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Everything posted by Chevdove

  1. LAST FRIDAY MY GPS LED ME TO A CORNFIELD! Are the Magnetic Poles Shifting? Last Friday, I was on my way to attend a funeral service and so, I used my GPS to locate the church. The destination was only about a fifteen-minute drive from my relative’s home. I had never had any problem prior to this day when I used my GPS to navigate in this area. But since I had never been to this church and wanted to arrive on time, I used my GPS as a safeguard. However, it led me in a ‘wild goose chase’ so-to-speak’. After driving for about ten minutes on one road, then I was signaled to make a left turn at a turnabout and then after one mile, the GPS signaled for me to make a right turn on a certain road. But something looked wrong. It was an unpaved country road and on both sides of this dirt road was nothing but a large expanse of farm fields. But even though this road did not appear to be accurate, I slowed down until the GPS stated, .2 miles, .1 miles, … 200 ft, … 50 ft. I saw no church, but across the fields was a big barn and behind it, a couple of large houses. But I made a right turn anyway, and the GPS signaled for me to make a left and then an immediate right and the computer voice said that was my destination. It led me to the front door of that big barn in an open field. So, I thought, “Umh, this isn’t good!” LOL. I didn’t see any church in the vicinity. This had never happened before even when it had rained and the clouds were thick. My GPS had always been precise. So, my other passengers in the car and I decided to drive back to the main road and to see if the GPS would re-calculate of which it did. As soon as we made a right turn back onto the main road, the GPS signaled for me to make a left turn at the next street. But that was weird because, now, the GPS was leading us into a complete opposite direction. And, then after .2 miles, it signaled for me to make a right turn but, there was NO ROAD! It was just a pull off area that was only large enough for perhaps one car and then trees. So, I decided to drive onward for a few yards, and then the GPS signaled only a few feet from that point to make a left turn at the next street and the computer voice said that the destination was immediately on the left. However, we did not see any church at all! All that we saw were a few houses. So, I continued down a few yards slowly and came to an intersection and pulled over to the right of the roadway and stopped. We decided to call the church, but the phone went to a voicemail and no one picked up. Thankfully, a car passing by came to our rescue. A woman stopped at the intersection and asked us if we needed help. We explained that we were trying to find a church and she told us that she had seen many, many cars lined up near a large church and all we needed to do was to turn around and go back to the main road and then turn left and we would be able to see all of the cars, and the police cars directing traffic and a large church. Therefore, we made a U-turn at this intersection and drove a few yards back down to the main road and we could actually see the huge crowd of cars just as soon as I turned left and back onto the main road. Ultimately, it became obvious that I never needed to make a right turn onto the dirt road that led to the barn or a left turn. But, had I kept driving straight, I would have seen the church around the bend of the road only a few yards from that dirt road! It was a large one story, well established church off the main road of which the address registered on the GPS, so why did the GPS malfunction? Well, it was only a few days later that I saw the articles on the internet about the Magnetic Pole changing of which has affected the GPS systems. Some reports blame the Government Shutdown for the delay in releasing this information. Some scientist explain that although the Magnetic change may seem small, however, no one expected this to happen so soon and at the rage of which it has been occurring. This would not be a small matter but very significant. Some articles say that in terms of a catastrophic incident in which the Magnetic Poles changes have occurred a few times millions of years ago, the North Pole and the South Pole would actually switch. But for now, this would not be the case. However, the Magnetic liquid field change that has just occurred does show us that these changes are major and also unpredictable to some great degree. Furthermore, for Bible Believers, if though, the magnetic poles were to change, in my opinion, this would explain in part of how, in the Biblical account of the Great Deluge, the Creator communicated with certain animals to migrate towards the ark. Scientist explain that there are some animals that use the magnetic field to navigate and migrate. ______________________________________________ NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC ARTICLE Magnetic north just changed. Here’s what that means. Maya Wei-Hass 4hrs ago Questions still likely abound: Why is magnetic north changing so fast? What were the impacts of the update's delay? Was there really a geologic reason Google maps sent me off course? We've got you covered. … Rocks hold geologic maps of even weirder movements of the magnetic poles, suggesting that in the last 20 million years, magnetic north and south have flipped places multiple times. This seems to happen roughly every 200,000 to 300,000 years. The exact causes behind these reversals remains uncertain. But the latest movement shouldn't have you in knots about an imminent flip. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/magnetic-north-just-changed-heres-what-that-means/ar-BBTb3iR?li=BBnb7Kz&ocid=AARDHP WASHINGTON POST ARTICLE Earth’s Magnetic North Pole Has Shifted So Much We’ve Had to Update GPS Wp SARAH KAPLAN, THE WASHINGTON POST 6 FEB 2019 … Scientists on Monday released an emergency update to the World Magnetic Model, which cellphone GPS systems and military navigators use to orient themselves. … But the north magnetic pole's inexorable drift suggests that something strange - and potentially powerful - is taking place deep within Earth. Only by tracking it, said University of Leeds geophysicist Phil Livermore, can scientists hope to understand what's going on. … … Some have speculated that Earth is overdue for another magnetic field reversal - an event that hasn't happened for 780,000 years - and the North Pole's recent restlessness may be a sign of a cataclysm to come. https://www.sciencealert.com/navigation-systems-finally-caught-up-with-the-mysteriously-north-pole-shift
  2. @NubianFellow So on point! I believe that we as Black African people do make decisions that take away our power, and I do believe that this may be true even in terms of the way we dress or style our hair or etc. to an extent. For instance, when people see many Blacks 'saggin', they may perceive this in ways we may not realize. Does it mean to others that we are 'brainwashed' or conquered? In terms of 'our involvement in politics' I am so glad you brought this up! I absolutely don't believe that we should vote for certain things that are on the ballot and etc.... The issue with 'homosexuality' is a personal issue for me due to stories that I have heard and so, I strongly believe that for many, 'homosexual' is a general term but it should include 'Pedophilia' and this is the part that really enrages me. I do not understand how Blacks could agree to this law, when for us, this issue began during slavery when most of our ancestors were children.
