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Posts posted by Chevdove

  1. 13 hours ago, Cynique said:

    clueless  about  the female snickering  that  male boobs  and  testicles swinging below their knees, and penises that require women to fake orgasms, brings on.  🤣  Watta ya think, Chevdov?




    I too, think that it's a lowering of standards to date a younger man that may be 30 years her junior. 

    And, I get tired of hearing men 'talk' and then afterwards make excuses for underperforming. 


  2. 18 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Oh  come on Chev, let's see some pictures and let US be the judge of whether or not you need to drop a few pounds.



    LOL! @Pioneer1 Not now. And furthermore, my husband continually thwarts my efforts and sometimes I strongly believe he is being deliberate. 


    18 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    One of the main causes of obesity is simple, it's the TYPE of food that is being eaten.


    I believe that this is part of the reason. 

    You know, I love fish and if I had the money, I know I would eat fish more than anything but it is so expensive.

    I love salmon, croaker, perch, trout, flounder, etc. When I eat fish, it just seems to go straight to my brain. It just taste so good!



    Lately, I have finally become 'in love' with water and but I still have a desire for the terrible soft drink.

    I also love fruits and vegtables as well. 


  3. 21 hours ago, thewolfxx said:

    No one feels sorry for your great X10 grandfather picking cotton. It did not effect you.




    IMO, when you invite White Supremacy, the problem may not be coming from the racist only. LOL.



    11 hours ago, thewolfxx said:

    What a privilege it is, to work for everything I have in life. 


    LOL. When Black Americans embrace the Devils that came over to America, rape, kill, commit mass HUMAN SACRIFICE, and set up a bait and switch government, and then do what Jesus said they would do--BE SEPARATIST-- then the problem may not only be the White Devil. White Supremacy must have a host, otherwise, it would not exist. Jesus did not come to confront the Gentiles. He had nothing to do with them. He came to pick a fight with the Jews who embraced the Romans. 


    May God grant us the wisdom to know what to challenge and what to debate. I applaud the recourse though, in this thread, but when these white racist completely discount 400 years of the enslavement of Africans, that to me is THE PROBLEM. it's just not worth it to invite them in and believe that they mean you well. I am one of those Blacks that would never embrace Black-on-Black violence, but I understand the source is the slave yard in how our ancestors were pitted against each other. We've been severely exploited, nevertheless, it is never an excuse to condone Black Hatred. Those who do these evils should be held accountable. However this government won't do that. They release these Black Devils into Black communities because they know most of them won't harm Whites but attack other Black people. But, when White people agree that we all come from one human source, then that is awesome, but then it just amazes me how some of them actually embrace that they come from a different source than modern mankind! 







    WOW Another Wonder on OCTOBER 14 2023



    So, scientist are calling an upcoming eclipse to occur on Saturday OCTOBER 14, 2023, the Great American Eclipse!


    Also there is a Total Lunar Eclipse that will occur on May 5, 2023 just fourteen (14) days after another Solar eclipse. The solar eclipse will occur on April 20, 2023. But as the links will show, it is the Annular RING OF FIRE eclipse on OCTOBER 14, 2023 that is a major phenomenon. and then the next year on April 8, 2024 will be another major eclipse, a Total Solar Eclipse. 


    So I put this amazing news hear due to  the prediction of a great comet that is suppose to come close to our earth during the week of OCTOBER 14 2024 as well. So, in October of 2023, there is the Great American Eclipse and then the next year in October 2024, a comet will come close to our earth. Whether or not it becomes burned up by the sun, and not able to be viewed with the naken eye, nevertheless, it will come!


    Annular solar eclipse of October 14, 2023

    Eleven years after an annular solar eclipse crossed the western United States on May 20, 2012, another annular eclipse will race across the USA from Oregon to Texas on Saturday, October 14, 2023. 







    Eclipse maps from Great American Eclipse




    The 2023 annular solar eclipse and 2024 total solar eclipse are both visible from the United States. And one region of Texas will be able to see both the maximum annular eclipse and the total solar eclipse. Image via GreatAmericanEclipse.com.



    *****My Note: From right to left; total solar eclipse, a partial eclipse, and an annular eclipse


     The first solar eclipse in 2023 – on April 20, 2023 – is a hybrid solar eclipse whose path of totality passes over North West Cape, a remote peninsula of western Australia. In a hybrid solar eclipse, you see either an annular solar eclipse or a total solar eclipse, depending on your position along the central eclipse path.


    By far, the most-watched solar eclipse of 2023 will be the October 14 annular solar eclipse, Whose path sweeps across very populated parts of the globe. T


    … Over the course of 3 hours and 34 minutes, the moon’s antumbral shadow traverses an 8,574-mile-long (13,800-km-long) track covering 0.57% of Earth’s surface area.






