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Everything posted by Chevdove

  1. Your question was about my willingness to have sex with a woman who has multiple sexual partners, and I told you that I and other men do it all the time in this society. It's nothing new or unusual. @Pioneer1But, I was still though, making a comment in this regards about commitment and relationships.
  2. @Pioneer1 If that is what you get from it, then that is okay. I think that your summation is surface though, and you are not looking at the deeper issues. Even though Europeans have mis-dated the records, and we today, cannot translate Egyptian heiroglyphs well, this ancient historical period is well documented. I RELY UPON SCHOLARS LIKE THE LATE Dr. HIBBARD and IVAN SERTIMA and I agree with his assessment about Nefertiti and etc. being 'a White' [ie ASSYRIAN WOMAN]. I only gave you one example and the 18th Dynasty is pivotal in the issue of WHITE SUPREMACY and COLORISM but there are much more ancient accounts that reach back thousands of years before this time period. For you to conclude that a White obssessed African pharaoh and a White obssessed African woman dignitary being put down as being justified for having gender hatred as valid, is not my assessment. But this type of history may help us to understand our issues today. I'm sure that wasn't your intended point, but that's what one would gather from it upon close examination. No, @Pioneer1, actually CLOSE EXAMINATION would involve you doing more research! If you look deeper into the history about this time period when Egypt was a dominant super power and civilization, you come to other conclusions. Did I lie about Hapshepsut's voyage to the 'land of Punt'!? No!!! Was this expedition well documented? YES. ARe there other references about the thousands of Syrian captives and Nubian captives being forced into Egypt during this time period? YES! Are there other records of the manual labors that went into raising these massive stone pillars of the Egyptians including Hatshepsut and etc. ? YES ARe there other records about STONE QUARRYING and how back breaking it was to have to take a hard obsidian rocka and POUND and POUND and POUND continually in order to carve a groove into bedrock to raise these pillars for the ancient Egyptians? YES Do you believe that the Egyptian servants that did this hard labor were White like Charlston Heston!? LOL Maybe you need to do some more close examination. Black-on-Black hatred and gender hatred was encouraged by White Supremacy but Black people have a definite part of our own destruction too. This is what I am highlighting.
  3. Yeah, we are being mis-information via probably the Western World. This issue in Dahomey is not that much different than what is being reported about Keny all the way over in the eastern side of AFrica. IMO, a lot of these present day Matriarchal societies stem from White involvment with the Slave Ship Trade Era. Black African women have been so oppressed... and now... here comes the White world trying to offer ways to help these women combat conflicts that have arisen on a gender basis. I am saying this because of a recent video I watched and in it, there is Hilary Clinton in the midst. I absolutely understand all of the sides of this conflict in Kenya which this thread reminds me about. But what I want to know is just where does this horrible butchery come from in that Black African women are mutilated by Black AFrican men!? This is insane. Anyway, here is the video:
  4. @Gibran Yes, absolutely! I think this is part of the problem. Thank you!II Jesus is just the Greek translation of the Hebrew Yashu or Yashua. The name "Joshua" is yet another translation of that same word "Yashua" Yes, I agree, but still 'the letter Y' is also a 'replacement letter' though too. For example, the words ASSYRIA and SYRIA. Both of these terms have been written in various ways, and all of the words are unique to the time period but the origin goes back to an ORIGIN. 'Assyria' today is not written this way in the Western World, but this is a deception. The Syria today still used the very same Flag as the Ancient Assyrians who had separated from their Syrian relatives based on Colorism. So; 'An Assyrian' means 'WHITE SYRIAN' [ie. As= White] but they come from the same oirigin as the Syrians: ASSHUR SHEM. 'A Syrian' is 'An ORIGINAL descendant of ASSHUR SHEM [ie. AS=White; he was part White!!!; part Canaanite], therefore, they were a darker skinned people. The Assyrians dominated over the Syrians for hundreds and hundreds of years. The Egyptians enslaved the Syrians but worshiped and elevated the Assyrians. So, the 'letter y' is a replacement letter here, but all of these terms within context can mean distinct meanings. The land of SHUR is the land of the Assyrians and Syrians in certain areas. Based on the scriptures, ABRAM [IE AMBRA-HAM] was told to separate from his father TErah because Terah clung to the Assyrians. So AbraHams grandson, Jacob [ie ISRAEL] bonded with two SYRIAN GIRLS, LEAH and RACHEL. The Assyrians were serious WHITE SUPREMACIST.