  3. . . . they took away . . . . . . they took away our . . . . . . they took away our spirituality . . . @NubianFellow Oh but I don't think this was the process though, however, it would be that 'WE ALLOWED THEM TO TAKE AWAY OUR SPIRITUALITY AND REPLACE IT WITH THEIR IDOLATRY'. And this could not have happened if our ancestors weren't obssessed with 'their' presence, IMO. Yes! I agree! That is terrible!!! @Delano LOL! Now, that is true!!! That's okay! This issue is no secret amongst us folks in this world, so you don't have to bow out!
  4. @Troy Really!? I remember the Central Park Five. Trump mentioned them!? Black unemployment!? Okay, WOW! I guess I need to listen! @Pioneer1 I didn't listen to the speech yet, but you make a good point! I hope it will be affective support and not like that of Ben Carson or Kanye.
  5. But, @NubianFellow when you make statements like 'they don't count' or 'I ignore them' or, wearing 'hair hats' ... that is exactly what you are proposing to do. Don't you see that due to what happened in the past regarding the bad treatment that came from Black men in picking White women and others is a significant part of this issue in how Black women style their hair as White women? @NubianFellow The video that you posted was awesome! In it the Black women are beautiful, but you are not acknowledging other pertinent issues. Let me put it this way: In this video that you posted, at the 2:07 minute mark, this is what was sung; But you got to stop putting me down queen I didn’t cause slavery or condemn my people to slaves And I’m not responsible that White people came to Africa and made my ancestors slaves And I don’t call them cowards or Coons cause I know that my ancestors was brave because if they were weak we wouldn’t survive to even be alive right now to even embrace So we need to behave and respect our ancestors by showing love to ourselves the right way ________________________________________________________________________________________________ You know what this is called? It is called EXTREME SELF DENIAL!!! Whose fault is it then, that White people came into Africa and were able to set up slavery!? If the African kings were so strong then, how were White people able to do this!? IF this enslavement which lasted for hundreds of years is NOT a sign of SPIRITUAL WEAKNESS, then what do you call it? Why should we respect our ancestors blindly? The verses in this video are amazingly showing the very problem of today with gender conflicts; DENIAL. We want to blame White Supremacy on White people and suppress the White Supremacy that pervaded amongst the Africans and their fascination over White people that they welcomed into Africa!!! I absolutely believe that the guilt in letting in White Supremacy into Africa initially belong to both Black AFrican men and women who became obsessed over these White traits and started inter-mingling with White people in Africa. We need to take responsiblity for our part in this evil.
  6. @Pioneer1 Yes, Pioneer1 'on certain issues' . LOL No! That's not true! There are many Afrocentric women IMO. However, we have all been negatively affected by the slave system and we may understand this past evil, on different levels. Here, you posted a pic of a sista with blonde coloring in her straight hair, and this doesn't mean that women who do this are not wanting to be Afrocentric. That is your interpretation, but not mines. That girl is gorgeous, IMO. Again, Pioneer1, I think a lot of Black men are ignoring the hell Black women have been through by being thrown down by Black African men and wanting and obssessing over White or other kinds of women. This straight-hair and blonde highlight phenomena stems from many avenues, and I don't think that BLack men are taking responsibility for their part. So to just continue to speak against Black women who do this will not help. I hate my hair being styled in this way, but that doesn't mean, that it doesn't look good when I see other Black girls do this. Black women were initially thrown down by Black men and this issue needs to be worked out,-- But it won't if you guys keep ignoring this part!!! My response would be: YES YOU DO, DOLL! You now have the right to work out your own salvation, now that the ancient Black kings who had been choosing White, [ie ASHTEROTH] and other women with straight, blonde hair over you, and have since been thrown down, now, you have the right to style you hair naturally with an afro and be acknowledge by BLack men today for this style and you also have the rightt o style your hair straight, and and be called beautiful too. Pioneer, I think Black women look gorgeous with natural hair, but in today's world where, the White woman has gained the upper hand, thanks to our Black kings, this issue will take time to be worked out.
  7. @Pioneer1 That is not true! Both Cynque and I have agree with this "brother" on some valid points! @NubianFellow LOL! This if funny but, when you flip it, like this, I can see your point. LOL. true!!! But yes, it can be oppressive, and in certain cases, it is. As I said before, unlike you, who care, some Black men are 'white washed' or brain washed too, and they attack Black women for the wrong reasons.