    A prenumbral lunar eclipse will take place on Friday, May 5, 2023, the first of two lunar eclipses in 2023. …



    It will be completely visible over Asia and Australia, and will be seen rising over Africa and much of Europe (basically in Eastern and Central Europe)










    This is crazy! To date, Cyclone Freddy has set records but why!?





    Even though experts do not attribute these incredible phenomena that has occurred in the month of FEBRUARY 2023 to the GREEN COMET that came closest to our earth however it becomes a very intriguing idea! It would be true that this cyclone, Cyclone Freddy, has set records for the reasons that have been given but scientist omit that the comet could be the major reason. The devastating earthquake in Turkey occurred as well, on February 6, 2023. Is this omission of how a comet could affect our earth due to perhaps that certain governments just don’t want to admit that the Bible is truth!? LOL.



    Map plotting the storm’s track and intensity, according to the Saffir-Simpson scale Map key …



    The Bible details that certain stars are the direct cause of certain catastrophes on our planet, but no matter, big governments completely omit this aspect from our educational systems. For example, in the book of REVELATIONS Chapter 8, the scriptures clearly reveal that a certain star called Wormwood came into our solar system and caused a catastrophe to a third of the earth. And then in the next chapter another star also came into our solar system and led to other remarkable wonders on our planet. All throughout the Bible, certain eclipses are mentioned in direct relation to great disasters. And so even though this Green Comet has not been associated with some cataclysmic events that have occurred around the very same time it came close to earth, it does seem very interesting. Just like the comet, Tempel-Tuttle that left behind the Leonid meteors that show up periodically, well, don’t be surprised decades later or so, if all of a sudden the sky is lit up with a meteor shower of millions of green stars streaking across the sky! LOL-Just a thought! At any rate, another newsbreak of two more happenings, but even though it just recently made the news, however, the event began during the month of February as well!




    Hurricane rotates counter clockwise





    So although Cyclone Freddy took some time to cross the Indian Ocean, this system began to manifest at the same time this Green Comet appeared to the naked eye! FYI, cyclones are in nature the same as hurricanes but the significance would be that cyclones rotate clockwise and are in a lower hemisphere while hurricanes rotate counter clockwise. And so, the second phenomenon to occur again, during the month of FEBRUARY 2023 would be that in Australia, millions of dead fish have washed ashore and blocked a major river system! Although scientists attribute this occurrence to a heatwave, again, the correlation to the Green comet would the major assumption. So at the same time that, all the way over in America and in Florida, the Red Tide has occurred to cause millions of dead fish to wash ashore, Australia also has a similar event!








     By NASA/Suomi-NPP - EOSDIS Worldview, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=128877993


    Very intense Tropical Cyclone Freddy was an exceptionally long-lived, powerful, and deadly storm that traversed the southern Indian Ocean for more than five weeks in February and March 2023. Freddy is both the longest-lasting and highest-ACE producing tropical cyclone ever recorded worldwide. …


    Freddy first developed as a disturbance embedded within the monsoon trough on 4 February 2023. While in the Australian region cyclone basin, the storm quickly intensified and became a Category 4 severe tropical cyclone, before it moved into the South-West Indian Ocean basin, where it intensified further. …



    Freddy holds the record as the longest-lasting tropical cyclone worldwide, beating the previous record of Hurricane John in 1994. [172][173][174] Freddy also holds the record for the all-time highest accumulated cyclone energy of a tropical cyclone worldwide, …






    Cyclone Freddy shattered records. People lost everything. How does the healing begin?

    March 17, 20233:22 PM ET

    By Kate Bartlett




    Weather tracker: Cyclone Freddy leaves trail of devastation



    Overall, the cyclone killed at least 552 people: 447 in Malawi, …







    Published March 19, 2023 3:45 pm EDT


     Australian river filled with millions of dead fish as residents complain of ‘putrid’ smell


    Mass fish kills have been reported on the Darling-Baaka River in recent weeks


    … Mass fish kills have been reported on the Darling-Baaka River in recent weeks as well, where tens of thousands of fish were found at the same spot in late February. There have been several reports of dead fish downstream toward Pooncarie, near the borders of South Australia and Victoria states. …


    The development comes just weeks after Florida's southwest coast experienced a flare-up of toxic red algae, leading residents to complain about burning eyes and skin as thousands of dead fish washed along the shores. 






    Millions of dead fish have washed up in a river near an Australian town


    By Heather Chen, CNN


    Published 1:01 AM EDT, Sun March 19, 2023


    Millions of dead fish have washed up in a river near a small Australian town, in a phenomenon state officials say is related to the “heatwave conditions” that are sweeping the country. …


    The river in Menindee filled with dead fish.