  5. The Beginning of this 18th Dynasty was founded by Kamose and Ahmose and their mother was a great influence in their rise to power. And what many people don't highlight but actually overlook is that soonafter, this dynasty was completly usurped. AFter the pharaoh lost his son, and he had no male heir, his daughter married a foreign 'Black' man but this man later dominated over his wife and he assumed that dynasty name and continued onward. This would be the beginning of problems. this man, THUTMOSE, came from the NODEAST [ie Northeast] civilizations of HURRIANS and ... long story short... it became a Matriarchal System. Soon Thutmose III who warred up north in Assyria, Mitanni and etc. brought a bunch of Mitannian woman [ie. WHITE WOMEN] into his court and it was this man, that threw down his own ORIGINAL EGYPTIAN WOMEN [ie BLACK WOMEN] and replaced them with these white women. THUTMOSE III elevated Mittanian women and he took his young son around Egyptian in a new campaign. This new campaign he struck out the name of HATSHEPSUT and etc. he closed up her pillars, and more importantly, he STOPPED addressing the royal egyptian women with their ancient INHERITED TITLES. He took the royal attire of the Egyptian woman that were passed down through the generations, and gave them to his white-Mitannian women, ... and this why today, many Black Africans are obssessed over idols like QUEEN TIYE--because they think she was a Black AFrican woman, but she was NOT!!! She was wearing an 'African wig' taken from the original Egyptian women and given to her and others. Then after Thutmose III did this, his son was even more worse than he had been... But the other part of this story is this-- the Egyptian women were also to blame, because they also had an obssession with foreign men. Even though Hatshesut is hailed today, however, she was the first one in during that time to enslave African people on a ship that sailed south into the land of Punt and thereabouts. It was during her rule that Nubians and Syrians began to be enslaved. So, when Thutmose III came of age, he got rid of Hatshepsuts court official, Senemut, and this started him on his rampage... This is just one example of how we today are suffering from the repercussions of gender conflicts of the past. And look at how many men are running around having sex with or TRYING to have sex with women who are already married or have boyfriends. As if a woman having multiple partners is really THAT big of a deal. I'm speechless! LOL. I find it hard to grasp though, that you have never been so in love with a woman that would not want some type of commitment.
  6. @Pioneer1 I Dunno, maybe in some regards but, drinking 'fire water' goes back for thousands and thousands of years though and it was damaging back then too. But Karma is something else.Look at how the Opiod Epidemic is destroying Caucasian communities all over North America and Europe today. Yes, this is amazing! Is the act of sex somehow worse than the act of basketball or selling property? Yes for certain reasons. For one example, HEALTH CARE, the sicknesses and diseases that are associated with indiscriminate sex can be a burden in many ways on other people. It can be a burden on tax payers too, IMO. Also, it brings negative repercussions to children in various ways. Crack Babies can apply to this topic. Being a basketball player is not the same in comparison to this issue of sexual freedom. One question I have is if Black women's mistreatment was the crime itself, then why were Black women allowed to be mistreated (enslaved, colonized, ect....) as part of the punishment FOR the crime along with Black men? Now, that is a good question! I believe that both genders have a part in being overthrown and enslaved. I believe that we today are being flattered and conditioned to fight on the basis of gender conflicts, and that when it comes down to the truth, both genders have a part in how we as AFrican-typed people have been subdued. And no, honestly I haven't really considered either.It's very hard to prove history because neither one of us were around to verify the information but if you can provide PROOF or COMPELLING EVIDENCE that the situation Africans went through being enslaved and having much of their lands colonized by Caucasians was caused by their treatment of their own women AND/OR because they chose not to control their sex drive......I'll consider it. Well, I think that there is a lot of history about this but it has been distorted. Wjhat immediately comes to mind for me, is the 18th Dynasty in ancient Egypt.
  7. @Delano Thank you for the breakdown on these terms! Yes, this would probably be the term applied to some GREEK TRAGEDIES such as the story Oedipus because during the movement of Greek Democracy, a lot of stores were written to suppress ancient historical records and idols such Imhotep become Asclepian. And at this time, the Greeks were marked for their Man-boy sex movement, Pedastry, so this debauched story about the 18th Dynasty in Egypt was a good method for them to further attempt to hide history.. And I guess we can add to this 'Hansel and Gretel' and etc. YOu know, I now remember reading the account of Frederick Douglass in how he was selected to be sold away based on the decision of the slaveyard woman. And I remember that he wrote about how when the slaveyard Mammy was too old and of no use to the slave masters, in how she was led deep into the woods and a make shift hut was put up for her and then she was left to her own fate. I also remember other sad stories like this when I would go to the south to visit my relatives and I always heard stories of how older women were left to this fate and how they would be found, dead. ANd like your reference about how Disney made fair tale stories less sinister, I think this may be where I am left trying to understand these terms such as myths, legends, and etc.
