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Everything posted by Chevdove

  1. @Pioneer1 Blonde hair and blue eyes does not come from White-Caucasians or even Caucasians as a whole. This has been proven scientifically. These traits have origins in Black Africa! In order to have both blonde hair and blue eyes, you have to have melanin--Black melanin--I forgot the scientific term but you are way off. Maybe, like you, some Black women believe they are enhancing themselves with 'Caucasian--White' traits because today, we see many Europeans with this appearance. But at some point in the past, this trait became an obsession amongst Europeans and now, we think they are where this originates, but it doesn't. Now, I have never heard of that. I think it is the opposite; I think that blonde hair and blue eyes are an enhancement; a beauty trait; but that doesn't mean it looks good on everybody. I personally would not style the look, but @Pioneer1 truly, it is not 'defective'. It is a recessive trait but it is not defective. Blue eyes are also a mutation, and I think I have read that some people have certain issues like color blindness linked with this mutation, but again, it is not regarded as defective. Just because there are mutations does not equate to a defection, imo, but Hey, I may be wrong. But, Albinos present a whole distinct issue. African people have problems with White Supremacy too, just like this whole world. Yes, I understand this! Regarding dominant African traits of which even in the past, blonde hair and blue eyes was never a dominant African trait--it is recessive. Pioneer, you don't believe that many Black women today are also affected due to their own mothers who many are bi-racial or White? Oh My Gosh, that's terrible!
  2. @Mel Hopkins WOW! Only 15 and at Harvard!? Now that is amazing!
  3. @Pioneer1 Why should that be a factor concerning what this government did--their part in our miseducation!? Surely, we should not have to wait to be educated under this present system in order to be recompensed for the damage this system has caused in our disparity. What Black people choose to do with Reparations is a separate issue from the issue of this government reducing us to 2/3rds of a human? But then, that is the main part of the problem! For hundreds of years, we have not been educated because we were/are not considered to be 'HUMAN'! It's like--YOU TEACH A DOG as you know a dog should respond in kind and you TRAIN/teach a cat as you know a cat should be able to aspire to-- therefore, we are being educated/trained/taught under a sytem that treated us as 'sub-human' and all we were required to ASPIRE TO WAS AS A SUBHUMAN BEHAVIOR!!! Now, as you say, this issue will then be part of their argument probably in not wanting us to have PROPER REPARITIONS WHICH, ****You are hitting on something*** SHOULD INCULDE ECONOMICS and EDUCATION! We do need ***KNOWLEDGE OF SELF--KNOWLEDGE OF OUR HISTORICAL ORIGINS since now the government as admitted that we were never 2/3rds of a person as they treated us for hundreds of years! If you tried to teach a dog to sit up at a desk and hold a pencil and write, you'd get no where! Therefore, because they had the leisure of legally 'veiwing Black AFricans as 'sub-human' therefore for a long time, we were not afforded the opportunities to exist as responsible humans. Don't you see that a major part of our problem is coming from this basis---Mis-education, mis-treatment as humans? INTERNAL HOUSE CLEANINGS would mean that we need proper education and since our presence here is based on CHILD ENSLAVEMENT, how to we get this 'house cleaning' properly? Truth! So true! So is Obama! Like you said, it is not just Trump and Trump followers, but we may be facing another big problem! -- WAR WITH IRAN and who else???
  4. @Troy OMG! Did you just hear what happened!? A police just shot and killed a 54 year old Black man in Indiana! And, there is a major protest and march, so much so, that a leader had to abruptly get on the plane and leave Florida where he was campaigning to address the people! Apparently, a call was made about someone breaking into cars and so the police showed up, did NOT turn on his body cam and claimed that the man pulled a knife out and so, he shot and killed him. So now, after the leader showed up and addressed the distraught crowd, IMO, the sensationalism and support has turned to the leader and the issue at hand becomes 'an object' to show HOW WONDERFUL AND CARING THE LEADER IS. Mr. Pratton a Civil Rights leader spoke about how he gives his vote to the leader, but so far, I have not read his comments about the victim's mother or situation from Mr. Pratton. I'd rather hear more about 'what really happened'. I would like to know about the nature of the threat and phone call that was made and was the dead man a criminal with a history. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ... Mr. Logan’s mother, Shirley Newbill, was ushered in front of the mayor. “Y’all ain’t doing a damn thing about me or my son or none of these people out here,” she told him. Before Mr. Buttigieg could respond, another woman demanded, “Are you really here because you care about blacks, or are you just here because you want to be the president?” “This is my home, too,” Mr. Buttigieg replied. Mr. Logan, 54, was fatally shot by an officer responding to reports of a man breaking into cars downtown. The authorities said Mr. Logan flashed a knife and lunged at the officer, who shot him once in the abdomen. But the officer had not activated his body camera. Mr. Logan’s family questioned why he was taken to the hospital in a police car rather than an ambulance. ... http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/pete-buttigieg-leaves-campaign-trail-after-fatal-police-shooting-reality-rears-its-head/ar-AADeVdh?li=BBnb7Kz&ocid=AARDHP
  5. @Troy I am definitely interested and partly because I never really knew about this concept of 'a perfect number'. So it is intriguing because I do see the history of it now, But, I am trying to figure out now, what really is the importance of this subject and, if, or how it is it used in relation to other concepts. Now, that is an amazing thought!