    Dead fish sightings were also reported this week in the Macquarie Valley,

    where there are both suburbs and a national park.


    Thousands of dead fish were reported in the area in February

    and a similar event occurred in the region in 2019.






  6. 9 hours ago, SpeakHerTruth said:

    Has the community collectively given up on tackling this issue?


    I tend to see it affect more black women than men, but both have struggles with it.


    I don't know about anybody else but, I am personally trying to tackle this issue!


    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, thewolfxx said:

    Explain to me how 13% of the population is responsible for 50% of the murders in this country.


    @frankster just explained it in detail, yet you obviously can't comprehend because you still have that primitive mindset. 


    Primitive hominids cannot exist peacefully amongst modern mankind because they have stolen little Black African children, then raped them and outlawed them from being able to read and write. Creepy beings, that is what you are. 

    • Thanks 1
  8. 22 minutes ago, CentristDem1 said:

    ? Caves? No. While Whites were busy creating everything you Blacks stole and tried to pass off as your own, you were living in caves shrinking heads. 




    Neanderthals writing Egyptian script! HILARIOUS!!!


    23 minutes ago, CentristDem1 said:

    Look up the Barbary Slave trade







    Intersexed clown.

    Go back in your caves and this time Negroes won't be allowed to have sex with you or offer up their little children to help you produce males anymore... that ship has sailed.






  9. 29 minutes ago, CentristDem1 said:

    But let's keep blaming our violence on the White Devil!


    That's because you Neanderthals are to blame! 

    White Slaves? We didn't go to your caves to enslave you! Idiot!


    30 minutes ago, CentristDem1 said:

    Africans had White slaves long before Whites had Black slaves


    We did not go to your caves to enslave you! IDIOT!

    You all brought you asses to our land!


    You intersexed freak--you day is coming to an end.


  10. 13 hours ago, thewolfxx said:

    I'm 40, I've been around the USA, lived in several states and my experiences tell me that parts of the black culture are violent and even criminal. The black community needs to take a look on the inside and clean up their own culture before pointing fingers at everyone else. Cameras are everywhere. You cannot hide anymore.


    Yes, cameras are everywhere, script is everywhere about how Whites have brought blacks to America as little children and exploited us and now deny this.

    Your end though, it very near.


    4 hours ago, CentristDem1 said:

    t's appropriate you bring up intelligence because you're clearly lacking it. Yes, there are White people who have done those things but they've been done and are being done far more by Blacks.


    Yes, and you know why but being a supremacist you want to believe in a lie. 

    But your end is very near. America will not continue to exploit Black people and set them up to kill each other for long.

    @SpeakHerTruth is not lacking intelligence at all because she understands you're origins. 




    The continent of Africa is where the Slave Ship Trade was set up BY WHITE DEVILS who have been in that continent for thousands of years bringing in their deception. So it's not hard to understand that Africans have the same pattern of Black Hatred. Big Deal. All of this will end though. 

    White Supremacy will end. The mistake our ancestors made was to let you into our lands but they were decieved.





    • Thanks 2
    • Confused 1
  11. 6 hours ago, Cynique said:

    Especially since Chris' remark, comparing Jada to Demi Moore's G.I. jane character  wasn't really disrespectful.  



    No, it was not disrespectful!

    Jada is very pretty and that joke did not take away from her at all!


    @Delano Thanks for the video!

    Yes, Chris saved that oscars, he really did. and, I view him as a hero for his composer.


    However, now that I heard that video of the producer speaking about LAPD, oh yes, Will Smith could have been arrested, but it was Chris who chose not to press charges.

    And, I was wrong when I had said that Chris was assaulted, and did not realize it until the video.

    Someone once explained to me that if someone steps to you as if to hit you then THAT IS AN ASSAULT. 

    But it they hit you then it becomes BATTERY!!! 


    I also believe too, now that Will should have been made to leave and not been allowed to remain in his seat.

    That should not have been Chris' decision, but the producers should have tapped Will on his shoulders and led him out!



    • Thanks 1


    Another COMET BIGGER THAN The Green Comet! – The PURPLE MOUNTAIN COMET!-Tsuchinshan-ATLAS 2024




    I love to refer to this comet as The PURPLE MOUNTAIN COMET, because it was this observatory in China that pick it up first and the name sounds awesome. However, it was thought to be an asteroid at first but when it was picked up on the ATLAS in South Africa, was when it was confirmed to be a comet with a very large mass. Therefore the comet is called Tsuchinshan-ATLAS comet [C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS)]. So if it does get past the sun without burning up, it is predicted to be much larger than both the comet NEOWISE and the Green Comet ZTF!