  8. I think so too, but I think that the CLassical Greeks have distorted a lot of ancient Egyptian terms and history especially during their age of DEmocracy where they renamed ancient terms to promote their new movement. I agree too, that the original word Heru was a Kemet term and came before Horus. And this word 'Horus' has been used to confuse people even during ancient Egyptian times too. HERE IS SOME OF MY RESEARCH on this topic: Osiris-Isis-Horus of North Egypt Triad vs Amun-Mut-Khons South Egypt, Theban Triad So, from my memory, 'Horus' became used in what became the Northern Triad and this term replaced the more ancient Heru term. By the time of the 18th Dynasty, the festival of OPET became used to transfer more deception in order to dominate the Nubians and Thebans. The Pharaoh came to represent the Osiris Triad and the festival was held in the South, in Upper Egypt. The Egyptian god SET was the enemy of OSIRIS. The Theban Triad was taken out of the temple and paraded through the streets and the pharaoh rode on a chariot behind the Theban triad idols and he represented Osiris [to certain people]. Soon the Theban Triad was floated on a barge and then later the pharaoh went into the temple and represented 'a god' to certain people who were allowed to enter. Soon, this same dynasty completely OUTLAWED the Theban religion altogether in exchange for the Aten Sun Disk Movement and their temples were closed and the capital was moved to a new area. The Theban treasury was drained to construct 2 New cities and one in North Egypt was designed to connect to the coast and to Mycenae and Athen Greece. But hundreds upon hundreds of year prior to this the term HERU or HERCULES and other similar terms goes back to an earlier time in the origianl lands where the Greeks came from to a more earlier RITUALISTIC TIME where the OPET FESTIVAL was carried out. And it would be this OPET FESTIVAL that marks the true purpose for the coming of Jesus during the Roman Empire times. So, it is not so much the name 'JESUS' that is important but what he represented. This ritualistic OPET FESTIVAL [ie PASSOVER FESTIVAL] goes way far back in time--to a time when certain people became victims of HUMAN SACRIFICE in West Turkey and etc. This is much more important to understand, IMO, than getting caught up in terminologies. This ritualistic practice of killing ancient Seth people [ie. Black Africa, Kemet, Thebans, Nubians...] and instigation Black-on-Black violence is what this is all about. In ancient italy, it was the shrine of HERCULES that was eventually replaced with the Roman treaury temple Mercury that furthered this dark practice in which the TRIUMPHAL MARCH or PARADE where the representative god MERCURY came at the end of the booty and then the victim representative 'the god SETH' [ie. the god Saturn] became slaughtered. By the Roman Republic times the victim was replaced with a WOODEN and BRONZE STATUE that was kept in the temple but by the time of the Roman Empire, human victims were used again. This is the real reason that Jesus came to shed light on Black subjugation and to shed light on this ancient Ophet [ie OPET, OPHETH, OPIUM, OPS, OPIUM, HEROINE, HERO, HERMES, ...SERPENT...] ritualistic two-Dual themed festival [Opalia-Saturnalia] that has many different variations of names. ... and that became a global festival honored all over the world in various formats.
  9. @Pioneer1 Why do you say that this name 'Jesus' is a Greek name? Infact, was his name even "Jesus"? I think it is not important to get hung up on Semantics though, but it is good to understand too, about the construction of this name as it was applied during those times. Semantics means the meaning and interpretation of words, signs, and sentence structure. ... Semantics can also refer to the branch of study within linguistics that deals with language and how we understand meaning. What Is Semantics? – Definition & Examples – Video & Lesson… https://study.com/academy/lesson/what-is-semantics-definition-examples-quiz.html I can't remember for certain, but I think that this letter 'J' stems from a Phonetian basis? At any rate, it is no different that the letter 'Y', in that both of these letters are used in so many translations today of ancient terms by scholars and they both are simply REPLACEMENT LETTERS. So the term 'YESHUA' or 'YASHUA' is also NOT 'an original term no more than is the name 'JESUS' or 'YEHOSHUA' [JOSHUAH] or 'YEHUDAH' [ie. JUDAH, or JEWS] or etc. Both the letters 'J' and 'Y' are actually used in transliterations as replacement letters based on my research. Some scholar may use 'J' and some may use 'Y' of which they based on a certain methodology that we today may not all be aware of unless we have had the opportuinity to study under a discipline or college where there is more information. And there are many more letters too, used as 'replacement letters'. It comes down to just understanding 'to a point' and in context what certain words in past script languages mean and how they were translated by ancient and/or modern scholars and how it has been applied and translated into other languages from respective languages [ie Aramaic language] of those times.
