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Posts posted by Chevdove

  1. 8 hours ago, Stefan said:

    Just read Revelation 17:10. 


    [10] And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is,

    and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.

    REVELATION 17:10.


    Good point. @Stefan


    And the very next two verses is even more important, imo:


    [11] And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth,

    and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

    REVELATION 17:11.


    [12] And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings,

    which have received no kingdom as yet;

    but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.

    REVELATION 17:12.


    These scriptures written by John the Revelator at the time of the Roman Empire was written about four hundred years later after the prophet Daniel wrote his book and they both agree. Without an understanding of world powers, the 7-head-government seems ridiculous, but these prophets knew exactly what they were writing about and for me, it is amazing. all of the other KINGDOMS and governments stem from the 7-headed government. And the 8-government that comes from the 7th becomes the most powerful. Daniel's description of the 10 horns too, deserves a book all on its own. But now,






    In the recent news, 


    *An earthquake has ocurred in the Dominican Republic

    *Another major earthquake has just occurred in Turkey Anatolia on a huge scale!

    *And now, America is alarmed due to an earthquake that has just occurred in NEW YORK! This earthquake is NOT a big one though, but it is alarming the government. Canada reports it as a 4.2 on th scale, but America reports it as a 3.8. If it is a 4.2, that, I remember feeling when I lived in California. Likewise, I could feel a 3 but, not that much. 


    Nevertheless, these recent natural phenomena will probably NOT be connected to this Green Comet, but I think otherwise. 


    About 2,000 people have died in Turkey, and the numbers may climb. It is a huge catastrophe. Whenever I hear anything in Turkey, I am interested because the ancient history is central to this country and I believe it connects to modern issues of today. 



    • Like 2
  2. On 2/4/2023 at 3:21 PM, Rodney campbell said:


    The honor of knowing the works of The Creator means that YOU are also aligned with The Creator.

    Meaning that I can say for certain that you have studied a discipline of reality to its micro.

    Which one is it?


    Thank you for your observations! @Rodney campbell.

    Yes, I love to study! I have studied a discipline with depth but I am still on the road and not completely sure of my research and, I am constantly looking for confirmations through touching basis with other brilliant minds. 

    • Like 1
  3. On 2/4/2023 at 6:11 PM, Pioneer1 said:

    1. China simply testing the waters to see how much they could get away with.....as most nations tend to do from time to time.


    Yes, @Pioneer1 I think it is this one.

    I read that there is some type of intenational AGREEMENT that countries can do this, but now though, I think China may have tested the waters a little more than the agreement, or else why would they be reporting this now!?



    On 2/5/2023 at 9:16 AM, Pioneer1 said:

    It sounds like a bunch of people trying to "clean up" a messes situation as to why a spy balloon was being allowed to fly over the U.S. population.


    Yes. This sounds really creepy. And, I just heard that another Chinese balloon has been discovered and flying over Mexico.

    4 hours ago, ProfD said:



    China is not the world's bully.  They are the most powerful nation consisting of people of color


    Good point! 

  4. Why All The Reports About Nuclear Bombs? 





    High altitude balloons, like the one China has floated over mountain state military bases this week, are considered a key “delivery platform” for secret nuclear strikes on America’s electric grid, according to intelligence officials.





    Yesterday, I saw a report about 'What to do if a nuclear bomb is dropped'. Russia has threatened to attack UK recently and now, apparently China has sent a balloon over Montana, and elsewhere in America. This region in Montana is where American has a nuclear bomb facility. Some experts give their opinion on why America has not shot down this Chinese Spy Balloon, but I do not understand.

    Perhaps, it is because of the fear of it being a nuclear bomb inside? Or perhaps of the fear of retaliation?

    I wonder. Nevertheless, all of this recent talk, is alarming for me. 


    Spy balloons, used by Japan to drop bombs during World War II,

    are now far more sophisticated, can fly at up to 200,000 feet,

    evade detection and carry a small nuclear bomb




  5. 18 hours ago, ProfD said:

    I had a chance to see a picture on TV of the comet in its green glory. 😎


    LOL! Okay @ProfDYou are wise!