    This comet was confirmed around the same time that the Green comet was here! However, it will not come close to the sun and earth until way after next year! Reports vary but the earliest date to be near the sun is September 28, 2024. It is predicted to come closest to our earth starting OCTOBER 13-to OCTOBER 19! Well! That’s interesting! For, this is the very week of the Passover-Crucifixion some 2000 years ago!!! So, the Simchat [i.e. Timkhet] Festival in the Middle East and Ethiopia will be crazy, if this comet does come in during this week!




    Newly discovered comet could be brighter than recent ‘Green Comet’ in 2024 night sky. Check details here


    There is a possibility that a bright comet called C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) could be visible in the night sky in 2024, potentially even brighter than the recent "green comet". The comet was discovered on February 22, 2023 by the Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (ATLAS) in South Africa, and was later identified as the same object previously discovered by the Purple Mountain Observatory in China. …


    The comet is currently located between the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn and will reach its perihelion, or the point in its orbit closest to the Sun, on September 28, 2024. Currently, the comet is too faint to be observed without the use of powerful telescopes, but it could become visible to the naked eye or through binoculars by September 2024.



    Move over Green comet! A ‘brighter’ new comet to visit Earth, outshine stars in the sky

    Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchchinshan-ATLAS) could be headed to the Earth in 2024 and there is a possibility that it could be even brighter than the recently seen green comet. Check details.


    By: HT TECH | Updated on: Mar 11 2023, 19:12 IST


    If it retains its brightness, then between October 12 and October 19, 2024, the comet will put up a stellar display in the night sky as it shines brighter than any recent comets. It would be visible in the west-southwest evening sky up to 3 hours after sunset and will shine brighter than the stars. The low altitude and full Moon on October 17 can affect the visibility on that day somewhat. …









    New-Found ‘Once in 80,000 Years’ Comet Might Outshine the Stars During Its Close Approach in 2024!

    By TWC India Edit Team

    7 days ago

    TWC India












    Comet C/2023 A3 might reach naked-eye visibility in 2024!




    NEW COMET IS COMING! C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS)




  13. On 3/13/2023 at 1:50 AM, richardmurray said:

    Now I want it known, China's government spends a lot of money on infrastructure, more than any other government, including the usa by a long mile.



    Really!? @richardmurray That is news to me.

    I would have thought the west had them beat on that score.

    I read that China has put a lot of effort in building up the infrastructure in Africa though.



    On 3/13/2023 at 1:50 AM, richardmurray said:

    I see china as a fellow empire to the usa/russia. those three are the lone empires in modernity, all other governments today suffer those three. Comprehending that all governments want to be the number 1 empire, whether they admit or not. 


    What about India, how to they measure up, in your opinion?



  14. 1 hour ago, Delano said:


    If you look at the clip it looked like Chris Rock was about to hit him. So I reckon Chris Rock can fight .



    WHEW! LOL--Oh God, She said,


    I'm a Latin woman and I'm a scorpio, YES i WANT THE SMOKE!


    Me too, GIRL! Shoot. My man betta not think he comin home if I'm dissed too bad, AND BY A MAN! Oh Hell no!


    But you know, Fat Joe is right! @Delano. I did not realize that until now, but Chris Rock definitely drop back and looked like he was about to throw and then he collected himself.


    If I was in that position, I don't know what I would have done. That was self control. 

    And like Chris said too, though, Will Smith is a lot bigger than he is.


    And another thing: If Will would have shouted from his seat, it would not have had much affect, imo because Chris Rock is a stand up comedian and he would have came back even harder. So, it was the moment and the moment was abrupt and got the point across to where it will be remembered for a long time. 


    On 3/12/2023 at 9:18 PM, Pioneer1 said:

    Not sure how Chris Rock could come out looking good after having the shit smacked out of him on live television and he did nothing but stand there in shock and tell jokes to ease the situation.
    Would most of us have done differently?
    Not sure....but it is what it is.
    He got smacked and didn't retaliate.


    But here's the thing about that @Pioneer1, I think Chris Rock had some good self control for a major reason. 

    I tell you, I had no idea that from 2005 to 2009, when my kids were watching television, that there was a sitcom about Chris Rock!!!


    I never saw one episode!


    Come to find out, now I realize that show was about Chris Rock! And it was about his experience as he grew up! 

    His parents put in a predominantly all-white school and had him bused out of his community and he was always picked on and 

    beat up by White kids and this is what the show was about!

