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Blog Comments posted by richardmurray

  1. The Center for Black Literature is Pleased
    to Support This Special Event. All Are Welcome!

    Ta-Nehisi Coates
    "The Water Dancer"
    (his debut novel!)

    Coates in Conversation with
    Nikole Hannah-Jones This Tuesday!
    September 24, 2019
    8:00 PM
    at Kings Theatre
    1027 Flatbush Avenue
    Brooklyn, NY 11226
    (at Tilden Avenue in Flatbush)

    Ta-Nehisi Coates (author of "Between the
    World and Me" and "We Were Eight Years
    in Power") returns to the Kings Theatre
    in Brooklyn to launch his first novel!

    "The Water Dancer" is the dramatic story of an atrocity inflicted on generations of women, men, and children---the violent and capricious separation of families---and the war they waged to simply make lives with the people they loved.

    "In prose that sings and imagination that soars, Coates further cements himself as one of this generation's most important writers, tackling one of America's oldest and darkest periods with grace and inventiveness. This is bold, dazzling, and not to be missed." (Publishers Weekly starred review).

    Coates launches his book at Kings Theatre in conversation with Nikole Hannah-Jones, an award-winning investigative reporter covering segregation and racial injustice for The New York Times Magazine.

    Tickets: $45 (includes the book!)

    Get $5 off your purchase
    with promo code COATES





  2. What fictional character will you vote for presidency of the USA?

    I thought about this. IT is a hard one. We as humans beings talk about who will be a leader, but the better question is, what do the people need? I ask you to list, what people need in the usa and then name a character who fits the ability to deliver the items in your list. ... I will not submit, but wait to see what others say.






  3. Do you know of a positive book about a child bride, positive defined as a child bride who is happy being married to an adult <child being circa 12 adult being circa or over 30>? The following video made me consider that concept. I am against forced marriage in general, or marriages arranged between strangers, in general. But, I realize I never read or heard of a positive child bride story?
    WARNING: the following video may disturb you alot in some moments


  4. silent sundays , check it out on Turner Classic Movies






    The first movie is : Two Arabian Knights- a comedy, it is interesting how a woman fully veiled was in the film as the lead female.


    The second is the Racket: No blood but love the blunt shooting. And the cop in this movie actually aimed downward for the gun The movie is clearly displaying the the italian mob take over from the irish mob in nyc aside the italian mob fights. I love how the female lead used a cone to sing through and they had a violin with a horned resonator, for a member in her band. I love how the lounge singer burned the mob bosses brother's hand when he tried to press her near him. The reporter who fell in love with the singer was classic. I love when she asked him, what if you get a baby pregnant and find out about storks. The condition of the womens cell was atrocious while honest. I will not blow the ending but it is very honest in a way few if any films are today. In the end of street drama usually, the end for folks is not a thing of justice but more eventuality. The system wins and the pieces fall where they may. The freedom of the strong woman is very present in the end, enjoy.




  5. Gazette Fragments 71/72/73/74/75/76


    Edition 71

    Edition 72

    • Mandalorian - It is not from disney's involvement, but to see Esposito side weathers, two black travelers , one a great actor and the other, a student of the craft. I... will still not get disney streaming in the same way michelle yeoh or patrick stewart will not get me to buy cbs streaming, but i bet this show will be good, like i hear the star trek content on cbs streaming is.
      And I love that theme riff, and because he played one of my favorite characters in the game of thrones books, the man who played the red viper is playing the mandalorian

    Edition 73

    Edition 74

    Edition 75

    Edition 76


  6. now0.png
    An Evening with
    Nicole Dennis-Benn, Author of “Patsy”
    John Oliver Killens Reading Series
    Thursday, Sept. 12, 2019
    6:30 PM – 8:30 PM

    Medgar Evers College, CUNY
    Edison O. Jackson Auditorium
    1638 Bedford Ave.
    Brooklyn, NY 11225

    Free and open to the public.
    Nicole Dennis-Benn, author of Patsy, will be in conversation with Jamia Wilson, Executive Director and Publisher, Feminist Press at City University of New York. In Dennis-Benn’s novel Patsy, she explores the demands on one woman who immigrates from Jamaica to New York and leaves her young daughter behind.