    I, on the other hand, well, we will just skip over my assessement of how I feel about myself right now. 


    I went out in this friggin cold weather and tried to see the comet for myself and when I got out there, I became so frustrated.


    For once in weeks, the skies cleared up really well, but it was just ridiculously cold but, worse was my stupid little 'negro-cheap ' binocular that I tried to focus in order to see the comet. I had bought a telescope a few years ago, but I don't know what happened to it. No matter, it was difficult to use as well, even though I watched youtube video tutorials. 


    I did see the comet though, but, I was in complete self-denial initially. The view was blurry. The 'star' was green with a tail, actually, it looked like two tails. 

    I left one place and drove to various places to try to convince myself that I really did not see it. But eventually, and after looking at other stars that were NOT GREEN and had no tail, I slowly have come to believe that I really did see it. I can't believe it. 


    Yes, as stupid as it sounds, if I can, I would like to try again and see if I can convince myself that I really did see this. 

    I just can't believe this comet last came into our system 50,000 years ago.

    Yes, I am a little obssessed. 


    4 minutes ago, richardmurray said:

    Trust me, the newsletter is in english



    I tried multiple times. I will try again. 

  6. On 1/28/2023 at 6:13 PM, Rodney campbell said:



    I only know all of this because I was taken out of school and home schooled. When the police and teachers came to do what they do and my brothers, sisters, and myself, were tested, we all scored so high they had to place all of us 3 grades above our age group. It would have been more but Our Mother said no. She had proved her point. They hired her as a teacher within the following 24 hours.



    @Rodney campbell Your writing is so captivating!

    You are brilliant imo. 

    Obviously, your mother is also incredible and extremely unique. There are not many people that would have the strength and conviction to do what she did. 


    On 1/29/2023 at 11:51 AM, ProfD said:


    Instead, Black folks have taken up the position of trying to fit within the system. No desire and afraid to destroy it and build our own.😎


    This is so painfully true.



    On 1/29/2023 at 12:17 PM, Delano said:



    However the system isn't designed for everyone to succeed.


    Yes, there is the hidden agenda! 

    On 2/2/2023 at 4:25 PM, Cynique said:

     That's what patriotism is, ( and fascism is patriotism on steroids.)  Once the masses are persuaded to believe it's "us" against "them", then they are willing to fight wars taking pride in believing that they are the "good guys". or in the case of elite street gangs, the "bad mutha fuckas". 


    Yes! Sounds like mind control.


    • Like 1
  7. On 2/1/2023 at 11:50 AM, Troy said:

    With this theme in mind, IBPA is excited to announce that one of the three keynote presentations at the conference taking place May 4-6 in San Diego, CA, will feature a panel of highly respected industry leaders whose publishing businesses have spanned decades and have overcome every type of challenges along the way.


    Oh Wow! Congrats @Troy!




    • Like 1
  8. 20 minutes ago, Delano said:

    interesting, there has been a lot of upheaval in the past 5 years. I hope that the prophecy is not about now. Pluto is entering Aquarius for the first time since it was discovered. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was the time if the French and American Revolution.


    Yes, this is news to me. It is the age of Aquarius I guess. @Delano

    I now wonder what that means.


    And, it is also interesting what you have said about Pluto during the French and American Revolution.

    THE HALEY'S COMET came into orbit at this time!

    Native Americans saw this comet as the reason for this revolution!

    This comet came into orbit around December 1811 I think and remained visible for about a month.

    And, major earthquakes occurred and even though the richter scale was not used, it was believed they were massive earthquakes of category 9 in Arkansas and on the Madrid Fault near the Mississippi. 

    I know I do not have the proper terminologies to pose a decent question or hypothesis, but anyway, I wonder if the 'tail' of comets are the result of other phenomena like meteorites and such. Just a few days ago, it was reported that a huge meteor fell in Middle America and was so loud it alarmed many people. 

    Yes, I hope that the prophecies of destruction are not about now, but nevertheless, these phenomena stretch over decades. 

    As you have said, there has been a lot of upheaval in the past 5 years.