    In real life, Chris Rock dropped out of school because of the experience, so for this reason, he soon learned how to deal with bullies and, HEY

    that Will Smith moment, was how he chose to deal with it and it reminds me of his childhood experiences.

    So, Chris chose to pick his time and then he got paid to come back on Will Smith for the assault in his own way!


    I think Chris did the right thing, although some may not like what he said though.

    He was assaulted.

    He really could have been really hurt from that hit he took from Will.

    I understand that Jada was dealing with a lot though, but HEY, it happened, now hopefully we can move on as @Dee Miller said. 

    • Like 1


    BIBLE GENETICS—What Does the Bible Say About Hair & the Afro; Part 1






    [29] Thou shalt not delay to offer the first of thy ripe fruits,

    and of thy liquors: the firstborn of thy sons shalt thou give

    unto me. EXODUS 22:29.







    Barogue female hairstyle 



    Thutmose IV


    Because the Bible details the ‘Creation of Modern Mankind’ in the midst of other early pre-existing hominids, therefore, the unique trait exhibited amongst many Original Africans, the Afro-typed hair, must be a part of the Bible so, why would this not be taught? There has been a complete omission within the body of Christ [i.e., the Church] about this vital aspect but why? At the very least in the Black Church it could be assumed that this aspect of human genetics pinpointed would have been highlighted but no. As a matter of fact, however, neither does the Church teach the proper dated origin of the Creation of Adam nor has the clarification of other hominids being present at the time of creation been taught. For this reason, the entire scope of human genetics has been completely misunderstood. Ironically too, it would be the very distinct presence of the African hair type, that does mark God’s original creation down through the ages as mankind reproduced over periods of thousands and thousands of years. Therefore, obviously, the Creator would not skip over this dominant physical trait present in Africans when he dictated to Moses about mankind, so therefore it would become apparent that we have been misled and conditioned to miss vital aspects written in the Bible. In fact, the very title of the very first book of the Pentateuch, GENESIS, shows that the very foundation of the physical identification of God’s creation would definitely be included in the scriptures on a genetic basis. Many Black Christians have been completely deceived to believe that the Bible has nothing to do with science, and as a result have become absolutely dumbed down and blinded to overlook the very root definition in the word, GENESIS, that being GENES. But now though, and after thousands of years of scientific confirmations, perhaps, certain GENETIC MARKERS that have been revealed in mankind can help us to better understand how astonishing the Creator God has marked his creation of Adam and Eve and how their genetic traits have been revealed through reproduction throughout time. Firstly too, and to better understand the Biblical description of Adam in connection with the African hair trait, though, it would be extremely vital to discuss the distinct genetic markers that pinpoints how God marked mankind in relation to being FIRSTBORN.


    Egypt became the very first country where the Israelite people formed their culture. Therefore, the first five books of the Bible written by Moses was done so about the cultural origins of his people as they lived in this northeast region of Africa for about four hundred (400) years. Specifically though, Moses wrote these books [i.e., scrolls, scriptures, tablets, etc.] after the Exodus and to the east of Egypt, in the Sinai Peninsula. But not only did Moses write about his people in Egypt rather, he also wrote about humanity as it existed thousands of years before his lifetime. Long before even the birth of Abraham, the foundational ancestor of the Israelites, however, Moses wrote about humanity as it existed in that part of Africa, in Egypt, over a thousand years prior and during the lifetime of the Biblical Noah, and he wrote about humanity in other regions on earth as well. Going this much farther back in time too, Moses wrote about civilizations that formed during the lifetime of Adam long before Noah was ever born. Moses wrote about the great and massive civilization in Sumer that formed to the north of Egypt in Mesopotamia. So not only did Moses write about the northeast region of Africa, however, the Creator dictated to Moses to record so many other incredible historical events that had occurred on this planet and beyond as it related to Egypt. Moses recorded history about lands and peoples to the far reaches of the earth as well, and he wrote about Egypt as it pertains to the universe and outer space. However what has been routinely overlooked would be that prior to the lifetime of Moses, civilizations that had formed in the earliest of times were all relative to the landmass of Egypt in northeast Africa. In other words, the extensive civilization of Sumer, the actual birthplace of Father Abraham, that was historically defined at its’ height around the 2000s B.C. would have been defined in a much earlier time as being part of the earliest Egyptian civilization. All of the early civilizations that formed in the far reaches of earth formed in relation to the earliest Egyptian civilization.