  8. @NubianFellow Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You know, I think that this was the problem: Here's another point about the married man 'Black-Sam' that first made that comment that morning: He had a picture of his wife on his desk. And guess what!? She was Black African AMerican, and her hair was a short, hot-combed, pressed straight hair style. My natural hair was never straight, hot-combed. I blow dried it, a BLOW-OUT--so it was very full. So Black-Sam was actually upset with me, because I didn't wear my hair, STRAIGHT! Can you believe that!? I believe he was offended due to my ethnic hairstyle. But, like you, most Black men always complimented me when I styled my hair natural. But, when I was younger, my Mom did give my sisters and I, chemical relaxers, and I continued for awhile and, completely butchered my hair. But during college, I completely stopped at some point, and went natural. And, never went back to those past days. I agree. I love this statement. And, I agree, but again, due to the past in how Black women have been so beaten down about their natural beauty, as you did write about, some have decided to wear straight hair styles. I don't like it for me, but I understand. Some black women look so gorgeous though, no matter how they style their hair.
  9. GET OUTTA HERE!!! That's @Cynique!!! I knew it! The way she writes! I just knew she was professional! Her afro is tight!!! MEL HOPKINS: Let the church say AMEN!!! @Mel Hopkins AMEN!!!
  10. @NubianFellow At this time of my life, as I already said, I had already been validated before I ever wore braid extensions, so, there is no way that Black men would be in good standing when men of other cultures acknowledge the beauty of women of any race/culture. They would look pretty stupid in the eyes of other men, if they ignored women of their own culture, should they style their hair naturally or with wigs or extensions in this world. No one, no men, ignores women just because they wear hair extensiosn in this world. That does not make any sense. I acknowledge that you believe that I 'disguised my appearance to look more non-African'. This is what you believe--in that Black women wear wigs and hair extensions to look non-African. I clearly stated that I wore 'BRAIDS'--this is not a non-White hair style. But, unfortunately, you are blocking this out. Also, I was employed due to my interview byway of my supervisor and that Cherokee Indian and the other White men--when I wore my natural hair! Have you ever considered the fact that Black women are now being acknowledged for their presence, their unique presence and unique beauty, by people, both men and women, of other cultures due to the ancient Black civilization being overthrown, and due to the intense oppressions being meted out to Black women and children! Don't you realize that the freedom of expression Black women are doing today, stems from this basis? Whether we wear our hair naturally or with enhancements, is what women do all over the world, however, Black men have oppressed Black women, while giving other kinds of women 'a pass' for doing the same thing. But now, we are being set free to work out our own place in this world and, thankfully, there are so many other Black men and are giving us this support and acknowledgement that we deserve. The White Supremacy that you are addressing was eclipsed that day, for me, in the office, thanks to other men in that shipyard, both White and BLack! You are repeating yourself, so perhaps I will answer in this mode; It was in my natural hairstyle that I got the job! LOL. Because I wanted to keep my natural hair, I chose to braid it and add extensions. Braiding natural hair and working my job in that capacity, would have rendered me the same results of not being able to manage my hair during the week, but braid extensions holds the style much longer. Braids is NOT of the White culture. Thank you. But, that is why, we are here today, in a multi-cultural world. The standards that Black women were too oppressive, by ancient BLack men, and this was not normal, so here we are today... Seriously, I don't think it would be good for Black women to be ignored, but, it doesn't matter, because no matter what, there will always be someone else, other men, that will acknowledge the natural beauty, inside and out, of all women. Black women have taken a serious hit, a hit that goes way back in time, and many of us are strong enough to make the effort to present ourselves in society in a positive light. And, whether Black women choose to wear their natural hair, straight hair, natural hair extensions or etc., they deserve the opportunity that they have been given to work it out. I applaud this effort all the time. I would never knock a sista down if she chooses to wear a certain hairstyle. Never. But, NubianFellow, I understand how some men perceive this, and hopefully, they will stop being exploited too, to knock a sista down, because I don't believe that kind of 'shaming' will work...Thanks to other men, both BLack and non-Black that can acknowledge the efforts of women of all walks of life for their efforts to present themselves in a positive aspect in this world.
