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Everything posted by Stefan

  1. You mean, you do not have a list. Delano, if you had the names of a few Black people you claim "wrote their own rules," then you would furnish them. My mind can be changed - but only by verifiable evidence or good persuasive writing. And I know you can be good at offering both.
  2. Black Enterprise magazine is still in business. However, as I've mentioned with many magazines, it has gone to the Internet and bills itself today at "The Black Digital Brand." It still promotes wealth building, business and investment strategies for Blacks. A good friend and former colleague of mine worked at BE for many years before he moved his family to Florida. Black Enterprise Digital Brand
  3. Mind listing them? Because throughout the history of this country, few talented and famous Blacks could withstand or escape White Supremacy unless they actually left the country. The younger generation of entertainers are certainly challenging the racist status quo. But I do not know of any Black person "who wrote their own rules." So, I am asking you to list them.
  4. I never said YOU yourself created any misconception. I said there is a misconception about these two different men with similar sounding names. What you did is claim that Simon of Cyrene was Black. However, few people from North Africa at the time of the Biblical Apostles were noted by historians or anthropologists as being Black. A lot of people believe Hannibal was Black as well. But this warrior/conqueror was actually a Berber. According to scholarly sources, Berbers were the descendants of pre-Arab inhabitants of North Africa who lived in scattered communities in what is now known as Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria and Libya. Hannibal's father was reportedly Carthaginian General Hamilcar Barca who fought Rome during the First Punic War. Unfortunately, Greek historian Polybius and Roman historian Livy are the two primary sources for Hannibal's life. How do we know Hannibal had to be from North Africa? When Rome decided to take its revenge on Hamilcar and Hannibal for previous wars, its legions destroyed the city of Carthage which is believed to have been in modern day Tunisia.
  5. Pioneer1, Give it up with blaming Democrats and Progressives for every sin and ill. The blame for tenant evictions lies squarely on GREED. Apparently, you want to conveniently forget all the trillion dollar tax cuts for the rich. Those were actually taxpayer donations to the wealthy.
  6. Pioneer1, I never looked for a CRT course. While I am keenly interested in the rights of African Americans and Black people in general, I am not a lawyer. Since going to law school seemed unlikely, I chose to major in Print and Broadcast Journalism and actually became one. Then at the suggestion of a Dean years later, a business college adjunct. I knew little about CRT because it's such an advanced university course it escapes the notice of most. After reading a load of bull about it on other news forums and websites. I researched CRT for a couple of weeks. But discovered as it is with many in this country, the majority of people who swore they knew what CRT is - knew little. Which is why I boiled down all the long-winded legalese descriptions of CRT into one boilerplate sentence: Critical Race Theory is a premise that posits skin color and race determine the outcomes of most decisions, laws and behavior in the U.S. CRT is a university course. Depending on the university law school, there may even be a pre requisite law course. I doubt any public grade, intermediate or high school has such a pre-condition.
  7. Critical Race Theory, so misunderstood by White Conservatives and Black Conservatives, is what I said it is: A university course. And guess what? It DOES make White people uncomfortable. No child would understand a university law course. So it does not matter how loud unhinged and fact-challenged individuals scream that children are being subjected to CRT. Because they're not. Now, if people actually did a bit of research ( instead of getting mad at those who actually do ), they would have discovered this. Duke University's Law School is a description of Course 504 - Critical Race Theory: "The course affords students an opportunity to think about the ways in which racism, sexism, classism, and heterosexism are inextricably interwoven as well as an opportunity to challenge critically our most basic assumptions about race, law, and justice." From UCLA Law: "Throughout American history, race has profoundly affected the lives of individuals, the growth of social institutions, the substance of culture, and the workings of our political economy. "Not surprisingly, this impact has been substantially mediated through the law and legal institutions. To understand the deep interconnections between race and law, and particularly the ways in which race and law are mutually constitutive, is an extraordinary intellectual challenge. "That is precisely the project of Critical Race Theory (CRT). This course will pursue this project by exploring emerging themes within CRT." The problem with lawyers is that they tend to author long-winded descriptions. This is why I'm just going to post the link to Columbia University Law School's lengthy description of CRT: https://news.columbia.edu/news/what-critical-race-theory-and-why-everyone-talking-about-it-0 Got that? Does anyone really think a child would be able to understand and do such advanced course work? Now, you know why it's best to ignore the desperate hysterics of certain posters. A White Republican woman decided to enroll in a CRT course at the University of Mississippi and three CNN correspondents wrote a news story about it and guess what? CRT does anger some White folks. CNN story proves CRT is a university course and it ticks off Whites Therefore, CRT cannot possibly be taught in any grade, intermediate or high school. And if any more crazy people claim it is - demand the name and the location of that school.