    But what would also be critical to understand would be that Moses lived at a great time of upheaval in Egypt. The Creator marked this time in history as it pertained to the Egyptians. Although there are many variations to the name EGYPT that carry unique definitions, ultimately though, the most paramount definition of the word Egypt means FIRSTBORN. And so, the Exodus came to mark an incredible time of judgment. It marked THE JUDGMENT OF THE FIRSTBORN as it pertained to the Egyptians! It was a time that the Egyptian civilization became struck with many catastrophic plagues, yet of all of the plagues that struck, however, it was the last mysterious plague known as ‘THE DESTROYER’ that became an eerie confirmation that brought the Egyptian government at this time period to a complete end. This last plague also became known as PASSOVER and was so crucial that it became a mandatory religious festival instituted at that time of which the Israelites were commanded to observe forever. This last plague in Egypt whereby it was written that when it did occur, it therefore brought on THE DEATH OF EVERY FIRSTBORN OF MAN AND BEAST. And although we now know today that the onset of the nine (9) other plagues to strike that part of northeast Africa, did so as a result of some type of occultation whereby, a celestial event such as some type of eclipse occurred, and this triggered a series of natural catastrophes that wreak havoc on our planet earth in that region of the Mediterranean and thereabouts. Nevertheless, the type of scientific explanation for the plagues has almost never been taught in the Black Church. Moreover, the Bible details ten plagues that occurred during that time of the Exodus, and because of the scientific repetitive pattern that has continually occurred on earth, again, we can now have a better understanding of mostly all of the Biblical plagues of Egypt, all except perhaps the last plague.


    One of the most recent times a similar chain reaction of plagues can be confirmed occurred immediately after THE GREAT AMERICAN TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE on August 21, 2017. Immediately after the eclipse occurred, four major hurricanes formed and began about a week later in the month of September. In 2018 too, and after another earthquake occurred, there began a plague of blood. Soon after came the news reports of a RED TIDE and the waters were turned to blood in Florida due to a type of marine life that became poisoned from the effects of the hurricane and thereafter, photos of heaps of dead rotted fish were posted in the news all along the coastline. And soon after this phenomena struck, and after another hurricane, it was reported that hundreds of dead frogs washed ashore in areas of North Carolina. Due to the region of Africa that the plagues in Egypt occurred, too, other phenomena were triggered as well such as THE PLAGUE OF THICK DARKNESS whereby the Egyptians were not able to rise from their beds for three days. Today though, we can understand the scientific explanation of this plague known by the modern term as THE HABOOB, and although a rare phenomenon, however, it only occurs periodically and seasonally in certain areas of the world where there are deserts. Although the scriptures have been misinterpreted in some regard but also deliberately blasphemed in other regards, however, due to scientific confirmations, today we know that the original Passover did not occur during our modern springtime Easter holiday because of the seasonal Haboob storm and the scientific basis of some of these plagues that did occur. Every year, as a result of THE KHAMSIN, we know today that PASSOVER could not have occurred during the springtime months of March neither April because that fifty (50) day windstorm that began at the time of the Spring Equinox and did not end until well into the month of May this happened in the distant past as it does today. Therefore the well documented downfall of Egypt during the time of the Exodus can be confirmed, not only due to Biblical records, but also due to the Egyptian records as well as other records of contemporary civilizations at that time too that had been affected by this historical period of great destruction.




    The answer to this question would be relative. The history of the Egyptians stretches over the course of thousands of years and includes the rise and fall of many distinct Egyptian civilizations. In fact, the Exodus only marked one specific time of judgment in Egypt but in fact, about a thousand years before the Exodus, the time of the Great World Flood marked an earlier time of judgment of which the Egyptian civilization during the time of the Fifth Dynasty came to an abrupt end. According to the Biblical records at the time of Passover though, the Israelites had been a part of Egypt for about four hundred (400) years and were governed by more than one kind of Egyptian kingdom. However, even though the major films of today depicts the Exodus to occur during the rule of the Nineteenth Dynasty, nonetheless, it was the Egyptians of the Eighteenth Dynasty of the Thutmosis kingdom that became judged. Because of an aggressive movement today to hide the true dates and times of the Exodus byway of a deliberate mis-dating, therefore, the Exodus has been wrongfully dated to occur during the time of the Ramesside Dynasty. For this reason, many Black Christians have become completely deceived to believe the secular false reports in that the actual events of the Exodus cannot be confirmed and as a result did not really happen. The Anti-Christ movement therefore regards this aspect of history about the Passover as a myth. Many Black Christians have become obsessed with idolatry and with todays’ false films that depict actors who play the role of the famous 19th Dynasty pharaoh Rameses II in conflict with Moses when in fact, this pharaoh was not even born at the actual time of the Exodus. Indeed, Rameses II did come into conflict with the Hebrews though, however, Moses was dead by that time. Therefore, years before the Rameses came to power, the JUDGMENT OF THE FIRSTBORN in Egypt came to mark the famous young-king pharaoh who ruled over Egypt, Tutankhamen. However, in actuality, King Tut was merely used as ‘a puppet king’, nevertheless, the Creator God brought the plagues against the Egyptians at this time period, however, amazingly, the onset of this judgment actually began hundreds of years earlier. Cont. Part 2, Kanofer





    --A HABOOB [i.e., Sandstorm]








    [21] And the LORD said unto Moses, Stretch out thine

    hand toward heaven, that there may be darkness over

    the land of Egypt, even darkness which may be felt.

