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Everything posted by Troy

  1. @Mel Hopkins for sure poor people, and the middle class -- the majority of Americans. This includes the majority of black folks which is who im generally referring to when i write "us."
  2. Exactly. This is so true. @Delano karrine is not representative of Black people neither is commercial rap. You realize much of what you regurgitatung is corporate nonsense. As a result, you believe Black men do not protect black women. Unfortunately, this is obviously not your experience. As discussed you arent going to read about strong black men on social media or main stream media. We desperately need black media to control the narrative. @NubianFellow welcome to the forum. For what it is worth @Delano i've seen black men defend black woman, but this was always black men defending them against another black person sometimes a woman I've yet to witness a white man get ill with a black woman in the presence of a black or vice versa. In the south, where the honor culture is still in full effect, you would not be considered much of a man if you let some dude dis your woman in your presence.
  3. @Mel Hopkins the majority of black people (poor and rich) vote democratic (but you already know this). The party of white men is the Republican party. The really wealthy are above party affiliation, as they control both parties. We are all in our tribes and we rarely switch teams because we rarely exercise that level of freedom.
  4. Black people vote with their tribe the Democrats, which some people believe is why they do a poor job serving us.
  5. Well i agree to a point: AALBC, for example, survives because of Black people. If Black people were not supportive or patronizing the site, it would have been a wrap long ago. That said, AALBC can not compete with the massive corporations who utilize psychometric tools (ads, algorithms, big data) and white privilege (access to the capital markets, media, and industry connections) to woo our people away from supporting their own. As a result AALBC's growth is constrained. The solution is not as simple as asking black people to patronize fiscally responsible black owned businesses.
  6. The NY Times is trying to step their game up. Please share a link to the article if you think about it when it comes out.
  7. @Delano again your question is based upon on flawed presumptions. If you recall the Viola Davis conversation you'd also recall i was defending Viola against what i took as her being depicted as racist caricature. After some debate I conceded i was too sensitive given the other women did not feel the same way. But lets be clear: i was defending my Sister. How can you say that knowing our history of resistance from Naturner to Medgar evers? who do you think these Brothers died for? Black men defend their wives and daughters every single day -- doesn't that count? I know i did and do -- and so do the MOST of the Brothers I know. Sure men are supposed to do this, but some men dont including white ones. Why single black me out as if we deserve special consideration.? Look i know the media love to focus on the disfunctional Black man to the point where women feel they are not being protected. Pehaps a consequence of a social media fueled world Dont believe the hype. We as a people could not have suvived in this country if black men and women did not did not support each other.
  8. There is an interesting study being mentioned lately involving very similar boys split up into two group who eventually end up fighting each other -- solely because they are in different groups. It basically helps explains that people will vote, knowingly, against their self interest in order to support their tribe.
  9. @Mel Hopkins that is scary given how much money the us spends on defense, relative to the rest of the world. You know this is ridiculous right? China is indeed doing a great deal of business in Africa, building infrastructure and the like, but the idea that they are doing this as a pawn of the British is absurd. The British are not a threat to China on any level. The only thing the Brits have going for it is the support of the US which is becoming increasingly less valuable.
  10. @Delano this is a variation of a theme I previously raised and how it impact our literature. The question you asked is not really the right one, that is if you are really trying to understand what you perceive as a lack of support Black men show for black women as a collective. Your questions makes the presumption that the reason for the lack of support is true and based upon gender -- neither are true. There are a great many Black organizations who provide support for Black people of both genders (or should i now say all genders). AALBC (Troy Johnson) has supported Black female authors for over 2 decades. This is one example, there are countless more. Examples of Black men supporting other Black women does not go viral on social media, so you may not be aware of it. The lack of Black platforms inclined to celebrate these things, in the past have either gone out of business, or are focused or celebrity. This statement, quoted from the article, is complete and utter bullshit! My example of supporting Black women is just one, but EVERY Black man I deal with is supportive of Black women. Sure, my experience is anecdotal, but so was Natalie's. The fact that it was published without contention, as if it was a matter of fact is so frustrating. God only knows who will read this and absorb it as gospel. The article cited social media as a evidence of the lack of Black male support: My God. Ladies allow me to mansplain: MEN DO NOT USE SOCIAL MEDIA IN THIS FASHION! This also ignores the fact that Natalie can't see every post the algorithm is designed to be anything but balanced. I dislike social media and how it has impacted reality. The article goes on to cite Kanye West as proof of Black men not supporting black women (as if Kanye is a representative Black man) -- while completely ignoring the fact that a Black woman was sitting right next to Kanye?! Interestingly, Omarosa was not mentioned in the article and she bore as much of Trump's wrath as any Black woman. Why leave her out was she not worthy of support? This article was published by the Washington post (another Amazon property), who is more concerned with profit that telling the truth about Black support for each other. White men control the narrative. Our fight is countering the nonsense and it is a fight we are losing -- badly!
  11. @Delano Why isn't anyone suggesting that Mark Zuckerburg is colluding with Russia? Is it completely implausible? Trump is getting all the attention while Zuck was busted running a smear campaign against detractors, demonstrating no willingness to prevent Russian influence or even admit a role in facilitating the influence, all the while talking about connecting the world -- phulese!