    I was in Florida when the Great American Total Solar Eclipse occurred in August 2017 and the very day, four major hurricanes [tropical depressions] began and a week later they were well formed, but scientist do not connect the dots for us to know these systems began as a result of that eclipse. 

    Shortly thereafter in November, THE WATER TURNED RED AS BLOOD in southern Florida and this was due to the type of shell fish or coral that were affected by the hurricane churning up the ocean, and piles and piles of dead fish washed up on beachers. Then a few weeks later thousands of dead frogs washed up on the shores in North Carolina. Does this sound familiar!? Does it sound like the plagues of Egypt? Yes, our planet is affected by massive stars at times. 



    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  9. 5 hours ago, Delano said:

    For example, the outcome of a coin flip is considered random because it is equally likely to come up heads or tails, but the outcome is determined by the physical laws that govern the coin's motion.


    Yes! You bring me to remembrance when I studied Genetics in college!

    I absolutely did not believe in flippiing coins as being scientific at all, however, it was an assignment in my Genetics book!

    I remember thinking it was a stupid exercise, however, I did it. 

    It took me hours and I was flipping the coin all night in order to respond to the table I had to fill out.

    To my surprise, my results were exactly as the book predicted regarding homogenous and heterogenous breeding!

    I could not believe it!

    This is a very intriguing subject!

    I do believe in patterns and cycles and some 'things' may seem to be random, but it may be due to not knowing the full picture.

    This makes me think about the recent comet and scientist say that comets are extremely unpredictable, however, they know certain comets have a pattern but they did not always know this until they were able to observe them and determine certain patterns. 





    • Like 1
  10. REVELATION Chapter 8


    [1] And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour. [2] And I saw the seven angels which stood before God; and to them were given seven trumpets. [3] And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne. [4] And the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel's hand. [5] And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake.
    [6] And the seven angels which had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound. [7] The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up. [8] And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood; [9] And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.


    [10] And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; [11] And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.

    [12] And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise.
    [13] And I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound!




    *****My Note; Most of what is written is based on science and prophecy.

    These prophecies are cyclic and have happened before.

    Verse 12 refers to after the Crucifixion***** THE SPACE OF ABOUT AN HALF AN HOUR**** This means the time of 30 years after the Star of Bethlehem appeared to mark the advent of Jesus. The RETURN OF SATURN MARKS the 30 year period [about a space of an half an hour].

    There was A TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE at this time and it occurred for 3 hours and the whole planet experience this because all of the land masses had not shifted far from the equator, but due to this very eclipse, THE EARTH SPLIT AGAIN and at this time the NORTH POLE AND THE SOUTH POLE land masses formed as a result of the earth split. This is recorded by map makers of ancient times. 

    **** VERSE 12 refers to this very phenomenon. 


    [12] And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten,

    and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as

    the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise.


    For anyone who lives in Alaska or near to the Southpole, they know that for A THIRD OF THE YEAR, 'THE SUN IS SMITTEN'.

    For three months, it is nighttime completely.

    Then six months later, for 3 months, 'THE MOON IS SMITTEN'

    and so, for a third of the year, it is daytime completely!

    Certain stars and CONSTELLATIONS are not seen for the time that the earth is tilted for that 3 month period.


  11. On 1/18/2023 at 4:21 PM, Delano said:

    Revelation 12:1
    Verse Concepts
    A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars;

    Source: https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/Signs-In-The-Sky


    Yes, this is one of the main scriptures, imo that speaks to both Astrology and Astronomy.

    Yes, the scriptures speak about the issues of human sacrifice of which Abraham was about to do to his son Isaac and it speaks to the issue of astrology, etc. but I think people can be too judgemental and do not understand relevancy. 

    I believe that people should have the human right to work out their own salvation and belief systems. 

    There was a time when, it was NOT considered 'a sin' to marry a cousin, but then the scriptures dated a later time in which it did say that this was not to be done.

    But now, I would like to enjoy this new GREEN COMET!


    ALSO, I wonder has anyone seen it yet. I have not been able to because for most of the nights that it has been reported to be in the sky, well, it has been continually cloudy!!! MAN! 



    The very night it has been reported to now become visible with the naked eye, THE CLOUD COVERAGE IS THICK!

