dude was just doing a little harmless ranting and raving on his way back home from the cleaners..... Buy him a cold beer and he'll probably take back everything he said, lol. But that White guy you put on ain't playing around....he's got an agenda. He's in a suit and tie dropping some George Orwellian type shiit no one else could have even dreamed up.
  9. ((Pioneer looks at Boitumelo sideways)) Man.... Do you just sit around watching Fox News and parrot every racist report they toss out? Before I even opened up your thread I KNEW it would be about some homicide on the streets of Chicago. As if the violence and gang problem in Chicago is something new........ As if Chicago is the only city ecperiencing gun violence...... As if this is the first time a an innocent child has been killed.... All this report on Black violence is just a damn smokescreen...a red herring tossed out by right-wing to focus the gun debate on the innercity instead of on the country as a whole. Just like they're trying to get people to focus on mental illness as the source of violence instead of guns For 40 years conservatives didn't give a damn what happened to crazy people.....now "all of a sudden" America has a problem treating her mentally ill. Focus on THAT...but whatever you do don't focus on ole Billy Bob with the rebel flag on the back of his pick-up truck and his 14 assault rifles that he's allowed to carry next to him in the passenger seat! And look how this is phrased: Go ahead.........((sits back, smiles, and waves hand)) Really....just forget about the fact that the other boy accused was White. He's just "another teen" and his race doesn't matter....let's focus on that Black boy And now today the media is focusing on a couple of silly girls who sent threats via twitter.....as if no one else has ever done that. The way the media is CHOOSING to be all over this "unprecedented event".....how much is anyone willing to be me that these girls are probably Black also and their images will too be shown all over the media for the world to see? Personally I think what those boys did (and by the way they were 16 year old BOYS/JUVENILES/MINORS and I thought there was some sort of law that prevented the media from showing their images to the public) was not only stupid but despicable, and there was no excuse for it. But seriously???? When did the law start going after men who get women drunk and have sex with them and accuse those men of being rapists? If that's the case, probably nearly half of the former and current Ivy League students would be convicted rapists. Anyone remember the Duke LaCross rape case and how those boys were let go because several young men having sex with that one woman was seen as consentual? I'm very critical of the immoral behavior often found in the Black community but this one sided hypocritical targetting of Black behavior sometimes just gets me salted. Especially when the criticism isn't constructive but just a parroting of what racists are saying as a form of propaganda.
  10. It was a sales job where we would often have to give seminars to and take questions from a very diverse public from pregnant women to college kids to construction workers to grumpy retirees. You'd have a sales pitch but often times people will catch you off guard by asking questions or challenging you to verify what you say. You heard of someone throwing the proverbial "curb ball" question haven't you? He wanted to see how well you could focus on a subject....have your attention diverted and be sharp enough to quickly handle the distraction....then resume your focus on the original subject.
  11. Troy It's like trying to herd a bunch of selfish cats together the same as you would sheep, lol. Ofcourse. Even in the Mafia, the bosses know to give their capos and soldiers a decent cut of the profits and treat them with respect....to keep them happy and loyal. He doesn't really give a damn about them, but he has enough sense to know that if his subordinates aren't happy they'll abandon him so that the feds take him away or another family takes him out. Most rich Black people STILL haven't learned from OJ Simpson the importance of staying in touch with and sharing some of your wealth and influence with your community, if only as a form of insurance so that they come to your aid when you need them. Likewise, too many Black people with money are indifferent to the various laws and other legislative activity of their local communities and often become concerned when it's too late and those laws end up eating away their wealth. You mean you're worth 5 million but you didn't know what the tax policies in your county was until the sheriff's department slapped a yellow sticker on your window? I understand what you're saying. If I'm in trouble the first One I call on is God, but if a man/woman can save me I don't care WHAT color they are.....I'll take the help and be very appreciative of it. But let is reason together over something........... You and I both know most of our people don't know how to speak in coded language let along understand it. If we didn't use the terms "Black this" and "Black that" and specifically target Black people to get their act together, often times things go right over their heads and somebody else picks it up and uses what was meant to help them. I don't know how many times I'm in a book store or at an event and start talking about how we need to get our schools together and clean up the crime in our neighborhoods.....I could be talking to a group with both Blacks and Whites but the White people will start nodding thier heads and join the conversation while the Blacks will start playing on their cell phone. I often have to say "Black schools" or "Black neighborhoods" to get thier attention. We should all live together as decent human beings but very few people are going to respect you as an equal if you have nothing to offer. Arabs, Koreans, Cubans.....they don't come to America and operate as "human beings" as much as they operate collectively as Arabs, Koreans, and Cubans setting up thier own little enclaves and doing business with eachother. In a capitalist society you are in constant competition with other people not only as individuals but as groups.