  12. No, I dont get it. As far as all the stuff about the "ancient scripts" you've used to substantiate your argument, im not impressed. Where'd you get that stuff anyway?
  13. You Probably never heard of Alibaba @Pioneer1, surerly you've heard if Starwoods and AMC. A lot of companies you think are Anerican are owbed by the chinesse. I did mention that the US is into China for several trillion... I'm not sure why you are discounting that fact. So the US, China, and Russia are all on the same page? ...you are probably right as the oligarchs running things are in alignment. Meanwhile our silly media are running around wondering why Cheryl and Zuck aren't doing a damn thing about Russian influence on Facebook. They connect the dots with 45 but not with Mark.
  14. Funny I actually watched this press conference. It was the only one I ever watched as I avoiding listening to anything coming out of his mouth Trump. Actually I did watch the fiasco with Kanye and Jim Brown. I guess in both cases my curiosity got the best of me. At any rate, the whole press conference is BS anyway. 45 dodged questions, lied, or otherwise obfuscated with eagerations and hyperbole -- what is the point of it all? So he banned one CNN reporter they have like 50 who cares? They should add a journalist from the Amsterdam News or the Chicago Defender.
  15. Yeah one of our interns will be reviewing this book. Honestly, I'm somewhat conflicted about this book, but I'll hold my tongue as I'll come across bitter and nothing constructive will result.
  16. Hi John. Manie passed away tragically in 2011. In fact he passes at the age I am now. I think about Manie from time to time because he was a cool Brother. Harlem born and bred, like myself. He was "down," but above it all at the same time... He was well respected figure in the industry.
  17. @Milton Fantasy is treated as it's own fiction category, at the same level as Science Fiction, here are the Fantasy books on AALBC. Art / Subjects & Themes / Science Fiction & Fantasy Comics & Graphic Novels / Fantasy Fiction / Erotica / Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Fiction / Fantasy / Action & Adventure Fiction / Fantasy / Collections & Anthologies Fiction / Fantasy / Contemporary Fiction / Fantasy / Dark Fantasy Fiction / Fantasy / Epic Fiction / Fantasy / General Fiction / Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Fantasy / Humorous Fiction / Fantasy / Paranormal Fiction / Fantasy / Romantic Fiction / Fantasy / Urban Fiction / Romance / Fantasy Games & Activities / Role Playing & Fantasy Juvenile Fiction / Fantasy & Magic Literary Criticism / Science Fiction & Fantasy Young Adult Fiction / Fantasy / Contemporary Young Adult Fiction / Fantasy / Dark Fantasy Young Adult Fiction / Fantasy / Epic Young Adult Fiction / Fantasy / General
  18. An armed conflict between teo nations where people die is a war. The euphemisms our government creates are merely to dup the public. Don't judge the nation based upon the ones who live here in America. It is not like the U.S. is making military moves again China or Russis either... don't be fooled into thinking were are invincible.
  19. @dlgrowe and Dajé here are the links to Christian Books for Children (boys and girls) on AALBC: Juvenile Fiction / Religious / Christian / Family Juvenile Fiction / Religious / Christian / Friendship Juvenile Fiction / Religious / Christian / General Juvenile Nonfiction / Religion / Christianity Juvenile Nonfiction / Religious / Christian / Inspirational Religion / Christian Ministry / Youth Related: Religion / Christian Education / Children & Youth
  20. Tell me how much you were being paid to do it and I'll give you a response.
  21. So you believe the US wanted to lose a war... OK This is simply factually inaccurate. The US owes China trillions in debt. China owns far more US real estate than we own in China and we by more of China's stuff than they buy of our ours. Our technology is largely dependent upon China's manufacturing, engineering, and manpower. Again don't sleep. Americans -- even the Black ones -- think too much of themselves relative to other countries. Yes look at it. But also THINK about it....
  22. @Pioneer1 I said I have dinner with her in a group this was in 2009 I did not know she was at the time, but found her to be smart witty and definitely a sista It is difficult to know a person from an article. Image someone trying to judge me by asinglee discussion forum post. Yor can disagree with the article but the whod have to read a lot more to even begin to judge the person.
  23. Yep it was a choice between enslavement or torture and death. Slavery works when the mind has been enslaved. @Pioneer1 something tells me you and Kanye would be picking cotton along with almost everyone else...
  24. @Pioneer1 in terms of the "race" mixing in MS absolutely. Also African Americans holds a STRONG majority in Jackson something like 80% of the people in Jackson are Black. Only Detroit has a higher percentage. On a recent visit I was struck how few Black peopled attended the Jackson Book Festival. @Delano No revelations in that article it was mostly white folks reporting on white folks talking about Black people.
  25. True. Seriously, at least I can't imagine anyone willing to lie and say anything to win. However if the democrats would be willing to go the low road and run Oprah -- they'd have a great chance. The masses would be happy to vote for her and everyone else would be willing to hold their noses and cast their votes for her as well. We live in a celebrity driven culture 45, won not just because he appeals to racists, white men interested in wealth (and their spouses), and evangelicals. He got so many votes because he was a celebrity -- we LOVE celebrities. Oprah 2020!
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