  11. @NubianFellow I don't feel that 'Shaming' is ever warranted or necessary coming from Black men about this particular issue of Black women wearing 'false hair'. And so, now, they've gone from Jerry curls and perms to obsessively SAGGIN!? WOW! That showed them! Black men have now been so shamed that they now wear their pants low to the point it is an obssession all across America. LOL. It has power alright, the power that it carries keeps us extremely suppressed. No other culture does this attack, gender attack, on a wide-scale but Blacks. And yet, we can't see the damage it has done to our existence. This oppressive behavior of demeaning each other is so affective and has sooooooo much POWER and completely helps this government operate freely without having to deal with us unwanted people in their higher sectors. We grapple on the lower realms of society getting the crumbs while others look on, laughing at how we attack each other, destroying self images amongst each other rendering us completely unable to fight other important issues that would help to give us relief and freedom. Freedom to see a better positive image that other human beings express because they are not constantly being shamed by their men. I think I know what you’re getting at, here. You are comparing Black women wearing false hair to CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR being downplayed. You’re equating gang murders to Black women wearing false hair. And, you are taking it a step further and saying that we, Black women, do acknowledge that it is a CRIME TO WEAR UGLY FALSE HAIR but we want Black men to overlook this obvious crime and look at our other insignificant attributes such as our intellect or our curvy physique or etc. Nappy hairstyles count much more than anything else that we could possibly look like or do. Well, I for one am happy that some Black AfroAmerican men do speak out against the obsession with Black women wearing hair weaves and extensions but however, the issue of ‘shaming’ is absolutely not good. I also agree with you that Shaming [ie. joking, mocking, ridiculing…] Black women for wearing weaves, wigs and extensions would be a big part of our culture and I also believe that has been used by this oppressive system to further their cause. I don’t know how to completely say what I believe and think that an expert on human behavior might do a better job than me in giving a more complete breakdown on what I am trying to say, but because as a Black woman, who becomes the recipient of such ‘shaming’, many of us can give some good feedback on this subject. I think that because we have been ‘conditioned’ to believe that this aspect of our culture is normal adds on to our detriment. Although Black men who do throw down Black women and use this issue as an excuse for their Self Hatred don’t need no help from White Supremacist society but it helps to the cause of both. And, I think this ‘hair issue’ stems from part of the conditioning of the past Chattel Slave System whereby the slave yard ‘Buck’ was used to attack and totally demean the Black helpless slave women first and then came the White attackers. No, I absolutely do not feel that you have done anything like this intentionally, but it would be the conditioning of this system that would be a deceptive part of the intense position of ‘shaming’ that some Black men have taken against Black women on their choices in how they style their hair. You may feel that your approach may not be this or that or may not be ‘shaming tactic’ but I guess this is subjective and based on individual accounts. Your approach may be taken as well meaning by some and not others. And your approach is well intended and so, the outcome regardless, will be good because it’s heartfelt in how you appreciate and adore Black women, but there are other Black men that may use your same approach and don’t mean Black women any good at all. So, therefore, let me offer a personal story that may help to better understand this issue: ========================================================================================================================== Decades ago when I worked as an Environmental Scientist at shipyard—MY HAIR!!! I became so tired of having to style my natural hair everyday and go to work. I worked outside in extreme elements a lot. I had to work in high temperatures in the summertime or based on the type of job I had to cover, sometimes, I sweat profusely and then went out into the cold winter weather and then back into my office building with my hair soaking wet. So one day, I impulsively decided to braid my hair and added extensions over the weekend. I didn’t give it much thought because I had done it before at another job. But when I came to work, I was confronted with a blow to my person, that I knew was wrong. The setting of the building was as such; After punching in the code to get in the building, and walking mid-way down the hallway to swipe the time-clock, and then walking further down the hallway past other office spaces, then, I entered my office space on the left. It was a rather spacious area and there were six (6) employees including myself who was the only female scientist for the north zone office that covered the environmental monitoring for the northside of the entire shipyard. My desk was straight across from the entrance to the back so when I sat, my back was to the windows and I faced the entrance. I sat in the middle of to men on either side of me, and their desk faced my desk. I faced forward and so, they were able to look up and view me in profile during the work shift. [1] On my left side of the office against the side wall area was the desk facing me of one man, a tall slender built, straight-haired Native American man, a single man--John. [2] On my right side of the office against the side wall area was the desk facing me of another man, a tall slender built dark skinned, single African American man--Doe. [3] Towards the front right was another tall slender, dark skinned, slender built, married African American man-Sam and [4] next to him was the desk of my supervisor nearest the front door, a married, tall slender White man—Clark [i.e. all of these names superficial].