  12. Since I'm in this thread, I think it's only proper manners that I address the question posed in it before I address other issues........... Was Hugo Chavez a Better Black Leader Than President Obama? *If the term "Black Leader" is being defined as a leader who happens to be Black.... No Because Hugo Chavez was not Black. It's obvious he had African ancestry and I believe he mentioned it, however he also had European (Spanish) and Indian ancestry as well and looked more Meztizo than Afro. *However if the term "Black Leader" is defined as a leader (of any race) who Black people are following. I would have to say the answer would be Yes Chavez's socialist policies benefitted the poor and lower classes much more than the capitalist "bail 'em out" policies of President Obama. And since most Black people are on the lower end of the economic ladder, they would benefit more under HIS policies than under Obama's. I'm a capitalist, but I don't believe in crony capitalism and I also believe some things (like healthcare) should be socialized. But concerning the brutha in the video............ I'm not sure if it's because he's driving and not totally focused on what he's saying, but the gentleman in the video seems too angry and inarticulate to adequately get his point across. One shouldn't be so quick to make a video and broadcast it to a world wide audience until they know WHAT they want to say and HOW to say it....less you sound so sloppy that people will be too busy laughing at you to focus on what you're trying to say. Now I agree with him that President Obama hasn't done enough for Black people or most of the liberal base who put him in. However if you want someone to do something you must first figure out what exactly it is you want and put it down in writing and present it to him as a a PLAN. What do you want? Better schools? Better paying jobs? Free healthcare? What is your AGENDA? Another problem is too many Black people think that all they have to do is vote their man in and thier job is done. A negro will put on a suit and tie and go vote, stop to get some Popeye's chicken and a red pop, and go home to eat and sleep soundly thinking his job is done. Once you put a man in office you must support him financially and keep the money coming in to counter the money being sent from the opposing lobbyists to make sure your man stays on the inside and your agenda stays on the table. Also you must support him through the media by constantly getting on television and radio arguing for YOUR issues and interests and not just going along with whatever your particular political party is promoting today. Its' not magic, It's about money and influence....plain and simple. BTW..... I believe the "turtle looking guy" on CNN he's refering to is Don Lemon. He's a pretty professional journalist in my opinion but being openly gay (not sure why HE had to come out while Anderson Cooper gets to stay in the closet) it's clear he supports Obama because of his pro-gay stance.
  13. It's funny you mentioned the difference between being simply smart and being quick witted. I was actually having this converation the other day with an old friend from highschool. We were talking about people who did so well in school and seemed to be very smart but weren't doing the best financially. Simply being "smart" or holding a lot of information in your head doesn't always equal success. Even when I was a kid we used to "cap" on eachother (some called it playing the dozens), and I noticed that some of the smartest kids weren't very quick in coming up with jokes, couldn't keep their cool, and were constantly slammed by kids who were otherwise considered dumb or slow academically but were very quick in coming up with material to keep the crowd laughing. It's not enough to be intelligent, you have to know how to properly apply that intelligence in a practical manner. This is why in most successful firms, the HR manager doesn't just look at an applicant's academic records but also thier extracurricular activities and hobbies and look forward to that ultimate sit down interview. Years ago I went on one job interview where the guy invited me in and started talking to me and in the middle of the conversation he tossed a softball towards me and I caught it. He said he was testing my reflexes, lol. At the time he did it I didn't see the logic in testing my physical reflexes for a sales job, but weeks later I understood completely.
