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Everything posted by Stefan

  1. Joe Biden really ticked off Republicans in his first State of the Union Speech. He stressed Equality, Fairness, healthcare and wants to push to cure all cancers and lower prescription medicines. He is not interested in giving free crack pipes to anyone. This is the delusion of Trump lovers. Unlike Trump, Biden can actually boast of his job creation record. Trump cannot. Because Trump left the Oval Office with less people working than when he first arrived. Under President Biden, Covid-19 is in full retreat. Because Biden’s administration took to this dangerous virus seriously. Republicans and those who worship Trump opposed vaccines and mask mandates and had no problem getting ultra-violent over it. I am certain in coming days the GOP will whine and complain of CRT destroying the country, how true equality is wrong headed and that corporations should be free to avoid paying taxes. And street crime? Most of it is gun related and caused by mentally ill people. Biden is not a nutty Progressive. He's in favor of full funding of police. And it's the Democrats who want to curtail the sale and ownership of guns. The GOP? Not so much. Biden is not responsible for Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine despite the rants of the addle-brained. That's kind of funny because the White House did not order the Russian military to cross the Ukrainian frontier. And one thing about Biden - he's not weak.
  2. Daniellefgny, Your problem is that you don't even understand words of your own language. And it's been apparent for many weeks. I post links from CREDIBLE sources. You have not done so. Do you even understand what the adjective credible means? Don't use Wikipedia. Use dictionary dot come or Merriam-Webster. Those are the most accepted and most believable sources for those who are searching for word definitions. Wikipedia can be altered by practically anyone if they have a mind for it. Your supposed truths are anything you toss against a wall in hopes of smearing someone's facts. Dude, you are beyond sad.
  3. Dude, one thing I am NOT is ignorant. You simply cannot stand that I demolish your ridiculous claims and assertions with truth and fact. And above all - I provide links to legitimate news sources and researchers. Opening a smelly closet door and dragging out the dented Trump Derangement Syndrome doll is something that an irritated child would do. Are you a child? Your thread was about Joe Biden, not Trump. Kindly try to stay on point. Biden is not offering free crack pipes to the public. Why so many folks such as yourself keep going on about this makes me suspicious that some of you would like to get your hands on one.
  4. Just as I've talked to so many Black Trump supporters online who are downright ignorant, quick to respond with childish insults and don't bother to read much. It is one thing to go all in for a certain political candidate and political view. But it's quite another to ignore carefully researched evidence that their candidate is an unrepentant and all too predictable when it comes to hatred, racism and failed governance.
  5. Daniellegfny, I already and clearly defined what Critical Race Theory actually is and included a few links which proves my contention. I cannot help it if addle-brained folks cannot comprehend 10th grade reading. That's on them, not ME. I've told you a few times now ... READ! This is something you rarely do, but you want to appear informed.
  6. There is a huge difference between Troy, myself and YOU, Daniellegfny. Troy and myself can actually READ.
  7. More Racism and Misogyny on the part of some. What does it matter whom this intelligent and gifted woman is married to? Unless you think that someone other than U.S. Court of Appeals Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson should choose her mate. Women are free to do as they please. And this includes Black Women. What did we gain? Something we've never had before: A gifted Black jurist who may be confirmed to the nation's highest court. And more importantly, Judge Jackson has valuable experience being a defense attorney.
  8. @Troy Chattel Slavery appears too far in the past for anyone to claim Blacks alive today deserve redress. I do not believe this is the case at all because we do have surviving Black Slave narratives, photos, drawings and learned historians who have little problem telling the truth about the centuries of our subjugation. For everyone else: Most mistakenly argue for and against Reparations because they do not understand its underlying reasoning. The purpose of Reparations for Black Slave descendants is NOT for pain and suffering. Reparations will be payment for centuries of UNPAID labor and there are legal precedents for this. Once this is narrowed down and this salient is driven home repeatedly, it may make our case easier. However, we must contend with the Hate against our People. This will not be easy because new legal ground has to be broken and legal history made before we can even advocate for pain and suffering. However, we owe it to our ancestors to do something they have always done: Believe a Better Day was coming.
  9. @ProfD You did not need to correct anything. You were right in the first instance. If Black descendants of Slavery want to use their largesse to pay tuition for their offspring or themselves to attend Black Education, Technical or Science Academies, I am all for that. I am certain others would be as well. But all of us who are eligible to vote, must do so every time. Elections have consequences. Let's change this to Elections have benefits. We are being slaughtered on Messaging by the "CRT sucks" crowd and by traitors in our midst and those masquerading as Black.
  10. Not just free education. Free HIGHER education or acclaimed training or technical colleges. If we had more intelligent people, we probably would have not have to contend with spurious posters such as Nels. I really do not think that poster is Black. He seems more an anti-Black plant and a paid one.
  11. Instagram as a news source? Is this some serious stuff? Ha ha ha. How about using the "Free Wood Post?" This company claims to offer real news such as this riveting exposure: "North Korea unable to access AOL dial-up account." I am certain there's a photo as well as several sworn affidavits attesting to the rainbow colored gay hamster living in Kamala's 20-somthing ex-boyfriends's mullet wearing neighbor's left running shoe. According to sources in a Kansas City, Kan., Colombian pizzeria. Oh, but we're talking about Biden's free crack pipes. You see, Biden knew he was gonna get in trouble with that, so he shipped them to Mad Vlad and Putin has been smoking up a storm ever since. Why else would he term his invasion of Ukraine as merely a peace keeping mission? He needs another hit.