[5] On the left front side was a tall, slender, older senior White man—Jim. So, Monday morning I buzzed myself into the building, punched the clock, walked into my office and sat down at my desk and I was usually the first one in the building. The second one was usually Black-Sam, the married Black man and he walked into the office and sat down and immediately, I sensed that he was alarmed and seemed cold in his initial body language. Usually, he would give the usual ‘Hey’ how you doing this morning, but he said nothing. So, I spoke, and inquired why he didn’t greet me. To my surprise, he was abrupt and blunt. He said to me, “I don’t like your hair”. And, his face was very stern as he glared at me, then he turned away and was dead quiet. Oh God, it hurt so bad. I couldn’t believe it. But I said nothing as usual. Its never been my nature to be an outward and vocal person, so I just remained quiet. And, he was never usually a vocal person either but was professional and he usually kept out of the shipyard conversations that could sometimes get vulgar. But, this morning, he shocked me. He was embarrassed by my presence with the ‘ethnic hair style’. But, in less than about ten minutes, in walked the tall and tan Cherokee man-John and he briskly walked over to his desk and sat down. After only a few quiet seconds, he said, “Damn! I love your hair! Sexy!” Well, I was still too hurt to say much to him. But, I snickered a little, and said, “Thank you”. Then about five minutes later, my supervisor-Clark came in and sat down, looked up, and immediately said with a smile, “Hey, I like your hair!” Then a few minutes later, the last one that came in that particular day, was Black-Doe, and he came in and sat down and said, nothing. Then after few minutes, Cherokee John took a call for a job assignment, he immediately jumped up and put on his hard hat, grabbed his shipyard backpack and said to me, “Come on, let’s go do this job assignment together.” So, I leaned over, got my hard hat and put it on, and I grabbed my backpack and through it over my back and out we went. … During the morning and after I got back to my desk, all day the other White men from South zone office, next door, would pop in our office and tell me that they loved my hair. They leaned against my desk and chit chatted as usual from time to time. I was the first African American Environmentalist in that building and in that huge ship yard ever and there was my friend, in the South zone office, a married, White Woman—Christian, who was the first ever women environmentalist in this shipyard ever. This shipyard was the largest in the world and second best only to a shipyard in Japan at that time. After lunch, Black-Sam picked up the phone and took a job assignment and then he grabbed his gear, and said to me, “Come on, I want to do this assignment with you.” So, I really didn’t want to go with him, but, I grabbed my hard hat and gear and went out the office with him and out the building and got in the passenger seat of the company jeep and he backed out of the lot and drove off. Inside, I was furious, but I was quiet. With in minutes, he said, “I am sorry. I want to apologize to you the way that acted this morning. I was wrong about your hair. It looks good. I am really sorry.” I said, “okay”. … At that time, I really didn’t need anyone to validate me, because, I was already confident in my appearance. I already had validation long before that point and I knew that I looked gorgeous in my youth, with or without hair extensions but, for that Black man to make a comment about my presence, and my braids, unsolicited, was wrong. It was an attack, but I am happy that he apologized. And later, that day; how many other Black men on the shipyard complimented me about my NEW-DOO!? LOL. Many! A lot of the Black men saw me in the yard that very day, with Black-Sam and came up to me and told me how much they liked my doo! LOL. But it took a very gorgeous Cherokee Indian who had women constantly falling at his feet, and other White men to ‘shame’ Black-Sam and Black-Doe that day. But I do want to say this; there is so much pressure put against Black men on accepting any and everything negative about Black women and this does put Black men in a terrible position and vice-versa. And for this reason, I did not hold this experience against the two brothers in my office. There is more to this story too, though… in the tune of job sexual harassment that I endured from both Black-Doe of whom, I did have a crush on, and Cherokee-John… I did have a crush on Black-Doe, but I did not want the relationship to go anywhere at that time, because I was stressed, very depressed due to my situation with my mother, and trying to prove myself, professionally, on the job. But, this personal story about how Black African American men feel about Black women and their hairstyles is complex for a lot of reasons, IMO, but ‘shaming’ Black women is definitely not the answer. All this type of PUBLIC Black-on-Black self-demeaning attacks only resulted in SAGGIN PANTS styles and etc that we have as part of our cultural definition today which means we are being conditioned to define our culture in extreme behaviors including excessive wearing of hair weaves and extensions and etc. but these extreme behaviors are not ours! As I have said before, White women wear hair extensions and weaves at the same rate that Black women do and white society have their extreme styles too, however, they come behind a movement furthered by Blacks and so, their social behaviors are not targeted. Black people become the trend setters and the 'fall guy' for promoting whatever it is, good or bad, in the world. White men do not attack White women publicly for issues that they may view as detrimental at the same rate the Black men do because it is not the right thing to do. Period. If Black men cannot find a way to address the issues that they feel are bad for Black women by encouragement then, let someone else do it. There is another example based on an old movie that I had just saw recently. The Black man in this film, IMO, is so gorgeous, like WOW! Mind blowing. In the movie, Phatgirlz, he tells the character played by Monique [paraphrasing] that she should not use certain explicative words and phrases to address other women because it takes away from her glory. Now, that is what I define as encouraging. In this world today as it has been in the past, we are always going to have this existing alongside of our cultures: RAHOTEP & NOFRET in Ancient Africa By Djehouty - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=51203600 Rahotep & Nofret 2600s BC; Nofret is wearing a wig, her real hair, bangs, can be seen under the wig. By Djehouty - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=51268686 So therefore, to just ‘shame’ Black women for wearing wigs and false hair enhancements in an environment whereby White women like this ancient White woman, NOFRET, who existed in ancient Black African civilization about 2600 BC is given ‘a pass’ to do this, is wrong. There needs to be a better way to address the issue of Black women who do go to the extreme though in wanting to portray White traits due to Self-Hatred.
  12. @Pioneer1 Yes, me too. I think that they are sensationalizing everything and not teaching us the specific details. And, people in general will try to make sense of it but without understanding the true facts. I guess that is part of their 'sensationalizing' though, to make it appear that records have been broken and etc. But scientist also look at certain patterns that the media hype don't care about. Yeah, I guess this 'picture they paint' is for their benefit. Population control.