  14. I agree that most of it comes from a lack of proper health care and laziness with regards to routine physical exams period. But that prostate exam itself is quite invasive! Most men don't care too much for a greasy finger stuck up their ass. If you're confused about your sexuality...... If you're not sure if you're gay or not..... A good prostate exam will help you "find" yourself....lol. But I especially agree that most of the health problems many Black men suffer from comes from ignorance, both medical and nutritional. It's a known fact that people of West African descent don't tolerate red meat and alcohol as well as people of European descent and the over indulgence in it leads to all type of health problems. Also, certain heavy metals and other toxins seem to favor some organs over others. Mercury favors the brain and nervous system. Some toxins favor the liver and kidneys. Others favor the lungs. Nickle and some other metals and toxins settle in the prostate and can cause problems. Over the years, if these toxins aren't routinely flushed out of the system then they build up and often express themselves as various diseases. Also.... Although I haven't heard this mentioned anywhere else yet, since the prostate is atleast partially responsible for making semen. Perhaps the sexual practices of many Black men in the West is having a detrimental effect on their prostates.
  15. Troy I hear what you're saying, but that can be said about any type of science/technology. Some may have said the diabolical experiments carried out by the Nazis were grounds enough to halt ALL future experiments for scientific/meidcal research. Hell, somebody can make an argument that you shouldn't build cars because there's a history of angry women using them to run over baby daddies. We can't use a few negative examples as an excuse to retard progress. ((Pioneer stands up with one hand on his hip and the other pointing directly ahead with a stern look on his face and a puzzled look on his lady's face )) Science and humanity must continue to march forward! As I said before, examples of righteousness are.... -producing more food -curing diseases -protecting the environment It's not that hard or obscure to figure out the right way to use science and technology. If you're using it to help people it's good, if you're using it to hurt or kill people it's wrong. Cynique Don't ask me.....lol. No one CC's me memos on God's plans for humanity. If I were to speculate, I believe that this planet and this realm we're living in is just a lower level of many realities and we as human beings are placed here to learn and progress before moving on. Perhaps part of that is in appreciating and maintaining the beautiful world that was given to us. I believe you said you study Buddhism, and ofcourse it teaches one to be content and at peace with that which they can't change. But that mentality can often retard progress because one rarely knows what one can or can't change unless they try. BTW.... I noticed that you twice used the word "god" with the small "g"....not the big "G". ((Pioneer grins)) ....as if you're trying to play it safe, lol.
  16. ((shrugs shoulders)) Perhaps a proper argument and request for their collective support hasn't been presented to them. Most professional Black people in the upper income range.....unless they got there through some natural talent like singing or playing ball....tend to be very educated and only deal with other highly educated professionals. Like you said, most of them run in their own circles and hang out int he suburb. I also believe many are embarrassed by the ignorant and stereotypical behavior exhibited by so many of the Black underclass and don't know what to do about it so they try to hide from it as much as they can. Not having a college education I haven't had lot of opportunities to sit down and talk to members of the professional Black community. But being in that community I'm sure YOU have quite a few friends who wouldn't mind coming on this site and engaging in meaningful discussion with people like me and others who have ideas of how they can help themselves through helping others. While no doubt Whites have experienced devastating lost, some say this depression recession and real estate collapse has all but erased MOST of the wealth AfroAmericans have accumulated the past 30 years! Any negro intelligent enough to earn a degree and achieve success should be intelligent enough to know the importance of protecting the success they achieved. Surely the wealthiest and most educated AfroAmericans can't feel too secure living in a bubble to themselves while they see the bottom dropping out from so many other upper income Black households.
  17. I thought that was Dwayne from "What's Happening" at first. "Hey heeey hey!" Or more like Michael Jackson when he was 18. But it's always good to see an intelligent young brother or sister on such a popular program because it helps to offset much of the negativity that the world often sees. I also like watching Jeopardy, although I don't watch it as much as I used to. I used to watch it everyday at an old job and would say the answers (questions) outloud trying to show off. One day in the lunch room a White guy in Ohio actually told me to my face, "I didn't know colored guys liked watching Jeopardy!" This was in the 90's!
  18. I'm a God fearing man. Man can never be "God" nor can we ever take the place of God. I also believe that as human beings God placed us on this planet to accumulate knowledge and rule it, therefor we not only have a right but possibly even a duty to gain as much knowledge as The Creator allows. ...but for RIGHTEOUS purposes. Like producing more food, curing diseases, protecting environment, ect. Not to manipulate or destroy people or trick them into being consumers or experiment on them.