    [22] And Moses stretched forth his hand toward heaven;

    and there was a thick darkness in all the land of Egypt

    three days: [23] They saw not one another, neither rose

    any from his place for three days: but all the children

    of Israel had light in their dwellings.

    EXODUS 10:21-23,


    *Some modern videos have captured how quickly this strange phenomenon quickly blocks the sunlight and engulfs the area to become completely black as night with no possible light due to the thick sand. People flee inside for shelter. Many people become hospitalized for respiratory distress if they attempt to stay out when his sandstorm occurs. Just as the ancient scriptures detail, this thick darkness can remain for many hours. In a recent haboob in southwest America many buildings lost electricity.


    HABOOB--Sandstorm in U.S. MILITARY BASE IN Iraq 




    Haboob--April 27, 2005 




    Sudan--Khartoum 2005 







    Taill U.S. Airbase, Iraq - 2010--Sunlight to Pitch Black in 3 Minutes

    4,807 views May 9, 2010

    This was the Easter 2010 Storm at Talil Airbase in Iraq. I believe I filmed facing to the west. It is worth watching from beginning to end due to the sky developing from broad daylight to pitch black in 3 minutes at around 4:30/5:00 in the afternoon. In the end it was just me and Pvt. Kille howling back into the black... "Its the end of the world, Dog!"-Matthew Lebert






    ***Moses Spoke to the Pharaoh & his court:

    [4] And Moses said, Thus saith the LORD, About midnight will I go out into the midst of Egypt:

    [5] And all the firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die, from the firstborn of Pharaoh that sitteth

    upon his throne [i.e. Smenkhkare] , even unto the firstborn of the maidservant that is behind the mill;

    and all the firstborn of beasts.


    [8] And all these thy servants [i.e. the Assyrians, officials, & the Aten court seated behind King Tut]

    shall come down unto me, and bow down themselves unto me, saying, Get thee out, and all the people

    that follow thee: and after that I will go out. And he went out from Pharaoh in a great anger.

    EXODUS 11:4-5, 8-9.


    [30] And Pharaoh rose up in the night, he, and all his servants [i.e., Assyrians & officials], and all

    the Egyptians; and there was a great cry in Egypt; for there was not a house where there was not

    one dead. [31] And he called for Moses and Aaron by night, and said, Rise up, and get you forth

    from among my people, both ye and the children of Israel; and go, serve the LORD, as ye have

    said. [32] Also take your flocks and your herds, as ye have said, and be gone; and bless me also.

    EXODUS 12: 30-2.



    [17] For all the firstborn of the children of Israel are mine,

    both man and beast: on the day that I smote every firstborn

    in the land of Egypt I sanctified them for myself.
    NUMBERS 8:17.


    [29] For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate

    to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be

    the firstborn among many brethren.
    ROMANS 8:29.


    [24] Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of

    the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife: [25] And

    knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son:

    and he called his name JESUS. ST MATTHEW 1:25.






    Chris Rock slaps Back Hard at Will and Jada Pinkett Smith in the Netflix special; Selective Outrage






    I have not been able to see the Neflix special. But there has been quite a buzz about it. So yes, the Oscars is today, March 12, 2023, and I heard that Chris Rock declined. I also heard that the host this year, Jimmy Kimmel, will speak about that infamous slap that Will Smith delivered to Chris Rock last year. I don’t think I would be this curious about the Academy Awards show had it not been for so much propaganda this year about what happened last year and also because of the snub that the movie Women King has gotten as well as the hype about the movie Black Panther. I read that some of the rules that might have went against Women King is that it is not based on accuracy? I don’t know, maybe they will be mentioned. Anyway, I hope that Angela Bassett gets what she wants and well, that song that Rhianna sang is absolutely beautiful. I hope she shines. I just don’t understand what the hype is about the halftime performance because she and the dancers were wearing baggy jumpsuits. But I do understand that may have nothing to do with the complaint and therefore, maybe it could be something offensive. I have not see it yet.