  13. LOL That is not Christian fundamentalism, but that is the government successfully causing people to believe in lies and not read to confirm these lies. I don't recall the scripures stating that there will be a finite end to the world. That is what many have been spoon fed by human leaders that they worship. From what I remember, the scriptues say that a third of the earth will be destroyed. Many people worship this system of White Supremacy and have been duped into pushing their false propaganda; both Christian fundalmentalist and those that attack these people are doing the job for the government of keeping the masses under control. "Jesus is coming back soon,..." I hope so!!! @Pioneer1 It's not that it is so cold in January, but it is about scientist tracking GLOBAL RECORDS. It's about record keeping and seeing real recordable data. Record keeping is how all civilizations are defined as opposed to primitive existence. You don't believe this planet has switched its poles so as to have it be cold in JUne where it may not have been? Do you believe that this planet split? You don't believe that this planet split and caused certain regions that was once in a warmer climate to be in a cold region? If this were to happen in the future, yes, it would be news worthy, but tracking weather patterns also helps scientist to understand our planet and I think this is a good thing, because it helps the governments determine how to help sustain human life based on getting an understanding of certain patterns. These numbers may seem insignificant to me as a common person, but it may be important to scientist who constantly keep track of patterns.
  14. LOL! Thank you! I haven't confirmed it myself, but my relative told me that Chicago is significantly colder than Antarctica! NOw that is newsworthy IMO. Yes, me too, to a certain extent. I belive 'they' are opportunist though, and insert useless diversions from issues that are important though. Oh no. this is not only aimed at the Christian fundamentalist, but it is also hyped up information to assist in 'their' agents who promote 'their' agenda to keep the masses dumbed down, whether it is Christian fundamentalist or others. @Pioneer1 LOL! The BIG WHAT!? Yeah, it's useless information to me, but I suppose some people are harmed and may lose jobs, but I don't really understand these daily DOW Jones numbers either.
  15. The coldest temperature the city has ever seen was -27 degrees, which happened onJan. 20, 1985. The forecast low for Wednesday is 22 below-zero. The coldest high temperature for Jan. 30 in Chicago history is three degrees above zero, so the area could smash several cold-related records in the coming days.21 hours ago https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/cold-chicago-area-illinois-weather-forecast-504976991.html Chicago Could See One of the Coldest Days on Record This Week The forecast high temperature for Wednesday in Chicago is -15 degrees Published Jan 28, 2019 at 12:50 PM | Updated at 11:13 PM CST on Jan 28, 2019 With wind chill values reaching as low as -60 degrees and temperature highs staying well-below zero, the Chicago area is set to see one of its coldest days on record this week. https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/cold-chicago-area-illinois-weather-forecast-504976991.html
  16. DANG! I just checked. It's suppose to be below zero in Ann Arbor too. I have peeps that went to UM and now, I am wondering is this normal or record breaking.
  17. @NubianFellow I sort of understand what you mean. But there is always a middle ground of respect too, when it comes to this issue, and Black men should never shame Black women, though. Oh no. This should never be. How can a Black man, who should be considered and respected, shame a black woman into gaining self esteem, and thus be respected as a man and a leader as well? If some black women feel that they have gained self-esteem by wearing weaves, then shaming them will definitely not work. Black men need to understand all sides of this issue too. Wearing weaves, wigs and extensions will probably never be 'corrected behavior' as you have stated! Women both young and old have various valid reasons for doing this, and so, that is 'a natural behavior' for certain reasons. Some young women have problems with hair thinning too. Some young women may have cancer and this becomes a need! Some Black women do not have kinky hair, but combination hair, wavy hair, cury hair and even straight hair! So, they may want to do different things too, to enhance their look. This should not be an issue. etc. Oh no. You are wrong on this one! I applaud Chris Rock for his efforts though, because he and others did a lot to make natural hair extension, wigs and weaves become more avaliable! But I have never worn 'straight hair typed' weaves, or extensions--NEVER! Before Chris Rock spoke out against this, Beverly Johnson actually had natural hair extension products avaliable and used to buy them. And now that they are now sold, many Black women prefer this more than the straight type. But again, remember, Black women don't all have kinky hair! And, there is nothing wrong with wanting to have straight-type hair do, imo. Some Black women, seem to have a face for it, and look gorgeous. Again, though brother, I do believe that there is a self hatred thing going on, and some Black people, men and women, can hide behind real issues to continue. Tht is sad and I hope things get better. I know these issue do need to be addressed. Pretty girl! I like both styles! Ditto.
  18. @NubianFellow I can definitely understand your statements here! But in an earlier statement, you said something about 'shaming women' and I don't think though, that would be a good thing to do. I do believe that in today's world, we are constantly being exploited and I can understand why some Black men like you see that side of it--in that some black women rely too heavily on weaves. But I also think too, that this society does use Black men too, and have conditioned you to be too extreme about this subject. NubianFellow, as I said previously, this issue goes way back in time before todays world has been able to make weaves too avaliable to exploit. Women have been wearing weaves, wigs, braided extensions for a long time for various reasons!--Yes, young women too! I am not college age young anymore, and I love my natural hair, and have not altered it with chemicals for more than 25+ years or wear weaves extensively, but there are valid reasons too, why some young women would do this. Do I believe it is being done to the level of excessiveness? absolutely. Do I understand your point? Absolutely.