  10. WOW! That is beautiful!!! Happy Holidays to you too!!!
  11. @Pioneer1 Where is the proof of this!? I never heard of this. If AfroAmerican men have a strong sex drive that you claim is based on science, then it would seem obvious that AfroAmerican women correlate to this too! Again, I will use the track and field sport as an example. Black men are on average going to be at the finish line, and guess what? Black women are on average going to be at the finish line too! We have similar spirits. So, it would be completely wrong for you to think that your sex drive, as a Black man can be higher than a Black woman. That doesn't make any sense to me. I don't understand how you can believe this. Pioneer, did you ever consider that it may not be 'strong sex drive' that is a cause of discrimination against AFroAmerican men, but that they oppressed Black women and could have controlled their sex drive but just chose not to, that caused them to be thrown down and into slavery? You don't see the damaging affect this 'sex drive' used to dominate AfroAmerican women that could possibly had led to their downfall? Or, am I missing a point here. You wouldn't have a problem with a female sex partner should she tell you that she wanted to have multiple sex partners in addition to you?
  12. @Pioneer1 LOLPioneer1, this may seem like an odd response, but I tell you, your explanation is what I have heard and believe too!--But now, I find that even in this answer, it was given to us by Europeans! LOL. We have been spoon fed. On the one hand, I agree and it is true about Native Americans being tricked and given 'fire water' and a wagon full of tobacco, but on the other hand, AFTER BEING MARRIED INTO THIS HERITAGE, we are made to be BLINDED to other issue too. Ethnic people need to take some responsibility too. It is true that some of these tribal people have drunk themselves into a stupor, but they had other problems too, that the Europeans saw and this is how they were able to take advantage of them and defeat them to a great extent. Some of these tribal chiefs were horrible womanizers and they oppress their women so bad, I feel that in some respect, they got what they deserved. LOL. Yes, I do blame them!
  13. Well, I listened to the video and one of them did say that he was a product of his environment.
  14. 2. Is the Oedipus story a myth? Again, Absolutely not--meaning, this story is based on some deep truths, but in a sense, it is a fairy tale because it has been deliberately translated and passed down in such a way that the true aspects are hard to confirm. I have done DEEP research on this story and it would take a lot to share all of my references, but for now, I will just be brief: The OEDIPUS REX STORY has been discussed at length by severyal scholars who hint at an origin that goes way back to ancient Assyrian-Babylonian times, but more importantly, it is absolutely a fanciful rendition of what happened in an ancient THEBAN time and during the time of the ancient Egyptians. OEDIPUS REX [ie King Oedipus] is specifically about the 18th Dynasty THUTMOSE KINGS. Even though Egyptologist have deliberately attempted to keep this history hidden or debauched, deep research proves that it can be confirmed. Even though the infamous pharaoh Akhenaten was dubbed the negative king, however, if you look deeper, it will be seen that it was also his father too, Amenhotep III that was just as creepy as he had been. So, this OEDIPUS 'myth' that HOMER later wrote about and at the time of the Greek revival, is not a myth in origin, but it became mythology due to deliberate efforts made to hide the dark acts of these Thutmose kings from the Nubians they ruled over. There is a lot to this story... after the 12th year of Akhenaten, his second born daughter that he had relations with . . . died in childbirth . . . She died giving birth to a child--girl--- sired by Akhenaten. Right after that, there was civil strife because the Nubians realized what was going on . . . Nefertiti gave birth to six daughters and was in competition with KIYA to have a malefactor, but after she failed the sixth time, she offered up her second born daughter who just made puberty to her husband, Akhenaten. . . Today however, it was proven through DNA too, that the boy-king Tut was fathered by Akhenaten and one of his own sisters . . . but the Amenhotep III was also a part of this quest too . . . and so was Queen Tiye . . . I tell you, the story of PEDIPUS REX .... PEDOPHILE REX ...Oedipus REX is no myth, but if a myth is defined as 'a story shrounded in fantasy that has a factual origin' then I guess this would be the defintion of 'a myth'.