  6. @Pioneer1 I understand partially what you mean, but I don't believe it is that serious for other major reasons. I think Beyonce may have issues due to her recent ancestry and identifying partially to that aspect, but I also think her strong statement about her Black culture is amazing. LOL! I don't think it's that serious because today, there are SOOooo many other Black women that are styling their hair with Afro-styles! Also, maybe over here, we are not accustomed to seeing a lot of Black people with NATURALLY STRAIGHT or BLONDE HAIR, or BLUE EYES, but @Pioneer1 there are places were this is NATURAL! So for that reason, women--especially young women-- experiment with styles and shouldn't that be acceptable? I agree that part of the problem stems from Eurocentric physical presence stemming from slavery is a part of the problem, but I feel that we are all growing up-- all of us all over the world, and many people are learning to appreciate other beauty traits that they are born with while also appreciating others as well. @Delano Yites!!! This is true! She is too young for that right now, but she has a good personality and a good spirit. And another thing... like Beyonce, a lot of our mothers are indeed White or part-European!!!-- So I believe that there should be a growth away from esteeming White people and European traits as being supreme, but there should be a gradual overlap from obsession to appreciation. How can we just -- all of a sudden-- think that White people's traits are ugly? That is not normal.
  7. WOW this is bad news for journalism! You really said it here;
  8. @Delano THANK YOU!!! @Pioneer1 STOP! lol. @Troy Well... She's young... Well, okay, soooooo.... I know that older women style this look too, but there's more to this trend than I believe we are aware of. HERE WE GO AGAIN!!! ... But, I won't go into any debate on this right now. I can see that Sha'Carri has been taking some heat for wearing blonde wigs, but I don't have a problem with it. She is beautiful and well spoken. She is so talented and amazing. I read that she has decided to go pro!!! HERE IS A VIDEO OF HER 10.99 run in Texas before she went to LSU and burned 10.75. SHE NOT ONLY WORE BLONDE EXTENSIONS BUT SHE WORE RED EXTENSIONS and etc. Nevertheless, I think she is well spoken and she has a wonderful personality. THIS IS AN INTERVIEW JUST AFTER SHE RAN THE 10.75.
  9. I found this quote to be interesting: "Racism is an offshoot of slavery. A tremendous stain on America that has yet to be cleansed away but on that June 19th, ..." The more I hear about Juneteenth, the more I become in tuned to the reality of some of the issues that came about as a result of freedom finally made law. And this quote also struck me; "We still have a long way to go and with no immediate plan to truly eradicate racism, the future does not look promising. In fact, some say we’re headed in the wrong direction, back to the past of that pre-existing condition. And it’s scary." Well! this is scary! But due to the recent laws made that are definitely going to harm African American Descendants of Slaves, I do believe that this may be true. We are headed in the wrong direction and need to turn back around. And so, this other quote, I can certainly appreciate, however; "...but to travel back to Texas, June 19th, 1865 all Americans should have full admiration for our government, for it, then, chose the right path and put forth great effort to equalize ALL it’s citizens." Based on so many other issues that are a part of this government, I have full admiration for the many people who are genuine, but I know that this government houses a lot of deceit that continually mask as helping but are doing the opposite. This nation and government formed after their declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776-- and separated from religion and the Bible so that the could keep slavery as law and then after Industrialism came about, discarded slavery, on face value because it was wrong, but they knew this back in 1776 too. So while I am grateful that God provided tecnology to be attained and industrialism, I still know the whole truth. I will always be grateful for people who always stand for truth. This PAUSE on Juneteenth is crucial, though and I hope that this kind of history continues to be uplifted.