  8. Let me clear up this misconception about Simon of Cyrene. There are three mentions of a Simon of Cyrene in the Bible, which relates he was pressed into carrying the wood that Jesus of Nazareth was impaled upon. However, the scriptures at Matthew 27:32, Mark 15:21 and Luke 22:36 which mention Simon of Cyrene make no indication that this man was Black. Cyrene was on the north coast of Africa, but the complexion of the indigenous people from this region tends to match those of other African living north of the Sahara Desert. And they are not Black, according to anthropologists. It is Africans from sub-Sahara Africa who tend to be dark skinned and Black. Which is why many Blacks confuse Simon of Cyrene with Symeon, who was from Niger, a Black area of Africa. (Acts 13:1-3). Symeon was an early believer in Jesus of Nazareth. While Symeon was obviously Black, there is indication that Symeon carried the wood that Jesus was impaled upon. So the two men were different people. As the Book of Acts, relates, Symeon is also one of the prophets and teachers of the congregation in Antioch, Syria, who laid their hands on Barnabas and Paul after the Holy Spirit had designated these two for missionary work. Symeon’s Latin surname was Niger.
  9. Troy, That is the problem with all stats and very often, news. One has to pay for it now. But then, one had to pay to receive Dow Jones financial data and the Wall Street Journal is not free. Bloomberg financial data is also not free. My financial publication was not free. Statista is considered a solid source of economic statistics. The only other source for U.S. facts that is readily available and free is the U.S. Census Bureau. However, with Trump being in office during the last census and insisting collection of data be terminated early, I did not feel comfortable using it for certain blogs.
  10. Troy, The situation looks dire all across this planet as another ego-driven world leader is about to unleash his vicious vengeance upon the world. I knew diplomacy would not work on Putin. Bullies with the upper hand rarely heed reason. This coming invasion of Ukraine has the potential to erupt into a widet war, either by design or by mistake. A million civilians could end up being killed, injured or driven from their homes. Meanness spreads across the U.S. as the poor to the middle income lose their jobs, have their hours cut, their benefits slashed and face eviction and the horror of living in cars, shelters or the streets. And malcontented Whites, too selfish to get vaccinated or even wear a facemask to better protect the elderly, the ill, the disabled and the most vulnerable, plot mini-insurrections by supporting trucker blockades and protests against Black authors, Black entertainment and Black history. What's next, laying siege to hospitals and healthcare facilities over their anti-vaxxer animus? It is a shame that we have to put up with never ending White Rage - over nothing but a belief they're losing control and have to live with less clout.
  11. RichardMurray, I completely disagree with your take on New York City's real estate market. The evil truth, (because it's no longer sad) is that vicious, unconscionable and greedy landlords are still tossing tenants into the street even after receiving millions in back rent. What part of the latest economic crisis among the working poor still hasn't ended don't most people get? Landlords still evicting tenants after receiving rental aid
  12. Under California law, the civil lawsuit was legally filed and O.J. was found liable for the deaths of Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson. The jury in the civil suit awarded $33.5 million in damages to the victims’ families. That judgment was renewed in court in 2015 and extended through 2025. The judgement has grown to $58 million and remains largely unpaid, according to a news story I posted a link for. But what most probably don't know is that O.J. also filed a lawsuit against a Las Vegas hotel which claimed he was drunk and disruptive during a 2017 visit. O.J. claimed the hotel staff damaged his reputation by leaking this information to TMZ and the hotel settled with O.J. Here is the story which includes some details of the civil lawsuit you mentioned: O.J. settles with Las Vegas hotel
  13. Prof D, I agree with everything you wrote. Except for your last line. I believe you were attempting to make a joke, but remember, two people lost their lives and two children were deprived of their mother in the OJ. case. I will never consider that funny. But everything else you wrote is true.