  19. While I'm on the subject of what they USED TO teach in school...... All girls used to have to learn home economics in the public school system. I saw photographs from back in the 1930s where an entire class of girls would be taken to a park in the spring time to sit in the shade and learn how to sew! I've noticed that a lot of the domestic skills like proper cleaning, cooking, and sewing that they used to teach ALL girls in public schools were craftily taken out of the public school system with the excuse that it was too sexist. But these skills are still being taught to some girls at home and in private institutions. In some communities this has further widened the social divide between the haves and have-nots because now you have a situation where SOME girls are growing up knowing all the skills it takes to be sophisticated young "ladies" and make good mothers and wives, while others grow up vulgar. Just like now only SOME boys who have fathers or other family in the skilled trades may be able to pick up these valuable skills from their connections while others grow up knowing nothing. Atleast under the old system ALL boys and girls had an opportunity to learn these occupational and domestic skills. Again....an organized dismantling and destruction of public education.
  20. Lol....you mean I've been "holding back" for nothing???? Troy I'm not saying spanking is appropriate for ALL students. Again, some people don't need physical punishment But I believe the punishment should fit the crime, a violent punishment is often fitting for a violent crime; especially for people who have nothing to lose and everything to benefit from laying up in jail with a warm bed and plenty of food for shooting somebody. It's the same CONCEPT with some children. Spanking (or perhaps more like running laps or cleaning and other chores) is the ideal punishment for SOME students because trying to appeal to thier reason or guilt or get them to see what they did was wrong is a waste of time......they don't care. While you're suspending them or got them in the corner for a "time out" they're plotting and planning more devilishment to get into. The only reason suspension and expulsion worked in the past is because most students had caring and concerned parents that would whip thier ass for getting in trouble, now with parents who are so busy working or simply don't care.....suspending and expelling children who don't want to be in school anyway is like a vacation, not a punishment. Physical punishment (not JUST beating but anything that causes temporary but effective physical discomfort) serves not only as a punishment but a deterent so that the person thinks twice before committing the offense again. As I said in other posts that deal with Black sexual virility, we can't allow what racist White men did to and thought of our people in the past govern our behavior today. If something works....it works regardless of who did it or why. People have been spanking little children to get them to behave and it has worked for THOUSANDS of years even before White people even heard of America or knew this planet was round, so it's not "their" technique to own. To reference the Bible again, you have an ancient Hebrew proverb that says "spare the rod and spoil the child". This was atleast 2000 years before TransAtlantic slavery. As I said in my previous post, physical punishment is appropriate for only CERTAIN offenses, usually violent ones or those of extreme disrespect and disruption. ___________________________________________________________________________________ That's assuming that the bureaucrats would all be racist Whites. I don't believe this to be the case as long as AfroAmericans effectively apply themselves the way they did just 50 years ago. But no system in the world is going to help people who are too mentally lazy and morally inadequate to govern themselves. In many of the jobs I've worked on I've noticed the same trend....... Qualified Black people who've been there for YEARS and know the job inside and out but everytime a position for management opens up they refuse because they don't want the responsibility. They're too busy with their "keeedz" or they want to hang out and drink and party all night and don't want to get up an hour earlier Always an excuse for not wanting to take the responsibility for being in charge, and when they end up with the crappiest jobs or no job at all....they grumble. I've always liked telling people what to do....lol....so I've never had that problem, and I've met other Black people like that so I have confidence that the Black people who WANT to succeed will even under that type of economic environment. As I've said numerous times, there is an orchestrated attempt by the rightwing corporatists to dismantle and destroy the public educational system and create a nation of semi-literate slaves. However the BIGGEST factors contributing to the failure of so many Black students isn't the educational system itself or thier ability to function in it successfully, it's their will and desire (or lack of it) to learn along with unconcerned parents who won't provide enough support. Cynique Vocational schools still exists but unlike the work-shop and wood-shop classes of the past that were offered free in highschool, now you usually have to PAY a community college or specially school to learn these trades after you've already graduated. m OK with the idea of not teaching trades while you're still in school because most people under 20 don't know what they want to do in life anyway. However I believe vocational and trade schools should be free and more accessable for all those who qualify. My idea of a properly executed physical punishment wouldn't be a of some 22 year old female teacher trying to tackle a 200 lbs 18 year old jock, put him over her knee, and spank him, lol. There would be trained and designated security officers in the office appointed to dispense physical punishment to students while being recorded for legal purposes to curtail abuse. Infact, adequate security would be a must in just about every public school in my ideal system of education.