  12. The federal government of the United States actually collected taxes from the sale of Black Slaves. Which makes it complicit. This is why taxpayer money needs to be partly used while private institutions and companies must provide the bulk of the funds. I am just wondering how much largesse the U.S. is going to bestow on Ukrainian immigrants once they're allowed to settle here. Blacks deserve Reparations
  13. @Troy Thank you. I love Sci Fi movies, but tend to shy away from horror flicks. I have several favorites: "The Day the Earth Stood Still" (1951) with Michael Rennie as alien visitor Klaatu and Patricia Neal who ran a Washington. D.C., rooming house he stayed in. It was an eye opener for that decade's fear of atom bombs for sure. The remake got the casting of Keanu Reeves as Klaatu right. But the remake's portrayal of Gort, was childish. "Tron" (1982) About a human beamed into a 1980's video game. I do not understand why "Black Panther" is considered Sci Fi. It's more of a superhero movie. But it was great. "Logan's Run" (1976) Good premise, clunky dialogue. In a perfectly designed city under a dome, no adult lives past 30 in this artificial, but colorful world. Bargain basement special effects. Why did I like it? The film's unlikely star and the reason for Logan to go on the run is a gleaming metallic-like cyborg who calls himself "Box." Roscoe Lee Brown played this crazed ice castle robot to perfection and after one gets past the "Box" scene, the logic of the movie holds up. "Contact" "Independence Day" "A.I." "The Matrix" "Inception" "Gravity" "Edge of Tomorrow" "Interstellar" "Soylent Green" and the original and remake of "Invasion of the Body Snatcher" are great films.
  14. One thing I failed to consider is that a whole lot of folks have a different definition of what Science Fiction is to them. It's curious that Will Smith starred in many of Sci Fi films as did Laurence Fishburne. One Black Website's take on best Black Sci-Fi movies
  15. Not sure I agree with your assertion, Delano. And a human may be able to do without a lot of things, but there are some essentials a human being CANNOT live without: Food Shelter Water Adult human beings are comprised of 60% water. The percentage is higher in those who are younger. Water is the essence of Life. Our planet's surface is 70% water. Without it, there would be no life.
  16. Epoch Times is nothing but a Right Wing rag connected to Falun Gong, a quasi-political and religious movement banned in China. The multi-language publication adores one Donald Trump and has been a leading proponent of the canard that the 2020 election was rigged. It wasn't. Some of the strange ideology of Falun Gong adherents includes a distrust of medical doctors and a belief in malevolent, Earth-roaming aliens who created diabolical technology, such as video games, according to The Atlantic magazine. And Falun Gong members are Nels' intellectual heroes? Excuse me for giggling. Demand Nels actually produce verifiable figures for his Black athlete blaming nonsense. Now, Eileen Gu, the U.S.-born freestyle skier who has been labeled a traitor by none other than Fox News, banked $31 million in 2021 thanks to endorsement deals for various Chinese products. No one hears Nels whining about that. Eileen Gu racked up $31 million in endorsements in 2021
  17. Lifezette is nothing but a trashy arch-Conservative Website founded by Fox News' Laura Ingraham which has been relentlessly attacked for shoddy reporting and for publishing conspiracy theories. Just the kind of Website a fact-challenged White racist would love. Because Ingraham defends White Supremacists, hates Vice President Kamala Harris and believes immigrants are destroying "America's way of life." Whatever that is. Which is why I continue to question whether Nels is actually Black. Because he sounds like an individual who is hell bent on diminishing every achievement of Black people. Oh, and author Shelby Steele? He's a biracial (Black and White man) who obviously dosen't care too much for the Black side of his heritage and thinks only White Conservatism is the answer. No wonder folks on the Left dismiss him as an angry crank and suck-up. The awful truth of Lifezette, a White racist's dream publication
  18. Is Interactive One a movie producing company? Because the thread is discussing Cinema, not mass media in general.
  19. President Joe Biden has offered the country an incredibly qualified and talented Black woman nominee for the Supreme Court. Biden has selected federal appeals Court Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to replace retiring Justice Stephen Breyer. Neither one of them have any use for those alleged Biden free crack pipes. Biden's superb Black woman Supreme Court nominee
  20. But Nels ignores Eileen Gu who was born in the U.S. and decided to ski for China at the just completed Olympics. In Nels' mind, Black people are the ONLY individuals he loves to lambaste, insult and attack. Everyone else gets a free pass. Self hatred amongst Black people has surged with the ascension of Trump, who incidentally approves of the brutal invasion of Ukraine and the anticipated assassination of democratically elected Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. When reading Nels, you're reading a Fascist who would gladly do away with most Blacks.
  21. It is amazing that Nels just discovered the news about this BLM attacker. But just as those White racists who hate Black people, he ignores the outrages committed against hard working and innocent Black men and women. Such as the following: White men shoot at Black FedEx driver.
  22. @Troy That ridiculously exorbitant Con Ed bill is based on what? Anticipated power use and a hefty deposit? I ask because when Ukrainian refugees start arriving in his country, I bet special financial allowances will be made for them. This happened for many Russian Jews. Vacant apartments suddenly materialized in Brooklyn and Queens and rents were suspiciously lowered, but not for long time NYC denizens.
  23. In the "The Debt: What America Owes to Blacks," Randall Robinson's intelligent take on Slavery Reparations, he suggested that no one should expect million dollar checks. Instead, they might enjoy a tax holiday or generous payments for colleges or trade school tradition. And that I agree with. I would not put faith in anyone who refuses to stay abreast of current news. H.R. 40 has languished in the House with no movement since April 2021. Basically, this legislation faces long odds and has less of a chance of passing than a new voting rights bill.
  24. I doubt any Black victims of racial violence would want you to advocate for them. You cannot stand your own people.
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