  15. Hey! I've been busy, and I am still busy but I would like a shot at these questions! I have thought about the true definition of 'myth' and I am still vague on this, so I am interested in seeing how this will be answered. For now, though, I think that MYTHS are stories that do have strands of truth but because of so many other inputs, the truth has been shrouded in fantasy. Is the Hansel and Gretel story a myth? IMO, Absolutely not! Now, I don't have the complete answer but years ago when I was researching this fairy tale, I vaguely remember reading somewhere that this fairy tale or myth is based on strands of truth. I vaguely remember that this fairy tale was written based on ancient Black/African typed women that had been suppressed and exploited and became 'Earth Mother' figures in captivity. These type of women were used to run and control the slave communities but when they had gotten old and were of no use anymore, they were led into the woods, where a make-shift hut was put up for them, and then abandoned and deserted, and left to live out their lives alone. I remember hearing that the Hansel and Gretel fairy tale is based off of these origins in which they were lured into the house of a 'witch' who tricked them and other children and once into her trap, she ate them. Now, that is what I heard. So in a sense, this could be 'a myth' I guess, but it seems to me to be based on a real life situation. And this fairy tale is kind of like CINDERELLA too, also GOLDIE LOCKS AND THE THREE BEARS. I find that a lot of fairy tales stem from Europe and how they have shrouded Black Exploitation into 'myths'! 2. Is the Oedipus story a myth? Absolutely not! AGain, though, I am not sure how to define 'a myth' and believe though, that myths are actually stories that are fairy tales and fantasy but based on true happenings.
  16. Here is another crazy quoite from this article: Even at that, those quantities are only as good as the tools and equipment we use to make those observations and measurements. … No matter how good our measurements and observations are, there's a limit to how good they are. https://www.forbes.com/sites/startswithabang/2017/11/22/scientific-proof-is-a-myth/#3bbc5c072fb1 My response: Even though Hurricane Michael this year, started nearer to us than most tropical depressions which usually start nearer to Africa, nevertheless, scientist today detected and measured it capacity and movement very well, with the instruments they used!!! LOL! They did a pretty good job putting out information about it's movement and impact. As a result of their instruments and measurements, warnings were put out intensley for people to get out of its' pathway. SCIENTIFIC THEORIES are just that; they are theories because they have not been observed to become facts, but when it can be proven then, it is not a theory anymore! However, in FLIGHT THEORY, pilots have to know how to apply theories should they get into a situation in order to land safely. In this situation, Theories are proven everytime!
  17. Here is a quote from that article: In fact, when it comes to science, proving anything is an impossibility. https://www.forbes.com/sites/startswithabang/2017/11/22/scientific-proof-is-a-myth/#3bbc5c072fb1 One of the first curriculum requirements in 7th Grade Math is to teach THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD which in involves developing a thesis statment and theory from a Hypothesis, then if a Controlled Environment can be achieved, do so. Then collect data that can be measured, then make conclusions. But his article implies that nothing can be proved? These are some of my thoughts: **1**when you get on an airplane, you are indeed trusting in A SCIENTIFIC THEORY!!! – That is proven every time the pilot flies it and then lands safely. **2** Astronomy is based on Scientific Theories [ie. FLIGHT THEORY] **3** at one time, the Scientific Theory was that the Earth was round [ie or Flat] but now, we know that it is true, therefore it has been proven and is therefore not a theory anymore. That idea that it was flat proves how theories is falsifiable concept. **4**It was theorized that man could fly to the moon and even walk on the moon; that is NOT a theory anymore, but it has been a proven theory **5** Great Medical advances have been made due to Scientific Theories that were applied. Human reproduction has been proven to be similar to many, many, different kinds of animals therefore, many Medical Predictions have Medical Advances have been made regarding human reproduction, and treatments of cancer, tumors, and etc. **6** HERE IS A BIG ONE!!! LOL—Because many animals have similar make up as us humans, they have been tested to prove SCIENTIFIC THEORIES. Animal testing such as in MICE of have been proven to have a similar makeup to humans have led to many medicines that have cured and/or treated diseases and have led to methods taught to prevent diseases.
  18. Thank you! That was my feelings exactly! I am thinking, 'Are these money makers out of ideas that now, they are just trying to publish anything, just to make money or what?'
  19. IMO we should speak what we believe in. But also I try to realize that no matter what, someone might be offended because that is a normal part of the diversity of us all. And then, if someone disagrees, then debate on the merit of the topic and if there is no intent to harm someone, then the situation or offense will eventually ware off.
  20. @Troy Thank you! I appreciat the support. Especially when a certain idea that has been presented is NOT EXPECTED then, I think it is wise for a person to take a neutral position to allow time to ponder. I think sometimes, being neutral, is sort of like protecting oneself in order to get time to think about something that may be an approach to an idea not seen before. And at the same time, it offers the person bringing the idea, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT while not making conclusions until the idea has been well considered. IMO, I know I brought some unexpected information to the table! LOL. I know what I did.
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