    And I strongly believe that this comet has something to do with this weather system!

    Just I said back in 2020 when the Neowise comet came into our solar system, and it rained almost the entire time from spring until the end of summer, I just have this feeling that scientist are not telling us everything they might know about comets. 

    The Corona virus also marked 2020 as a unique time in our recent history.

    Reports are saying that California and most of the west have been receiving record amounts of rain. 


    I do wonder though, how do scientist know that this comet came into our solar system 50,000 years ago?


    At any rate, YES, I do believe that this GREEN COMET is biblical and I appreciate what you posted @Delano about signs and wonders in the sky! 


    A few days ago, I was reminded about a prophecy in REVELATION Chapter 8 about a major sign of the times, and about a particular STAR and I now believe that this comet is that star! 


    The scriptures say that this star is called WORMWOOD [i.e. vermoud, vermouth...] and it is a star that correlates to the Biblical description of a BITTER HERB of the same name. This star is suppose to come and turn the waters bitter of which again, correlates to this bitter herb.


    So yes, I do believe that this comet is that star and this is not the first time it came into our solar system and made waters bitter.


    THE STAR named WORMWOOD would correlate to this GREEN HERB WORMWOOD, so it is mind blowing to me, that this comet would appear in our skies and be green! That is insane. 


    I believe that this comet and other comets do have some kind of impact on our earth.

    I believe that this Green comet has some affect on our earth in that it has led to volcano eruptions and this is what the scriptures mean when it says that the star would cause a third of the the waters in the seas to become bitter.

    Oh yes, and indeed there have been some recent volcanoes that have erupted;

    There is a recent volcano activity in ICELAND

    There is a recent volcano activity in Hawaii

    There is a recent underwater volcano eruption in Vanuatu.

    Yes, I do believe we are experiencing an incredible star event! 



    • Like 1


    80,000 Protest in Israel! Vice Pres Kamala Harris Speech Sparks Protest-Univ. Michigan


    What a way to start out the new year! What an omen. However, based on how this new event has been presented though, I am not sure what is really being said. I do not understand who initiated this recent conflict that has led many Middle Eastern typed people to go out in the streets in America and the Middle East to protest. Over here in America, Vice President Kamala Harris appeared at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor and supposedly sparked anger to the point that students began to protest on bullhorns. Sasha Obama had initially been enrolled in this university, but she has recently been reported to now be going to the University of Southern California in San Diego, I believe.



    Michigan University rally calling for ‘Intifada,’ demise of Israel stuns internet: ‘A call to murder Jews’

    Opinion by Gabriel Hays. 6h ago




    But then, all the way over on the east coast in Washington, D.C., in George Washington University students there are also speaking out against what they believe is antisemitism. The Palestinians and the Zionistic Jews are protesting and things seem to be really bad. All the way over in Israel, 80,000 people came out in the cold pouring rain waving the Star of David flag and the LGBTQ+ Rainbow flag and are angry at Prime Minister Netanyahu’s new reformed government[?]. Did he make drastic changes about the West Bank?



    George Washington University

    StandWithUs Student Leaders (credit: STANDWITHUS)

    As written in the complaint, "when the students raised concerns about the antisemitic harassment they were experiencing, …



    Thousands of Israelis protest against Netanyahu’s new government

    Crowds rally against Netanyahu’s plans to expand settlements

    in the occupied West Bank and weaken Israel’s Supreme Court.


    … Protesters brandished signs with slogans including “Democracy in danger” and “Together against fascism and apartheid”.

    Another banner read, “Housing, Livelihood, Hope.” Some protesters carried rainbow flags.




    What is going on!? Why all of a sudden these demonstrations are being held over here in America!? Why would VP Harris speak and become a target for the protest? I am beginning to sense that African Americans are being exploited. I feel like there is A SMOKE SCREEN that has been set up that revolves around events since the time of the 911 attacks. Why do I sense a secret movement to weave African Americans into the Middle East conflicts about antisemitism and terrorism as if we have always been a part of it and as if we are passionate about the events over there when we have never even been educated about any of those issues?