    I’ve heard so much about these movies up for awards and also, I am very interested in seeing the much talked about movie All About Everything Everywhere [?] and others as well. I’ve heard about Till and Top Gun and so, I am really interested this year in what is being featured. I am not much of a movie goer and usually wait until it comes off the big screen, but maybe if I can get some money, I might go to the theaters.





    Chris Rock slaps back at Will and Jada Pinkett Smith –hard –in live Netflix special



    MARCH 4, 2023 UPDATED 8:42 PM PT


    When Will Smith slapped Chris Rock during the 2022 Oscars ceremony, many members of the live audience and TV viewers at home thought it was a joke – until they realized, to their horror, that it wasn’t.





    I also hear that Chris Rock may not be at the Academy Awards show either. But his Neflix special supposedly went very well, although I did hear that Will Smith was not too happy about what Chris Rock had said. Some reporters spoke against Rock for some of his explicative descriptions about Jada but for the most part, he seems to have had awesome reviews. Many people love him and believe that he is a powerhouse and he delivered. Rock did not speak about the infamous slap until the last ten minutes but, he dropped bits and pieces of jabs about ‘the slap’ throughout his skit until the end. And then he brought the mic down! More importantly, he made the big bucks.


     By Mark Heim | mheim@al.com


    Will Smith is said to be “embarrassed and hurt” over Chris Rock’s comments in his latest Neflix special, according to an Entertainment Tonight report.







    Chris Rock’s Net Worth Makes Him Consistently One of The Top-Paid Comedians –How Much He Made From His Netflix Special


    By LEA VELOSO MAR 08, 2023 AT 1:21 PM EST


    Striking comedy gold? Chris Rock’s net worth exploded after his Netflix deal. The longtime comedian released the first-ever live comedy special on the streaming platform and he made big bank from his two specials. …


    How much did Chris Rock make from his Netflix special? In 2016, The Hollywood Reporter reported that Rock secured a whopping $40 million for his two specials, Chris Rock: Tambouring and Chris Rock: Selective Outrage the latter of which dropped on Netflix on March 4, 2023, and directly references Will Smith, his wife Jada Pinkett Smith, and the infamous Oscars slap.

    “Chris Rock is a beloved actor and director, and his remarkable stand-up makes him comic royalty. There is no one like him, and Netflix offers the global platform and creative freedom that will serve as a perfect home for someone with his incredible talent,” Netflix chief content officer Ted Sarandos said in a statement.










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    Oh! I believe that i should put this NEWSBREAK in this thread, because I really do believe that this is a contunal dominoe affect going on here!

    So far, there is A TRUMP that has sounded in all four corners of the earth! Man! 


    Just a few days ago, I read the news about the hundreds of earthquakes under the two volcanoes in Alaska and how the alert has been raised. These volcanoes have been silent for about a hundred years and now they are rumbling and experts believe that they may eventually erupt. But HEY! ALL OF SUDDEN WITH NO MEDIA WARNING, TODAY, [i.e., yesterday] or, a few hours ago, a volcano just BLEW UP IN INDONESIA and tourist are being abruptly diverted. California is still dealing with it's natural phenomenon, Mexico has got birds flying south from the snowstorm in California scaring people and making them think it's the end of the world. And worms are seasonally dropping on cars in China and people are jumping to conclusions. And every little pebble that breaks through the atmosphere and hit the earth, well, media is blowing it up as if we need to start saying our prayers. Spinning tales when there is none and keeping secret the real issues that we should be alarmed about. Is North Korea really going to shoot missiles at us or not!? smh. 





  18. Okay, @richardmurray, I may not have read with clear understanding and also, I read the article a few days before I posted so, I may need to go back and read it again. 

    Anyway, I thought the creator of this theme was the author of Beloved?

    So on that assumption, I thought this was to be an ethnic theme whereby the young girl was given 'a doll' that, in her mind replaced her mother, since the new 'mother' was absent. Therefore, I was thinking that the doll should be more like 'an ethnic image' of the girl and the culture. 

    And yes, if I had creative control, I think it would be kind of intriguing to have a sort of 'Cruella Deville' Diva like ethnic doll character and build her to where, she could evoke a kind of 'love-hate' emotion from the readers! LOL! 


    And then if it went to film, actresses like Jaque' or Jasmine Guy could probably really bring life to that kind of character. 



    • Like 1
  19. 7 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:


    Any thoughts on this issue?



    Yes, @Pioneer1 This story got me down!

    I read about it a few days ago.

    What a horror.

    What in the world can be done so that this kind of 'mistaken identity' can be avoided for tourist wanting to come and 

    buy and sell, so-to-speak, in Mexico. I mean, if Mexico wants to have some type of dealings with America, this sort of thing should

    be completely prevented. I feel so sorry for those people. 


    • Thanks 1
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