All 22 Bestselling Books for January/February - 2019

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Click Headings Below for a the List of Bestselling Books with Images. View a collage of these titles.

5 Bestselling Fiction

  1. Housegirl: A Novel by Michael Donkor
  2. No Right Way to Do a Wrong Thing by Janice Pernell
  3. Loving Me for Me by Naleighna Kai
  4. Runaway Soul by Tiffani Quarles-Sanders
  5. Deadly Games (Kinncaid Brothers, Vol. 4) by Jaycee Clark

11 Bestselling Nonfiction Books

  1. The Prisoner’s Wife by asha bandele
  2. Egypt On The Potomac by Anthony Browder
  3. “The Black Bible of Science” (Compilation) by Osei Kufuor
  4. All About Love: New Visions (Love Song to the Nation #1) by bell hooks
  5. Old Gangsters & Young Guns - The True Tales of Two Worlds by Cavario H.
  6. Wonderful Ethiopians Of The Ancient Cushite Empire, Book 2: Origin Of Civilization From The Cushites by Drusilla Dunjee Houston and Peggy Brooks-Bertram
  7. Little Girl Arise by Tarkisha M. Wallace
  8. Something Like Beautiful: One Single Mother’s Story by asha bandele
  9. From The Browder File: 22 Essays On The African American Experience by Anthony Browder
  10. The Tithing Hoax: Exposing The Lies, Misinterpretations & False Teachings About Tithing by R. Renee and Cynthia Harper
  11. Self-Value: The Story of Me by Brandon Williams

4 Bestselling Children’s Books

  1. Please, Baby, Please by Spike Lee and Tonya Lewis Lee
  2. Clayton Byrd Goes Underground by Rita Williams-Garcia
  3. Poetry for Young People: Langston Hughes by Langston Hughes
  4. Salt in His Shoes: Michael Jordan in Pursuit of a Dream by Deloris Jordan and Roslyn M. Jordan

2 Bestselling Poetry Books

  1. Ceremonies: Prose And Poetry by Essex Hemphill
  2. Furious Flower: African-American Poetry from the Black Arts Movement to the Present by Joanne V. Gabbin