  21. You probably said that in jest..... But I don't think a time like that will ever come because the preference for monogamy as well as the concern for children is so biologically ingrained in most women that few will ever really trust a man who cheats on his wife and/or abandons his children. The only reason Clinton was so popular was because he did an amazing job cleaning up the economic mess Reagan made and the Republican alternatives were so diabolical. . You're right about the physical desire part. I've never committed adultery but to be honest, on the occasions when I have been "tempted" to engage, the biggest factors weren't the lust but the more emotional desires..... Having a woman around who giggles and laughs at all my jokes. The knowledge that I can "hit it" if I so desired with no problems. And some people just have a "chemistry" that agrees with you regardless of thier other attributes or thier marital status and it's a struggle to ignore that and be professional. I can see why some cultures thought it was a bad idea for men and women being together in the workplace. You go to work not looking forward to work itself but to that pretty little thang working across the way from you. I believe for most men sex itself is a physical need more so than an emotional one as it is for most (not all) women; and because of this a lot of women know they can manipulate and influence men in powerful positions with thier sexuality. This is very dangerous, not only for the men themselves but for everyone under their control and influence whether they're government leaders, CEOs, or minsters. It's for this reason that in Judaism Rabbis generally required to be married, in the past most Ministers were expected to be married, and in most cultures political leaders were expected to be married and with children. To show that they were not only responsible men who could manage a family, but supposedly having a woman already would cut down on their sexual desire and temptation to be easily swayed by women with an agenda or those with an agenda who may USE women to influence these men or bring them down (Clinton, Menendez, Anthony Weiner, ect....)
  22. This may sound silly but I think legalized and regulated prostitution would solve much of the problems of sexual misconduct so many men in high positions find themselves in.
  23. You're right, it's more promiscuous that polygamous. Actually I don't have a problem with either as I believe a sexually liberated society is a society less prone to perversion or sexual misconduct. As for me and myself, MY behavior is more conservative as I believe children should only be produced within the confines of marriage to people who are financially stable enough to support them, but I wouldn't force my personal values on everyone in society. I'm a personal conservative who believes in a liberal society if that makes any sense.....lol. I just ask that people be responsible in whatever behavior they choose to engage in practicing safe sex to prevent the spread of disease and taking care of any children that they produce.
  24. Although I wasn't raised in the Black professional class, I've always liked the idea of a Black Bourgeoisie. I think there is some truth to the Talented Tenth theory as suggested by WEB Dubois, and thought Black leaders should have embraced the idea rather than reject it Starting in the 60s.........as an act of challenging the contemporary societal norm which was racist and exclusive to them, a lot of Black people started embracing the negative element of society and values attributed to ghetto low-class behavior as a form of rebellion. I think this was a big mistake because that negative element continued to grow and grow until now ghetto low class behavior has become so common in the Black American community that it's considered normal and to act like you are upperclass and have values isn't considered "keeping it real". At some point, progressive Black Americans will have to separate themselves from the negative element and shake off the dead weight of unproductive negroes. The will and need to just survive a more advanced society will eventually override the guilt of abandoning a large percentage of our people.
  25. ((Pioneer takes a few puffs on his pipe while contemplating how to say this without getting alienated or possible banned from the site)) I take a totally different position from all of this "corporate conditioning" that focuses on excessive education and the overuse of technology in teaching. Much of it proves to be a waste of money and resources anyway. The biblical term of not throwing pearls to swine comes to mind. This may not be the politically correct thing to say but most people aren't cut out for higher education, they should focus on and be satisfied with a working-class related career that allows them to make a decent living for themselves and their families. It is for that reason that I think we need to bring certain cognative tests back in highschool so that we can determine who would be better off receiving further academic training for careers that require higher education like medicine and engineering, who would be better off learning a skilled trade or working in agriculture, and who should be satisfied in the service industry and manufacturing and don't need further education. Not to DENY anyone who wants to further their education (at their own expense) but so we don't turn out useless degrees like apple-cider mills. This type of society (post industrial capitalistic) works best when the majority of the population consists of a large thriving workingclass that can support itself. A society of big headed intellectuals with useless degrees with no one willing or even able to do physical work is a society doomed for failure.
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