  19. Yeah, interesting question. I like the parking lot example in the video but still, as @Troy said, I don't think you can tell the difference, at least not right away. For example, if someone is taking advantage of you, it's not easy to be sure that this is true, right away. I think sometimes 'the masses of common people' have been conditioned by the government to NOT believe that things are bad, when in fact, it is bad and by the time we see the truth, then we, the masses, go from being like in a stupor to being aggressive. We've been given a false 'perception' and conditioned or 'dumbed down' to NOT perceive things as being bad and this only makes it worse. So when the reality kicks in that we've been 'had' by the government, they have consistenly been putting out more false perceptions by-and-by so as to ensure that when some of us do come to the REALITY we will be re-routed to attack other sub-groups, while the small group of 'leaders' sit back and continue to have a comfortable lifestyle. This is what I think about regarding this topic. I remember how, the movie, 'the Wizard of Oz' was aired, in color, so as to give the masses the perception that things were good, all the while, people were lined up in bread lines. And board games like Monopoly became used as a ploy to help people perceive that all was well during a time of crisis.
  20. I will never forget, how one day on the 6 o'clock news one day, a few years ago, the reaction of a national news reporter. He was an African AMerican man and sitting next to him was a Blonde-haired, White woman, anchor news reporter. And for some reason, the subject of Black women wearing hair weaves came up briefly. The Black man jokingly said, that he could easily tell when Black women are wearing hair weaves or hair extentions, and the news woman responded and said, "Really? I am wearing hair weaves and, I have always been wearing hair extensions because my hair is very thin." LOL. I will never forget that Black man's reaction. His head snapped to the left, and his jaw became unhinged. He was so shocked. And the White woman news anchor continued to look straight forward into the camera, with a slight smile and he said, "REally?" ... ANd, he said nothing else, he was just speechless... LOL. Some Black men are so shallow and do not even realize how they have been conditioned to view Black women in a negative light and they are used as tools to oppress Black women for issues that are not even thought of in any other culture. Black African women have been depicted in ancient times wearing braided hair extensions and wigs and, White [ie ASiatic] women have also been depicted in ancient times doing the same. I have roomed with several White girls and etc. and know that they wear hair extensions a lot, but they do not become ridiculed on the level that Black women have been in sitcoms and such. Today, just about every White women and non-African actresses you see on television probably has hair extensions because their hair can get very thin. The actress beauty queen, Daisy Fuentas [sp] became a norm on tv as she demonstrated how easy it is for straight-haired women to put in hair extensions. It is so sad to see how some Black men have been used to exploit Black women. I do believe though, that some Black people have an obssession for wanting to have non-African traits though, not only when it comes to hair, but other things too, and I believe that this should definitely be addressed. But in many regards, women wear wigs and hair extensions as an enhancement and not because of having issues with SElf-Hatred.
  21. @Pioneer1 You're right! You bring back to mind too, how it was here, in America though, when I was young. I was normal for kids to hold hands. I remember that me and my sister always did that. When we had to walk to our elementary school in Pennsylvania and as it was snowing, we would take turns leading each other because it was difficult to open our eyes with the snow hitting us in the face. So, we held hands and took turns, and then we held hands all the time when we walked. Brothers and sisters, brothers and brothers would hold hands and walk. I remember my best friend and I, in 3rd grade, in Charleston, SC, would always hold hands. And, other little girls would do this while playing at recess on the play ground and walking home after school. And, it was normal to see older kids still do this in the past. But, perhaps because of how America has permeated our societies with homosexuality and such, I guess, this kind of 'body language' has been altered to have different connotations and is not as common as it was in the past. But yes, as you said, it is still a normal practice to see East Indian woman walking and holding hands.
  22. Edit: comment 1:07 was actually 1:30 min mark and about 1:33 min in Part IV.
  23. From the Hi-to-Low ~ The Great little deluge Oh gosh! I got side tracked and stayed up all night recently because of an unexpected hunger to watch documentaries. And the reason why my interest became peaked was due to an earlier choice I had made to watch one of my old DVD series that touched upon this certain subject. I had filed these particular DVDs away in storage because, in the past when I began to watch them, my husband constantly expressed that they were not one of his favorites at all. I have never been a serious television addict but ever so often I do like to watch certain shows and I had only watched one episode while this series was aired on television more than about fifteen years ago; The Reba Show. So years later after it went off the air, I decided to buy two Reba DVD series on sale at Walmart back in 2009 but, I only watched a few episodes until I decided to store them away. But for some reason, I just recently became in the mood to pull them out of storage again. I waited until my husband went out of the room and decided to quietly watch some episodes so as not to draw attention because I just didn’t want to here his rants about ‘why he didn’t care for the show’. But after a few episodes, one certain episode caught me off guard and caused me to burst out in laughter. Barbara Jean had broke out of the kitchen wearing corn rolls and hair extensions in her head with the bling bling on and, she was boppin and make head gestures, and other ethnic gestures and commenting like a Black woman. I tried so hard to contain my amusement, but it was like one thing after another, and I was bursting out and hollering through the whole show. And the guest, one of my favorite actresses, Jo Marie Payton, from the show, Family Matters, was on this episode as well. That was one of the funniest shows I had ever watched. In one scene, Barbara Jean was attentively playing cards with the black folk in Reba’s living room and when the character ‘Brock’ came through the front door, she got up and bopped over to meet him and called him her ‘White Chocolate’ and, she later walked back into the kitchen and complained that she needed an aspirin because she had a headache, while she pressed her corn rolls so as to ease the tension in her head. However, there happens to be a down side to this show. I came to realize that the theme revolved around the past devastating disaster, hurricane Katrina. So then, I went from an Hi to a Lo point very quickly. After the show was over, I decided to research some updates and to my shock, I came across several documentaries that reveal to me events that I had never realized. And as one celebrity, Sean Penn, commented, this dynamic flood catastrophe that occurred in August 2005, now brings to my mind the Biblical Noah’s flood. It seems like a Great-little deluge. Even though, there are so many more devastating catastrophes that happened not long after this hurricane Katrina that was officially reported to have caused the deaths of about 1800 people, such as the great tsunami in Indonesia on December 26, 2005 and this recent hurricane Michael in October 2018, nevertheless, certain aspects of it makes Katrina very unique in my opinion. Even though there were other reports of previous hurricanes in that some surveys consider to be much worse than Katrina for various reasons, however, it would be this hurricane that still causes me to believe that it should be listed as the worst one to at least have happened here in the States. I believe that each hurricane force winds that has made landfall would be unique in and of itself, but after viewing one documentary after another recently, I still believe Katrina has made an historical landmark in America due to many circumstances that makes it be in sort of like a class by itself. There are several awesome documentaries about this hurricane Katrina, and each one of them highlighted unique aspects of this horrific ordeal, but one of the most compelling documentaries that I watched was Spike Lee’s ‘When the Levies Broke a requiem in four acts’. In this film a wide variety of people were interviewed from dramatic eyewitness accounts to well-known activist, ministers, celebrities, musicians, politicians, high ranking military personnel, and expert professionals. One of the many comments that struck me was from Garland Robinette, a Radio Host for WWL when he commented that [paraphrasing] ‘it is indescribable in how Black people were treated and even after almost nine (9) years later, it stuns me to this day’. Like this man, who even though he was White, there were so many other White people interviewed that became brought to the brink of tears as they passionately spoke about the racism against the Black African American victims of hurricane Katrina. This hurricane seems to bring out the best and worst in people from many different aspects. In part III at about the 13-minute mark, Dr. Ben Marble, ER Physician of Biloxi, Mississippi, exploded and abruptly cut off the former Vice President Dick Chaney, and later retorted [paraphrasing] that he did not want to hear comments just to make a photo opt to make himself look good’. He continued to say, ‘where was he three days before when everyone was dying in New Orleans’. Also at some point, Soledad O’Brien of CNN ripped into an official and spoke against the former president Bush on the same lines. She said [paraphrasing] that food, water and supplies were air dropped for the victims of the Sri Lanka tsunami victims two days later, but it had been five days and thousands of people were in the dome and had no food or water. She continued to passionately state that Bush was in Iraq when the people in New Orleans were suffering and that it was definitely a disservice in the name of racism against Black people. This documentary had me on the edge of my seat, so-to-speak and even though it was a lengthy series, that showed shocking scenes that made me depressed, on the other hand, even in this disparity, it took me, at times, from a Low to a High point. Throughout the entire series, there were two women that seen to carry the entire series and they would each continue to be interviewed at certain intervals throughout the whole film, and their comments were so abrupt and hilarious so that it was impossible for me to lose interest. It was a Black Afro-American woman named Phyllis and a White woman named Cheryl and both of their comments throughout the film was so blunt and raw, that I couldn’t help but laugh. In part IV at about the 1:07 minute mark, Cheryl was asked a question, and even though it was obvious that she was stressed out of her mind because of not receiving needed federal intervention, her response almost made me fall out of my chair; They need to offer that woman to start a career as a stand-up comedian. Cheryl made all of her comments with a straight face, however, she took me from a dark gloomy mood to being bowled over with laughter. Both she and Phyllis showed the gut-wrenching reaction of being pushed over the limit and seem to be able to show the emotions that many others probably felt but did not express. The Louisiana State Representative, Karen Carter made so many important comments about disparity of Black men and the response of the officials or lack thereof. Celebrity activist Harry Belafonte was also interviewed as well as Wynton Marsalis, and so many others. And so, after watching this series, it led me to search for more and more. I had no idea of the full impact of this storm of which I now believe still continues even after almost fifteen years. And as it was also stated, even though the official fatalities have been listed as being about 1800, this number could well be much larger. Due to many victims who are still unaccounted for, the death count cannot possibly be accurate. Many people were told by ‘search and rescue officials’ that their loved ones were not inside their homes, and these people would go inside, and in fact, they found their relatives there inside dead. Little children were able to look and see many dead bodies that lay in the streets for weeks and, many of these bodies remained unclaimed and unknown. Even today, many people have never found out about their missing loved ones. As one interviewer stated, this disaster was almost like watching what happened in the Rwanda Genocide. Why has not our government brought this kind of information to the forefront of our educational system? Just as Karen Carter stated [paraphrasing] ‘the disparity of Black men [and woman] is a direct result of the American Educational System’ or, lack thereof’.
  24. I am so very happy about Jay Z doing this kind of work and putting this kind of attention in this regard!
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