    ‘We Know Occupation’: The Long History of

    Black Americans’ Solidarity with Palestinians


    Why the Black Lives Matter movement might help shift the conversation about a conflict thousands of miles away.










    From Ferguson to Gaza, from Baltimore to Jerusalem,

    From Charleston to Bethlehem, we will be free.”






    Media reported that the antisemitic rally was held to protest Vice President Kamala Harris’ Thursday visit to the campus, where she gave a speech on climate policy, and student activism. The protestors appeared to be standing against U.S. government support for the state of Israel.







    [2] Most African Americans DOS do not have a clue that the Palestinians are being re-defined

    as being AFRO-PALESTINIAN JEWS and are now being aligned to conflict with the

    Zionist Jews as if we were always there and always hostile against them.








    By the 9th century, it is estimated that some 3 million Africans had been resettled as enslaved people in the Middle East, working as soldiers and labourers in the riverine plantation economies. [1] As is illustrated by the life of Mansa Musa king of the medieval kingdom of Mali, pilgrimage by African converts to Islam became an established practice, . . . [1] There are some Palestinian communities which trace their origins to pilgrims from Sudan and Central Africa (mainly Chad) who are said to have reached Palestine as early as the 12th century.



    [3] Most of us over here in America do not have a clue that there have been secret

    operations since the 1950s of hundreds of thousands of Ethiopian Jews and other

    Original Hebrew Israelites from Iraq and other countries that have been sent back

    to the Middle East as a form of REPARATIONS since being driven out way back

    during the Roman Empire times when the country was changed to be named

    Palestine and now, they are being severely oppressed again due to racism. Many

    of us over here have been deceived to think that the Jews, the Israelites

    and Jesus were White people.


    [4] Most of us over here do NOT see any possible correlation to the election of POTUS

    Barack Obama and Vice President Harris and Yityish Aynaw as Miss Israel and a new

    IMMIGRATION MOVEMENT being set up as a form of REPARATIONS and Repatriation

    of people of African descent who are being encouraged to come to America while others

    are being encouraged to ‘go back’ to the Middle East as ‘immigrants’ to be defined as

    Afro-Palestinian—Jews’. Many of us would never consider that all of these strange intermittent

    killings of Black Americans over here would have anything to do with a possible movement to

    encourage us to feel a desperate need to flee. Will there be a plan to round us up and export us

    out of America as REFUGEES to other countries like they felt the need to round up the

    European Jews and send them to Ghettos before they executed the Holocaust?


    [5] Most of us ADOS could give a crap about celebrity blunders about the book From Hebrews to Negroes, or about Whoopi, Kyrie, or Kanye’s mis-statements about the European Jews and being used to define us as being ‘antisemitic’ against people that INITIALLY have nothing to do DIRECTLY with our h3llish predicament of Chattel Slavery and being Second Class Citizens. That stuff has nothing to do with our educational curriculum. We aren’t required to take test on any historical aspects about how the ancient Jews of Israel were forced out of Jerusalem, scattered, became part of the Seljuk Turk force in the Crusades, invited back to Palestine by Saladin and undertook the hajj back to Mecca under Mansa Musa. We have no clue about the genocidal attempt of Genghis Khan and why the Africans in the Horn engaged in the Great Mahdi War.


    [6] Who in the h3ll in their right mind would want to be an immigrant in areas that have been ripped up already due to terrorism that began because of evil racist policies anyway? We need to take our stance here in how we have been raped and robbed of our human rights and completely miseducated and wait for the right time if we feel the need to flee for refuge. Don’t be running to the desert cause Jesus ain’t there yet. Don’t run under the blue and white flag of the Star of David, because that flag may be okay for the Zionistic Jews, but for the Original Israelites, that flag is a complete oxymoron. David was anything but a Diplomatic King of Peace. He was violent king who lived to make war. The correct Star of Peace would be a Six-Pointed Star of Solomon because he was the Israelite King of Peace, but Solomon scripted himself to be defined as a black-skinned man who would fit the description of a Beja of Sudan today, and that would not work for the Zion Jews right now. Oh yes, and the Rainbow flag would be another oxymoron because, although it is reported that homosexuality is practiced everywhere in the world today, it is definitely against the law in many countries in Africa where the Original Hebrews exist because it is completely against their religion. As a matter a fact, if we are forced out of America into most Middle Eastern countries as refugees, we will probably be killed on the spot if we try to sport anything with a rainbow on it, because we are being set up to be the scapegoat scum of Sodom and Gomorrah; thought I’d throw that little tidbit too. There is something strange going on. Why are the Zion Jews protesting out in the rain like that? Is Netanyahu getting ready to ‘flip the cake’? Is the western league getting ready to give the West Bank back to the Palestinian—‘Uh, Palestinian Jews’? African Americans will hopefully not strike out against these Jews, because if they say that they are Jews, why should we be offended?