  10. @Pioneer1 Funny! But the points brought out in this thread is, IMO, very suspicious on the part of the promotion of the tourism due to the recently renovated room of Sally Hemings! From what I have seen in this thread is that some of the 'Black' descendants of Sally Hemings are being supported to put out confusion! Some of the statements offer a 'convenient suggestion' in that slavery was 'not all that bad'!--regarding Thomas Jefferson! But in reality he was awful and he supported Colorism. Sally Hemings 'slave ancestor', SUSANNA was the beginning of this saga, here in AMerica. And from what I read, the name 'Hemings' acutually belong to the very slave ship captain that enslaved her. She was later given to another White slave master and so, this is a quote: The biracial children of Betty Hemings by Wayles were three-quarters European in ancestry and very fair-skinned. They had a white maternal grandfather and two white paternal grandparents. ... Elizabeth “Betty” and her children, including Sally Hemings, and all their children, were legally slaves, although the fathers were the white masters and the children were majority-white in ancestry. [21] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sally_Hemings So Susanna Hemings was given to a White slave master named Epps, therefore she became Susanna Epps, however, her later descendants used the name 'Hemings'. Susanna Hemings then was given to another White slave master named Wales and so, I guess her name became Susanna Wales. Susanna had a daughter named Elizabeth 'Betty' and this Betty had six children by the White slave master Wales. Then Betty Wales became the slave of Wales daughter [Betty's technical half-sister] and Thomas Jefferson. Therefore her name would have been Betty Jefferson, but she kept the name Hemings. Then Thomas Jefferson took Betty's daughter, Sally, the youngest... So it seems to me like Sally's youngest son's photograph, Eston Hemings shows, he was definitely White but it seems obvious that the presence of many other descendants that are 'Black' that this too is truth.
  11. Yes, this is new to me! But I am very interested.
  12. "More of Sally Hemmings descendents TODAY:" TWO THUMBS UP!-- FAS. I've seen the first video but the second one you posted says it all! This a balanced account of the history of Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemmings. WOW! You know, this subject reminds me of a time when after I had graduated from college and one day while I was driving and listening to the radio; I heard the announcer say that the 1st president, George Washington had slaves... I was completely stunned! Eventhough I graduated from an HBCU, I had never heard of that! --I was never formally taught in public school or college that after July 4, 1776, some of the founding fathers had slaves. That sounded so strange to me. LOL. But since then, I have seen talk shows and read books that featured some of the descendants of George Washington. After you posted too, I clicked and viewed some other interesting videos on this subject. Again, thank you for your post! Why did some of Sally Hemings's children identify themselves as white and others as black Getting Word: African American Families of Monticello On Reflection now, I am thinking maybe the title of this thread should not only be 'Black Men are too sexist' but instead, Some men are too sexist!
  13. Oh My! I don't know if I could stomach that video either!!! I have heard of this woman and like her, I think there are a lot of celebrities that are elevated but, I don't understand why!? But then, I don't follow a lot of stories so, maybe she is special, but, I wouldn't know. At any rate, it seems like she is being 'promoted' for some strange reason to highlight racial issues that are controversial, imo.
  14. This is all very fascinating to me and also 'way over my head'!--for now. But I have been following this thread and planning to ask some questions to some smart people to help be better understand!
  15. Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemmings' descendants don't look white??? This is a reference of two descendants that I had read about of Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings; THIS IS ESTON HEMINGS JEFFERSON who was born a slave-- May 21, 1808-January 3, 1856. I also read that some of these descendants were split and some chose to 'PASS FOR WHITE' and later lived as White European-Americans among White society. ESTON HEMINGS JEFFERSON (May 21, 1808 – January 3, 1856) was born a slave at Monticello, the youngest son of Sally Hemings, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eston_Hemings Also, here is another one; John Wayles Jefferson-- a grandson of Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings. So, while it would seem obvious to me that Sally Hemings descendants intermixed with BLack people and today, reflect this, as it has been written about, however, this story also shows the issues of Colorism that has caused darker skinned Black people's stories to be suppressed. ONe point that I thought I highlighted int his story was about The Black AFrican ancestor of Sally Hemings that became enslaved by the ship captain. The fact that these two White men are descendants of a Black AFrican enslaved woman is what is being suppressed, not the light skinned descendants that you posted in the video(s). Nevertheless, as I stated, we need to know those stories too, and we need to know about White Slavery, but in how it is directly connected to BLack African Slavery. The son Sally Hemings and Thomas Jefferson was BORN IN SLAVERY!!! Thank you so much for posting!