  14. Dude, seriously, a pundit you are not. You routinely ignore facts and truths. Colin Kaepernick crystallized the Police Brutality issue in a manner no else could have.
  15. RichardMurray, I am aware of the incident involving Mr. Zouma, could have watched the video, but chose not to. To answer your question: The answer is YES. Companies can terminate contracts and endorsement deals if public pressure becomes so enormous to do so. Other companies will do this as a pre-emptive measure, to prevent such demands, a drop in stock price or demonstrations outside offices. I don't know when some Black people of note will get it into their heads that the news media, fans and entire countries exhibit a decidedly negative reaction when a Black athlete or celebrity harms an animal, especially a species that is highly favored as a household pet. This does not mean Black people have to be perfect. But it definitely means expect a furious blowback if you are dark-skinned or Black and commit a serious mistake a White person may escape punishment from. That's just the way world is. And kicking dogs and cats are huge no no's in a country like the U.S. where many people value the lives of their pets' above those of People of Color. Look at what Michael Vick went through.
  16. I believe I covered that when I authored these two sentences in a previous comment: No one is handicapping whether the new Ebony magazine will be a financial success. At least I'm not. I hope it succeeds. I also wouldn't be telling the truth if I didn't admit that I cannot wait to read a copy of the new and improved publication. I simply offered folks on here a short treatise on the modern U.S. magazine industry.
  17. Troy, Because Daniellefgny is absolutely full of chit on this one. And he knows it. He and some others on here, can't bring themselves to admit they are wrong. As if Police Brutality was never a problem in the U.S. I know this probably goes against your principles, Troy, but you need a couple of well-read moderators to monitor your discussion group. Not to censor or attack, but to keep commenters honest. Without someone pointing out the lies, the hypocrisy and the immaturity of certain posters, those who are fact-challenged will continue to besmirch discussion on this website.
  18. Danillegfny, Here are some veterans who say differently: Now DEAL WITH THIS TRUTH! You did not serve, did you, Daniellegfny? If you didn't, then you're just another phony who is desperately trying to pass himself off as a patriot. But in reality, you live to lick the butt of Trump, who ran away from serving. I keep telling you - you need to READ!
  19. Dude, you DO NOT READ! You pop all this crap but when truth is posted, you don't bother reading it. And it shows in your oblivious comments. For your information, Colin Kaepernick is NOT anti-American at all and actually had the support of many U.S. veterans. You just sided with the Racist in Chief, Trump. Why? Because you never read.
  20. Nel, then why don't you stroll your all-knowing backside into any state DMV office and demand a photo I.D. with nothing but your normally belligerent personality and see what happens?