    “Bold New Voices Explore Race and Relationships”
    Presented by the Center for Black Literature, Medgar Evers College CUNY, in Partnership with RestorationART
    Thursday, Sept. 19, 2019
    6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
    Restoration Plaza
    1368 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, NY 11216

    Free and Open to the Public.
    The Center for Black Literature at Medgar Evers College, in partnership with RestorationArt, will present a literary salon featuring writers of courageous new works. During this program, writers examine the complexities of race and relationships in today’s society through the interior lives of their characters and discuss experiences and situations that were the driving force behind their decision to write poignant and touching stories.
    Panelists include Nafissa Thompson-Spires, author of Heads of the Colored People, long-listed for the 2018 National Book Award and winner of the 2019 PEN Open Book Award; Simeon Marsalis, author of As Lie Is to Grin, shortlisted for the 2017 Center for Fiction First Novel Prize. Anakwa Dwamena, a staff writer at The New Yorker, to moderate the discussion.

    Nafissa Thompson-Spires holds a PhD in English and an MFA in Creative Writing. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in The Paris Review Daily, Dissent, Buzzfeed Books, The White Review, and other publications. Her first book, Heads of the Colored People, was longlisted for the 2018 National Book Award, the PEN/ Robert W. Bingham Award, and the Aspen Words Literary Prize; was a finalist for the Kirkus Prize; and won the PEN Open Book Award and the Los Angeles Times Art Seidenbaum Award for First Fiction. She is also the recipient of a 2019 Whiting Award and works as an assistant professor of Creative Writing at Cornell University. Photograph by Beowulf Sheehan

    Simeon Marsalis is a writer from New Rochelle, New York. He earned a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing at Rutgers University Newark, where he was awarded the Henry Rutgers Fellowship. His first novel, As Lie Is to Grin, was published by Catapult Books. It was shortlisted for the Center for Fiction’s First Novel Prize. He is currently at work on his second novel. Learn more about him at www simeonmarsalis.com.

    Anakwa Dwamena is a books editor at Africa Is a Country, and a member of The New Yorker magazine’s editorial staff. Originally from Ghana, his reporting and cultural criticism work focuses on African politics, the lives of Black immigrants around the world, and soccer.
    Learn more about him at https://africasacountry.com/author/anakwa-dwamena.

    Join Us Sunday, Sept. 22, 2019 at Brooklyn Borough Hall for the main Brooklyn Book Festival Events.
    10:00 AM – 6:00 PM

    Rain or shine.



  7. Diverse voices workshop- from lee daniels- he is working on a black male homofornicating superhero project, so he is looking for all types, no bounds multiverse voices workshop
    in amendment



  8. Acting- Lawrence Olivier once said to Dustin Hoffman on the set of The Marathon Man, I paraphrase : "my dear boy, why don't you try acting, it is far much easier"
    His point is correct. From the 1970s to today, so many actors are using the method, which simply means, instead of acting as someone, try inspiriting them in oneself. The concept is simple, if you live fiscally poor you will be able to act poor. If you live fiscally wealthy, you can not act fiscally poor as well as someone who has chosen to live fiscally poor.
    I agree to Olivier, the best acting doesn't require a lifestyle change of an actor, the inspiration comes from the soul absent the need to manipulate the body from the actor.
    What say you?

  9. Gazette Fragments 67/68/69/70


    Edition 67 excerpts

    high life - a film by claire denis- a review by jon carlos evans

    rumiko takahashi - a nice interview with her when she started creating inuyasha, the brilliance of it is that she didn't
    have the story all at once, she had a little and had to literally grow it over time which goes against the way people see
    many stories in the usa.



    Edition 68 excerpt


    2019 spirit first poetry accepted- enjoy


    Edition 69 excerpt


    Did you submit your teen movie? -Issa Rae And Paul Feig Are Seeking Pitches For The Next Great Teen Movie


    Edition 70 excerpt


    First day of school-Fly tie chronicles a first day of school, through a mom's lens.




  10. Gazette Fragments 62/63/64/65/66

    • Like 1
  11. I see @Troy I thought a film like legend would be known enough for people to comprehend the context. The idea for the collage was to make stories around the films story, same thing with the first power, a movie I admit is less known. The goal of the collage is for people to click on the images and see what story they get. the images are placed layered so they are not always comprehended. IT is meant to mysterious outside general comprehension of the film. In your opinion, how can I gain better attention with this idea?

  12. hmm question @Troy I thought people who love images will be inspired to click on images and then to the wee tales. Are you saying I have it backwards? ....I thought I had figured out how to make the font larger while allowing for scrolling, the scrolling still is too fast, and I will have to make a script more than likely but I realize the font being appropriate for all the images is better.

  13. Gazette Fragments 55/56/57/58/59/60/61

  14. gazette fragments 44/45/46/47/48/49/50/51/52/53/54

  15. @Troy yeah, their internal organization changed and were guided to lose the openness. To be fair with so many websites restricting images and deviantart allowing adult images, i can comprehend why their accountants said it is a money lose to continue the embedding, but it is a shame. That is one of the reasons I like aalbc, you can guest comment still, though many websites are not allowing that anymore

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