  16. Yes, for me, the hard part is accepting that this was the NORM! Especially for the darker skinned females and continually, this was the norm. But also, for me, I feel that this sort of thing still happens today in a certain degree, but it happens in such a way that we don't really recognize it. And, just like many of us may not recognize how, as these authors show, slavery affected many White people caught up in the ill affects of Colorism and Slavery too, however, it was not on the level that it affected darker skinned African-type people, but still, many of them were hurt too. I cannot equate my experiences to the account of that slave woman mentioned in the video having her own children and herself being sold by their own father and the man that fathered her children, but I know what it feels like to be abruptly ripped away from your children by this American legal system!--only to be proven 3 years later, after much damage has been done, that the courts had to acknowledge that it was wrong! ... Nevertheless, as in the past, AMerican offers no adequate restitution for this sort of Human Sacrifice. This story reminds me of a movie starring one of my favorite actresses, Jane Seymoure, who played the role of Fannie Kemble, and it was about a White woman who came from Britain and married a White man who was a slave owner. Her husband later, took her young daughters from her in a divorce settlement, and she was not reunited with them until they werer both 21 years old! --DAMAGE DONE! Nevertheless, after reading more about FAnnie Kemble from an author(s) Catherine Clinton and Deirdre David, and learing how Fannie Kemble too, had racist sentiments and wrote about Black slaves; She described "Blacks slaves as stupid, lazzy, filthy, as well as finding them ugly...". * Nevertheless, the references also says that "she was in opposition to slavery and outrage at its cruelties." These 'Love-Hate' conflicts that go on amongst White people, IMO, would be part of the reason why African Americans will never understand the full impact of slavery unless we learn more about what really happened during these times from other aspects as well as from well meaning White authors. *http://www.upenn.edu/pennpress/book/14321.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fanny_Kemble
  17. This is hilarious! I recognize some of the faces but for the most part, I don't know who they are. Hey, there's a part II ...
  18. WOW!!! Another Record Setting TRACK BEAUTY Setting a Record 10.75! SHA'CARRI RICHARDSON! WOW!-- Sha' Carri just ran a 10.75!!! This brings back my memories of Flo Jo! I read though that today, Sha-Carri is rated one of the 9th fastest runners. I am amazed. _______________________________________________________________ ... Richardson finished the race at a record-breaking time of 10.75 seconds and didn't even have to cross the finish line to know she won. She raised her arms in celebration while she was still running and finished nearly five meters ahead of the rest of the field Richardson broke the world junior record, and her finish time makes her the ninth-fastest performer in the world. She also broke the NCAA record, which was set 30 years ago by former LSU sprinter Dawn Sowell at 10.78. http://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/more-sports/lsu-freshman-breaks-womens-100m-collegiate-record-in-1075-celebrates-early/ar-AACAP8M?li=BBnbfcL&ocid=AARDHP HERE'S THE VIDEO of her competing this past Saturday winning in 10.75 Oh and Uh, yes, she has BLONDE EXTENSIONS!!!-- LOL! I just realized that this trend of Black Track Beauties may be due to being able to recognize them on the track! Just a thought.
  19. Oh yes, I have experienced this!! @Pioneer1 @Troy This is an interesting comment especially in lieu of the video!!! I loved watching the video though, it was very good! I applaud the authors. Side note; The White woman reminds me so much of Ertha KItts daughter! At any rate, one of the most profound statements made was by the narrator of the video in how, before he went into depth about his mother, daughter and the FANCY LADIES, he mentioned his first love. He spoke about his first love being a very dark chocolate beauty and how we are today hearing stories from light skinned people and then after he made this statement, well, the conversation was mostly about WHITE, BIRACIAL OR LIGHT SKINNED SLAVES!!! The authors also spoke about this too, when they mentioned a woman that somehow learned how to write and expressed the horror of the man who fathered her children putting her and her children up for sale! It was said that because of the few Slave Narratives, these stories account for the many other stories that are not told! And then they spoke about Thomas Jefferson and later towards the end they spoke about Frederick Douglass in a positive aspect [of which I do NOT agree!]. fRederick Douglass later said that he was 'A HITTITE' and he speaks about his father, the slave master. Also, he greatly disrespected the Black wife he married and who helped him become free. He had illicit sexual relationships with White women in the house with his BLack wife in the house. And, the Black community became divided and some would not even go to his house! I read his books and was amazed at how he shifted his position and beliefs. The famous William Lloyd Garrison even became frustrated with Douglass. So, imo, the conversation about slavery was more about WHITE SLAVERY and I feel that this is a vital subject though, because it helps to bridge a gap and may better lead to the earlier experiences that the AFrican Slaves have not been able to voice. I think that the concept of WHITE SLAVERY needs to be better defined in that many of these White Slaves are descendants of Black and AFrican people and etc. and this definition has not been made clear. I feel tht many Black people have been made to believe that White Slavery has nothing to do with a connection to BLack and AFrican oppression but IMO, it does. Thomas Jefferson is indeed a perfect person to highlight this phenomenon of 'White SLavery' and the lineage of the woman Sally is a perfect description of a White Slave. Her ancestor was a Black AFrican woman enslaved by a White ship captain. By the time that Sally was born though, the AFrican 'Phenotype' had been watered down!!! And the future descendants of this Black slave woman look completely European and Caucasian today! You would never realize they stem from Black AFrica unless you researched this story. Thomas Jefferson practiced COLORISM on his slave plantation and the darker slaves lived down the mountain while the 'White Slaves' were allowed to live near to the big house and work in better 'slave jobs' and etc.