    During the Arab Revolt of WW1, the Ottomans converted the compounds into jails – one known

    as ‘the Blood Prison’ and the other as ‘the hanging prison’ – where prisoners were detained and

    executed. [12] . . . These have close links with similar communities in Acre and Jericho, established

    when Africans came to work in the Umayyad sugar industry. [14] The community in northern

    Jericho have often been called “the slaves of Duyuk” even in modern times. [15]





    Afro-Palestinians in East Jerusalem kneel in solidarity with Black Americans struggling for Justice







    A family photo of first-generation Afro-Palestinians at

    the Dome of the Rock. Source: African Community Society (ACS) archive





    Wion Video – 80,000 Protest in Israel







    Well, @Stefan on that note, did you see the recent post about a statue that is deem to be controversial?


    ‘Woke’ MLK ‘penis’ statue insults black community: Coretta Scott King kin


    “But then when it came out, a little boy pointed out — ‘That’s a penis!’ and everyone was like, ‘Yo, that’s a big old dong, man,” said the 43-year-old Oakland, Calif., resident.




    I'm not sure what to think about this.

    Will others, especially young children view this statue on the same wise?

    Is the negative reaction correct in that this is an insult?

    Now that I have read about this initial reaction, I do see it from that viewpoint.

    What do you think?



    Anyway, yes, this is a great man and I honor him today. 


  14. On 1/15/2023 at 3:41 AM, Stefan said:

    Know what worries me? As in the Iraq War, many Black and Latino Americans in the military will end up forfeiting their lives and their future health in this insane chit. While the ones who cheer sit safely on the sidelines. 


    Reading about this leads me to now believe that would be part of the plan--to engage many Black and Latino Americans and put their lives in dire straits in this new deal. 

    14 hours ago, ProfD said:

    Interesting that Black folks should be concerned with the Middle East and other world affairs when 1) AfroAmericans cannot get America to atone for slavery and 2) predominantly Black countries cannot keep white countries from taking their resources and relegating them to 3rd world status.


    Yes, this is my line of thought as well

    14 hours ago, ProfD said:



    As it relates to AfroAmericans in the US military, they voluntarily signed up to kill or be killed on behalf of America's interests.😎


    Sometimes though, I think it is a conditioning and many believe that it is the right path to take and do not realize the negative consequences until they are deep in it. 

    Many of them come back to America, if they can come back, and are damaged for life and at a very young age! 

    9 hours ago, Stefan said:

    In 1979, Andrew Young was forced to resign as U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. in 1979 for meeting with a representative of the PLO.  African Americans were put on the defensive by angry supporters of Israel who said Blacks have no business discussing MidEast affairs. But Rev. Jesse Jackson pushed back and warned that African Americans have no choice but to be aware of what goes on the Middle East because their people will be among the first to die in that region's conflicts. 



  15. 2 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Now Chev.....
    Do you remember how you jumped all over me the other week for what I said about women of color falling in love with and marrying White men?

    Uh huh......




    @Pioneer1 I can't believe you tryin to call me out like this.

    Let me reiterate my stance on my personal choice in life: As a Black woman, my first love is definitely a brotha.

    Before, I met my husband, my preference was specifically, dark skinned typed and I actually thought I was going to be married to a particular one, but it did not work out. 