  21. RichardMurray, Your question is disingenuous. And the reason why is because I believe that you are not part of the magazine publishing industry. Because if you were and had spent any appreciable time in it, you would know that since the advent of the Internet, most publications decided decades ago to eschew print subscriptions only and opt for a mixture of print and online editions. The advantage of online is obvious - a worldwide reach and the editorial ability to update almost at will. A magazine publisher cannot dare to achieve this from just newsstand sales or mailed print editions. So asking if there is a print-only magazine publication that is profitable has no bearing on today's reality. But many magazines, such as People, are owned by conglomerate-corporations, whose many subsidiaries can absorb losses in a certain, but long-standing publications, until changes are made to stop hemorrhaging cash. And a major attempt to stem the flow of red ink just happened to People Magazine's new owner, IAC/InterActive Corp., which is based in New York. From the Feb. 9th edition of the Des Moines Register: "Two months after Dotdash acquired venerable Des Moines magazine publisher Meredith Corp., the shakeup is beginning. "Dotdash Meredith CEO Neil Vogel told employees Wednesday morning that the company will end the print editions of six of the former company’s magazines: EatingWell, Entertainment Weekly, Health, InStyle, Parents and People en Español. "The move, which resulted in 200 layoffs, is the first of the changes Vogel promised after his company, New York-based digital publisher Dotdash, bought Meredith for $2.7 billion. When the companies announced the merger in October, Vogel explained that the new business would blend Dotdash's approach, geared to online searches, with legacy Meredith's decades-old household names, such as Better Homes and Gardens." END DES MOINES REGiSTER NEWS SNIPPET. Dotdash Meredith is a subsidiary of IAC/Interactive Corp., which is owned by corporate (titan or investor or mogul) Barry Diller. The terms are interchangeable in financial publications. (Part of my duties as a Senior News Editor, was fact-checking reporters' work, which included detailing the full corporate name of a business and its headquarter city. One cannot be error prone in financial reporting because of the intense competition and ever-present threat of lawsuits and worse, humiliation by rivals). However, if you are searching for actual statistics on the U.S. magazine industry, one can find them here: Facts on the U.S. Magazine Industry
  22. When are Nels and some others on here, going to finally realize that because someone Black is attacked in the news media, handcuffed by authorities or maligned by the demented, this does not mean they are guilty as charged? Many who are Black are unworthy, according to this guy. Which flies in the face of the Innocence Project and the constant and continuing dropping of criminal charges against thousands of Blacks each year. Not to mention the continued exposes of covered up police misconduct, rampant government corruption and unavoidable evidence of the never ending war against our people. According to the National Registry of Exonerations, there have been 2,964 individual criminal cases that were investigated and resulted in exonerations since 1989. The total time that was lost due to unjust imprisonments amounted to 26,500 years, the Registry said. And this was from 2016. People in other ethnic groups have not only noticed, but are taking our side against these unjust murders, imprisonments and racism. However, unlike Nels, I post links that prove my truth: Thousands of Black convicted of crimes determined innocent
  23. Nels is getting desperate. He is trying to disqualify learned and reasonable responses from some of the most informed and qualified posters in this Discussion Forum. When folks such as him are confronted, they tend to feel like this ...
  24. When a person chooses to be ignorant, there is simply nothing that anyone can do. Now, after dealing with some posters' comments for a couple of weeks since I've returned to this forum, I have learned this about some of them: Many are being deliberately obtuse. And they know damn well they're lying and posting links from Right Wing publications that exaggerate and demonize anything that maligns the Black and Brown communities. It is no secret that substance abuse remains rampant across the United States. And because of historical trends in law enforcement, organized crime and corruption, much of this activity has been centered in Communities of Color. The many Blacks who define themselves by lavishing praise on the bigoted and the racists who lack a conscience probably don't understand they are doing the work of the Black Race's most dangerous enemies for them. To many who hate us, Black and Brown people have always been disposable. We do something wrong, we step out of line or we threaten the power structure's order of things, just arrest us, confine us or better - throw us away in overdoses or chortle as we perish in internecine gang warfare. Every adult Black person with a working brain knows this. However, some on here still want to play dumb. They make it seem this is something new and by golly, they must pontificate about it. I've had it their errant takes on supposed Biden administration wrongdoing, their numerous links which do not prove their claims and oft-times, pre-teen angst which consists of repeating "so and so makes me sick." I wonder if these ones realize that close to 200 million folks who live inside the borders of the U.S. have been vaccinated now. Most of these received their vaccines AFTER Joe Biden took office. If such ones were actually paid for their preposterous and illogical balderdash by the racist toadies they worship, at the end of a month, they might be able to buy each other lunch. There is nothing wrong with being a Conservative or a Republican. A lot of my White friends whom I went to school with or worked with are. And there is absolutely nothing amiss with trying to improve your financial situation. I believe people are free to choose whom they vote for and whom they wish to champion and also, enrich themselves as they see fit as long as it is lawful and does not injure or harm the aspirations of another. But when such decisions have impugned or led to the suffering and deaths of others through no fault of their own - those choices need to be re-examined. Once more, the Biden administration is not paying to distribute crack pipes
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