  20. WOW! That's awesome! She is definitely very light skinned, but I can see that she is Black! I dunno... I think @Pioneer1 that it depends. But I agree about Meghan Markle to a great extent only because I have seen her father! That man is White and has not connection to anything close to being Black cultural wise as well. However, Meghan was raised by her mother, so culturally, she definitely has that to her background. Oh yes!! I understand this too! Absolutely!!! I agree completely!
  21. I would SO love to go! But as you have said, I don't like crowds that much, however, if the theme is good, then I believe I could really enjoy this type of experience. I never knew that there was such a thing as 'an Essence festival'. Yes, this sound good! I grew up going to large annual Church conventions and had gotten tired of them for some reason-- never gave it much thought as to why-- But now, I think I might have a better experience at an Expo and especially perhaps a Book Fair.
  22. Can You Name Your Most Favorite AFrican American Cultural Festival You Would LIke to Attend? I am not the kind of person who has had the privilege to travel a lot and go to many festivals but if I could, there are some cultural festivals that I would like to attend. And, until I did a little research, I did not realize there were that many African Amercian festivals here in the States. I have posted this one link of the top ten most popular African American Cultural Festivals in America, and well, I have never heard of any of them, except for New York! I was so surprised to learn about a festival in Indiana being the most visited! I couldn't believe it! And, I was surprised to NOT see the Mardi Gras on the list. I probably will never be able to go to places far away for now, but I hope to attend some nearby real soon. At any rate, if money was NOT the issue and I had a choice to visit at least five then, I have listed my MOST WANTED TOP 5 CHOICES OF AFRICAN AMERICAN CULTURAL FESTIVALS I would like to attend: 1. The Sundiata Festival in Seattle Washington [I would love to see Seattle, Washington because I heard so much about a significant AFrican American presence there that goes way back in time. And I heard that the people were active during the Civil Rights Movement] 2. Mardi Gras [After reading about the history and background though, I'm not sure if I want to go now, but in the past, I was always curious] 3. The Indiana Black Expo [This is stated in the link to be the most popular in all of America!] JULY 11-21, 2019 4. AFRAM Festival in Delaware [this was in the link, and I am curious] 5. Last by definitely not least-- THE African American Book Festival in Atlanta! [Man!--Would I love to go!] **Also, I would love to go to the one in Detroit, Michigan and also visit Motown Museum, Ohio, New York and the Book Festival in Houston, Texas and more!] Anyway, here is the link: 1 Sistrunk Parade and Festival--February, Fort Lauderdal, Florida One of the 15 most popular African-American Festivals attracting thousands of people for over 30 years, the Sistrunk Parade and Festival celebrates the achievements of USA citizens of African descent. Fun parts of the celebrations include a large parade with colorful floats, marching bands, drill teams, and dancing performers, as well as special international cuisine offerings, local and international entertainment, and family oriented activities. ... 8. Indiana BLack Expo Summer Celebration - Late July, Indianapolis, Indiana Summer Celebration is the largest African-American event in the nation, with over 300,000 people in attendance. The programs and events over an 11-day period includes business workshops, health and wellness, employment opportunities, spiritual enrichment, exhibits, youth activities and entertainment. Local and national celebrities along with individuals, families and members of the corporate community all join in celebration of African-American heritage and culture. ... http://www.topeventsusa.com/top-african-american-festivals-USA.html OMG! I think I want to go to Indiana!!! I think I want to go to Indiana!!! I think I want to go to Indiana!!! ... Wow!
  23. @Pioneer1 Interesting! But yes, I agree, many people from AFrica do not really say that much about their homeland, at least not to me.
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