    And before, him, there was another that did not work out. And then before him, a Puerto Rican man proposed to me and I accepted, but I changed my mind and hid from him all summer. LOL. Then, well, I've had other proposals too from non Black men. And, I chickened out and ducked and hid. It was too much for me. Like the negative attention that Megan's getting, man!--the racism is crazy! But it's been my experience in that 'Men will be men', no matter what, and when they see a female that they like, they will respond and 'race' is not a factor! Again, that's been my experience. 


    When I met my husband, and when it came down to it, I could care less whether or not, he was dark or light. My husband is older now, but to me, he is still handsome. He is 'a light skinned Negro'. But, I believe now as I have before, culture is very important, however, again when 'it' comes down to it, A MAN IS A MAN, and I don't care what color or 'race' he is. Some people break cultural barriers and marry and I have no problem with that especially when it comes to a sista. And this makes me appreciate Prince Harry a lot. Meghan Markle is absolutely beautiful and they looke like a match made in heaven. I hope that he continues to stick up for his choice, but he sure is getting hit hard. I hope he doesn't fold. 






    • Thanks 1
  16. On 1/12/2023 at 10:51 AM, ProfD said:



    Otherwise, if he was all there mentally, this dude would have been a candidate to work for the FBI or some other law enforcement agency. 


    LOL! @ProfD But this is my very point. I still do not feel certain though that they have the right guy. I hope that they do, but most of the people that have interacted with him shortly before he was arrested say that he was very friendly, sociable, and therefore, he does not fit the profile of what others have said that knew him earlier.

    So far, no one has come forward to say anything really alarming against him in his earlier college years and he has two degrees under his belt before he went to Washington. 

    One person said that he had a drug problem and checked into a rehab center earlier in his life, but I am one of those people who doubted OJ Simpson's guilt too.

    The glove didn't fit for me and that was a problem. 

    So far, the only thing that sticks out for me is the DNA found on the sheath but there needs to be more solid evidence, imo. 

    Who ever did this crime though, is really sick. 


    On 1/12/2023 at 10:51 AM, ProfD said:



    Now, I have to wonder how many crazy azz people are running around chasing their own kind.🤣😎


    LOL! In these kinds of crimes, there are a lot, imo. But to go after four young college kids, and cut their lives short like that is just unbelievable.

    My heart goes out to their parents and other loved ones.

    This is short clip of one victim, Kaylee Goncalves. I just cannot believe that someone would cut this young girl's life short like this.

    I hope who ever did this will rot in hell forever! 



    May Kaylee Goncalves RIP. My God. My God. 



  17. On 1/11/2023 at 6:41 AM, Rodney campbell said:


    Which is why I included TH13MS to help people get a grasp of what is happening and how, as well as why.


    @Rodney campbell Never really thought about this!


    On 1/11/2023 at 6:41 AM, Rodney campbell said:

    Or how incredibly inaccurate and messed up the calendar is?

    Or how clocks and other TIME pieces are not doing their job?



    Oh WOW! 

    This is very interesting.



    On 1/11/2023 at 6:41 AM, Rodney campbell said:


    Although every formula for TIME will inherently be wrong because none of them include the fact that TIME cannot be quantified in any formula, only its components can.


    This sounds like what I've heard from @Delano

    • Thanks 1
  18. 4 hours ago, Troy said:



    I’ll check this out too. I have a small telescope not much better that a good pair of binoculars but if i can grab a shot I’ll post it here.


    Please do post it here if you can get a glimpse of it. @Troy

    For the past two days, the clouds have been too thick to see anything in the night sky, but this comet is supposed to be visible for at least a month, so I do hope that I can see this wonder. 

  19. On 1/12/2023 at 5:57 AM, Delano said:

    Comets see suppose to be ominous in Astrology.  I would be concerned if a second rare comments shows up in the next 13 months.Thanks for the heads up.


    @Delano I was hoping that you stopped by this link! 

    On 1/13/2023 at 3:13 PM, Cynique said:

    This country has become a nation of self serving bigots and Democrats still think democracy is an ideal that is compatible with human nature. it is not.


    I just recently heard a politician speak on this regard a few weeks ago and his sentiments are the same as yours! Actually, h;e spoke about it back in 1950. I am going to try and dig up this video and post it. @Cynique



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